Top 110 Hilarious Football Kicker Jokes for 2024

Kick off the laughter with Football Kicker Jokes! Delight in a series of hilarious puns and clever humor centered around the world of football kickers. From side-splitting one-liners to witty anecdotes, immerse yourself in the playful realm of football kicks and punting.

Join the fun and score big laughs with this collection of light-hearted jokes that will keep you entertained from the first whistle to the final touchdown.

Funny Football Kicker Jokes

1. What happens when you gather 32 Arkansas cheerleaders in one place?

A remarkable display of dental perfection.

2.  Which are the three most enduring years for a Mizzou football player?  The time spent during their initial college year.

3.  How can you identify a Georgia football player who is romantically involved?  Observe the presence of tobacco stains on both sides of his F-150.

4.  Why was the football kicker always cold?  Because he always had the chills before making a field goal!

5.  Why did the football kicker bring a ladder to the game?  Because he wanted to kick field goals “up” a notch!

6.  Why did the football kicker take up baking?  Because he wanted to make sure he always had a good “roll” on the football!

7.  Why did the football kicker bring a pillow to the game?  So he could “kick back” and relax after making all those field goals!

8.  Why did the football kicker go to the bank?  He wanted to make a “deposit” of field goals!

9.  How do football kickers stay in shape?  They do a lot of “footwork” at practice!

10.  Why did the football kicker open a bakery?  He wanted to specialize in “sweets” (kicks) and pastries (field goals)!

11.  Why was the football kicker so good at baking?  Because he always knew how to deliver perfect “rolls”!

12.  What do you call a football kicker who becomes a lawyer?  A “motion for field goal” attorney!

13.  Why did the football kicker bring a ladder to the game?  Because he wanted to “kick” the extra point to new heights!

14.  Why did the football kicker take up gardening?  He wanted to practice his “planting” skills!

15.  What do you call a football kicker who never misses a field goal?  A “boot” camp counselor!

16.  Why did the football kicker become a stand-up comedian?  He always knew how to “kick” the audience into laughter!

17.  How do football kickers like their coffee?  With a little “kick” of espresso!

18.  Why was the football kicker’s favorite subject in school math?

Because he loved calculating the “angles” for the perfect kick!

19.  What do you call a football kicker who loves to dance?  A “kick” stepper!

20.  Why did the football kicker join a band?  He loved playing the “kicks” drum!

Famous Football Kickers Jokes

Get ready for a laugh riot with these funny football kicker jokes. Perfect for boosting your mood and sharing with friends.

21.  What’s the secret to removing a Texas A&M player from your doorstep?  Compensate him generously for the delivery of pizza.

22.  What shared traits do democracy and football possess?  Simply adding the word “American” completely alters their respective meanings.

23.  Which football team holds a special place in Al Qaeda’s heart?  The New York Jets are their cherished choice.

24.  Why did the football kicker bring a ladder to the game?  Because he wanted to kick field goals from a higher level!

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25.  What do you call a football kicker who never misses a field goal? Unbelievable! Because it’s almost impossible!

26.  Why did the football kicker start a bakery?  Because he heard he could make some dough!

27.  Why did the football kicker go to the bank?  He wanted to check his balance!

28.  How do football kickers stay cool during games?  They stand next to the fans!

29.  Why don’t football kickers like to eat at fancy restaurants?  They’re afraid they might get a bad “kick” out of it!

30.  What do you call a football kicker who can juggle?  A multi-“kicker”!

31.  Why did the football kicker bring a pillow to the game?  Because he wanted to have sweet dreams of making every kick!

