115 Hilarious Jokes for Lent

Looking for some laughs this Lent season? Check out our collection of funny Lent jokes that are sure to make you chuckle! From puns about giving up chocolate to witty one-liners about fasting, these jokes will lighten up your spirit during the solemn season.

Lent is that time of the year when people give up things they love in observance of their faith. It’s a time of reflection, repentance, and sacrifice. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun along the way.

To lighten the mood, we’ve compiled some of the funniest Lent jokes we could find. So sit back, relax, and let the laughs begin!

Funny Jokes About Lent

1).  Why did the vegetable go to church during Lent?  Because it wanted to be converted into a Holy Carrot!

2).  What do you call a sleepwalking nun during Lent?  A roaming Catholic!

3).    What do you call a vegetarian who breaks their Lenten fast?  A regret-tartan!

4).   Why do Lenten fasting Catholics always look forward to Easter Sunday?  Because that’s when they get to break their almighty diet!

5).   How do you spot a Catholic on Ash Wednesday?  Don’t worry, they’ll be the ones with the huge black smudge on their forehead!

6).    Why did the fish give up its diet during Lent?  It wanted to feel like a little shellfish!

7).   Why do Catholics always try to find excuses to break their Lenten fast?  Well, it’s tough when temptation is staring at you like a mouth-watering chocolate cake!

8).   Why do Catholics go to church more during Lent?  They need to exercise their Lenten absolutions

9).   Why do some people give up chocolate for Lent?  So they can feel more bitter than usual!

10).    Why do some people give up Facebook for Lent?  So they can finally have a life for once!

11).   Did you hear about the priest who gave up wearing his collar for Lent?  Now people can’t tell if he’s a man of the cloth or a man on the streets!

12).  Why do some people give up meat for Lent?  So they can make more room for the Holy Spirit…and ice cream!

13).    Did you hear about the nun who gave up praying for Lent?  Don’t worry, she’s got it covered – she’s giving up sinning instead!

14).   Why do some people give up alcohol for Lent?  So they can have a legit excuse for being sober when their in-laws come over for Easter dinner!

15).   Did you hear about the priest who gave up driving for Lent?b Now he can really relate to the humble donkey Jesus rode on!

16).   Why do some people give up swearing for Lent? So they can test the limits of their vocabulary…and their willpower!

17).   Did you hear about the woman who gave up shopping for Lent?  Now she’s got an extra excuse for being broke!

Funny Lent Jokes

As the season of Lent approaches, many people are preparing themselves for a period of reflection and sacrifice. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a good laugh along the way! In honor of this solemn occasion, here are some funny Lent jokes to brighten your day.

18).   What do you call a cow during Lent?  A meatless burger.

19).   What did one Lenten candle say to the other?  “I’m giving up.”

20).   Why do people give up chocolate for Lent?  So they can feel good about themselves when they eat it on Easter.

21).  Why don’t oysters give up anything for Lent?  Because they’re already shellfish.

22).   What do you call a person who gives up coffee for Lent?  A depresso.

23).   What did the priest say to the chocolate bunny on Ash Wednesday?  “Surrender your sweets.”

24).  What do you get when you cross Lent with April Fools’ Day?  A fasting joke.

25).   Why did the mushroom go to church during Lent?  Because it wanted to be a moral person.

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26).   What do you call a nun who’s always on a diet during Lent?  Sister Slim-Fast.

27).   What did the pancake say to the syrup on Ash Wednesday?  “I’m flipping for you.”

28).   Why did the computer give up caffeine for Lent?  Because it wanted to be Java-free.

29).   What do you call a person who gives up social media for Lent?  A faceless book.

30).    Why did the vegetarian break up with his girlfriend during Lent?  Because she was a meat-eater.

31).  What do you call a person who gives up watching TV for Lent?  A cable-less wonder.

32).   Why did the tomato turn red during Lent?  Because it saw the salad dressing.

33).   What do you call a person who gives up chocolate, coffee, and alcohol for Lent?  A saint.

34).   Why did the athlete give up running for Lent?  Because he wanted to be a quitter.

35).   What did the fish say to the other fish during Lent?  “I’m not biting.”

36).   What did the lettuce say to the dressing on Ash Wednesday?  “Lettuce pray

Funny Catholic Lent Jokes

As the season of Lent approaches, many people are preparing themselves for a period of reflection and sacrifice.

However, that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a good laugh along the way! In honor of this solemn occasion, here are some funny Lent jokes to brighten your day.

