Ninety Hilarious Racing Jokes

We all know that racing can be serious business, but it can also be pretty funny. That’s why we’ve gathered up some of the best funny racing jokes out there – to help you get a few laughs while you’re at the track or just thinking about cars.

So rev up your engines and get ready to enjoy some of these classic racing jokes!

Racing Jokes Funny

1.  What did the racecar driver do when he saw a fork on the track?

He took it – because he was in a hast-y!

2.  What did the racecar driver say to his navigator?

 “Let’s take this corner on two wheels!”

3.  Why don’t turtles race?

 Because they are way too slow!

4.  Why did the racecar driver go to the bank?

To get his race winnings deposited!

5.  Why did the chicken cross the racetrack?

 To get to the other slide.

6.  How do racecar drivers stay cool during a race?

 They open the windows!

7.  Why did the racecar driver get a ticket?

 Because he was driving too fast at a snail’s pace!

8.  What do you call a racecar driver who refuses to use the brakes?


9.  Why did the racecar driver bring his car to the doctor?

 It had a bad case of exhaust-ion.

10.  What did the racecar driver say when he won the race?

 I’m wheelie happy!

11.  Why do racecars make terrible pets?

They always have a lead foot!

12.  What did the racecar driver say to the tires?

 I can’t handle the pressure!

Why did the chicken cross the finish line?

 To prove he wasn’t a chicken!

13.  What did the racecar driver say to the speed bump?

 Nice try, but I’m not slowing down!

14.  How do racecar drivers know when it’s time to retire?

 When they start going in circles.

15.  Why did the racecar driver paint his car with flames?

So it would go faster!

16.  What do you call a racecar driver with a bad memory?

 A forgetful Formula One driver.

17.  What do you get when you cross a racecar driver and a comedian?

Someone who drives laps around the competition!

18.  Why did the racecar driver refuse to get a flu shot?

 He didn’t want to slow down his reflexes!

19.   What did the race car say when it passed the finish line?

 Vroom, I won!

20.  Why did the formula one car go to church?

 Because he wanted to find his way to repentance!

21.   What did the race car driver say when it started to rain?

I better get my wipers, we are about to get lap 2!

Funny Barrel Racing Jokes

Racing jokes are some of the funniest jokes out there! Whether you’re a fan of NASCAR or Formula 1, these jokes are sure to get your engine revving.

So, rev those engines and get ready for some of the funniest racing jokes around.

22.  Why did the barrel racer ride on a tricycle?

Because she wanted to do circles faster!

23.   What did the barrel say to the horse?

“Let’s make it a race!”

24.  Why did the barrel racer skip dinner?

 He knew he had to save his energy for the ride ahead!

25.  Why did the barrel racer cross the road?

 To get to the other side of the pattern!

26.  How do you know a barrel racer is having a bad day?

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When she knocks down more barrels than a drunk cowboy!

27.  What’s the difference between a barrel racer and a rodeo clown?

One runs around in circles, and the other wears makeup!

28.  What do you call a barrel racer who can’t make it through the pattern?

 A circle fail!

29.   Why did the barrel racer bring her horse to the chiropractor?

He had a bad case of “barrel back!”

30.  How do barrel racers like their coffee?

Stirrupped and strong!

31.  What do you call a barrel racer who is always late?

Time-penalty Queen!

32.  Why did the barrel racer break up with her boyfriend?

 He said he couldn’t handle all the circles in their relationship!

33.   What do you call a barrel racer with a broken arm?

 A one-armed bandit!

34.   Why don’t barrel racers ever win at poker?

 They always fold on the turn!

35.   What do you call a barrel racer with a sense of humor?

A laugh-louper!

36.   Why did the barrel racer’s horse go on a diet?

He was tired of all the extra laps around the barrels!

37.  Why did the barrel racer go to the bank?

To get a loan for a bigger trailer to haul all her winnings!

38.  How do barrel racers stay in shape?

They do a lot of “round” exercises

39.   What did the barrel racing horse say when its owner won a competition?


40.   Why did the barrel racer give up his job?

 He was sick of going in circles!

41.   What did the barrel racer say when she wanted to enter a new rodeo?

 “Is this open for barrels only?”

Funny Horse Racing Jokes

Are you ready to laugh? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! Here, you’ll find the funniest racing jokes to share with your friends and family.

Whether you’re a fan of Formula 1, NASCAR, or drag racing, these jokes will bring a chuckle to everyone’s face.

42.   Why did the horse go on a diet?

Because he was a little bit horse!

43.   What did the horse say when he had his photo taken?


44.   What did the horse say when it won first place in a race?

 “Neigh everyone else!”

45.    Why couldn’t the horse win any races?

 He was always running in circles!

46.   Why did the horse go to the urgent care center?

He felt a little hoarse!

47.   What did the horse say after it won a race?

 Neigh-ver looked better!

48.   What did the winning horse say after a race?

 “Neigh better!”

49.  Did you hear about the jockey who got given a life sentence?

He was guilty of stirrup-code!

50.  Why did the horse cross the road?

To get to the neigh-borhood!

51.   What do you call a horse that likes to watch TV?

 A neigh-sayer!

52.  Why was the horse such a bad comedian?

 Because all his jokes were a little bit neigh-sayer-y!

53.  Why do horses make terrible dancers?

 Because they always hoof it!

54.   Why did the horse become a doctor?

 He wanted to know how to take care of his colt!

55.   How do horses stay in shape?

 They always have a stable diet!

56.  Why do horses like to play pranks?

Because they’re always horsing around!

57.  Why did the horse go to the doctor?

He was feeling a little horse!

58.   What do you call a talking racehorse?

 A stable genius.