32.  Why did the football kicker join a band?  He wanted to be known for his “kick” drum skills!

33.  Why did the football kicker become an actor?  Because he loved playing a “role” in every game!

34.  How do football kickers like to relax?  They kick back and watch their favorite movies!

35.  Why was the football kicker always so calm and composed? Because he knew how to “keep his cool” under pressure!

36.  What do you call a football kicker who gets a perfect score on a test?  A “straight-A” kicker!

37.  Why did the football kicker bring a pencil to practice?  So he could “kick some lead” into the football!

38.  How do football kickers celebrate? They throw a “kick-off” party!

39.  What do you call a football kicker who can predict the weather? A “forecast” kicker!

40.  What happens to soccer players who lose their sight?  They become referees in the dark.

41.  Which soccer player wears the most massive headgear?  The one whose head could be mistaken for a goalpost.

42.  Where can you find soccer players showcasing their dance moves?  On the field, grooving to a soccer ball.

42.  What did the soccer ball say to the punter?  I get a real kick out of your punts.

43.  Which insect fails miserably at playing soccer?  The clumsy bee that can’t hold onto the ball.

44.  Which soccer match entertains feline spectators?  The epic Goldfish Bowl event.

45.  What type of footwear do soccer midfielders prefer?  They opt for sturdy hiking boots.

46.  What do soccer players choose to wear on Halloween?  Spooky face masks that intimidate opponents.

Hilariously Funny Football Jokes

Looking for a good laugh? Check out our collection of side-splitting football kicker jokes that will make you roll on the floor laughing.

47.  How can you prevent the Detroit Lions from entering your front yard? Erect a field goal post.

48.  What similarity exists between the Atlanta Falcons and possums?  They both play dead when at home and meet their demise on the road.

49.  Do you know what sets apart the Dallas Cowboys from a dollar bill?  You can still obtain four quarters from a dollar bill.

50.  Why do 49ers fans have a strong odor?  So that even blind people can despise them.

51.  In what way are Nebraska and marijuana alike?  Both are consumed through smoking in a bowl.

52.  What was the average score of a Patriot player on the Wonderlic test? Drooling.

53. What commonality exists between Billy Graham and the Jacksonville Jaguars?  Both have the ability to make seventy thousand people exclaim “Jesus Christ!”

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54.  Why did the football team visit the bank?  To acquire its QUARTERBACK.

55.  What is a large gathering of Raiders fans referred to as?  Prison.

56.  What would a fan of the Minnesota Vikings do after their team wins the Super Bowl?  They would turn up their PlayStation 3.

57.  How many San Francisco 49ers fans does it take to change a light bulb?  None. Lava lamps never burn out!

58.  If a tornado strikes Chicago, where would you seek shelter?  The Art Institute of Chicago—where art protects against the storm.

59.  What do you call a brilliant mind surrounded by Texas A&M students? An intellectual oasis.

60.  Why are Corn Husker football players attracted to intelligent women?  They appreciate the beauty of brains.

61.  What is a Baltimore drug organization known as?  The Circle of Euphoria.

62.  How are a Raiders fan and a bottle of beer alike?  Both are hollow vessels waiting to be filled with purpose.

63.  What do you call fifty-three millionaires gathered around a TV watching the Super Bowl?  The Elite Viewing Society.

64.  Why do pigeons fly upside down over Ford Field?  They seek alternative viewpoints to inspire their flight patterns.

65.  What sets apart a Dallas Cowboys fan from a baby?  The baby outgrows its fussiness, while the fan remains committed through ups and downs.

Football Kicker Jokes One Liner

If you’re a fan of football and love a good joke, then you won’t be able to resist this collection of hilarious football kicker jokes.

66. The football game at Capital Hill was quite the spectacle.  Despite the woeful defense exhibited by the Patriots, they remarkably triumphed over the Raiders.

67.  Why did the football kicker bring a ladder to the game?  Because he wanted to kick field goals on a higher level!

68.  Why did the football kicker go to art school?  Because he had a knack for making masterpieces…on the goalposts!

69.  How do you make a football kicker laugh?  Just tell him to imagine the goalposts as a clown’s face!

70.  Why was the football kicker so good at math?  Because he knew all about angles and how to kick it through the uprights!