37).   Why did the Catholic church have to stop serving fish during Lent? Because they couldn’t find any Holy Mackerel!

38).   Why did the Lenten fundraiser get canceled? Because everyone decided to give up donating for Lent!

39).  How do you know if someone is Catholic during Lent?  They’ll have a big smudge on their forehead!

40).   What do you call a group of nuns walking together during Lent?  A “holy” procession!

41).   Why do Catholics say “Hail Mary” so often during Lent?  Because they need all the extra help they can get to stick to their fasting and abstinence!

42).   Why did the priest tell everyone to give up dessert for Lent?  Because it was “sweeter” than telling them to give up their smartphones!

43).   What did the Catholic priest say to the nun during Lent?   “Hey sister, you gave up chocolate for Lent, but you still look like a snack!”

44).   Why don’t Catholics eat meat on Fridays during Lent?  Because Jesus gave up his flesh on Good Friday.

45).   Why did the Catholic monk break his Lenten vow of silence?  Because he had to tell a joke to the other monks.

46).   Why do Catholics often struggle to give up their favorite foods during Lent?  Because they’re used to taking part in Holy Communion – the ultimate food cheat day!

47).    How do you know a Catholic is fasting during Lent?  When they look at their watch and say “Wow, I can’t believe it’s already time for another meatless meal…”

48).    Why do Catholic schools often have fish sticks on the menu during Lent?  So the students can feel like they’re making a sacrifice too!

49).  Why did the Catholic priest give up soda for Lent? Because he wanted to be more holier than cola!

50 ).  How many Catholics does it take to change a lightbulb during Lent? No, they’re too busy fasting and praying!

51).   What do you call a Catholic who cheats on their Lenten sacrifice? A sacrilige-ious!

52).    Why did the Catholics give up their social media accounts for Lent? Because they wanted to get closer to God’s Book!

53).  How do you know if a Catholic is fasting for Lent? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.

54).   Why did the Catholics decide to only eat fish on Fridays during Lent?  Because Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

55).   What do you call a group of nuns giving up chocolate for Lent? A cocoa-nunsion!

56).   Why did the Catholics give up sweets for Lent?  Because they wanted to show their faith and honey-do without.

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Funny Jokes on Lent

As the season of Lent approaches, many people may be preparing to give up something for 40 days in observance of this religious tradition.

But just because Lent can be a serious time of reflection and sacrifice doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun too! That’s why we’ve put together a collection of funny Lent jokes to make you smile during this solemn season.

57).   Why did the vegetable give up Facebook for Lent?  Because it wanted to be a better steward of its thyme.

58).   Why did the priest give up social media for Lent?  Because he didn’t want to be “liking” posts of sinners.

59).   What do you call a vegetarian who gives up tofu for Lent?  A devout herbivore.

60 ).    Why did the fish go to church during Lent?  To pray for a better life in a bigger bowl.

61).   Why did the Catholic monk give up alcohol for Lent?b He wanted to make room for the Holy Spirit instead of the spirits.

62).   Why did the golfer give up playing during Lent?  He was too busy working on his handicap.

63).   What do you call a person who gives up social media for Lent but still tweets from the confessional?  A sinfully digital devotee.

64).   Why did the dog give up chasing its tail for Lent?  It was too tempted by its own sinfully delicious fur.

Christian Jokes for Lent

65).   Why was the computer cold during Lent?  Because it gave up its warm space for prayer and fasting!

66).   What did the Lenten burger say to the non-Lenten burger?  “I’ll meet you after Easter!”

67).    Why don’t snakes give up anything for Lent?  Because they are already shedding their skins!

68).   Why did the nun wear a new habit during Lent?  Because she gave up her old one for the season!

69).   Why did the priest carry a cell phone during Lent?  To make sure he didn’t “give up” calling his mother on Sundays!

70).    Why did the Catholic schoolkids eat fish during Lent?  To help them “sea” their sins more clearly!

71).   What did Jesus say to the apostles during Lent?  “I gave up My life for you. What are you giving up for Me?”

72).    Why did the churchgoers avoid the buffet during Lent?  Because they were trying to fast food not feast food!

 73).   Why did the little boy put ashes on his ice cream during Lent?  To make it more penitential!

74).  What do you call a group of penitent lions during Lent?  “Repent-tiles”!

75).   Why was the computer cold during Lent?  Because it left its Windows open!

76).   What did the priest say to the coffee on Ash Wednesday?  “Latte go of your sins!”

