Revamped: Top 120 Gut-Busting Long Tongue Jokes

Get ready for a hilarious ride with our collection of funny Long Tongue Jokes and the best long tongue puns that will leave you in stitches! From clever wordplay to witty quips, these jokes about long tongues are suitable for both kids and adults to make them laugh.

Embrace the joy of humor as you explore the playful world of long tongue humor that is sure to bring a smile to your face.

Funny Jokes About the Tongue

1.  Why did the tongue go to school? I wanted to get ahead in linguistics.

2.   Why did the tongue go to the doctor?  Because it had a bad taste in its mouth!

3.  What do you call a chatty tongue?  A blabbermouth!

4.  How did the tongue break up with its girlfriend?  It just stopped speaking to her!

 5.  What do you call a tongue that is also a detective?  A taste bud!

6.  Why did the tongue cross the road?  To get to the taste buds on the other side!

7.  What do you get when you cross a tongue with a sheep?  A wooly masticator!

8.  How did the tongue get revenge on its boss?  It just gave him a taste of his own medicine!

9.  What do you call a tongue that never stops talking?  A loquacious lingual!

10.  Why did the tongue get a job at the perfume factory?  It had an amazing sense of taste and smell!

11.   What did the tongue say to the roof of the mouth? .”Let’s stick together, pal!”

12.  Why did the tongue feel shy at the party? Because I couldn’t find the right words to say!

13.  Why did the tongue refuse to cooperate? It had a taste of its own medicine!

14.  Why did the tongue get into a fight with the teeth? It was tired of biting its tongue!

15.  Why did the tongue need a break? It was exhausted from all the kissing!

16.  Why did the tongue go to the doctor? It was feeling a bit tongue-tied!

17.  Why did the tongue become a singer? It had a taste for fame!

18.  Why did the tongue go to school? It wanted to learn how to speak its mind!

19.  Why did the tongue get lost? It wandered off the beaten tongue!

20.    What did one tongue say to the other at the party?  “I’m feeling quite taste-ful tonight!”

Long Tongue Jokes

If you’re looking for a laugh, check out our collection of side-splitting long tongue jokes. These funny puns and witty one-liners are bound to give you a good chuckle.

21.  What do you call a cat with a long tongue and a bad temper?  A tongue-twister with a bad attitude.

22.  Why did the tongue feel embarrassed? It was caught with its foot in its mouth!

23.  Why did the tongue become a comedian? It had a talent for tongue-in-cheek humor!

24.  Why did the tongue go to school?  Because it wanted to get a higher “degree” of wagging!

25.  What do you call a tongue that’s always late?  A tardy-uvula!

26.  Why did the tongue join a gym?  It wanted to work on its “flex-a-ling” muscles!

27.  How do you measure the length of a tongue?  With a “ruler-lick” scale!

28.  What do you call a tongue that tells jokes?  A “punny” lingua-comedian!

29.  Why was Tongue such a great singer?  It had perfect “vocal-licks”!

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30.  What did one tongue say to the other at the dentist’s office?  “I’m feeling a little tongue-tied today!”

31.  Why did the tongue become a detective?  It wanted to solve “word-crimes”!

32.  How does a tongue exercise?  It does “tongue curls” and “taste reps”!

33.  What do you call a tongue that likes to travel?  A “globe-trotter”!

34.  Why did the tongue enroll in a cooking class?  I wanted to learn how to “savor” the flavors!

35.  What’s a tongue’s favorite type of music?  “Taste-y” tunes!

36.  Why did the tongue join a sports team?  It wanted to be the team’s “lick-leader”!

37.  What did one tongue say to the other when they bumped into each other?  “Pardon me, I didn’t mean to be so “tongue-n-twisted “!”

38.  Why was the tongue so good at solving puzzles?  It had a knack for “taste-ting” out the answers!

39.  How did the tongue win the talent show?  It gave a “speechless” performance!

40.  What did one tongue say to the other during a boring conversation?  “This conversation is really “taste-less”!”

41.  What do you call a cow with a long tongue and a bad case of the hiccups?  A milkshake-maker with a hiccuping problem.