59.    Why did the jockey get lessons in economics?

He wanted to maximize his winning potential!

60.  When does a jockey go on strike?

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When he wants higher stakes.

61.  What do you call a horse betting tip that always leads to a win?

 A surefire neigh-mobile.

62.  What do you call a slow horse at the race track?

A jogger pony.

63.  What did the horse say to the jockey who bet on the wrong horse?

Neigh way!

64.  Why don’t horses use smartphones?

Because they prefer to have a stable connection!

Funny Horse Racing Tip Jokes

Are you looking for a little lighthearted fun? Racing jokes are just the ticket! From the track to the street, racing is a popular pastime for many, so why not bring some laughter to the pit lane?

Here are some of our favorite funny racing jokes to get you in the racing spirit.

65.  What should you do if a horse wants to make a deal with you?

Don’t get into the gate!

66.   What do you call a horse racing tipster who breaks the three minute mile?

A fast giver!

67.  Why do racehorses wear blinders?

So they can’t see the other horses overtaking them!

68.  Why was the horse embarrassed after racing?

He found out he came in last place without his jockey!

69.   What did the horse say before a race?

 “I’ll do my neigh-best!”

70.   What do you call a horse that likes to sleep in?

A nay-taker.

71.   Why did the horse go to the bar?

 He heard they served a real mean cider!

72.    What did the racehorse say at its victory celebration?

“I’m on a roll!”

73.   Why did the horse go to the bar?

To get a beer-y!

74.  What did the horse say when it crossed the finish line?

 Nothing, It was too tired to neigh!

75.   What do horse trainers recommend for a successful race?

Always bet on the dark horse!

76.  What’s the fastest way to win a horse race?

 Bet on the second, third and fourth horses. That way you get your money back regardless of who wins!

77.   What’s the best tip for winning a horse race?

Take an extra jockey along – that way you can ride two horses at once.

78.   What do you call a horse that doesn’t win any races?

 A Losingworthshire Filly!

Funny Car Racing Jokes

Are you a fan of racing? If so, you know that the sport can be a very exciting and intense experience. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a little bit of fun along the way!

Here are some of the funniest racing jokes around to keep you and your friends entertained during the race.

79.  Why did the car break up with the race track?

Because it was tired of going in circles!

80.  Why did the chicken cross the drag strip?

 To prove it wasn’t a chicken!

81.  Why did the race car driver have trouble reading the map?

Because he kept turning left!

82.  How does a race car driver stay cool during a race?

They use their fans!

83.   Why did the race car driver get a ticket?

 Because he was caught speeding… in the pits!

84.  Why don’t race cars eat breakfast?

Because they always burn out before lunch!

85.  Why did the drag racer go to the doctor?

 Because he had a lot of drag!

86.  Why did the race car driver start wearing glasses?

Because he wanted to see the finish line better!

87.  Why did the race car driver take his car to the dentist?

Because it had a bad case of drag!

88.  Why did the race car driver refuse to drive a car with square wheels?

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 Because it was too “edgy” for him!

89.  What do you get when you cross a race car driver with a hamburger?

 Fast food!

90.  Why did the race car driver take up knitting?

 Because he wanted to make a quick stitch!

91.  What’s the difference between a race car driver and a chicken?

 One races to the finish line and the other crosses the road!

92.  What do you call a race car driver who’s lost his license?

An ex-speedster!

93.  Why did the race car driver get a job as a garbage collector?

 Because he wanted to learn how to make quick pit stops!

94.  Why did the race car driver take a job as a waiter?

Because he wanted to learn how to handle high-speed orders!

95.  What do you call a race car driver who’s afraid to drive fast?

 A braking ball!

96.  Why did the race car driver join the circus?

 Because he wanted to learn how to make quick “laps” around the ring!

97.  Why did the race car driver get into a fight with the motorcycle rider?

Because they both wanted to be in the fast lane!

98.  Why did the race car driver go to space?

Because he wanted to experience zero gravity… and go even faster

Funny Jokes About Racing

Do you like to laugh at silly jokes? Then these funny racing jokes are for you! Whether you’re a fan of motor racing or just an enthusiast, you’ll be sure to crack up at these hilarious one-liners.

99.   What do you get when you cross a race car driver with a magician?

 A speeding ticket that disappears.

100.  Why don’t race cars like to play cards?

They’re always going for the checkered flag.

101.   Why did the race car driver go to the bank?

 To get his race car checked.

102.   What’s the best way to stay warm at a race track?

 Race to the finish line and cross the finish line first!

103.  Why did the race car driver refuse to slow down?

He wanted to stay in the fast lane.

104.  Why did the race car driver buy a dog?

 So he could have a pit crew.

105.  Why did the race car driver paint his car with flames?

So it would go faster!

106.  What do you call a race car driver who has lost his license?

 A pedestrian.

107.  Why did the race car driver go to the dentist?

He had a cavity in his transmission.

108.  Why do race cars have spoilers?

 To keep the driver from driving off the track out of boredom.

109.  What did the race car driver name his pet tortoise?


100.   What did the race car say when it passed a zebra crossing?

“Vroom with stripes!”

102.   Why did the race car driver rotate his tires?

 He wanted to go around in circles faster!

103.   Why did the turtle cross the racetrack?

To get to the other side – and beat everyone else!

104.  Why did the race car driver get a ticket for driving too slowly?

 He was stuck in neutral

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Whether you’re a die-hard racing fan or just looking for a way to lighten the mood, these jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face. Sharing them with friends and family is a great way to spread the joy and create lasting memories.

From the roar of the engines to the thrill of the finish line, these jokes capture the essence of racing in a fun and playful way. So the next time you’re in need of a good chuckle, remember these jokes and let the laughter roll!