Top 100 Hilarious Orange Juice Puns

Feel like your day lacks a little flavor? Why not brighten it up with some orange juice puns! Get ready to have fun with your favorite citrusy content.

When it comes to orange juice puns, there are plenty of options to choose from. Whether you’re looking to add a bit of humor to your marketing campaign or you just want to entertain your friends, these puns can be a great way to add some zest to any conversation.

Funny Orange Juice Puns 

1.  Orange you glad we have some juice?”

2.  “I like my orange juice like I like my humor, pulp-free.”

3.  “I don’t always drink orange juice, but when I do, I prefer it freshly squeezed.”

4.  “Orange, are you glad we can squeeze in some time for a glass of juice?”

5.  “I’m not sure what the pulp is for, but I like to think it adds some zest to my life.”

6.  Let’s raise a glass of OJ for friendship!”

7.  “Orange, are you glad we can enjoy some juice together?”

8.  “You’re the pulp to my orange juice, always adding some extra flavor.”

9.  We have a lot of fruit puns on our website, so if you’re looking for something different, check them out!

10.  I’m a fruit juice punny kind of girl. I love puns, and I love the beverage known as “fruit juice.”

11.   I’ve got a thirst for puns and a thirst for fruit juice.

12.  “You’re the pulp to my orange juice, always adding some extra flavor.”

13.  And it’s always a good time to be drinking fruit juice!

Best Orange Juice Puns 

Looking for some juicy puns? Here are six of our favorite orange juice-themed puns, guaranteed to help you start your day with a smile!

14.  Orange you glad we can enjoy this juice and let the good times roll?”

15.  “I don’t always have breakfast, but when I do, I make sure to have a glass of orange juice.”

16. I’m not a fan of pulp fiction, but I love pulp in my orange juice.”

17.  “Orange juice is the perfect drink for when life gives you lemons.”

18.  “I don’t always have breakfast, but when I do, I make sure to have a glass of orange juice.”

19.  like my orange juice like I like my humor, pulp-free.”

29. “I don’t always drink orange juice, but when I do, I prefer it freshly squeezed.”

21.  “Orange, are you glad we can squeeze in some time for a glass of juice?”

22. “I’m not sure what the pulp is for, but I like to think it adds some zest to my life.”

23.  I’m not a morning person, but orange juice helps me concentrate.”

24. “I like my orange juice like I like my humor, pulp-free.”

25.  Orange, are you glad we have some juice?”

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26.  Let’s raise a glass of OJ for friendship!”

27.  “Orange, are you glad we can enjoy some juice together?”

Orange Juice Puns One Liner

Start your mornings off right with a smile! Check out these goofy and groan-worthy orange juice puns guaranteed to get you chuckling.

28. Our friendship is like a glass of orange juice, always filled to the brim with positivity.”

29. I love orange juice, and I love writing about it.

30.  I love orange juice, even when it’s orange juice from a can. I think it’s delicious and refreshing and makes my teeth feel clean.

31.  Plus, it comes in so many flavors! There’s grapefruit and peach and mango—and who doesn’t like mango?

32.  As far as I’m concerned, orange juice is one of the best things in life.

33. I’m the orange juice in your morning routine.

34.  I believe in the power of orange juice to help get you through your day—especially when you’re trying to stay focused on the important things. The key is hydration, which is why I drink it in the morning before work. Give it a try!

35.  I’m a crazy cat lady with a passion for writing.

36.  I’m a [fitness/health] coach and I love sharing my knowledge with as many people as possible!

37. At Orange Juice One Liner, we believe that happiness is the key to success.

38.  It’s so good and refreshing, and it makes me feel like I’m in a treehouse with my best friend.

39.  At Orange Juice One Liner, we believe that happiness is the key to success.

40.  It’s so good and refreshing, and it makes me feel like I’m in a treehouse with my best friend.

Clever Fruit Juice Puns

Get ready for the juiciest puns about orange juice! Perfect for making people smile or adding some humor to any conversation.

41.  We’re a fruit juice puns company, and we’re here to help you make the most of your time.

42.  Our fruit juice puns are so good they’ll make you feel like you’re in a fruit loop.

43.  The world needs more fruit juice puns. I’m just saying.

44.  I also like to drink fruit juice.

45.  I make puns with fruit juices, and I’m really good at it.

46.  I’m a writer and editor, so I spend most of my time coming up with puns in an effort to make people laugh. I also have an unhealthy relationship with fruit juice.

47.  I can make puns with fruits and vegetables.

48.  I’m a talented writer, and I love to write puns.

49.  I also enjoy making things with my hands whether it’s baking or crafting jewelry, I love to make things that are unique and beautiful.

50.  [company name] is the juice of life. We’re a [type of business], and we’re here to help you live your best life.

Funny Orange Juice Puns

Brighten up your day and get your daily dose of Vitamin C with these cleverly punny orange juice jokes! Get ready for a big smile, it’s time to peel off the laughter.