77).    Why did the nun wear a hat during Lent?  To cover up her bad habits!

78).   What did Jesus say to the treadmill during Lent?  “You won’t cross me again!”

79).    Why did the chicken give up meat for Lent?  It wanted to be a Lentil!

80).   Why did the farmer stop telling jokes during Lent?  He was giving up his corny sense of humor!

81).   Why did the frog go to church during Lent?  To atone for his ribbiting ways!

82).  How does the Easter bunny stay in shape during Lent?  With eggs-recipe!

Catholic Jokes for Lent

Lent is a solemn religious observance for Christians, leading up to Easter Sunday. But amidst all the seriousness and introspection, it’s important to remember to have a sense of humor.

That’s why we’ve put together some funny Lent jokes to lighten the mood and bring a smile to your face. Here are some of our favorites:

83).   Why don’t you ever see any cats in church during Lent?  Because they’re giving up mice for Lent!

84).   Did you hear about the guy who gave up candy for Lent?  He found a loophole and started eating jelly beans instead.

85).   Why did the priest give up boxing for Lent?  He didn’t want to get punched in the face during the sign of peace.

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86).   What do you call a Catholic who skips Lent?  A Presbyterian!

87).   Why did the chicken cross the road during Lent? BTo get to the fish fry on the other side!

88).   Why did the Catholic boy eat fish sticks on Friday during Lent?  He wanted to keep his soul afloat

89).  Why did the Catholic priest go on a diet?   So he could look more slender-Ella, slender-Ella, hey, hey, hey!

90).   Did you hear about the new Catholic dating website?  It’s called “Hail Mary Singles”!

91).  What do you call a group of singing Catholics?  A choir is full of angels!

92).  What do you call a Lenten sacrifice that involves giving up social media?  A digital fast.

93).   How do you know if a Catholic is fasting?  They’re the ones with the dark circles under their eyes.

94).   What did the priest say to the coffee?   “Let us spray.”

95).   What did the Catholic say when he accidentally ate meat on a Friday during Lent?  “Holy cow!”

96).   How do you know if a Catholic is fasting during Lent?  They’re grumpier than usual!

Christian Jokes About Lent

97).   Why was the priest afraid to go to the gym during Lent?  He didn’t want to risk giving up his swole!

98).   What do you call a Lenten feast for the tech-savvy Catholic?b An i-Fast!

99).   What do you call a Christian who gives up coffee for Lent?  Depresso.

100).   Did you hear about the priest who gave up swearing for Lent?  He became an ex-sinner.

101).    Why do people give up sweets for Lent?  So they can truly appreciate the sweetness of Jesus.

102).   What do you call a person who never follows through on their Lenten sacrifice?  A “Lentils” Christian.

103).   What’s the difference between a Catholic and a Baptist during Lent?  Catholics give up something they love, and Baptists give up something they don’t love.

104).   Why did the nun decide to give up Facebook for Lent?  So she could spend more time face-to-face with Jesus.

105).   Why do nuns love Lent?  They get to have a habit change!

106).   What’s the best thing to give up for Lent if you’re a plumber?  Your pipe dreams!

107).   Why do people on a diet find it easy to observe Lent?  They’re already used to giving up things they love!

108).   Why did the chicken give up its morning egg for Lent?  To lay down its life for its yolk!

109).   Why did the Bible fall asleep during Lent?  It was in the middle of reading Exodus!

110).   Why did the choir director give up chocolate for Lent?  So he could get a taste of his own hymn-al!

112).   Why do monks enjoy giving up worldly possessions for Lent?  They know it’ll give them a habit they can’t break!

113).   “What do you call a nun during Lent?  The fasting and the furious.”

114).   “Why did the Easter egg hide?  He was a little chicken!”

115).   “Why don’t you see any elephants during Lent?  They gave up peanuts for Lent.”

116).   “Why do people give up chocolate for Lent?  So they can binge on it on Easter.”

117).   “Why do they call it Fat Tuesday?  Because you have to make room for all the lentils and fish on Wednesday.”

118).   “Why do people give up things for Lent?  So they can feel better about themselves and judge others who don’t.”


These jokes may be light-hearted, but they also remind us of the commitment and sacrifice that goes into observing Lent. So, whether you’re giving up something for Lent or not, take a moment to appreciate the humor in the season. And who knows, maybe these jokes will inspire you to come up with some of your own!

We hope these jokes have brought a little levity to your Lenten season. Remember, it’s important to take time for reflection and sacrifice during this time, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun too. Happy Lent!

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