Ninety Hilarious Jokes for Swim Team Members

Make a splash with swim team jokes that will leave you breathless from swim caps to synchronized swimming mishaps, these jokes will keep you entertained no matter what stroke you prefer.

Funny Swim Team Jokes

Swim enthusiasts and comedy lovers, unite! Explore our collection of swim team jokes for a refreshing take on humor that’s sure to tickle your funny bone.

1. Why did the swimmer start smoking?  To increase his chance of stroke.

2.  Why did the hipster swim in the river?  It was too mainstream!

3.  Where do mummies swim?  In the Dead Sea!

4.  Why are spiders so good at swimming?  Because they have webbed feet!

5.  Why was the mouse afraid of swimming?  Because of catfish!

6.  Is this pool safe for diving?  It depends!

7.  What kind of race is never run?  A swimming race!

8. What do elephants wear to go swimming?  Trunks!

9. What kind of horse is good at swimming?  A seahorse!

10. Why did the swimmer go back in time?  Because he was doing the backstroke!

11.  What is the best exercise for swimmers?  Pool-ups!

12.  Where do zombies like to go swimming?  The Dead Sea!

13.  Where do fish keep their money?  In river-banks!

14.  What stroke do sheep enjoy doing?  The baaaaaaa-ckstroke!

15.  Why don’t vegetarians swim in competitions?  Because they don’t like meat.

Swimming Jokes For Adults

Get ready to make a splash with our Adult swim team jokes! Join the fun as we explore the lighter side of poolside competitions.

16. Why did the lifeguard refuse to rescue the drowning banker?  He had too many liquid assets.

17. What’s a swimmer’s favorite type of music?  Poolka.

18. Why was the swimmer always successful with relationships?  They knew how to dive right into commitment.

19. What did the swimming coach say to the attractive swimmer?  “You’ve got some fantastic strokes!”

20. Why did the swimmer always pack an extra towel?  For some safe “stroke” of luck.

21. How do swimmers stay in shape?  They’ve mastered the art of reeling in swimmingly good workout routines.

22. Why did the swimmer visit the bank before their race?  They needed to withdraw some “swimming” capital.

23. What’s a swimmer’s favorite type of humor?  Dry wit.

24. Why did the lifeguard blush at the sight of the attractive swimmer?  They were caught in the undertow of their charm.

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25. What did the swimmer say when their coach asked about their strategy?  “I’m in deep with a winning stroke!”

26. What did the swimmer say when they won the race by a large margin?  “I made waves, and they couldn’t catch up!”

27. Why did the swimmer win the lottery?  They had a knack for diving into the right numbers.

28. How did the swimmer celebrate a victory?  With a pool-side party and a toast to their success.

29. What did the swimmer wear to their first date?  A diving suit to make quite the impression.

30. What’s a swimmer’s favorite part of a romantic dinner?  The splashy conversation and depth of connection in every word.

31. Why did the lifeguard get fired?  They kept taking too many extended breaks to “admire” the swimmers.

32. How did the swimmer propose to their partner?  By diving in with a ring in a waterproof case.

33. What’s a swimmer’s favorite type of movie?  Anything with a deep and immersive underwater storyline.

34. Why did the swimmer start a business?  They wanted to make a “splash” in the entrepreneurial world.

35. What did the swimmer say to the coach who criticized them?  “You can’t handle my freestyle!”

36. Why was the swimmer always the life of the party?  They knew how to make a big splash and keep everyone entertained.

Swim Jokes One Liners

Dive into the world of humor with our swim team jokes and one Liners! These witty quips and playful jests will have you swimming in laughter.

37.  Why don’t fish do well in school?  Because they’re always swimming below “sea” level!

38.  Did you hear about the lifeguard who broke up with the swim instructor?   He just couldn’t stay afloat in the relationship.

39.  Why don’t seagulls fly over the bay?   Because then they’d be bagels!

40. Why don’t oysters donate to charity?  Because they are shellfish!

41. What’s a swimmer’s favorite type of music?  Poolka!

42. What did one swimming pool say to the other swimming pool?  Shall we go for a dip together?

4. What’s a shark’s favorite game?  Swallow the leader!

44. How do you organize a space party?  You “planet”!

45. What do you get when you cross a swimmer and a musician?  A stroke of genius!

46. Why did the swimmer put their money in the blender?  Because they wanted to make liquid assets!

47. What kind of swimsuit does a lawyer wear?  A lawsuit!

48. Why did the lifeguard save the fish?  Because it had fin-tastic potential!

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Short Swimming Jokes

Make a stroke towards laughter with our swim team jokes! Dive into a sea of amusement and share a laugh with fellow swim enthusiasts.

