100 Hilarious Jokes to Brighten Your Sunday

Welcome to the world of Sunday Funday! It’s the day of the week when we get to relax, unwind and have some fun. And what better way to do that than with some hilarious jokes? So, without further ado, let’s dive into our collection of Funny Sunday Jokes.

Sundays are days meant for relaxation and having fun with friends and family. But sometimes, it can be boring if you don’t have anything to do. That’s why we have compiled a list of hilarious Sunday jokes that will surely brighten up your day and make you laugh out loud.

Sunday Jokes Funny

1. Why are weekdays considered the strongest days of the week?

 Because they all exercise.

2.  What do you call a hairdresser who never closes on Sundays?

 A hair-heretic.

3.  What type of music should you listen to while fishing on Sunday?

Something catchy.

4.  Why didn’t Sunday go to the gym?

It wasn’t a weak day.

5.  How come I always feel amazing on Saturday and Sunday, but sick on all the other days?

Perhaps I have a weakened immune system.

6.  What is the worst word to say on Sunday?


7.  What do cows do on Sunday afternoons?

 They go to the mooo-vies.

8.  How do you maintain your dreams on Sundays?

Hit the snooze button.

9.  How does NASA throw a party on Sunday?

They are a planet.

10.  Which day of the week brings you joy in the morning and sadness at night?


11.  What made the child believe it was the Sabbath day?

The sun was shining bright!

12.  Why did the Sun hide behind the moon on Sunday?

To take a break from its weekly duty.

13.  What day of the week do vampires dislike the most?

Sunday, the day of holy sunlight.

14.  On which day of the week do sunflowers bloom with joy?

Sunday, the day of warmth and light.

15.  If Sunday and Monday had a battle, who would emerge victorious?

Sunday, for Monday is but a feeble day.

16.  What do you call a hairdresser who refuses to close shop on Sundays?

A “Hair-etic,” committed to serving clients always.

17.  Why are hot dogs and Sundays the perfect pair?

Because it’s the best combo for a day out at the ballgame.

18.  Who is a person that only gets anxious on Saturdays and Sundays?

A “weekend warrior,” with weekday worries set aside.

19.  Which day of the week is designated for ice cream?

Sunday is the day of sweet indulgence.

20.  What day brings morning happiness and bedtime blues?

Sunday, the end of the weekend fun.

21.  What is the most unpleasant word on a Sunday?

“Monday,” the dreaded start of the week.

22.  Why is Sunday a delightful day?

It’s the day to sleep, eat, and relax until hunger returns.

Funny Jokes About Sunday

Sundays are a great day to relax and enjoy some laughs with your loved ones. What better way to do that than with some funny Sunday jokes? Here are some of our favorites:

23.  Why did the child believe it was Sunday?

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The sun was shining brightly.

24.  Why did the feline sleep in on Sunday?

She was feeling unwell.

25.  When is Sunday not spelled with an “S”?

When it’s called Yesterday, Today, or Tomorrow.

26.  What letter is significant on Sunday and Saturday, small on Tuesday through Thursday, and vanishes on Monday?

 The letter “S.”

27.  Why is Sunday considered a fun day?

 Because all you need to do is sleep until you’re hungry and eat until you’re tired.

28.  What’s the most unpleasant noise on a Sunday morning?

An alarm clock is ringing.

29.  What’s the secret to a good mailman joke?

 Don’t tell it on a Sunday.

30.  When did the monarch hold his jousting matches?

On Sunday Knight.

31.  Why didn’t the skeleton find Sunday jokes amusing?

 Because he didn’t find them humorous.

32.  Why do fish feel lonely on the weekends?

There’s no school on Saturdays or Sundays.

33.  What day does a vampire dislike the most?


34.  On what day does it never rain?

Sun day.

35.  Where does the periodic table attend on Sundays?


36.  Why are people happier on Sundays?

Because Sadderday is gone.

37.  Did you hear about the guy who was detained for refusing to take a nap on Sunday?

 He was resisting rest.

38.  What do you call a Sunday meal consumed on a Monday?


39.  Have you heard the story about Saturday and Sunday?

 It’s got a fantastic start, but a lousy ending.

40.  What do you refer to as someone who only worries excessively on Saturdays and Sundays?

 A weekend warrior.

41.  On Monday, what is the grimmest phrase you can utter?

Hot dogs and baseball games, they sure do complement each other, don’t they?

42.  Who would you refer to as someone who exclusively suffers from severe anxiety over the weekend?

A weekend warrior, always fretting.

43.  What is the secret to telling a great joke about a mailman?

Avoid sharing it on a Sunday.

44.  Which day does a vampire dislike the most?

Sunday, without a doubt.

Funny Jokes for Sunday

Sundays are a great day to relax and enjoy some laughs with your loved ones. What better way to do that than with some funny Sunday jokes? Here are some of our favorites:

45.  What is the favorite day of the week for sunflowers?


46.  Why do cross-eyed people feel like they were born in the middle of the week?

Because they constantly look forward to Sunday.

47.  Why can’t Sunday be the saddest day of the week?

Because the day before, Saturday, is always sadder.

48.  Why does Chick-fil-A choose to close its doors on Sunday?

They need a day off to tend to their chickens.

49.  Why do hamburgers hit the gym on Sundays?

To achieve better buns.

50.  What is a more cost-effective alternative to a psychiatrist?

A visit to the shopping mall on a lazy Sunday.

51.  What is the law of motion for Sundays according to Newton?

An object at rest will remain at rest until the wife assigns some chores.

