100 Hilarious Pencil Jokes

Pencils are probably one of the oldest writing tools in existence. They have been around for centuries, and their use has been widespread.

Even though they may be a bit outdated, there’s something special about using a pencil to write, sketch, or draw. It’s an act that can bring back fond memories of childhood and bring a smile to your face.

And that’s why we’ve put together this list of funny pencil jokes. Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or just someone who loves a good laugh, we’ve got something here for you. So sharpen your pencils and get ready for a good time!

Pencil Jokes Funny

We all know how important pencils are when it comes to school and work. But, do you know how funny they can be?

Here are some of the most hilarious jokes about pencils that you should share with your friends and classmates.

1.  Why did the pencil go to the doctor?

 It had a bad case of lead poisoning.

2.  Why was the pencil so unhappy when it wrote a love letter?

Because it had too many Graph-ittis.

3.   What did the pencil say when it got sharpened?

 “Man, I’m so pointy!”

4.   What do you call a pencil that can draw and sing?

 A pencil-silvana.

5.  Why did the pencil cross the road?

 To get to the other side of the sharpener.

6.   What’s the best way to write a biography about a pencil?

 Start from the tip.

7.  Why did the pencil get a bad grade on its test?

It didn’t have a point.

8.  Why did the pencil fail its art class?

 It was always drawing a blank.

9.  How do you know if a pencil is telling the truth?

It always has a point.

10.   Why did the pencil refuse to write anymore?

 It was feeling a little dull.

11.  What do you call a pencil that can draw underwater?

A lead submarine.

12.   Why did the pencil break up with the paper?

They were incompatible.

13.   How do you know if a pencil is feeling sick?

 It has a fever and the eraser is worn out.

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14.   Why was the pencil afraid to go to the circus?

It was afraid of the sharp performers.

15.   What do you call a pencil that always wants to be the center of attention?

 A lead actor.

16.   Why did the pencil miss its flight?

 It got stuck in the sharpener.

17.   How do you make a pencil take a nap?

 Put it in a pencil case.

18.   What do you call a pencil that’s always ready to party?

 A pencil-cil.

19.  Why did the pencil go to the dance?

 To sharpen its moves.

20.   How do you fix a broken pencil?

 Use a pencil sharpener, it always works!

Funny Jokes Jokes Pencil

Pencils are a great tool for writing, drawing and doodling, but they can be pretty funny too. Here are some hilarious jokes that will have you laughing in no time.

21.   Why did the pencil go to the doctor?

 Because it was feeling a little sketchy.

22.  What do you call a pencil that can’t write?


23.  What’s a pencil’s favorite way to dance?

 The graphite slide!

24.   Why did the pencil have a hard time telling jokes?

 Because it kept breaking them!

25.   Why did the pencil tell a funny joke?

 Because it wanted everyone to have a good lead!

26.   Why did the pencil cry?

 Because he was really feeling down – all pointed out!

27.  Why did the pencil yawn?

 Because it was bored witless!

28.  Why did the pencil bring a ladder to school?

To reach the high points!

29.   Why was the pencil sent to detention?

 Because it tried to lead all the other pencils.

30.  Why did the pencil fall asleep during the lecture?

It was a boring pencil-tation.

31.  How does a pencil sharpen its teeth?

With a pencil sharpener!

32.   What’s a pencil’s favorite sport?

Stationery cycling!

33.   Why did the pencil break up with the pen?

They were incompatible ink-loveable.

34.   Why did the pencil refuse to do its homework?

 It was feeling leaden.

35.   What do you call a pencil that sings?

 A Sharpie!

36.   Why did the pencil go on vacation?

To get some lead time!

37.  Why did the pencil start to sweat?

It was under a lot of pressure!

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38.  How did the pencil know it was being watched?

It felt graphite!

39.   What do you call a pencil that can draw but can’t write?

 A sketch artist!

40.  Why did the pencil cross the road?

 To get to the other point!

41.  What did one pencil say to the other pencil when they were lost?

 “We’re drawn in the wrong direction!”

42.   Why did the pencil fail the test?

It didn’t get the point!

Best Pencil Jokes

Do you ever find yourself in need of a good laugh? If so, we’ve got the perfect solution: funny jokes about pencils!

Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or anyone else who loves to laugh, these funny jokes about pencils are sure to put a smile on your face. Let’s get started with some of the best jokes about pencils out there!

43.  How do you make a pencil laugh?

Tickling its lead.

44.   Why did the pencil go to the doctor?

It was feeling a little sketchy.

45.  Why did the pencil cry?

 Because he was really feeling down – all pointed out!

46. Why did the pencil yawn?

 Because it was bored witless!

47.  Why did the pencil look down in the dumps?

 Because it’s lead was feeling low!

48.    Why did the pencil go to the party?

Because he was looking for a good point!

49.  How do you know if a pencil is cold?

 It has a sharp point.

50.  What do you call a pencil that doesn’t write well?


51.  What do you call a pencil that can’t spell?

 A typo-graphical error.

52.  Why did the pencil get a ticket?

It was parked in the stationary zone.

53.  How does a pencil sharpen another pencil?

 With a lead pencil.

54.   What do you call a pencil that tells jokes?

A pun-cil.

55.   Why did the pencil break up with the pen?

 It was tired of being second fiddle.

56.  Why did the pencil decide to retire?

It felt like it had lost its edge.

57.  How do you make a pencil disappear?

Hide it in a book.

58.   Why did the pencil feel embarrassed?

It got caught drawing a blank.

59.   What did the pencil say to the notebook?

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You complete me.

60.  What did the pencil say to the ruler?

 You rule!

61.  How do you make a broken pencil work again?

Use a pencil sharpener to give it a new lease on life.

Funny Jokes about Pencil

Here We’ve got some hilarious pencil jokes that’ll make you giggle. So, sharpen your sense of humor and get ready to laugh out loud! Here are some of the best pencil jokes around.

62.  Why did the pencil get bad grades?

Because it didn’t have a point!

63.   How do you make a pencil laugh?

Tickler eraser!

64.   Why did the pencil go to the doctor?

Because it had lead poisoning!

65.  What do you call a pencil that can’t write?


66.  What’s a pencil’s favorite game?


67.  What did the pencil say to the paper?

 “I dot my i’s on you!”

68.  Why did the pencil cross the road?

 To get to the other side of the sketchbook!

69.  What do you call a pencil that always tells the truth?

 A non-fiction pencil!

70.  Why did the pencil need glasses?

Because it couldn’t see straight!

71.  How does a pencil stay cool?

By always being sharp!

72.  What did the pencil say when it was feeling down?

 “I’m feeling dull today.”

73.   Why was the pencil so popular?

Because it had a good lead!

74.   Why was the pencil late for school?

 Because it had to sharpen its mind!

75.  What do you call a pencil that draws well?

 A graphite artist!

76.  What did the pencil say to the pen?

“You’re always crossing the line!”

77.  Why did the pencil decide to retire?

 Because it felt like it had been writing forever!

78.  What do you call a group of pencils?

A pack of points!

79.  Why did the pencil go to the dance?

To do the lead pencil waltz!

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Pencils are a great source of fun and entertainment. Whether you use them to take notes or to draw funny pictures, pencils can be used to make your day brighter. With a little bit of creativity, you can come up with some hilarious jokes about pencils that can lighten up any atmosphere.