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51.  You can’t get more simple than that.

52. But when you combine them with a healthy dose of humor and a dash of sarcasm, well… it’s hard not to laugh.

53.  If you’re looking for funny orange juice puns, you’ve come to the right place. In our mission to make the world a happier place, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorites.

54.  The Orange Juice: Never leaves you feeling orangey

55.  The Orange Juice: It’s not what it used to be

56.  The Orange Juice: May as well drink from an empty glass

57.  The Orange Juice: Not even close to being fresh

58.  Orange juice is a beverage that’s great for you. It’s packed with vitamin C and other nutrients, and it can help boost your immune system which is always a good thing!

59.  But did you know that orange juice also helps you think? Well, it does! Orange juice has been shown to improve memory by as much as 40% in some cases.

60.  So when you’re sipping on that delicious glass of orange juice, remember: it’s not just good for your health; it’s also great for your brain.

61.  I’m a juice pun enthusiast who loves to make people laugh. I am always looking for the next punny idea, and I am not afraid to use my skills for good.

62.  If you’re looking for a way to brighten your day, look no further than Orange Juice Puns.

63.  I like oranges, but they don’t like me back.

64.  I love what I do, and I hope you’ll come by sometime to see what I have up my sleeve next.

65.  We love Orange Juice and we know that you do too.

66.  And we’re not afraid to say it.

67.  We know you’re out there, and we’re glad you’ve found us.

Puns For Orange Juice

Need a little zesty humor with your breakfast? Look no further than these irresistibly juicy orange juice puns that will make you laugh and brighten up your day.

68.  The fruit with so much flavor that it makes you go from sad to happy in a single bite.

69.  With our unique brand of humor, you’ll be able to take your brand from boring to interesting in no time at all.

70. Puns for Orange is a brand that brings you the best of both worlds: the best puns, and the best oranges.

71.  Puns For Orange is a pun-based business that helps you make puns, puns that are actually useful.

72.  Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?”

73.  “I’m peeling good about this orange pun.”

74.  “Orange you going to eat that?”

75.  “I’m citrus-ly impressed by this orange.”

76. “Orange you sweet for reading these puns?”

77.  “I’m feeling zestful about this orange.”

78.  “Orange, are you excited to juice this fruit?”

79.  “This orange is the zest thing that ever happened to me.”

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80.  “I’m feeling a-peel-ing after eating this orange.”

81. I’m so glad we’re friends, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.”

82.  Because sometimes, life is just too serious.

83.  We don’t just write them, we make them.

84.  And then we publish them online, so you can make puns with them.

85.  The only way to enjoy oranges is to eat them.

86. Oranges are a fruit, not a vegetable.

87.  If you’re not eating an orange, you might as well be eating a banana.

88.  It’s weird that oranges are called an orange. They’re basically just yellow and red.

89.  You can’t eat just one orange you’d have to eat five of them!

90.   If there’s an orange on your plate and it isn’t for you, then it’s probably for someone else.

Fruite Juice Puns

91. “I heard that the orange juice started a band. It was really pulp fiction!”

92. “Why did the orange juice go to the doctor? It wasn’t feeling peeling good!”

93. “When life gives you oranges, make orange juice and leave everyone wondering how you did it.”

94. “What do you call a drink that has no manners? Impolite juice!”

95. “What do you call a group of oranges that sing? A peel harmony!”

Orange Juice Jokes

If you want to elicit a smile, why not crack an orange juice joke? We’ve collected some of the best jokes about this beloved beverage that are sure to raise your spirits and brighten up your day.

96. Why did the orange stop running? He ran out of juice.

97. How did the orange come back to life after dying? It made a peel with the devil.

98. What did the orange vigilante say after beating up the bad oranges? Juice-tice will prevail.

99. What happens when oranges get into a fight? Things get juicy.

100. “Why did the orange juice go to therapy? It couldn’t concentrate!”

101. “What do you call an orange juice that’s been working out? Strong pulp game!”

102. “Why did the orange juice file a police report? It got squeezed in a tough spot!”

Orange Juice Sayings

Get your daily dose of positive vibes and start your day off right with some uplifting orange juice sayings. Learn how you can incorporate these into your morning routine today!

103. “Just as pulp adds character to orange juice, your uniqueness adds flavor to the world.”

104. “When life hands you oranges, make orange juice and leave a zesty trail of inspiration.”

105. “Start each day with the zest for life, as vibrant as the first sip of morning orange juice.”

106. “Like a perfectly balanced glass of orange juice, may your life be a blend of sweetness and tanginess.”

107. “Squeeze every drop of positivity out of life, just like a refreshing glass of orange juice.”

Final Words

These puns are perfect for adding a touch of lightheartedness and laughter to any conversation about orange juice.

Whether you’re sharing them with colleagues at a meeting or using them to entertain clients, these puns are a professional way to inject some humor into the conversation.  So go ahead, embrace your inner pun enthusiast and spread some citrusy cheer!