Ninety Hilarious Finger Jokes

Looking for a good chuckle? Check out our collection of funny finger jokes! We’ve got jokes about everything from pointing to hitchhiking to counting. So whether you’re a finger-lover or just appreciate a good joke, you’re sure to find something to laugh at here.

Fingers are an essential part of our daily lives, used for a wide range of tasks from typing on a keyboard to eating a meal. However, did you know that they can also be a source of humor and amusement?

Funny finger jokes can take many forms, from clever wordplay to silly visual gags. While these jokes may not be everyone’s cup of tea, they can be a lighthearted way to add some humor to our daily routines.

Finger Jokes Funny

1.   What did the pinky finger say to the thumb?

“Hey, I’m your biggest fan!”

2.  Why did the finger refuse to bend?

 It was feeling a little stiff.

3.   What do you call a finger that’s always up for a good time?

A party digit.

4.   Why did the finger go on a diet?

 It wanted to slim down and become more phalangeal.

5.   What did the middle finger say to the thumb?

 “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.”

6.   What’s a finger’s favorite type of music?

Heavy metal.

7.   What do you call a fake finger?

A phony phalange!

8.   Why did the finger go on vacation?

To get away from all the “digit-al” stress!

9.   Why did the finger quit its job?

It wanted to “thumb” its nose at the boss!

10.   Why did the finger go to the doctor?

It was feeling a little bit under the weather.

11.    What did the thumb say to the finger?

“I’m always right behind you!”

12.   Why did the chicken cross the road with only four fingers?

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 To prove it wasn’t a chicken finger!

14.    What did the index finger say to the thumb?

“I’m pointing you in the right direction!”

15.   What’s a finger’s favorite animal?

 A digitigrade.

16.   Why did the finger go to the doctor?

 It had a nail-biting problem.

17.   What’s a finger’s favorite food?

Digitally enhanced pizza.

Missing Finger Jokes

Fingers are an essential part of our body that we use every day. From typing on our keyboards to holding our morning cup of coffee, fingers are always there to help us out.

But have you ever thought about the funny side of fingers? Yes, you guessed it right! We are talking about finger jokes. Here are some hilarious missing finger jokes that will surely make you chuckle:

18.   What did one finger say to the other?

I’m a thumb-body special!

19.   Why did the man with nine fingers refuse to go to the gym?

 Because he was afraid of running into the guy with ten fingers and getting into a fight.

20.   What do you call a fingerless guitar player?

A pickpocket.

21.   What do you call a man with nine fingers and a chainsaw?


22.   What do you call a fingerless hand model?


23.   What do you call a man with no fingers who wants to buy a glove?

 A little bit confused.

24.  What did the doctor say to the man who had his finger amputated?

 “I’m stumped!”

25.    Why did the man with nine fingers refuse to eat?

He wanted to save his appetite for a finger-licking good meal!

Finger Jokes One Liners

The fingers are one of the most important parts of our body. They help us to grab things, type, play instruments, and even communicate nonverbally. But did you know that fingers can also be the source of some hilarious jokes?

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Here are some of the funniest finger jokes to make you laugh and appreciate these important digits even more.

26.   Why don’t seagulls fly by the bay?

Because then they’d be bagels!

27.   Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself?

 Because it was two tired!

28.  Why was the math book sad?

Because it had too many problems!

29.   Why did the tomato turn green?

Because it was feeling a little green around the gills!

30.   Why don’t skeletons fight each other?

They don’t have the guts!

31.   Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field!

32.   What do you call a pile of cats?

 A mountain!

33.   Why did the banana go to the doctor?

Because it wasn’t peeling well!

34.   Why did the computer go to the doctor?

 Because it had a virus!

38.   Why did the chicken cross the playground?

 To get to the other slide!

39.   Why don’t you see elephants hiding in trees?

 Because they’re really good at it!

Puns About Fingers

Are you ready to give your fingers a workout? Well, get ready for some finger-licking good jokes that will have you laughing until your fingers hurt.

These funny finger jokes and puns are perfect for anyone who loves a good chuckle and wants to give their digits a bit of a stretch.

40.   Why did the finger go to the doctor?

Because it had a pulse.

41.   Why do fingers always get tired?

Because they’re always working around the clock!

I’m really good at counting on my fingers, it’s my digital talent.

42.   What do you call a finger that’s always on the run?

A fugitive!

43.   Why do fingers always get cold?

Because they’re always pointing at things!

44.   Why did the finger fail its driving test?

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It couldn’t grip the wheel.

I have a great grip on reality, I always have a finger on the pulse.

45.   What do you call a finger that’s been cut off?

A phalange of course!

46.   Did you hear about the finger that got lost in the desert?

 It was well done.

47.   Why do fingers never sleep?

Because they’re always on hand.

48.  What do you call a finger that’s always causing trouble?

A digit-rascal.

I tried to start a hand modeling business, but it never got off the ground.

49.   Why do fingers never have time for a break?

 Because they’re always on the job.

50.   Why do fingers hate math?

Because they always have to use their digits.

51.   What do you call a finger that’s always looking for a fight?

A knucklehead.

52.   Why do fingers make bad comedians?

Because they always have trouble with their delivery.

53.   What do you call a finger that’s always changing its mind?

A flip-flopper.

54.   Why do fingers love to shop?

Because they’re always looking for a good bargain!

55.   What do you call a finger that’s always late?

 A tardy digit.

56.   Why did the finger go to art school?

 To learn how to draw attention.

57.   What do you call a finger that’s always cold?

A chilly digit.

Final Thoughts

These jokes are guaranteed to give you a good laugh and provide a fun way to exercise your fingers. So go ahead and share these jokes with your friends, family, and coworkers. It’s a great way to lighten the mood and bring a smile to everyone’s face.

And if you’re feeling extra creative, try coming up with your own finger jokes. You never know, you could be the next big thing in finger-related humor. In the meantime, keep on stretching those digits and keep on laughing.

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