Enjoy a Collection of 120 Classic and Hilarious Yo Mama Jokes!

Step back in time and uncover the origins of humor with the oldest Yo Mama jokes and intriguing riddles and one Liners dating back 3,500 years in ancient Babylon.

Dating back to ancient civilizations, humor has always played a significant role in human culture. And when it comes to comedic insults, none are quite as timeless as Yo Mama jokes.

From ancient Greek and Roman jesters to medieval bards, these jokes have been passed down through generations, evolving and adapting to suit the taste of each era.

Best Oldest Yo Mama Jokes

Delve into the past and uncover the origins of yo mama jokes. From ancient Babylon to modern humor, explore the evolution of this timeless comedic tradition.

1. Yo mama is so old, she knew Mr. Clean when he had an afro.

2. Yo mama is so old, her first job was as a waitress at the Last Supper.

3. Yo mama is so old, she remembers when the Dead Sea was just sick.

4. Yo mama is so old, she used to babysit Yoda.

5. Yo mama is so old, she knew Captain Crunch when he was a private.

6. Yo mama is so old, she’s mentioned in the shout-out section of the Bible.

7. Yo mama is so old, she planted the first tree at Central Park.

8. Yo mama is so old, she knew the Great Wall of China when it was just an okay wall.

9. Yo mama is so old, she used to babysit Methuselah.

10. Yo mama is so old, she remembers when the Grand Canyon was just a ditch.

11. Yo mama is so old, she used to babysit Jesus.

12. Yo mama is so old, she co-authored the Ten Commandments.

13. Yo mama is so old, she knew Shakespeare when he was just a kid.

14. Yo mama is so old, she watched the Big Bang from her front porch.

Longest Your Mom Jokes

15. Your mom is so kind, she feeds the neighborhood stray cats every day.

16. Your mom is so organized; she color-codes her spice rack.

17. Your mom is so generous; she bakes cookies for the whole office.

18. Your mom is so tech-savvy; she helps her friends set up their smartphones.

19. Your mom is so adventurous; she’s always up for a spontaneous road trip.

20. Your mom is so creative; she makes amazing homemade greeting cards.

21. Your mom is so wise; she gives the best life advice.

22. Your mom is so reliable; she’s never missed a PTA meeting.

23. Your mom is so patient; she can handle even the most challenging situations.

24. Your mom is so resourceful; she can fix almost anything around the house.

25. Your mom is so compassionate; she’s always there to lend a listening ear.

26. Your mom is so stylish; she could be a fashion icon.

27. Your mom is so funny; she could be a stand-up comedian.

28. Your mom is so athletic; she’s won several local sports competitions.

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29. Your mom is so knowledgeable; she could host her own trivia show.

30. Your mom is so well-read; she’s read more books than the local library.

31. Your mom is so artistic; her paintings belong in a museum.

32. Your mom is so health-conscious; she makes the most nutritious meals.

33. Your mom is so charismatic; she could charm anyone she meets.

34. Your mom is so caring; she’s the best mom in the world

Medieval Your Mom Jokes

35. Your mother’s knitting is so slow, it’s like chainmail being forged one link at a time.

36. Your mother’s cooking is so bad, it could turn the mightiest knight into a vegetarian.

37. Your mother’s singing is so off-key, bards use her voice to keep trolls away.

38. Your mother’s dancing is so stiff, it’s like watching a suit of armor try to boogie.

39. Your mother’s armor is so rusty, she needs the blacksmith’s help just to walk.

40. Your mother’s battle strategy is so flawed, she once tried to capture a castle with a feather duster.

41. Your mother’s horse is so slow, it gets beaten in a race by a snail on sleeping draught.

42. Your mother’s swordsmanship is so clumsy, she once disarmed herself while tying her shoelaces.

43. Your mother’s fashion sense is so outdated, she still wears a coif like it’s the latest trend.

44. Your mother’s potion-making skills are so terrible, she once brewed a love potion that made people sneeze instead.

45. Your mother’s castle is so drafty, even the rats wear coats.

46. Your mother’s jousting skills are so poor, she once got knocked off her horse by a butterfly.

47. Your mother’s sense of direction is so bad, she once got lost in her own courtyard.

48. Your mother’s heraldry is so abysmal, her family crest has a chicken instead of a lion.

49. Your mother’s singing is so grating, taverns use it as a form of punishment for rowdy patrons.

50. Your mother’s hunting skills are so weak, she once tried to catch a deer by yelling “boo” from behind a bush.

51. Your mother’s sense of chivalry is so lacking, she tried to joust with a wooden spoon instead of a lance.

52. Your mother’s sense of humor is so dull, knights fall asleep during her jests.

53. Your mother’s battle cry is so feeble, it sounds like a kitten asking for milk.

54. Your mother’s knowledge of court etiquette is so poor, she curtsied to the court jester instead of the king.

55. Your mother’s horsemanship is so atrocious, the only thing she ever manages to round up is trouble.

56. Your mother’s archery skills are so unimpressive, she once hit herself in the foot while aiming for the target.

The Last Yo Mom Jokes

57. Yo momma is so fat, when she wears a red dress, the kids yell, “Kool-Aid!”

58. Yo momma is so ugly, even her shadow refuses to follow her.

59. Yo momma is so lazy, she has a remote control for the remote control.

60. Yo momma is so slow, it took her two hours to watch “60 Minutes.”

61. Yo momma is so clumsy, she tripped over a cordless phone.

62. Yo momma is so mean, she makes onions cry.

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63. Yo momma is so small, she can play handball on the curb.

