Ninety Out-Of-This-World and Hilarious UFO Puns!

Explore the lighter side of the universe with our UFO puns. From flying saucer quips to alien humor, this collection promises to launch you into a galaxy of giggles that’s truly extraterrestrial.

Whether you’re a believer or just a fan of clever wordplay, these jokes will have you laughing your way to the outer reaches of humor.

Cute Ufo Puns

1.  “When UFOs land, do they get flying saucer parking?”

2.  “E.T. must have been the original UFO influencer.

3.  “UFOs are out of this world!”

4.  “I’m not afraid of aliens; they’re just a little ‘out there.’

5.  “When aliens get lost, do they use their ‘Galacti-GPS’?”

6.  “UFOs have the best flying saucer-ty records!”

7.  “What’s an alien’s favorite game? Flying saucer-tennis!”

8.  “When UFOs get married, do they have a ‘close encounter of the bridal kind’?

9. “I may be an alien, but I’m convinced humans are the strange ones.”

10. “Do you have a map? I seem to have gotten lost in your atmosphere.”

11. “Calling all aliens! Can someone lend me their spaceship? Mine ran out of fuel.”

12. “I don’t abduct cows. They’re the ones who invite me over for dinner.”

Alien Jokes One Liners

13. “Aliens don’t need coffee, we get our energy from abductions.”

14. “Greetings Earthlings, take me to your pizza!”

15. “Earth is a nice place, but they really need to work on their zero-gravity dance game.”

16. “I’m an alien, and I have to say, the moon is a great place for a vacation.”

17. “A little green? Please, I’m going for an intergalactic fashion statement.”

18. “I asked an alien if they knew the meaning of life. They replied, ‘We’re still trying to figure out human fashion.’”

19. “I’d like to see Area 51 once. I bet it’s a great spot for socializing.”

20. “I’m an alien, and teleportation is overrated. I prefer the scenic route through the Milky Way.”

21. “Don’t be alarmed by my tentacles, they are simply for hugging purposes.”

22. “I may be an alien, but even I can’t understand how reality TV is so popular here.”

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Funny Space Jokes

Experience a close encounter with humor through our curated UFO puns. These jokes are designed to lift you off the ground with laughter, proving that even aliens have a sense of cosmic wit.

23.  What do you call an astronaut who can’t stop talking? A space cadet!

24.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always late? A tardy astronaut!

25.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always getting into trouble? A grounded astronaut!

26.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always telling jokes? A punny astronaut!

27.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always singing? A musical astronaut!

28.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always dancing? A grooving astronaut!

29.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always painting? A creative astronaut!

30.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always playing sports? An athletic astronaut!

31.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always studying? A studious astronaut!

32.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always working? A hardworking astronaut!

33.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always retired? A lazy astronaut!

34.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always traveling? A globetrotting astronaut!

35.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always eating? A foodie astronaut!

36.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always playing video games? A gamer astronaut!

37.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always watching TV? A couch potato astronaut!

38.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always reading? A bookworm astronaut!

39.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always listening to music? An audiophile astronaut!

40.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always telling stories? A storyteller astronaut!

41.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always making friends? A social butterfly astronaut!

42.  What do you call an astronaut who’s always getting lost? A directionless astronaut!

Planet Jokes Uranus

43. Why was Jupiter the best planet to work with?  It had great “atmosphere!”

44. What do you call two planets that collide?  A “big bang!”

45. How do you organize a space party?  You “planet”!

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46. Why did the sun go to school?  To get brighter!

47. What is an alien’s favorite sport?  “Basketball”!

48. Why did the astronaut bring a ladder to space?  To reach the “high stars”!

49. How does a comet clean its tail?  With “comet” cleaner!

50. Why don’t aliens eat clowns?  Because they taste “funny”!

51. What is an astronaut’s favorite part of a computer?  The space “bar”!

52. Why did the astronaut break up with the alien?  It needed “a little more space”!

53. What do you call a space cowboy?  An “astro-not”!

54. Why did the astronaut break up with the moon?  It felt they were “drifting apart”!

55. How do you organize a space-themed wedding?  You “planet” in advance!

56. What did one astronaut say to the other when they landed on the planet?  “I’ve got space envy!”

57. Why did Saturn go to therapy?  It had “ringxiety”!

58. What do you call a moon that goes bankrupt?  “Eclipse”!

59. What do you call a martian who can sing?  A “Mar-tist”!

60. Why was Venus so popular?  It had a “magnetic” personality!

61. Why did the astronaut go to the doctor?  They were feeling a little “spaced out”!

62. What do you get when you cross a comet and a snowman?  Frosty the “comet”!

Funny Jokes About Ufo

Discover a galaxy of wordplay with our collection of puns about UFOs. These humorous quips are sure to lift your spirits and have you seeing stars.

63.  What do you call an alien spaceship that takes pictures of you?  A “selfie-stellar” craft!

64.  What do you get when you cross a UFO with a computer?  An unidentified “data” object!

65.  How do aliens pay for things on Earth?  With “space” cash!

66.  Why do UFOs make terrible DJs?  Because they can never find the right “space” for their music!

67.  What’s an alien’s favorite game on Earth?  “Crop Circles and Ladders”!

68.  What do you call a nervous alien?  An “extra terri-fried” being!

69.  How do aliens like their hamburgers?  “Unidentified, flying and saucy!”

70.  What do aliens use to fix their spaceships?  “UFOam”!

71.  What’s an alien’s favorite type of comedy?  “Pun”-tastic humor!

72.  How do aliens communicate with each other?  They use “inter-galactic chat”!

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73.  Why did the alien break up with their spaceship?  It just wasn’t giving them enough “space”!

74.  What’s an alien’s favorite day of the week?  “Fly-day”!

75.  How do aliens throw a party?  They “planet” in advance!

76.  Why don’t aliens play hide and seek on Earth?  Because they always stand out and can’t “blend” in!

77.  What did the astronaut say when he saw a UFO?  “You’ve got to be “kidding me-teor”!”

Related:  Alien Dad Jokes To Make You Laugh

Planet Jokes For Kids

Ready for a cosmic laugh? Our UFO puns collection is your ticket to an interstellar amusement park.

Brace yourself for a warp-speed journey through clever wordplay and spacey jests that are sure to leave you starry-eyed with delight!

78.  What do you call a loony spaceman?  A space cadet.

79.  What did Mercury say to Venus? You’re hot!

80.  What did Earth say to the moon?  I’m over the moon about you!

81.  What did Mars say to Saturn?  Give me a ring sometime.

82.  What do you call a planet that’s always late?  A tardy planet.

83.  What do you call a planet that’s always getting into trouble?  A grounded planet.

84.  What do you call a planet that’s always telling jokes?  A punny planet.

85.  What do you call a planet that’s always singing?  A musical planet.

86.  What do you call a planet that’s always dancing?  A grooving planet.

87.  What do you call a planet that’s always painting?  A creative planet.

88.  What do you call a planet that’s always playing sports?  An athletic planet.

89.  What do you call a planet that’s always studying?  A studious planet.

90.  What do you call a planet that’s always working?  A hardworking planet.

91.  What do you call a planet that’s always retired?  A lazy planet.

92.  What do you call a planet that’s always traveling?  A globetrotting planet.

93.  What do you call a planet that’s always playing video games? A gamer planet.

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Final Words

As we conclude this otherworldly escapade, may the echoes of laughter continue to resonate, reminding us that even in the vastness of the universe, there’s always room for a good cosmic chuckle.

So, lift off with a smile, and may your sense of humor always be as limitless as the galaxies themselves.