Ninety Hilarious Jokes About Chips

Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny chip jokes! Whether you’re a fan of potato chips, tortilla chips, or any other type of chip, these jokes are sure to put a smile on your face. From puns to dad jokes, there’s something for everyone. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

There’s nothing quite like the satisfying crunch of a perfectly cooked chip. Whether you prefer them thick and hearty or thin and crispy, chips are a beloved snack all around the world.

But did you know that chips can also be the source of some seriously funny jokes? Here are some hilarious chip jokes that are sure to make you laugh

Funny Potato Chip Jokes

1).   Why was the potato chip thrown out of the casino?  Because it was all in!

2).   How do you know if a potato chip is bad at playing music?  It always drops the beat!

3).  Why did the potato chip refuse to go swimming?  Because it was already fried!

4).  What do you call a potato chip that’s scared of everything?  A fraidy-spud!

5).  Why was the potato chip thrown out of the casino?  Because it was all in!

6).  How do you know if a potato chip is bad at playing music?  It always drops the beat!

7).   Why did the potato chip refuse to go swimming?  Because it was already fried!

8).  What do you call a group of potato chips playing instruments?  A bag of chips!

9).   Why don’t potato chips get married? Because they’re too salty!

10).  Why did the potato chip break up with his girlfriend? Because she was too greasy for him!

11).   Why did the potato chip break up with the dip?   Because they just couldn’t stay together.

12).   Why don’t potato chips like to share?  Because they’re so possessive.

13).   How does a potato chip say hello to its friend?   It waves.

14).  Why was the potato chip embarrassed at the party?  It couldn’t dip without crumbling.

15).   What do you call a potato chip that’s full of hot air?   A bag of gas.

16).   Why don’t potato chips go to the beach?  Because they always end up getting salty.

17).  What did the potato chip say to the cheese puff?  You’re just a cheater.

18).   Why did the potato chip refuse to leave the bag?  It was afraid of getting crushed.

19).   What do you call a potato chip that’s dressed up as a cowboy?  A chipotle.

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20).   Why did the potato chip refuse to go to the party? It was already too chipper.

21).   What did the potato chip say to the cheese dip?  “You’re nacho average dip!”

23).   Why did the potato chip go to jail?  Because it got caught in a dip-stick.

23).   What do you call a potato chip that’s always on time?  Pringles.

24).   How do you make a potato chip disappear?  Eat it!

25).   Why did the potato chip run away from home?  It wanted to become a French fry.

26).   How do you keep a potato chip in suspense?  I’ll tell you tomorrow

Funny Chip Shop Jokes

Welcome to a collection of hilarious chip jokes that are sure to make you laugh. Whether you’re a fan of potato chips, tortilla chips, or any other type of chip, there’s something here for everyone.

So sit back, relax, and get ready to enjoy some of the funniest chip jokes around.

27).   Why did the fish and chips break up?  Because they had better things to do.

28).   What did the French fries say when they broke up?  “We’ll never be this crispy again.”

29).   Why don’t ghosts eat fish and chips?  Because they can’t handle the tartar sauce.

30).   Why did the chip shop owner get into a fight with a seagull?  Because he thought he had a better idea than the seagull.

31).   What do you call a potato that’s been in a chip shop too long?  A fry-noid.

 32).   Why do chip shop owners hate maths?  Because they can never quite calculate the right amount of chips.

33).   What did the potato say when it got to the chip shop?  “Peel free to fry me.”

34).  Why did the chips cross the road?  To get to the gravy on the other side.

35).   Why do chips make such good detectives?  Because they’re always looking for a fry suspect.

36).  Why did the fish and chips break up?  They were battered!

37).  How does a potato answer the phone?  “Chips, chips!”

38).   Why don’t chip shops ever go out of business?  They always have a battering ram!

39).   How do you know if a chip is happy?  It goes dip dip hooray!

40).    Why did the chip go to the doctor?  Because it was feeling a little fried!

41).   Why did the chip go to the gym?  To work on its biceps and triceps!

42).   How do you make a chip laugh?  You give it a funny batter!

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43).   Why did the chip shop owner go to jail?  He was caught fish-handling!

44).   How do you get a chip to stay still?   You put it in the freezer!

45).  What do you call a fish and chip shop in the desert?  A mirage!

