Laugh Out Loud with 90 Hilarious Sunburn Jokes!

Discover a sizzling collection of hilarious sunburn jokes that will have you laughing until your skin turns red. From clever puns to playful wordplay, these jokes add a lighthearted twist to the pain of sunburns. Whether you’re a sunseeker or simply enjoy a good laugh, these jokes are sure to brighten your day and make you glow with laughter.

Summer is here and it’s time to head out into the great outdoors to soak up some sun. But sometimes, no matter how much sunscreen we apply, we still end up with sunburn.

While sunburns are no laughing matter, sometimes a good laugh is just what we need to ease the pain. So, without further ado, here are some funny sunburn jokes to make you chuckle and forget about your red skin for a while.

Funny Jokes About Sunburn

1).  Why did the sunburned man refuse to play cards?  He was already red-dealt.

2).  What do you call a sunburned snowman?  A puddle.

3).  Why don’t ghosts get sunburned?  They use SPF-BOO.

4).  What did one sunburn say to the other?  “Let’s get glowing!”

5).   What do you call a sunburned hippopotamus?  A roasted marshmallow.

6).   What do you call a sunburned elf?  A gingerbread man.

7).  Why did the sunburned guy need glasses?  He had cornea streaks.

8).  What’s the difference between a lobster and a sunburned person?  One’s a crustacean, and the other is just plain crusty.

9).  Why do vampires avoid sunburns?  It makes them turn into tomato juice.

10).  Why did the sunburned man put his head in the oven?  To get some relief.

11).   What’s a sunburned person’s favorite music?  Red Hot Chili Peppers.

12).   Why do sunburned people always seem to be in a bad mood?  They’re feeling a little crabby.

13).   What do you call a sunburned soccer player?  A roasted goalpost.

14).   What’s a sunburned person’s favorite dessert?  Strawberry short-bake.

15).   Why did the sunburned guy apply aloe vera to his phone?  It had a bad case of screen burn.

16).   What do you call a sunburned porcupine?  A hot potato.

17).  Why did the sunburned person feel like a million bucks?   Because they were peeling well.

18).   What’s a sunburned person’s favorite fruit?   Grapes of wrath

Funny Ginger Sunburn Jokes

Summer is here and it’s time to soak up some sun. But with all the fun in the sun, comes the risk of getting a sunburn. Don’t let a sunburn get you down, instead, laugh it off with these funny sunburn jokes!

19).   Why did the ginger get a sunburn on his toes?  Because he forgot to wear his sandals.”

20).  What did the ginger say after getting a sunburn?  ‘I’m officially a lobster.’”

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21).    “Why did the ginger cross the road?  To avoid the sun.”

22).   “Why did the ginger go to the doctor?  They thought they had contracted a new disease called ‘red fever.’”

23).    “Why did the ginger’s sunburn start singing?  They thought they were auditioning for ‘The Voice.’”

24).   Why did the ginger refuse to go to the beach?  Too many ‘red flag’ warnings.”

25).    How do gingers keep cool in the summer?  They don’t. They just spontaneously combust.

26).   Why did the ginger wear a turtleneck to the beach?  To protect his neck from the sunburn.

27).   Did you hear about the ginger who fell asleep on the beach?  He woke up looking like a tomato.

28).    What do you call a ginger who spends too much time in the sun?  A red hot chili pepper.

29).   Why did the ginger cross the road?  To get to the shady side.

30).    Did you hear about the ginger who went to the beach without sunscreen?  He got a ginger ale-colored tan.

31).    What do you call ginger with a mild sunburn?  A pink flamingo.

32).   How do you know if ginger has a sunburn?  He’ll be too hot to handle.

Funny Jokes About Sunburns

Summer is here, and with it comes the inevitable sunburn. But don’t worry, because we’ve got just the thing to help you laugh off the pain – funny sunburn jokes!

Whether you’re looking to poke fun at your red-hot skin or just need a good laugh to distract you from the discomfort, these jokes are sure to do the trick. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some sunburn humor!

33).  Why did the sunburn go to the doctor?  Because it peeled really badly!

34).   Why do sunburns turn people into lobsters?  Because they’re red and they love the beach!

35).  Why did the sunburn go to the beach?  To get more tan than his friends!

36).  What do you call a sunburned snowman?  A puddle!

37).  Why did the tomato turn red?  Because it saw someone with a sunburn!

38).  Why do people who get sunburned tend to have a better sense of humor?  Because laughter is the best medicine!

39).  What do you call a sunburned turtle?  A slow-cooked meal!

40).  What did the sunburned guy say to his friend?  “I’m peeling hot today!”

41).   Why did the sunburned elephant wear a hat?  To protect his trunk from getting burned!

42).  What do you call a sunburned ghost?  A red sheet!

43).  What do you call a sunburned penguin?  A toasted bird!

44).   Why did the sunburned guy feel like a vampire?  Because he couldn’t go outside during the day!

45).   What do you call a sunburned vampire?  A crispy critter!

46).  Why did the sunburned guy feel like a banana?  Because he was peeling all over!

47).   What do you call a sunburned clown?  A red-nosed comedian!

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48).   Why did the sunburned guy feel like a snake?  Because he was shedding his skin!

49).   What do you call a sunburned shark?  A well-done fish!

