Ninety Hilarious Eyebrow Jokes!

Raise your eyebrows and burst into laughter with our collection of funny eyebrow jokes. From clever quips to playful wordplay, these jokes will have you arching with amusement.

Whether you’re a fan of expressive eyebrows or simply enjoy a good laugh, these eyebrow-themed jokes are sure to add some humor to your day. Eyebrows can be a distinctive and defining feature of a person’s face and are often the subject of fashion trends and beauty standards.

However, they can also be the source of humorous observations and jokes. Funny eyebrow jokes can take many forms, from witty one-liners to playful jabs at popular eyebrow styles.

Funny Eyebrow Jokes

1. How do my eyes navigate the web?

They browse it.

2.  What did one brow ask the other?

Hey, what’s up brow?

3.  Why did the beautician get arrested?

 She was caught tweezing.

4.  Why did the woman reject Botox for her forehead?

Her brows were already raising eyebrows.

5.  What do you call the process of shopping for new brows?


6.  What is the term for searching for new brows at the store?

Eyebrow hunting.

7.  What was the reason for the imprisonment of the brow beautician?

He was accused of unauthorized plucking.

8.  How did one brow greet the other?

“Hey, how’s it archin’?”

9.  Do you recall the time when plastic surgery was considered taboo?

Now, mentioning Botox hardly raises an eyebrow.

10.  What’s the term for purchasing new eyebrows?


11.  Why was the eyebrow stylist arrested?

For engaging in tweezing activities.

12.  How did one eyebrow greet the other?

“What’s up, brow?”

13.  Can my eyes access the internet somehow?

Eye-browse it.

14.  Why did the eyelids and eyebrows always argue?

They couldn’t see eye-to-eye.

15.  My eyebrows were shaved while I slept. Aren’t you surprised?

You don’t seem shocked at all.

16.  What is the definition of eyebrows?

Achieve physical fitness without engaging in any physical activity.

17.  Are you experiencing tedium?

Bring joy to your furry friend by sketching some brows on him that will last until his next wash.

18.  Why did the eyebrow refuse to go on vacation?

It was afraid of shedding!

19.  How do you know when an eyebrow is surprised?

 It raises the roof!

20.  Why did the eyebrow get a tattoo?

 It wanted to make a statement!

21.  How do you make an eyebrow disappear?

You shave it off and draw a new one with a marker!

22.  Why did the eyebrow go to school?

It wanted to get ahead!

23.  Why was the eyebrow so grumpy?

It was in a permanent furrow!

24.  How do you describe a unibrow to someone who’s never seen one before?

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It’s like two caterpillars having a staring contest!

Eyebrow Jokes One Liners

Eyebrows are one of the most prominent features on our faces. They frame our eyes and can express a range of emotions.

But did you know that eyebrows can also be the subject of some hilarious jokes? Here are some funny eyebrow jokes that will make you raise your eyebrows in amusement:

25.  Why did the eyebrow refuse to go on a date?

 Because it was already seeing someone.

26.  What do you call an eyebrow that can play musical instruments?

A brow-diddly-iddly-diddly-iddly.

27.  Why did the eyebrow go to the doctor?

 Because it had a split end.

28.  How do you know if an eyebrow is angry?

 It furrows its brow.

29.  What do you call a group of eyebrows that perform together?

 A unibrow band.

30.  What do you call an eyebrow that’s always in a hurry?

 A rush-brow.

31.  Why did the eyebrow go on vacation?

To get away from all the plucking.

32.  Why did the eyebrow refuse to go on a date?

 It was afraid it would be plucked.

33.  Why did the eyebrow get a ticket?

It was parked in a no-plucking zone.

34.  What do you call an eyebrow that’s afraid to go out?

 A scared-arch.

35.  How do you know if someone has great eyebrows?

They make you raise yours in admiration.

36.  What do you call a unibrow that goes to law school?

 A browyer.

37.  Why did the eyebrow break up with the face?

It just wasn’t shaping up.

38.  Why did the eyebrow get mad at the forehead?

It wouldn’t stop raising the roof.

39.  Why did the eyebrow refuse to go on a date?

 Because it was already plucked!

40.  Why did the mathematician have a unibrow?

Because he couldn’t solve the equation for perfect symmetry!

41.  Why did the eyebrow break up with its significant other?

 Because they just couldn’t seem to get on the same arch!

42.  What did one eyebrow say to the other when it was feeling sad?

 “Don’t worry, we’ll always be raised together!”

43.  Why did the eyebrow take a vacation?

 To get away from all the plucking tourists!

44.  Why did the eyebrow refuse to play poker?

 Because it always gave away its tell!

45.  What do you call an eyebrow that’s always in a hurry?

A “furrowed” brow!

46.  Why did the eyebrow refuse to go bungee jumping?

 Because it was afraid of getting a permanent arch!

Funny Eyebrow Puns

47.  Once, I knew a girl without brows. It was hard for her to express herself.

48.  I forgot to pluck my brows this morning, it was an oversight.

49.  When I called to schedule my brow appointment, the artist said she could pencil me in.

50.  Eyebrows are so essential; they deserve a promotion for their hard work.

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51.  When I informed my wife about her overly arched eyebrows, she appeared astonished.

