100 Hilarious Jokes about the 3 Wise Men

The holiday season is here, and with it comes the legend of the three wise men who brought gifts to baby Jesus. But did you know that these three wise men also lend themselves to some hilarious jokes? Here are some of our favorite 3 Wise Men jokes to bring some laughter to your holiday gatherings.

The three wise men, also known as the three kings, are an important part of the Christmas story. They traveled from afar to bring gifts to the baby Jesus, guided by a star.

While their journey was serious and sacred, there’s no harm in having a little fun with these iconic figures. Here are three wise men jokes to brighten your holiday season:

Jokes About the 3 Wise Men

1. Why did the three wise men wear fireman’s helmets?  Because they came from afir.

2.  Why did the three wise men bring fire extinguishers, hoses, and ladders to Bethlehem?  They were expecting a big fire.

3.  What did the three wise men do when they saw the baby Jesus?  They put out the fire.

4.  Why did the three wise men from a fire start a comedy club?  Because they were always crackling with laughter!

5.  What did the three wise men from a fire say when they told jokes? “We’re on fire tonight!”

6.  How did the three wise men from a fire become the hottest comedians in town?  They had a burning desire to make people laugh!

7.  Why did the three wise men start a fire safety consulting business? Because they believed in spreading the “wise” words about fire prevention!

8.  How did the three wise men extinguish a blazing fire with just a single bucket of water?  They used their “wise” thinking and realized it was an electric fire, so they simply pulled the plug!

9.  Why did the three wise men bring marshmallows to Bethlehem?  They were expecting a bonfire.

10.  What did the three wise men do when they saw the baby Jesus?  They roasted marshmallows over the fire.

11.  Why did the three wise men bring a fire truck to Bethlehem?  They were expecting a big fire.

12.  What did the three wise men do when they saw the baby Jesus?  They put out the fire with the fire truck.

13.  Why did one of the Wise Men bring a ladder to the nativity scene?  Because he heard they were looking for high-level advisors!

14.  What did one Wise Man say to the other when they got lost on their way to Bethlehem?  “I guess we’re not so wise after all! Should’ve brought a GPS.”

15. Why did the Three Wise Men bring gold, frankincense, and myrrh as gifts?

Because they couldn’t find a good deal on Amazon Prime!

16.  How did the Three Wise Men know baby Jesus was going to be a famous leader?  They saw his “Follow” star on social media!

17.  Why did one Wise Man become a stand-up comedian?  He wanted to bring laughter to the manager!

18.  Why did one Wise Man have trouble staying awake during the journey?  He thought they were going to see the “Three Wise Men and a Baby” movie!

19.  Why did the Three Wise Men bring gifts?  Because they couldn’t find any gift cards!

20.  What do you call a Wise Man who’s always late?  The fourth Wise Man, still looking for parking!

3 Wise Men From a Fire Jokes

Looking for a good laugh this holiday season? Look no further than these three wise men’s jokes!

21.  Why did the three wise men never start a fire?  Because they were afraid of burning their frankincense and myrrh!

22.  What did one wise man say to the other while sitting around a campfire?

“Hey, let’s not be too wise and burn the midnight oil!”

23.  Why did the third wise man bring a fire extinguisher to the nativity scene?  Just in case the star of Bethlehem got too hot to handle!

24.  Why did the three wise men bring fire extinguishers to the nativity scene?  Because the baby Jesus was too hot to handle!

25.  How did the three wise men start a bonfire at the birth of Jesus?  They brought the frankincense, myrrh, and a really spicy chili sauce!

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26.  Why did the three wise men never go camping together?  Because wherever they went, they always ended up starting a three-alarm fire!

27.  Why did the three wise men bring fire extinguishers to the manger?  Because they heard that the newborn king was smokin’ hot!

28.  What did one wise man say to the other when they saw a blazing fire? “Looks like we’ve stumbled upon the hottest gift of all time!”

29.  Have you heard about the trio of enlightened individuals during the era of NFTs?  They arrived with animated images, symbolizing their wisdom.

30.  Why did the three wise men bring a fire extinguisher to the stable?  Because the star they followed looked pretty hot!

31.  How did the three wise men stay warm in the desert?  They started a campfire with the gold, frankincense, and myrrh!

32.  Why did the three wise men start a firefighting business?  Because they wanted to spread the “wise” advice: “Stop, drop, and roll!”

33.  Why did the three wise men decide to start a fire prevention campaign?  Because they wanted to spread the word about the dangers of “myrrh-trial” arts and “gold”-hearted arsonists!

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Three Wise Men Jokes

The holiday season is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than with some good old-fashioned jokes? In particular, let’s take a moment to appreciate the 3 Wise Men jokes that have been passed down through generations.

