Instagram Captions for Valentine’s Day: 45 Singles Edition

Ah, Valentine’s Day. For some, it means roses, boxes of chocolates, and romantic dates. But for the single ones among us? It can often be a reminder of yet another year going by without finding that special someone. Instead of letting those lonely blues get you down, why not enjoy yourself instead? In this blog post, we collected the best Instagram captions for when you’re single on Valentine’s Day and embracing it.

Single Valentine’s day Captions

From encouraging self-love mantras to single humorous memes, these jovial Valentine’s Day captions won’t leave you heartbroken this February 14th!

  • Some call it a lonely night, we call it self-love!
  • This Valentine’s Day, I’m taking some time to focus on myself
  • Be your own valentine.
  • Not looking for anyone, just finding myself.
  • Relationship status: focusing on myself.
  • Cheers to self-love!
  • Don’t let being single on Valentine’s Day get you down!
  • Take this day to treat yourself, love yourself, and celebrate your independence – it’s too precious not to!
  • Singleness isn’t something to dread – it’s a time of self-discovery and care!
  • Celebrate yourself this Valentine’s Day and enjoy the freedom of loving yourself.
  • Dear self. You’re right where you’re supposed to be.
  • Keep growing, glowing, and getting dressed up… just ’cause.
  • This Valentine’s Day, don’t forget that being single is its own kind of bliss.

Funny Single Valentine’s Day Captions

Here are some goofy captions to help you make lighthearted fun of your single status on Valentine’s Day! From silly puns to sassy quotes about being solo this February 14th — there’s something for everyone in our roundup below.

  • Happy Single Awareness Day
  • Cupid missed!
  • Happy phony, romanticized, overly commercial, sucks to be single, pretend that it’s love day!
  • Let’s celebrate not having to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
  • Cuter than cupid
  • Enjoying long, romantic walks to the fridge.
  • Hot and unbothered
  • Which cupid are y’all using?
  • I guess I’d just have to date myself today.
  • Catchin’ meals, not feels.
  • I’d slide into my own DMs.
  • I do me better than anyone else.
  • Doing better than I ever was.
  • Where are my single ladies?
  • Cupid owes me a refund.
  • Happy Valentine’s to the couple who always welcomes me as a third wheel!
  • Just waiting for the 50% off candy tomorrow.
  • If lovers get half-price off on Valentine’s Day, then singles should just get everything for free.
  • Happy Independence Day!
  • Sorry, we’re in a relationship with champagne!
  • Roses are red, Violets are blue, Vodka is cheaper than dinner for two.
  • Today may be Single’s Awareness Day, but chin up. Tomorrow is half-price candy day!
  • Single on Valentine’s Day? Don’t be blue – be Red Hot!
  • A proud member of the Association of Single ladies!
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Single Valentine’s day Instagram Captions

Don’t let Valentine’s day drag you down if you’re single. Here are more Instagram captions to help you show off your single life with pride!

  • There’s no better time than the present to fall in love with yourself. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • A day filled with self-love, laughter, and lots of chocolate
  • In a serious relationship with myself.
  • Tag your single bestie
  • For all my singles out there, next year will be our year!!
  • Too busy lovin’ myself!
  • She is whole..all by herself!
  • Shoutout to all my gals on Galentine’s Day
  • Xoxo, single girl!
  •  If you are secretly in love with me, I suggest you reveal it now.
  • Table for one, please!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to my fellow singles out there.

Single on Valentine’s Day Quotes for Instagram

Here are the most relatable single on Valentine’s day quotes to use as Instagram captions.

  • Valentine’s Day: the holiday that reminds you that if you don’t have a special someone, you’re alone. ― Lewis Black
  • Valentine’s Day money-saving tip: Break up on February 13th, get back together on the 15th. ― David Letterman
  • The thing about Valentine’s day is that people discover who are single and who to feel jealous of. ― Faye Morgan
  • Nobody loves me as much as I love me, so I guess I’ll just be my own valentine. — Adam Rippon
  • Idealizing the reality of past romances won’t do you any favors as you face Valentine’s Day alone. ― Amy Morin
  • I think they should create a holiday for friends-with-benefits relationships. Because I feel like Valentine’s Day is, maybe it’s a day to stay home and cry. ― Elizabeth Meriwether
  • Valentine’s Day: rubbing singles’ noses in their lack of a mate and the noses of couples in their lack of time. —Emma McLaughlin
  • To me, Valentine’s Day is not merely limited to a lover but speaks of universal love. — Dimple Kapadia
  • Valentine’s Day is definitely one of those days where it’s either awesome, or it’s a downer. — Judah Friedlander
  • Valentine’s Day is the biggest single day of the year, the biggest sale day of the year. — Jacques Torres
  • Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate the joy of being in love. Unless you’re single and lonely, then it’s called Laundry Day. ― Dane Cook
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Final Thoughts

No matter your relationship status, we hope you feel loved and have a happy Valentine’s Day! If you’re single, use one of these single on Valentine’s Day Captions for Instagram to show the world how confident and content you are. From funny sayings to quotes about being single, there’s something here for everyone. So go out, enjoy yourself, and be proud that you don’t need a significant other to be happy. You’re an amazing person, just the way you are!