52.  Which day of the week brings the most contrasting emotions – happiness in the morning and sadness at night?


53.  What happens to Jason Momoa on Sunday mornings?

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He transforms into Jason Mimosa.

54.  Which days of the week make you feel empowered?

Saturday and Sunday, as the other days are relatively weaker.

55.  Why did the couple name their newborn baby Sunday?

They already had twelve kids and felt that it was a good day to call it quits.

56.  What was Jesus’ final message to his disciples before being crucified?

“Don’t touch my Easter eggs. I’ll be back on Sunday.”

57.  Why is Sunday considered a fun day?

All you need to do is sleep until you’re hungry and eat until you feel sleepy again.

58.  Why are the weekdays known to be strong days?

Because they are all working days.

59.  Which day of the week is dedicated to ice cream?


60.  What day of the week brings joy in the morning but sadness at night?


61.  What is the worst day to mention on a Sunday?


62.  How do you make a blonde laugh on a Sunday?

By telling a joke on Wednesday.

63.  What do you call a Sunday dinner that you have on a Monday?

Cold dinner.

64.  Why do weekends always make me feel great, but weekdays make me sick?

Perhaps, I have a “weakened immune system.”

65.  What dish is appropriate to offer a tardy cannibal for Sunday’s midday meal?

Perhaps the chilly reception.

66.  How come it never rains on Sundays?

Because it wouldn’t be the day of rest if it poured.

67.  What causes a surge of spirits to haunt cinemas on Sunday nights?

Their eagerness to jeer at the screening.

68.  On which day of the week does the periodic table attend religious services?

Sunday mass is where it’s at!

69.  How does Monopoly money contrast with the currency of Venezuela?

Monopoly money can provide leisurely pleasure on Sundays.

Funny Jokes on Sunday

Are you ready to start your Sunday with some laughter? Look no further, because we’ve rounded up some of the funniest jokes to start your day off on the right foot!

70.  Did you hear about the person who took a day off work to watch a movie?

They needed a Sundae break.

71.  What do you call a chef who only works on Sundays?

A Sundae chef.

72.  Which day of the week is perfect for a lazy brunch?


73.  Why do people enjoy going to the beach on Sundays?

Because it’s a Sunny day.

74.  What do you call a day where you do nothing but relax and unwind?

A Sunday Funday.

75.  Why do people prefer to have picnics on Sundays?

Because it’s a perfect Sunny day to enjoy with family and friends.

76.  What’s the best thing about Sunday mornings?

No need to rush and it’s a day to recharge.

77.  Why do people feel refreshed on Sundays?

Because they get to have a good rest and recharge their energy for the upcoming week.

78.  Why did John Travolta spend all day in bed on Sunday?

 He caught a case of Saturday Night Fever.

79.  What do you call a Monday dinner that was meant for Sunday?

 Leftovers, served cold.

80.  When do the Detroit Lions play in the Super Bowl?

 On SuperBowl SUNday.

81.  What day does Nathan’s receive its bread delivery?

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82.  Why did the boy put on sunscreen first thing in the morning?

Because it was SUNday.

83.  What do chickens like to do on Sunday afternoons?

They like to go on peck-nics.

84.  Why are Saturday and Sunday considered the most powerful days of the week?

 Because all the other days are weekdays.

85.  Why did the cat sleep in on Sunday?

She was not feeling feline well.

Sunday Joke of the Day

Sunday is often considered the day of rest, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t have a good laugh. In fact, a good joke can be just the thing we need to lift our spirits and start the week off on the right foot.

So, without further ado, here are some of the funniest Sunday jokes to help you get your laugh on.

86.  Why does Sunday hold more power than Monday?

Because Monday lacks strength in comparison.

87.  What would you call a Monday meal pretending to be Sunday dinner?

An imposter feast.

88.  Have you heard the joke about Saturday and Sunday?

It has an epic beginning but quite the finale.

89.  Why do baseball bats tend to break at the grip over the weekend?

Weekend games take their toll.

90.  What dessert is exclusively reserved for the final day of the week?

A delectable sundae.

91.  What is the Sunday version of Newton’s Law?

A resting object remains at rest.

92.  What is the one word that can ruin a perfectly good Sunday?


93.  Which day brings you joy in the morning but sadness at night?

Sunday, a day that always seems too short.

94.  If Sunday and Monday had a brawl, who would come out on top?

Sunday, hands down.

95.  Why is Sunday always superior to the day before?

The previous day has come and gone.

96.  What motivated the man to wear tattered pants to church on Sunday?

They were his holy pair.

97.  How do you describe someone who worries over the weekend?

A weekend warrior.

98.  Which day of the week do vampires hate the most?

Sunday, a day of sunshine.

99.  Why did the couple name their newborn Sunday?

They already have ten children, and it’s time to call it a day.

100.  Why did the family celebrate their son?

It was Son-day, after all.

101.  What’s the most dreaded household chore on Sunday?

Vacuuming, without a doubt.

102.  Why is the weekend always too short?

It seems like they’re poorly made.

103.  Which day of the week is movement optional?

Sunday, a day of rest.

104.  How do you describe someone who’s dazed on Sunday?

Sun-dazed, obviously.

105.  What’s the punchline of the story about Saturday and Sunday?

It had a great start, but the weekend got the best of it.

106.  Why should you visit the beach on Sunday?

Because it’s Sand-ay, of course.

107.  What’s the perfect morning exercise routine for Sunday?

Coffee cup curls are the ultimate weekend workout.

Final Thoughts

We hope these Sunday jokes brought a smile to your face and made your day a little bit brighter. Don’t be afraid to share them with your friends and family for a good laugh. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, especially on a lazy Sunday afternoon!

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