A Collection of 100 Hilarious Monkey Jokes

Monkeys are some of the funniest and most mischievous creatures on the planet. They can make us laugh with their silly antics and are full of personality. That’s why so many people love them, and why so many jokes have been made about them over the years.

So, if you’re looking for some funny jokes about monkeys, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some of our favorites:

Jokes About Monkeys Funny

1.  Why did the monkey go to the doctor?

 Because he wasn’t peeling well!

2.  Why do monkeys make terrible dancers?

 Because they have two left feet!

3.  What did the monkey say when he saw a banana in his cereal?

 This is fruit loops!

4.   What do monkeys have for lunch?


5.  Why don’t monkeys like to play hide and seek?

Because they’re always so good at finding the other monkeys!

6.   What did the monkey say when he got down from a tree?

“Man, that was bananas!”

7.   What did the monkey say when he gave his friend a banana?

Here’s something to “ape-preciate!”

8.   Why did the monkey cross the road?

To get to the banana store!

9.  Why did the monkey like the banana?

Because it had appeal!

10.  Why did the monkey wear a red sweater?

 Because he wanted to look like a chimp-ion!

11.  Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle?

 There are too many cheetahs

12.  Why did the monkey cross the road?

To get to the banana stand on the other side!

13.  Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle?

 Because there are too many cheetahs!

14.  Why did the monkey like the banana?

Because it had appeal!

15.  What do you call a monkey in a suit riding a bike?

A cycle-primate!

16.  Why did the monkey go to the doctor?

 Because he wasn’t feeling well-ape!

17.  What do you get when you cross a monkey with a skunk?

A stinky monkey!

18.   Why do monkeys make terrible dancers?

 They have two left feet!

19.  Why did the monkey break up with his girlfriend?

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 Because he thought she was a bit too bananas

Funny Jokes About Monkey

Monkeys are always a source of amusement. They never fail to make us laugh with their silly antics and funny faces.

Whether it’s their human-like behavior or their unique way of expressing themselves, monkeys have an undeniable comedic charm. If you need a good laugh, here are some of the best funny jokes about monkeys.

20.  Why did the monkey cross the road?

To get to the banana stand on the other side.

21.  Why did the monkey put a piece of meat on its head?

 It wanted to have a meatball.

22.  What did the monkey say when he was crossing the jungle?

 Nothing, he just swung!

23.  What did the monkey say when it saw a banana in the tree?

“Oh no, not again!”

24.   What did the monkey say when he walked into a bar?

 Nothing, because it was an ape.

25.  What do monkeys like to snack on during game night?


26.  What do you call a monkey in a tuxedo?

 A monkey in a tuxedo.

27.  Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle?

 There are too many cheetahs.

28.  What do you get when you cross a monkey and a skunk?

A stinky monkey.

29.  Why do monkeys like to swing from trees?

 Because it’s cheaper than riding the bus.

30.   Why did the monkey go to the doctor?

Because it wasn’t feeling very well.

31.  Why did the monkey break up with his girlfriend?

 Because she was a little bananas.

32.  What do you call a monkey in a banana suit?

 A fruit loop.

33.  Why did the monkey cross the playground?

To get to the monkey bars.

34.  What do you call a monkey in a spacesuit?

An astro-nut.

Funny Short Jokes About Monkeys

Monkeys are some of the funniest animals around! They’re full of mischief and have a knack for making people laugh. From primate puns to monkey jokes, there’s sure to be something that will bring a smile to your face.

So get ready to “monkey” around and have some fun with these funny jokes about monkeys!

35.  What do you get when you cross a monkey with a refrigerator?

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Cold hands and a hot temper.

36.  Why did the monkey go to the doctor?

 Because he was feeling bananas!

37.  What did the monkey say when he saw a banana in his cereal?

“Oh great, I’m going to go ape!”

38.   What did the monkey say when he saw a banana split in half?

 Looks like I’m going to have half as much fun!

39.   What did the monkey say when he stepped on a prickly pear?

 Ouch! Banana split!

40.  How does a monkey make toast?

By putting it under a gorilla.

41.  Why don’t monkeys use iPhones?

Because they prefer banana phones.

42.  Why did the monkey bring a ladder to the party?

 Because he wanted to be the high monkey.

43.   What’s a monkey’s favorite type of tree?

 A palm tree!

44.  Why do monkeys like to eat bananas?

Because they have appealing curves.

45.  What do you get when you cross a monkey and a duck?

An animal that can’t swim, but can quack you up.

46.  Why did the monkey put a bandage on his tail?

 Because he hurt it while monkeying around.

47.  Why did the monkey go to the spa?

To get a monkey-cure!

48.  Why do monkeys love to swing in the jungle?

 Because it’s all about monkey-business.

49.  How do monkeys make coffee?

They use a gorilla press

Jokes About Monkeys

These are just a few of the many funny jokes about monkeys that you can share with your friends and family. Next time you’re feeling down, crack a few of these jokes and enjoy a good chuckle!

50.  Why did the monkey like the banana?

Because it had appeal!

51.  What do you call a monkey in a tuxedo?


52.  What do monkeys use to clean their computers?


53.  What do you call a monkey magician?


54.  What do you call a monkey that loves to bowl?

A strike-ape!

55.  What do you get when you cross a monkey with a bulldog?

A monkey that can chew gum and scratch itself at the same time!

56.  Why did the monkey cross the road?

To get to the banana stand on the other side!

57.  Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle?

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Because there are too many cheetahs!

58.  Why did the monkey go to space?

 To visit the Planet of the Apes!

59.   Why did the monkey go to the doctor?

Because it was ape-ache!

60.  Why do monkeys love hot dogs?

Because they’re made with monkey meat!

61.   What do you call a monkey that loves to take pictures?

 A selfie-simian!

Funny Jokes Monkey

62.  What’s a monkey’s favorite food?


63.   Why did the monkey cross the road?

To get to the banana store!

64.   What did the monkey say when he got to the top of a tree?

“This is bananas!”

65.   Why did the monkey cross the road?

 To get to the banana split on the other side!

66.  What did the monkey say when he saw a banana in his cereal?

“Ooh! I’m going ape for this!”

67.   What did the monkey say when he saw a banana split?


69.   Why did the monkey cross the road?

 To get to the banana stand on the other side!

70.   What do you call a monkey that loves to bowl?

 An alley-oop!

71.  What did one monkey say to the other monkey when they saw a banana peel on the ground?

 “Watch out for that peel!”

72.  What did the monkey say when he got a haircut?

“I look a-peeling!”

73.  What do you call a monkey in a suit holding a briefcase?

 An investment banker!

74.  What do you call a monkey in a hot tub?

 A Jacuzzi-chimp!

75.  Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle?

 There are too many cheetahs!

76.  What do you call a monkey that loves to play video games?

A console-ape!

77.  Why did the monkey go to space?

 To find the banana-shaped moon!

Also, check-out:

  • Funny Campfire Jokes
  • Corny Beach Jokes
  • Corny Bee Jokes
  • Corny Anime Jokes

Final Words

Funny jokes about monkeys provide a lighthearted way to bring some humor to our day. They can be a great source of entertainment for kids and adults alike and can help to spark conversation and create a sense of camaraderie.

Whether you’re a fan of monkeys or just appreciate a good joke, these jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face. So next time you’re in need of a good laugh, don’t forget to look to the silly antics of our primate friends for some comedic inspiration.