Ninety Hilarious Flip Flop Puns and Jokes

Flip flops are a summer staple, and they deserve some recognition! And what better way to do that than with some hilarious flip flop puns? Whether you’re looking for a fun way to break the ice at a beach party, or just want to make someone smile, these flip-flop puns will have you flopping in the aisles with laughter!

On hot summer days, Flip flops are the perfect footwear, keeping your feet cool and comfortable while you enjoy the great outdoors. But did you know that flip flops can also be a source of fun and laughter? That’s right – with a little creativity, you can come up with some hilarious flip flop puns that will make you and your friends chuckle.

If you’re looking to add a little levity to your conversations, here are some flip-flop puns that you can use to your advantage:

Funny Flip Flop Puns

1. Time for a flip of the shoe!

2.  Flippin High Floppin’ Low!

3.  I’m a flip-flop fanatic at heart.

4.  You complete my flip-flop pair.

5.  It’s a flip flopping good time!

6.  You flip flop your way to success!

7.  Flip-flops: the southern belle’s glass slippers.

8.  Stress-free living in flip-flops; embrace life!

9.  Good morning! Time to slip into some comfy flip-flops.

10.  Love and flip-flops are the only essentials.

11.  Every summer demands a day off and a trusty pair of flip-flops.

12.  Flip it and reverse it – A punny flip flop phrase.

13.  Flocking together – Describes a group of people wearing the same footwear.

14.  Toe-tally unique – An odd but funny play on words to describe something one-of-a-kind

15.  Slipping and Sliding in my Flip Flops!

16.   Flip flop to the shops — you don’t want to be caught flip flopping around town!

17.  You can always count on him for footloose and fancy-free.

18. Summertime is sure to bring out all kinds of scandalous silliness.

19.  The beach will be hopping with laughter, that’s no half soled!

20.  A sneaker said to the flip-flop, “You’re all thong.”

21.  The doctor told me I had an acute case of flippidity.

22.  When two flip-flops get married, they tie the knot… and their laces too!

Jokes About Flip Flops

These following flip flop jokes are sure to put a smile on anyone’s face! Whether you’re at the beach, poolside, or just having a good time with friends, these flip-flop puns are sure to make everyone laugh!

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So the next time you’re looking for a way to spice up your summer, don’t forget to break out the flip-flop puns!

23.   Why do cows prefer sneakers over flip-flops?

 Because they’re more comfortable hoofing around.

24.   What’s the name of the Frenchman who always wears sandals?

 Jean-Claude Flippe.

25.  Which comedian is always seen in thong sandals?

Jimmy Kimmeltoe.

26.   If a giraffe designed shoes, what kind would they make?

 High tops with long necks.

27.  Why do dairy farmers opt for closed-toe shoes?

 To avoid getting their feet curdled.

28.  How did the chicken cross the road wearing flip-flops?

 Cluck-cluck flip-flop!

29.   What kind of shoes are indecisive and can’t commit?

 Flip flops or sneakers – they keep changing their mind.

30.  What’s former president Barack Obama’s favorite beach footwear?

 Flip flops or Obama Sliders.

31.  What type of shoes does Hillary Clinton prefer?


32.  Why do cows avoid wearing flip-flops?

 Because they lac-tose the proper footwear.

33. Which footwear can never make up its mind?


34. What did the flip-flops say to the man with dirty feet coming towards them?


35.   What do a summer centipede and a block of RAM share in common?

Both have many flip-flops.

36.  Why do cows avoid wearing flip-flops?

 Because they’re not comfortable with their hooves.

 37.  What’s the name of a French man in flip-flops?

 Jean-Luc Flipflop.

38.   Which type of snacks prefer wearing flip-flops?

 Beach chips.

39.   What do you call a dog with one ear up and one down?


40.  Why do dairy farmers choose not to wear flip-flops?

 Because it’s not safe around cows.

41.  What kind of sandals do people with two left feet wear?

 Mismatched flip-flops.

 42.  What type of footwear does Hillary Clinton typically choose for the beach?

 She prefers to wear comfortable sandals.

43.   Why does Bill Cosby dislike women’s flip-flops?

 He’s not a fan of slip-on shoes.

 44.  What’s Hillary Clinton’s preferred summer shoe?

 She likes to wear platform sandals.

45.  How does a man with erectile dysfunction participate in sports?

 He sits on the sidelines.

46.   What’s the common trait between Intel and Hollywood?

Both deal with lots of flops, though in different contexts.