Funny Sunburn Pictures and Jokes

50).   What did one sunburn say to the other? I feel a-peeling!

51).   Why did the sunburn go to the doctor? Because it was really red!

52).   Did you hear about the sunburned pig? It was bacon in the sun all day!

53).   Why did the sunburnt guy refuse to go outside?  He didn’t want to peel the burn of exposing himself to the world.

54).   What did the sunburnt guy say when he saw himself in the mirror?  “Well, I guess I won’t be taking any shirtless selfies for a while.”

55).  What did one sunburned potato say to the other?  “I’m a fryin’!”

56).   Why don’t vampires get sunburned?  They have SPF 50+ in their veins.

57).   What do you call a sunburned ghost?  A boiled ghoul!

58).   Why did the sunburn go to school?  To learn about SPF!

59).  What did one sunburn say to the other sunburn?  “It’s going to be a bright day!”

60).  Why did the sunburn need glasses?  Because it was bright out!

61).  How does a sunburn find relief?  It aloe-veras itself to some shade!

62).   What do you call a group of sunburns?  Red team!

63).  What do you call it when a sunburn goes to the beach?  Toasting its buns!

64).    How do you make a sunburn happy?  Give it a tan line that spells “YOLO!”

65).   Why did the sunburn feel embarrassed?  Because it got too cheeky with the sunscreen!

66).    What did the sunburn say to the beach?  “You sand-ed me!”

67).  Why do sunburns make terrible detectives?  Because they always turn red!

Sunburn Jokes One Liner

68).   What do you call a person who stays out in the sun for too long?  A tan-gerine!

69).  Why did the sunburnt ghost turn blue?   Because it was chilling!

70).   What do you call a sunburnt vegetable?  A roaste-d pepper!

71).   Why did the sunburnt snowman go to the beach?  To cool off!

72).   Why did the sunburnt horse feel bad?  Because it was burnt to a crisp!

73).   What do you call a sunburnt penguin?  A flamin-guin!

74).   Why did the sunburnt snowflake cry?  Because it melted away!

75).   What do you call a sunburnt rock?  A sizzlin-g stone!

76).   Why did the sunburnt squirrel feel silly?  Because it got a nutty tan!

77).   Why did the sun go to school?  To get a degree in sunburn prevention!”

78).   What did one sunburn say to the other? “I’m peeling pretty good about this summer!”

79).   Why did the sunburn feel cold? Because it got a frosty aloe vera treatment!

80).   What did the sun say when it realized it caused a sunburn? “I’m sorry, I can’t help but radiate sunshine everywhere!”

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81).   Why don’t astronauts get sunburns? Because they always wear their sunblock, even in space!

82).   Why did the sunburned athlete run away from the pool?  Because he didn’t want to get re-burned!

83).   What do you call a sunburnt snowman? A puddle of melted snow!

Sun Burn Jokes

84).  I accidentally got sunburned on my forehead, so now I have a tan line in the shape of a thought bubble.

85).   I was so sunburned that when I went to the doctor, he asked me if I had been in a fire.

86).   I got sunburned so badly that when I walked into a room, the lights dimmed.

87).   I got a sunburn so bad that I can’t tell if I’m blushing or still burnt.

88).  I got sunburned so badly that my skin looks like a roadmap.

89).  I got sunburned on my legs so badly that I can’t wear shorts without people thinking I’m wearing hot pink leggings.

90).  I got sunburned while out fishing. Now I look like a red snapper.

91).  I went on vacation to the sun and all I got was this lousy sunburn.

92).   I got sunburned so badly that I started to resemble a stop sign.

93).  I got sunburned so badly that I could have passed for a tomato.

94).   I got sunburned while driving with the window down. Now I have a racing stripe on my arm.

95).   I got sunburned so badly that I’m now legally considered a fire hazard.

96).  I went to the beach and got a sunburn on my feet. Now I have flip-flop tan lines.

Funny sunburn jokes for kids

96.Why did the sun apply for a job? Because it wanted to make some “rays” of sunshine!

97.What did one sunburn say to the other? “I’m feeling a little ‘toasty’ today!”

98How do you know the sun is a great comedian? Because it gives everyone a “crispy” punchline!

99.Why don’t sunburns ever play hide and seek? Because they always get caught “red-handed”!

100.What did the beach towel say to the sunburn? “You’ve really got me in a ‘hot spot’!”

101.Why did the sunburn go to the doctor? Because it felt “burned out” from too much heat!

102.What do you call a sunburn that’s good at telling jokes? A “crisp” comedian!

Funny sunburn meme

Certainly, here are seven lines for a funny sunburn meme:

103. “When you spend 10 minutes in the sun without sunscreen…”

104. “Sunscreen: 0, Sun: 1 “

105.Caption: “You vs. the guy who remembered sunscreen”

106.Caption: “When you thought SPF 30 meant ‘Sunburn Protection Forever’ “

107.Caption: “Sunburn level: Lobster “

108.Caption: “When SPF stands for ‘Still Probably Fried’ “

109.Caption: “That awkward moment when your sunburn becomes the main attraction at the beach “

Some Final Talk

We hope these jokes brightened up your day and gave you a good chuckle. Remember, laughter is the best medicine – even for sunburns! So go ahead and share these jokes with your friends and family, and don’t forget to lather on the sunscreen before you hit the beach. Happy summer!

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