These three kings of the Orient who brought gifts to baby Jesus have become icons of Christmas, and their story has inspired countless jokes over the years. Here are a few of our favorites:

21.  How did the Three Wise Men keep warm during their journey?

They followed the star’s heating instructions.

22.  Why did one of the Wise Men bring frankincense?

Because he thought they might need a little “incense” of direction.

23.  What did the Three Wise Men say when they arrived at the wrong stable?

“Looks like we miscalculated. This definitely isn’t the in-nativity we were expecting!”

24.  Why did one of the Wise Men bring myrrh?

Because he heard it was a good “ointment” for baby bumps and bruises.

25.  Why did one of the Wise Men bring frankincense as a gift?

Because he wanted to make sure baby Jesus smelled divine!

26.  How did the Three Wise Men know they were at the right place?

They followed the “star”-bucks sign!

27.  Why did one of the Wise Men get a ticket while traveling to see baby Jesus?

He was caught “myrrh”-ing over the speed limit!

28.  Why did one of the Three Wise Men bring gold, frankincense, and myrrh?

Because he didn’t trust the other two to bring anything useful!

29.  Why did one of the Three Wise Men always get lost during their journey?

Because he never asked for directions and relied too much on his “star” navigation app!

30.  Why did the Three Wise Men bring gifts to the baby Jesus?

Because they didn’t have access to online shopping or gift cards!

31.  What did one Wise Man say to the other when they got lost on their way to Bethlehem?

“I think we should ask for directions. It’s time we stop relying solely on our guiding star.”

32.  Why did one of the Wise Men become a stand-up comedian?

Because he knew how to deliver the gifts of laughter and joy!

33.  Why did the Wise Men bring frankincense and myrrh as gifts?

Because they couldn’t find a good deal on gold, frankincense, myrrh, and a coupon for Bed Bath & Beyond.

34.  How did the Wise Men know they were at the right place to find baby Jesus?

They followed the “Bethlehem” app on their celestial GPS.

35.  Why did one of the Wise Men always have his phone out during the journey?

He wanted to take “elf-ies” with the other two Wise Men.

36.  Why did the Three Wise Men bring frankincense and myrrh as gifts?

Because they couldn’t fit a PlayStation 5 in their saddlebags!

37.  What did one of the Three Wise Men say to the others after they got lost on their way to Bethlehem?

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“Guys, I think we should ask for directions. We’re following a star, not a GPS!”

38.  Why did one of the Three Wise Men bring a ladder to the stable?

Because he heard the baby Jesus was a little “over the top.”

39.  Why did one of the Three Wise Men always carry around a map?

He wanted to make sure he wouldn’t get “gifted” with a wrong turn along the way.

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Hilarious Wise Men Puns

The three wise men are a staple of the Christmas story and have been the subject of many jokes and puns over the years. Here are a few of our favorites:

40.  Undoubtedly, the three wise men possessed a knack for handling infants.

41.  Even today, wise individuals diligently seek him.

42.  One of the wise men hailed from India, as a revered king.

43.  Melodies celebrating the wise men continue to resonate during this time of the year.

44.  There is an enchanting aura surrounding the wise men.

45.  The true identities of the three wise men remain shrouded in mystery.

46.  It is evident that the wise men gave little consideration to their gift choices.

47.  Gratitude for the absence of customs, as the three wise men would have faced additional hurdles.

48.  I possess some knowledge about the three wise men.

49.  Perhaps the three wise men were undercover agents.

50.  The gospel of Matthew recounts the tale of the three wise men.

51.  The combined wisdom of three surpasses that of a single sage.

52.  The fortune smiled upon the three wise men when they encountered Jesus.

53.  The punctuality of the three wise men was commendable.

54.  The three wise men presented valuable offerings.

55.  Illustrations depict a trio of “Wise Men” paying a visit to the newborn Jesus on that eventful night.

56.  The triad of wise men in tandem with the Holy Trinity.

57.  In accordance with Christian customs, the wise men held esteemed status on their sacred journey.

58.  Among the vast array of names ascribed to the wise men, fate bestowed Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar upon them.

59.  Nowhere in the scriptures did it proclaim that a mere trio comprised the wise men.

60.  A sage ever heeds, comprehends, and augments their knowledge.

61.  Throughout the land, the Pharaohs of Egypt were renowned as wise men, sorcerers, and magicians.

62.  Men of wisdom possess the ability to restrain their anger.

63.  For the sagacity of God surpasses human understanding, and the might of God transcends mortal strength.

64.  The triumvirate of wise men hailed as priests said to have journeyed from the western reaches of Iran.

Jokes About the Wise Men

The holiday season is approaching and what better way to add some laughter to your gatherings than with some wise men jokes!

