Fifty Side-Splitting Jokes About Sphincters

Add some humor to your day with our selection of sphincter jokes! These jokes offer a playful and unexpected perspective on an often overlooked bodily function. Let’s share a laugh together!

Funny Sphincter Jokes

1.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always getting into trouble?  A troublemaker-sphincter..

2.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always singing?  A song-sphincter.

3.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always dancing?  A dancing-sphincter.

4.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always eating?  A foodie-sphincter.

5.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always sleeping?  A sleepy-sphincter.

6.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always working out?  A fit-sphincter.

7.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always traveling?  A world-sphincter.

8.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always studying?  A bookworm-sphincter.

9.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always playing video games?  A gamer-sphincter.

10.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always watching TV?  A couch potato-sphincter.

11.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always on social media?  A social media-sphincter.

12.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always taking selfies?  A selfie-sphincter.

13.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always gossiping?  A gossip queen-sphincter.

14.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always complaining?  A negative Nancy-sphincter.

15.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always stealing?  A kleptomaniac-sphincter.

Sphincter Jokes For Adults

16.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always on the lookout for a good time?  A par-sphincter!

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17.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always angry?  A sphincter with a chip on its shoulder.

18.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always tired?  A sphincter with a lot on its plate.

19.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always cold?  A sphincter with a chilly personality.

20.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always hot?  A sphincter with a fiery temper.

21.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always scared?  A sphincter with a case of the jitters.

22.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always lazy?  A sphincter that’s full of itself.

23. What do you call a sphincter that’s always smart?  A sphincter with a sharp wit.

24.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always funny?  A sphincter with a great sense of humor.

25.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always kind?  A sphincter with a big heart.

26.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always helpful?  A sphincter that’s always there for a friend.

27.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always honest?  A sphincter that’s always straight to the point.

28.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always polite?  A sphincter with good manners.

29.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always brave?  A sphincter with a lot of guts.

30.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always strong?  A sphincter with a lot of muscle.

31.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always fast?  A  sphincter with quick reflexes.

32.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always slow?  A sphincter with a relaxed attitude.

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33.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always loud?  A sphincter with a booming voice.

34.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always quiet?  A sphincter with a soft-spoken demeanor.

35.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always fashionable?  A sphincter with a great sense of style.

36.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always unfashionable?  A sphincter with a unique sense of style.

Best Sphincter Jokes

36.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always gossiping?  A gossip queen-sphincter.

38.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always complaining?  A negative Nancy-sphincter.

39.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always getting into trouble?  A troublemaker-sphincter.

40.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always telling lies?  A liar liar pants on fire-sphincter.

41.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always stealing?  A kleptomaniac-sphincter.

42.  “Why did the sphincter go to therapy?  It just couldn’t hold it together!”

43.  “What do you call a shy sphincter?  A little behind.”

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Sphincter Jokes One Liner

44.  “Sphincters have a tough job, but they always manage to stay tight.”

45.  “Sphincters are like bouncers at body’s nightclub – they only let the right people in.”

46.  “When the sphincter gets stressed, it can be a real pain in the rear.”

47.  “The sphincter is the unsung hero of bathroom humor – always keeping things under wraps.”

48.  “Sphincters have a tough job, but they never crack under pressure.””

49.  “Sphincters are like the body’s security guards – they know when to let things in and when to kick them out.”

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50.  “I heard the sphincter’s favorite dance move is the ‘booty pop’!”

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Funny Jokes About Sphincter

51.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always eating cake?  A sweet tooth-sphincter.

52.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always on vacation?  A beach bum-sphincter. 

53.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always happy?  A sphincter with a positive outlook on life.

54.  What do you call a sphincter that’s always hungry?  A sphincter with a big appetite.

55.  “Why do sphincters make terrible comedians?  Because they can’t hold their laughter!”

56.  “Did you hear about the rebellious sphincter?  It just refused to take any crap.”

57.  “Why did the sphincter bring a ladder?  It wanted to reach new heights!”

58.  “What did one sphincter say to the other?  ‘We’ve got this, no ifs or buts!’”