49.  Why did the lifeguard wear a raincoat?  Because it was raining cats and dogs.

50.  Why did the ocean get angry?  Because it had too many tides.

51.  Why did the lifeguard quit his job?  He didn’t like working in the shallow end.

52.  What do you call a fish that gets all A’s?  A plaice-holder!

53.  Why did the ocean get a speeding ticket?  Because it was driving under the waves.

54.  What do you call a fish that can’t stop talking?  A blabbermouth bass!

55.  What do you call a fish that’s always in a hurry?  A tuna!

56.  What do you call a fish that’s always on time?  A punctual salmon!

57.  Why did the shark cross the road?  To get to the other fin!

58.  Why did the whale get a job as a lifeguard?  He wanted to make some waves!

59.  What do you call a fish that’s always getting into trouble?  A bad cod!

Best Swim Team Jokes

60. Why did the swim team bring a ladder to the pool?  They wanted to make sure they could climb to new heights in their performance.

61. How did the swim team react when they found out they were going to the Olympics?  They dove into celebration!

62. What did the swim team say when their coach asked what their goals were?  “We’re really just trying to stay a-FLOAT!”

63. Why did the swim team start a band?  They wanted to make a splash in the music industry!

64. Why did the swim team start a bakery?  They kneaded some dough to fund their swimming endeavors!

65. What did the swim team say when they couldn’t find their goggles?  “We’re just not seeing eye-to-eye!”

66. Why did the swim team bring a towel to their team meeting?  They wanted to dry off the competition!

57. Why did the swim team captain always have fresh breath?  They were always swimming with a mint in their mouth – they couldn’t afford to be a “mouth breather”!

68. What did the swim team say to the rival team with poor technique?  “Looks like you’re all wet!”

69. Why was the swim team’s coach so good at organizing events?  They knew how to make a splash in the calendar!

70. Why did the swim team always win in intense competitions?  They knew how to “stroke” of luck!

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71. How did the swim team react when they realized they forgot their swimsuits?  They just had to make do with their speedos!

72. Why did the swim team bring a watermelon to practice?  They wanted to practice their swimming stroke and have a refreshing snack!

73. What did the swim team say to their coach after a long and challenging practice?  “We’re really diving deep into our potential!”

74. Why did the swim team start a gardening club?  They wanted to learn how to “pool” resources for more beautiful and sustainable environments!

75. How did the swim team celebrate their victory?  They had a pool party, of course!

76.  Why did the swim team decide to become certified lifeguards?  They wanted to dive into even more opportunities to help others.

77. What did the swim team say when they faced setbacks in their training?  “We just have to keep swimming!”

78. Why did the swim team captain always have great posture?  They knew the importance of standing tall – even in the water!

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Swimming Jokes For Kids

79. Why did the fish blush? Because it saw the ocean’s bottom!

80. How do you organize a pool party for fish? You have to drop it in the water!

81. What do you call a pig who knows how to swim? A pig buoy!

82. Why did the lifeguard kick the kids out of the pool? They were “pool” sports!

83. What’s a shark’s favorite game? Swallow the leader!

84. What do you get if you cross a fish with an elephant? Swimming trunks!

85. Why did the swimming teacher go broke? Because they lost their pool noodles in a water hazard!

Short Swim Team Jokes

86. Why did the swim team bring a ladder to practice? Because they wanted to work on their strokes!

87. What did the swim team say when they won the relay race? “We’re just a splash above the rest!”

88. How do you make a swim team laugh? Tell them a pool joke – they’re always in the deep end!

89. What’s a swim team’s favorite game? Pool-arity contest!

90. Why was the swim team coach so good at math? Because they knew how to count laps!

91. What do you call a swim team’s favorite movie? “The Breaststroke Club”!

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Final Words

Swim team jokes add a splash of laughter and camaraderie to the world of swimming. They bring joy to teams, swimmers, and water enthusiasts alike, offering a light-hearted way to bond and connect through humor. 

So, the next time you dive into the pool or gather with your swim team, don’t forget to bring along a poolside repertoire of swim team jokes for a guaranteed good time.