71.  Why did the football kicker take up gardening?  He wanted to kick the ball and watch it ‘seed’!

72.  How did the football kicker become a professional golfer?  He realized that kicking a football and swinging a club had a lot in ‘common’!

73.  What’s a football kicker’s favorite type of music?  Heavy ‘kick’ metal!

74.  Why did the football kicker bring a pillow to the game?  In case he needed to ‘soften’ the blow of missing a field goal!

75.  Why did the football kicker bring a ladder to the game?  Because he wanted to kick field goals from a higher level!

76.  Why did the football kicker wear two different shoes?  So he could kick with his best foot and his “second best” foot!

77.  What do you call a football kicker who becomes a chef?  A “boot”camp graduate!

78.  Why did the football kicker start a gardening business?  Because he wanted to specialize in “field goals” and “kick offs”!

79.  How do football kickers like to relax?  They kick back and watch their favorite movies!

80.  What did the football kicker say to the ball before making a kick?  “You’re about to have a kickin’ good time!”

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81.  Why was the football kicker always confident?  Because he had a lot of “kick”-self-esteem!

82.  What’s a football kicker’s favorite type of music?  Heavy “kick”-metal!

83.  What do you call a football kicker who loves to dance?  The “toe”-tapping kicker!

84.  Why did the football kicker take up gardening?  Because he wanted to kick some grass!

85.  Why was the football kicker such a great comedian?  Because he always had good delivery!

86.  Why did the football kicker bring a ladder to the game?  Because he wanted to kick it up a notch!

87.  Why did the football kicker join a band?  Because he had a great foot for rhythm!

88.  What do you call a football kicker who can’t make a field goal?  A wide left comedian!

89.  What is the similarity between the Atlanta Falcons and chameleons?  They both pretend to be lifeless at home and get crushed on the road!

90.  How can you ensure the Detroit Lions stay away from your front yard? Erect some goalposts.

91.  What sets apart the Dallas Cowboys from a dollar bill?  A dollar bill can still yield four quarters.

92.  What occurred to the wisecrack that Carson Wentz shared with his receivers?  It sailed right over their heads.

93.  Why do 49er fans have such a pungent odor?  So even blind people can despise them.

94.  What resemblance does Nebraska share with a bowl of marijuana?  Both go up in smoke.

95.  How are the Jacksonville Jaguars and Billy Graham alike?  They can both rouse 70,000 individuals to stand up and shout, “Jesus Christ!”

96.  Why are numerous Seattle Seahawks players claiming they have the Swine Flu?  So they can avoid handling the pigskin!

Football Kicker puns

Looking for some witty wordplay? Look no further than our collection of the best football kicker puns. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just love a good laugh, these puns are perfect for any football lover.

97.  Some dream of it, we strive for it.

98.  We scoured the depths of the internet, but no rivals could we find.

99.  True contentment reveals the cessation of progress.

100.  A team first and foremost. Above all, a unified team.

101.  Deeds resonate louder than the words of coaches.

102.  Winners train, while losers lament.

103.  The disparity between champions and underachievers is minute.

104.  Our determination, our effort, your tears.

105.  We sense the scent of fear.

106.  Intensity is not a fragrance to be worn!

107.  Bad habits resemble a comfortable bed – easy to slip into, but difficult to break free from.

108.  “When it comes to kicking, I’m the ‘toe-tal’ package!”

109.  “I’m the ‘toe-talitarian’ when it comes to controlling the flight of the ball.”

110.  Championships are forged when the stands stand empty.

111.  Your parents come to witness my performance.

112.  Seven football-free days render one feeble.

113.  The ultimate victory lies within oneself.

Final Thoughts

Football kicker jokes can bring laughter and light-heartedness to the game of football. They serve as a way to lighten the atmosphere and provide a moment of entertainment for players and fans alike.

Whether you are a football enthusiast or simply enjoy a good joke, take a moment to explore our collection of football kicker jokes and bring a smile to your face.

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