46).   Why did the chips go to the casino?  They heard there were some good fry-poker games going on!

Funny Chipped Tooth Jokes

57).  Why did the vampire go to the dentist?   To fix his chipped fang!

48).   What do you call a dentist with a chipped tooth?  A professional in need of some dental work!

49).   Why did the cookie go to the dentist?  He chipped a tooth on a chocolate chip!

50).   What do you call a pirate with a chipped tooth?  Aye, ye old chipper!

51).  What did the dentist say to the tooth with a chip on its shoulder?  “Don’t worry, we’ll smooth things out!”

52).   Why did the astronaut go to the dentist?  He had a chipped tooth from eating space rocks!

53).   What did the dentist say to the tooth that chipped while eating ice cream?  “You should have stuck to soft serve!”

54).   Why did the computer go to the dentist?   It had a chipped byte!

55).   What do you call a comedian with a chipped tooth?  A chip off the old block!

56).   Why did the crocodile go to the dentist?  He chipped a tooth while snapping his jaws shut!

57).   What do you call a horse with a chipped tooth?  A “neigh”-sayer!

58).  Why did the hippopotamus go to the dentist?  He chipped a tooth on a submerged rock!

Funny Chips and Salsa Jokes

59).   don’t skeletons eat chips and salsa?  They don’t have the stomach for it!”

60).   “Why did the chip go to the doctor?  It was feeling a little salty.”

61).    How do you make salsa dance?  Put a little boogey in it!

62).   Why did the jalapeño go to the gym?  To get hotter!

63).   What do you call a salsa that’s always late?  Pico de Gallo-slow!

64).   Why don’t oysters give to charity?   Because they’re shellfish!

65).   What do you call a salsa dancer who’s not good at dancing?  A mild salsa!

66).   Why did the tortilla chip go to the doctor?  Because it was feeling a little “corny”!

67).   What do you call a salsa that’s afraid of commitment?  A “single-dip” salsa!

68).   What do you call a chip that’s always getting into trouble?  A nacho average chip!

69 ).   Why did the salsa break up with the chip?  Because it was too saucy!

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70).    What do you call a chip that’s afraid of salsa?  A dip-her-phone!

71).    Why did the salsa go to the beach? To catch some waves!

72).  What do you call a salsa that’s always late?  Tardy sauce!

73).  Why did the chip go to the gym?  To work on its dips!

Jokes About Chips

74).   Why did the tortilla chip refuse to jump into the salsa?  Because it didn’t want to be a saucy chip!

75).   What did one potato chip say to the other at a party?  Let’s dip out of here!

76).   Why did the corn chip go to school?  To get a degree in chip-ology!

77).   How do you know if a chip is vegan?  It’ll tell you in a crisp voice!

78).   Why did the potato chip marry the cheeseburger?  Because it couldn’t resist its savory charm!

79).  Why don’t chips go to the gym?  They’re too crispy!

80).   How does a chip avoid getting lost?  It follows its “salt meter”!

81).   What did the chip say to the cookie?  You’ve got chocolate chips beat, but you’re still not as crispy!

82).   Why don’t potato chips get invited to parties?  They’re always the snack that nobody dips!

83).   What do you get when you cross a chip and a potato?  A baked potato chip!

84).   Why don’t potato chips make good lawyers?  Because they always appeal to the dips.

85).   Why did the tortilla chip start to feel salty?  Because its life was full of salsa-macho.

86).   What do you get when you cross a potato chip with a battery?  An Energizer snack.

87).  Why did the potato chip break up with the pretzel?  Because it couldn’t handle the twists and turns of their relationship.

88).   Why did the chip go to the doctor?  It was feeling fried.

89).   Why did the potato chip go to space?  To find the planet that’s most similar to it: Pluto-chip.

90).   Why did the tortilla chip take up knitting?  It wanted to be a chip off the old yarn.

91).   Why don’t potato chips use social media?  They prefer to stay crunchy in real life.

Final words

These chip jokes are guaranteed to make you and your friends laugh out loud. Whether you’re a fan of classic potato chips, tortilla chips, or any other type of chip, there’s a joke here for everyone.

So grab a bag of your favorite chips, sit back, and enjoy the hilarity that ensues. And who knows, maybe you’ll even come up with your own chip joke to add to the list!

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