These jokes are perfect for all ages and are sure to bring a smile to everyone’s faces. Here are three wise men jokes to share with your loved ones this holiday season:

65.  Why did the wise man bring a ladder to the bar?  Because he wanted to reach a higher level of wisdom!

66.  How did the wise man solve the problem of climate change?  He convinced everyone to turn off the air conditioning and just open the windows!

67.  Why did the wise man bring a candle to the library?  Because he wanted to shed light on the wisdom contained in the books!

68.  What do you call a gathering of wise men?  A brainstorm!

69.  How do you know if a wise man has been cooking in the kitchen?  The recipe book is full of insightful footnotes and philosophical musings!

70.  Why did the wise man always carry a dictionary?  He wanted to have the final word on wisdom!

71.  Have you heard the tale of the digital sages in the era of blockchain art?  They arrived with exclusive digital masterpieces.

72.  Which path did the Three Wise Men embark on to reach baby Jesus?

The sacred route to the cradle’s abode.

73.  How can we be certain that Jesus wasn’t born in the United States?

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They required three wise souls and a pure maiden.

74.  Why didn’t Jesus come into the world in America?  For there were no three wise beings and a Virgin to be found.

75.  Why didn’t Jesus choose modern-day Australia for His birthplace?  For it would be a challenge to locate three wise souls.

76.  Why wasn’t Jesus born in the land of Ireland?  For three wise souls and a p**… were beyond their reach.

77.  Why wasn’t Jesus born in the United States?  For God could not discover three wise beings and a p**…

78.  Why could Jesus never have been born in Australia?  Seriously, imagine seeking out three wise souls and a down-under?

79.  Why didn’t nativity occur in Ireland?  For God could not find three wise souls there.

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Best Three Wise Men Jokes

Jokes are a great way to lighten up the mood and make people laugh. And what better way to tickle your funny bone than with some Three Wise Men jokes?

These jokes are perfect for the holiday season and will leave you in stitches. So without further ado, let’s dive right in!

80.  Why wasn’t Jesus born in modern-day Australia?  Because locating three wise men would have been quite a struggle for God.

81.  Why wasn’t Jesus born in Ireland?

Finding three wise men and a special individual was a challenge in those lands.

82.  Why didn’t Jesus make an appearance in the USA?  The task of finding three wise men was beyond what God could manage.

83.  Why wasn’t Jesus born in West Virginia?  Finding three wise men, or even one remarkable soul, proved to be a daunting task for God.

84.  Why was Jesus unable to come to Australia?  Locating three truly wise men was an insurmountable obstacle.

85.  Why didn’t nativity take place in Ireland?  God faced immense difficulty in finding three individuals wise enough for the occasion.

86.  Why did one of the Three Wise Men bring a ladder to the stable?

Because he heard the baby Jesus was a little “higher” than the rest!

87.  Why did the Three Wise Men always bring gold, frankincense, and myrrh as gifts?  Because those were the only items available in the “gift shop” along their journey!

88.  Why did one of the Three Wise Men bring gold as a gift?  Because he didn’t want to show up empty-handed, Frank-incense, and myrrh-der his reputation!

89.  Why did one of the Three Wise Men always carry a GPS?  Because he didn’t want to get starg-losfered and end up following the wrong star!

90.  Why did one of the Three Wise Men always bring snacks on their journey?  Because he didn’t want to get hangry during the long trek. After all, it’s not wise to be cranky while following a star!

91.  Why did one of the Three Wise Men bring frankincense as a gift? Because he wanted to “incense” the other two with his good taste!

92.  What did one of the Three Wise Men say when they got lost on their way to Bethlehem?  “We should have asked for directions from the star’s GPS!”

93.  Of the trio of wise men, who possessed the most wisdom?  The one who presented gold

94.  What befell the three wise men?

I am unfamiliar with the story of the wise men.

95.  What does the Bible mention about the three wise men?  Their gift-giving abilities were subpar.

96.  Why were the three wise men disheartened?  They received nothing in return.

97.  What if the three wise men had arrived earlier?  They could have assisted with the delivery.

98.  How did the three wise men gain knowledge of Jesus?  Their wisdom guided them.

99.  What did one Wise Man say to the other after the long journey to Bethlehem?  “I don’t know about you, but my feet are so tired, I could use a good foot rub from one of those camels!”

100.  How did the Wise Men know they were getting close to the stable where Jesus was born?  They followed the “Noel” signs along the way!

Final Thoughts

These jokes may be silly, but they remind us that even the most serious stories have a lighthearted side. So as we celebrate the Christmas season, let’s not forget to keep things merry and bright. Share these jokes with your loved ones and spread some laughter this holiday season.