Clean Flip Flop Jokes

Flip flops are one of those items that can make you laugh, no matter what. Whether you’re a kid, an adult, or somewhere in between, there’s always a joke to be made about them. Here are a few of our favorite flip-flop puns and jokes.

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47.  What did one sandal say after he’d stepped on it?

“That was foothing!”

48.   “Why don’t chickens wear flip-flops?

 Because they have two left feet!”

49.   What did one flip flop say to the other?

Let’s hang around a bit, I’m sure we’ll get sole-mate eventually!

50.   How do flip flops like to party?

 With a heel and toe!

51.   What did the flip flop say when he couldn’t make it up a steep hill?

 ‘I suppose I’ll just have to take the slippery slope!’

52.   What did one flip flop say to the other?

 Let’s make like a tree and leave!

53.  Why did the flip-flop cross the street?

 To get to the other sole!

54.   Why did the flip flop refuse to cross the finish line?

 Because it wanted to be a unique soul.

55. What did the left flip flop say to the right flip flop?

 Let’s get together and make some waves!

56.  Why did the flip flop cross the road?

  To get to the other SLIPpery side!

57.  What did the left flip flop say to the right one?

Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?

58.   What do you call a flip flop that has been thrown away?

 A slipper disposal.

59.   Why don’t flip flops ever get invited to parties?

 Because they always show up a little too late and are always left flipping!

60.   What happens when you wear flip flops in the shower?

 You get a soapy toe.

 61. What did the flip flop say when it saw a church?


62.   What do you call flipped-out flip flops?

 Flippin’ Out!

63. What did the stubborn flip-flop say when it was asked to move?

 “I’m not budging!”

64. What did the flip-flop say when it lost its soulmate?

 “Looks like I’m flip flopping solo!”

65.  Why did the flip flop cross the road?

 To get away from its eerie sandpaper sound!

66.  What did the flip flop say to the sand?

 You can call me Sandy when I’m flipped and Flippy when I’ve flopped!

67.  What did one flip flop say to the other?

 We really make a great pair!

You Flip Flop More Than Jokes

When it comes to funny flip-flop puns, you can be sure of one thing: a good pun is always flip-flopping in your head.

Whether you’re looking for a pun to make your friends laugh, or just something to get you through a dull day, these flip-flop puns are sure to provide you with some much-needed entertainment.

68.   What did one flip flop say to the other?

 Let’s hang out together and make some waves!

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69.  Why did the flip flop go to the doctor?

 Because it was feeling a little flat!

 70.  What did the flip-flop say when it saw a rock?

 This is one hard situation.

71.  Why did the surfboard cross the ocean?

 To get to the other tide.

72.  Why did the flip flop cross the road?

 To get to the other sole.

73.  What did the flip flop say to the sand castle?

“You’re looking a little tied down today.”

74.   What did the flip flop say when it was tired?

I’m such a sole-less wonder!

75.  What did the flip flop say when it wanted to go home?

 Time to go to the beach!

76.  Why don’t flip-flops ever get lonely?

 Because they always come in a pair!

77.   What did the flip flop say when it got stepped on?

 Ouch! Time to go shopping for some new flips.

 78. Why did the flip flop go to see the doctor?

 Because it was feeling a little kinky!

79.   What did one flip flop say to the other?

“See you later, alligator!”

80.   Why don’t flip flops go to the gym?

 Because they don’t want to get their soles kicked!

81.  Why don’t flip flops like jokes?

 Because they are always getting stepped on!

82.  What did one flip flop say to the other?

 Let’s hang out for a bit!

83.   What do you call a flip flop wearing slippers?

A double step!

84.  What did the flip flop say when it saw an ocean wave?

 “This is going to be a big step for me!”

85.   What did one flip flop say to the other flip flop?

 Look at us, we’re so in-sync!

86.   Why did the flip flop go to school?

 To get a good sole-cation!

87.  Why did the flip flop go to rehab?

 Because he was constantly taking a step forward and then two steps back!

88.   What did the flip-flop say when it fell over?

 I guess I’m stuck on my back!

89.  Why did the flip-flop go to the party alone?

 Because it was scared of heel-affecting everyone!

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In conclusion, flip-flop puns are a great way to make a light-hearted joke and put a smile on someone’s face. Whether you’re looking for something silly to say or a clever way to spice up a conversation, flip flop puns are sure to do the trick.

So, the next time you’re looking for a good laugh, don’t forget to break out some flip-flop puns!