52.  My forehead is quite generous, allowing my eyebrows to have a lot of freedom to move around.

53.  Plastic surgery was once a taboo topic, but nowadays, even mentioning Botox doesn’t cause anyone to bat an eye.

54.  I used to struggle with unruly eyebrows until I purchased an eyebrow trimmer.

55.  The instructions for applying false eyebrows are beyond my comprehension.

56.  I made a crude joke at an alopecia convention, but luckily, no one reacted to it.

57.  A new resident in our quiet town is a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in natural treatments.

58.  His arrival sparked some curiosity.

59.  Curiously, I discovered that sparse eyebrows seem to run in our family.

60.  When I shared the news with my father, he didn’t seem shocked.

61.  For a long time, I struggled with my unruly eyebrows until I invested in an eyebrow trimmer.

62.  This small tool has transformed my perspective.

63.  Now, my forehead and eyebrows coexist in harmony, with ample space for movement.

64.  I discovered that the absence of eyebrows is a hereditary trait in my family.

65.  My father didn’t seem shocked when I informed him.

66.  Scientists have uncovered a new element that induces eyebrow-raising reactions; they call it the element of surprise.

Hairy Eyebrow Jokes

Eyebrows are one of the most noticeable features on a person’s face, and they can also be a source of humor.

If you’ve ever been teased about your eyebrows or just appreciate a good laugh, then you’ll love these hairy eyebrow jokes.

67.  Why did the eyebrow refuse to go on a date?

 Because it was already raising itself!

68.  What did one eyebrow say to the other?

 “You look surprised to see me!”

69.  Why did the eyebrow get in trouble with the police?

 It was raising a ruckus!

70.  Why did the eyebrow refuse to answer the phone?

It was too busy arching!

71.  What do you call an eyebrow that’s always on the go?

A brown-nomad!

72.  How do you make an eyebrow disappear?

You wax poetic!

73.  Why did the eyebrow go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling brow-beaten!

74.  Why did the eyebrow break up with its girlfriend?

 She was always making it raise its game!

75.  Why did the eyebrow go to art school?

 I wanted to learn how to paint a perfect arch!

76.  What do you call an eyebrow that’s gone rogue?

A brow-bandit!

77.  “Why did the eyebrow refuse to go on a date?

 Because it was already raised!”

78.  “Why did the eyebrow go to art school?

 To learn how to arch perfectly!”

79.  “Why did the eyebrow join a gym?

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To get in shape and flex its muscles!”

Fake Eyebrow Jokes

80.  “What do you call an eyebrow that’s always complaining?

A grumpy brow!”

81.  “What’s your favorite hobby?


82.  What do you call a unibrow that’s really good at math?

A mathemabrow.

83.  Why did the eyebrow go to the doctor?

It had a split end.

84.  How do you describe an eyebrow that’s always happy?


85.  What do you call an eyebrow that’s been in a fight?

A black eyebrow.

86.  Why was the eyebrow cold?

Because it left its fur coat at home.

87.  Why did the eyebrow join the gym?

To get in shape.

88.  What do you call a group of eyebrows?

 A furrow.

89.  How do you make an eyebrow disappear?

Just ask it to raise its hand.

90.  Why did the eyebrow refuse to go to the party?

 It was afraid of being plucked!

Jokes About Big Eyebrows

Why did the guy with big eyebrows become an astronaut? Because he needed extra space for his shuttle brows!

How do you communicate with someone who has big eyebrows? You use eye-browse!

What do you call it when someone’s eyebrows are in a band? An eyebrowchestra!

Did you hear about the person with big eyebrows who went to the art gallery? They got kicked out for “framing” the paintings with their brows!

Why did the eyebrow pencil start a comedy career? Because it wanted to make people laugh by drawing bigger brows!

What’s a big eyebrow’s favorite type of music? Brow wave!

Why did the detective hire someone with big eyebrows? Because they were great at raising suspicion!

Jokes About Thick Eyebrows

Why did the person with thick eyebrows never need a map? Because their brows always pointed them in the right direction!

How do people with thick eyebrows express surprise? They raise one brow and create an eclipse!

What do you call it when two people with thick eyebrows fall in love? A “brow-mance”!

Why did the thick-eyebrowed person refuse to play hide-and-seek? Because they knew they’d never disappear with those brows!

How do you know when someone with thick eyebrows is a good chef? When they say, I’ve got the perfect recipe for brow-nies!

What did the thick eyebrow say to the thin eyebrow? “I’m just trying to ‘brow’se through life without any drama!”

Did you hear about the comedian with thick eyebrows? They always had the best punch-browlines!

What do you call it when someone with thick eyebrows becomes a detective? A brow-sleuth on the case!

Final Thoughts

There you have it – some funny eyebrow jokes to make you smile. Whether you have bushy brows or a perfectly shaped arch, these jokes prove that there’s always room for humor when it comes to eyebrows.

So go ahead and share them with your friends and family they’re bound to get a laugh out of them too!

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