42.  What do you call a chameleon with a long tongue and a bad sense of direction?  A color-changing slobber-saurus who can’t find his way home.

43.  What do you call a snake with a long tongue and a bad habit of biting people?  A danger noodle with a mean streak.

Long Tongue Puns

Are you a fan of short, sweet, and funny jokes? Then you’ll love these long tongue puns and jokes.

44.  What do you call a lizard with a long tongue?  A scaly licker.

45.  Why did the chameleon with the long tongue get fired from the library?  He was always tongue-tied.

46.  What do you call a dog with a long tongue?  A licker-spaniel.

47.  Why did the snake with the long tongue get kicked out of the choir?  He kept hissing.

48.  What do you call a cow with a long tongue?  A long-tongued moo-er.

49.  Why did the tongue go to the library?  It wanted to read “tongue-twister” books!

50.  What did one tongue say to the other when they tasted something delicious?  “Wow, this is “tongue-tastic”!”

51.  How did the tongue win the race?  It gave the competition a “tongue-lashing”!

52.  What do you call a person with a long tongue?  A lingual prodigy.

53.  Why did the lizard with the long tongue get a job as a DJ?  He was a master of the mix.

54.  What do you call a dog with a long tongue who is also a bit of a show-off?  A tongue-wagger.

55.  Why did the snake with the long tongue get a job as a tour guide?  He was a real slither-talker.

56.  What do you call a cow with a long tongue who is also a bit of a gossip?  A long-tongued moo-chatter.

57.  What do you call a lizard with a long tongue and a bad attitude?  A  cantankerous crawler.

58.  Why did the chameleon with the long tongue get a job as a translator?  He was a master of the double-tongued.

59.  What do you call a dog with a long tongue who is also a bit of a slob?  A tongue-wagging mess.

60.  Why did the snake with the long tongue get a job as a weatherman?  He was always forecasting rain.

61.  What do you call a cow with a long tongue who is also a bit of a show-off?  A tongue-wagging diva. I hope you enjoyed these.

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Long Tongue Jokes One Liner

Prepare for a funny experience with our hilarious long tongue one liners. From clever wordplay to outrageous punchlines, we’ve got your funny bone covered. So check-out the following list of jokes.

62.  What’s the best thing about having a long tongue?  Being able to lick your own elbow!

63.  Why did the tongue go to school?  It wanted to get a higher degree in linguistics!

64.  What did the tongue say to the teeth?  “Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!”

65.  Did you hear about the tongue that went to the circus?  It was a real sidesplitter!

66.  Why did the tongue refuse to fight?  It didn’t want to get tasteless!

67.  Why did the tongue become a detective?  It always got to the bottom of every case!

68.  Did you hear about the tongue that won the marathon?  It was a real tongue-twister!

69.  What do you call a tongue that’s good at math? A smart mouth!

70.  Why was the tongue always so reliable?  It never spoke out of turn!

71.  What did the tongue say to the brain?  “I’m always on the tip of things!”

72.  How does the tongue greet a friend?  It says, “Long time, no taste!”

73.  Why did the tongue take a trip to the library?  It wanted to find some words of wisdom!

74.  What did the tongue say to the throat?  “I’ve got your back!”

75.  How does the tongue exercise?  It does a lot of taste-robics!

76.   Why did the tongue join the circus?  It wanted to perform tongue-in-cheek jokes!

77.  Why did the tongue become a comedian?  It always had the perfect punchline!

78.  How did Tongue become a famous singer?  It had great vocal chords!

79.  Why did the tongue become a weather forecaster?  It always knew when a storm was brewing!

80.  What do you call a tongue that’s always running late?  A slowpoke!

81.  Why did the giraffe lose the tongue-twister contest?  Because it took too long for its long tongue to wrap around the words!

82.  What do you call a dog with an abnormally long tongue?  A lick-o-saurus Rex!

83.   Why did the cowboy ride off into the sunset with his horse?  Because they both had long tongues and couldn’t resist a good spit!