64. Yo momma is so dirty, even soap won’t touch her.

65. Yo momma is so tall, she did a somersault and kicked Jesus in the face.

66. Yo momma is so loud, she wakes up the neighbors on Mar

67. Yo momma is so fat, when she fell, I didn’t laugh, but the sidewalk cracked up.

68. Yo momma is so slow, she took two hours to watch “60 Minutes.”

Oldest Yo Mama Jokes Ever

Delve into the world of ancient Babylonian humor and explore the oldest ‘Yo Mama’ joke, riddles, and cheeky insights from 3,500 years ago.

69. Yo mama is so old, she has a Bible autographed by Jesus

70. Yo mama is so old, she remembers when the Dead Sea was just sick.

71.  Yo mama is so old, she’s mentioned in the shout-outs of the Bible.

72.  Yo mama is so old, she knew Mr. Clean when he had an afro.

73.  Yo mama is so old, she co-wrote the Ten Commandments.

74.  Yo mama is so old, she used to baby-sit Methuselah.

75.  Yo mama is so old, she’s got hieroglyphics in her yearbook.

World’s Oldest Yo Mama Jokes

Discover the ancient tablet that holds the oldest ‘Yo Mama’ joke, along with earthy humor and riddles from hundred of years ago.

76. Yo mama is so old, she knew the Four Horsemen when they were just boys.

77. Yo mama is so old, she knew Mr. Clean when he had hair.

78. Yo mama is so old, she remembers when the Dead Sea was just getting sick.

79. Yo mama is so old, she knew Captain Crunch as a private.

80.  Yo mama is so old, she knew the original Cookie Monster – the one who ate vegetables.

81.  Yo mama is so old, she’s the reason the dinosaurs are extinct.

82.  Yo mama is so old, she used to babysit for Jesus.

83.  Yo mama is so old, her first job was as a cave painter.

84.  Yo mama is so old, she knew Shakespeare when he was just a kid.

85.   Yo mama is so old, her birth certificate is on a scroll.

86.  Yo mama is so old, she used to hang out with the Sphinx.

87.  Yo mama is so old, she’s mentioned in the Bible – as Methuselah’s childhood friend.

88.  Yo mama is so old, she remembers when the Grand Canyon was just a ditch.

89.  Yo mama is so old, her favorite pet was a dinosaur.

90.  Yo mama is so old, she knew Bob Ross before he had an afro.

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Oldest Yo Mama Jokes Funny

Dive into the mysterious world of ancient Babylonian riddles and unearth the world’s oldest Yo Mama jokes. Experience the humor of the past in this captivating list of jokes.

91. Yo mama is so old, she remembers when the Dead Sea was just sick.

92. Yo mama is so old, she knew Mr. Clean when he had an afro.

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93. Yo mama is so old, she’s in Jesus’s high school yearbook.

94. Yo mama is so old, she’s mentioned in the Bible as Methuselah’s prom date.

95. Yo mama is so old, she used to babysit for the dinosaurs.

96.  Yo mama is so old, she has a Petrified Forest as a back yard.

97.  Yo mama is so old, she owes Jesus a nickel.

98.  Yo mama is so old, she used to change the diapers for the Sphinx.

99.  Yo mama is so old, she knew Cap’n Crunch when he was just a private.

100.  Yo mama is so old, she’s mentioned in the shout-outs of the Bible.

101.  Yo mama is so old, she rode to school on a dinosaur.

102.  Yo mama is so old, she’s a carbon dating sample.

103.  Yo mama is so old, she’s the reason the dinosaurs are extinct.

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Funny Jokes About Oldest

104. Why did the archaeologist go broke?  He was always digging up ancient jokes!

105. What did the oldest tree say to the youngest tree?  “You’re really branching out!”

106. Why did the oldest phone in the house feel lonely?  Because all its contacts were disconnected!

107. How did the oldest computer know it was time to retire?  It had a hard drive-ache!

108. Why was the old math book sad?  It had too many problems!

108. How do you determine the age of a sofa?  Just look for the wrinkles in the upholstery!

108. Why don’t skeletons fight each other?  They don’t have the guts!

109.  What is the oldest building material?  Mold!

110. Why did the ancient Egyptian refuse to play cards?  Because the Pharaoh had all the kings and queens!

111. What did the archaeologist say after finding an ancient skeleton?  “Well, that’s one more in the history of bone-us!”

112. Why did the oldest piece of bubblegum go to therapy?  It couldn’t stick to a normal life.

113. How did the oldest musical instrument know it was in tune?  It had a great sense of har-moany!

114. Why couldn’t the oldest chair attend the party?  It wasn’t stable enough to handle all the seat-dancing!

115. Why do skeletons make terrible comedians?  Because their funny bone is always breaking!

116. How did the oldest clock feel when it saw a newborn clock?  In the twinkle of its second hand!

117. Why did the oldest pencil refuse to write?  It was lead out!

118. What did the ancient farmer say when he discovered an old ear of corn?  “I guess it’s just a-maize-ing!”

119. Why don’t you ever receive a love letter from the oldest alphabet?  Because it’s hieroglyphics!

120. How do you describe the oldest joke in history?  In prehistoric terms!

121. Why was the ancient vase always shy?  It preferred to stay cyph!

122. Why did the oldest river stop flowing?  It wanted to take a “stream” break!

123. How did the oldest ice cream cone feel at the end of summer?  A little bit melty!

Some Final Talk

The legacy of Yo Mama jokes is a testament to the enduring power of humor throughout human history. From ancient civilizations to modern times, these playful insults have entertained and sparked laughter across generations. 

So, the next time you find yourself sharing or chuckling at a Yo Mama joke, remember that you are participating in a tradition that spans centuries and continues to bring joy to countless people around the world.