Hilarious Halloween Candy Jokes for 2024

Looking for the best Halloween candy jokes? From spooky puns to chocolatey humor, these jokes are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face this Halloween. Don’t miss out on the laughter.

Candy may be sweet, but Jokes About Halloween Candy are the perfect complement. From candy corn capers to chocolatey pranks, These Jokes About Halloween Candy creatively merge the flavors of the season with a dash of humor. 

Halloween Candy Jokes For Adults

1. What do you call a vampire’s favorite Halloween candy?  A sucker.

2. When do zombies finish trick or treating?  When they are dead tired.

3. What’s an alien’s favorite candy?  Martian-mellows.

4. What’s a dentist’s worst nightmare?  A lion that loves candy.

5. Why do zombies love candy? It’s finger-licking good!

6. What do you call a dancing ghost? Polka-haunt-us!

7. Why did the little ghost cry? It lost its “Boo-hoo” candy!

8. How do you know the moon is hungry on Halloween?  It’s “crescent” for candy.

9. What did the candy corn say to the licorice? “Let’s stick together!”

10. What’s a ghost’s favorite candy to eat?  “Boo”-nana splits!

Dirty Halloween Candy Jokes

11. Why did the M&M go to school?  Because it wanted to be a “smartie”!

12. What do you call a dancing candy?  A “twix”-ter!

13. Why was the chocolate chip cookie so sad ?  Because it felt “crumby”!

14. Why did the scarecrow win an award?  Because he was outstanding in his “field” of candy corn!

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15. Why did the gumdrop go to school?  Because it wanted to be “smarty-pants”!

16. What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert?  “Boo”-berry pie!

17. What do you call a ghost’s favorite candy?  “I-Scream” bars!

18. Why did the candy go to the doctor ?  Because it was feeling a bit “nutty”!

19. What did the candy say to the vampire?  “You suck, but I’m sweet!”

20. What do you get when you cross a werewolf and a candy bar?  A howl-va good treat!

21. Why do ghosts like to ride in elevators?  It lifts their “spirits”!

22. What do you call a monster with a candy bar?  A “chocolate ghoul”!

23. How do you fix a broken candy? With a “sweet” adhesive!

24. Why did the candy stop playing music?  It ran out of “tunes”!

25. What do you call a witch’s favorite candy?   “Hex”-lax

Funny Jokes About Halloween Candy

26. Why do ghosts love to eat Halloween candy?  It’s a real treat for their spirits!

27. Why did the M&M go to school?  It wanted to be a smartie!

28. How do you fix a broken candy cane?  With a peppermint-aid!

29. What did the witch give her trick-or-treaters instead of candy?  Broom service!

30. What do you call a skeleton who loves to eat candy?  A gummy bear!

31. Why did the gum cross the road? It was stuck to the chicken’s foot!

32. Why did the scarecrow win an award?  It was outstanding in its field of candy corn!

33. What did one piece of candy say to the other during a scary movie night?  “I’m feeling a little marsh-mallowed!”

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34. Why don’t skeletons like Halloween candy?  They have no guts for it!

35. How do you make a pumpkin laugh?  You give it a tickle-y pickley!

36.  What’s a vampire’s favorite candy?  Chomp-kins!

37. What do you get when you cross a skeleton with a candy bar?  A snicker-bone!

38. How do monsters like to eat their Halloween candy  ?  With a goblin chew!

39. What do you call a ghost’s favorite candy?  Boo-blegum!

40. What did the wrapper say to the licorice?  “You’re my twist and shout!”

41. What kind of candy does a witch’s dentist recommend?  Flossy rolls!

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Halloween Candy jokes One liners

42. Why did the candy go to school? To become a “smartie”!

43. What kind of candy do you find at the beach?  Sandybars!

44. Why was the M&M scared? It saw the candy corn in the corner!

45. Why did the scarecrow win an award? He was outstanding in his field of candy corn!

46. How do you fix a broken candy bar? Use chocolate glue!

47. What do you call a monster’s favorite candy? Franken-peeps!

48. Why are ghosts bad at lying? You can see right through them!

49. What did the candy say to the gum? “I’m stuck on you!”

50.  How do you mend a broken candy cane? With “candy-cane-aide”!

51.  Why do witches always have good breath? They use “spell” mints!

52. What’s a vampire’s favorite candy? Neck-tarines!

53. What kind of candy do you find at a haunted house? “Boo-bon”bons!

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Final Words

Do you like these funny okes About Halloween Candy? Post your funny reactions to these funny jokes and puns in the comment section down below!

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