84.   What’s the best thing about having a long tongue in the winter?  Being able to catch snowflakes with ease!

85.   Why did the fisherman use his long tongue to catch fish?  Because he didn’t want to spend money on bait!

86.  Why did the snake enroll in a yoga class?  So it could learn how to control its long tongue and breathe better!

Funny Long Tongue Jokes

87.  What do you call a dog with a long tongue and a bad habit of licking people?  A lolly-pop-licker with a bad case of the slobbers.

88.   Why did the frog carry a fly on its long tongue?  Because he didn’t want to be rude and just swallow it whole!

89.   Why did the chameleon’s tongue turn green?  Because he ate a lot of spinach!

90.   Did you hear about the girl with a tongue so long, she could lick her own elbow?  Me neither, but I’m sure she’s a hit at parties.

91.  What did the tongue say to the teeth?  “I’m on top of things!”

92.  What do you call a snake with a long tongue that tells jokes?  A hiss-terical comedian!

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93.   What do you call a dog with a long tongue that loves to kiss?  A slobberin’ lover!

94.  Why did the man stick his tongue out while reading a book?  To lick the words and make them stick in his brain!

95.   Why did the long-tongued antelope cross the road?  To get to the other tongue-side!

96.   What’s the best way to get a giraffe’s attention?  Stick your tongue out and say, “na-na-na-na-na”!

97.  What do you call a lizard with a really short tongue?  A reptile dysfunction!

98.  Why did the tongue break up with the teeth?  Because they couldn’t see eye-to-eye (or should I say mouth-to-mouth).

99.  What do you call a group of tongues that hang out together? A lick-a-palooza!

100.   How does a tongue greet another tongue?  With a tongue-twister, of course!

101.   What did the dentist say to the long tongue?  “You’ve got some cheek in your mouth!”

102.  Why did the long tongue join the circus?  To be the main attraction at the sideshow!

103.   What do you call a long tongue that likes to talk too much?  A chatterbox-tongue!

104.  What do you call a cat with a long tongue and a bad habit of chasing mice?  A tongue-twister with a mouse problem.

105.  What do you call a cow with a long tongue and a bad habit of stepping on people’s feet?  A milkshake-maker with a hoof problem.

106.  What do you call a snake with a long tongue and a bad habit of biting people  A danger noodle with a mean streak.

107.  What do you call a lizard with a long tongue and a lisp?  A ribbiting tongue twister with a speech impediment.

108 .  What do you call a cow with a long tongue and a stutter?  A milkshake-maker with a speech problem.

109.  What do you call a chameleon with a long tongue and a bad sense of humor?  A color-changing slobber-saurus who can’t tell a good joke from a bad one.

110.  What do you call a snake with a long tongue and a bad habit of telling lies?  A danger noodle with a forked tongue.

Jokes About Tongues

111.   What’s a tongue’s favorite type of movie?  A “lick-tion” flick!

112.  How do tongues say grace before a meal?  They give a “taste-imonial”!

113.  What’s a tongue’s favorite kind of music?  Hip-pop!

114.  What do you call a tongue that’s always late?  Tardy taste-buds!

115.  Why did the tongue join a band?  It wanted to be a “lick-star”!

116.  What do you call a tongue that can speak multiple languages?  A polyglotaste!

117.   Why was the tongue always a great detective?  It always got to the bottom of things.

118.  How do you know a tongue is telling a lie?  It’s tongue-in-cheek!

119.  Why did the tongue take up yoga?  It wanted to be more flexible with its taste buds.

120.  Why was the Tongue the best comedian in town?  It always had a great delivery.

121.  How did the tongue feel after eating spicy food?  It was burning with delight!

122.  Why did the tongue refuse to apologize?  It never spoke in jest.

123.  What did the tongue say to the tonsils?  “Let’s stick together, we’re a great team!”

Some Final Talk

Long tongue jokes can be a lighthearted way to engage and entertain others. Whether you are looking to add some humor to a speech or break the ice in a professional setting, long tongue jokes can serve as a clever and witty option.

By incorporating these jokes into your repertoire, you have the opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your audience. So, why not give them a try and see the positive impact they can have on your professional interactions?

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