Top 100 Hilarious Windy Day Jokes

Hold onto your hats and get ready to laugh! Explore a breezy collection of Windy Day Jokes that will blow you away with humor and fun.

Wind is a powerful force of nature that can often catch us off guard and even cause some inconvenience. But instead of letting it dampen our spirits, why not lighten the mood with some windy day jokes? Here are a few to bring some laughter on those blustery days:

Windy Day Jokes For Work

1. Why did the construction worker wear a helmet on a windy day? To keep the wind from blowing his hair out of his hard hat.

2.  What do you call a windy day at the library? A page turner!

3.  What do you call a windy day at the airport?  A runway disturbance!

4.  Why did the wind quit its job?  It was blowing people away.

5.  What do you call a windy day at the construction site?  A blow-hard!

6.  What do you call a windy day at the park?  A leaf blower!

7.  Why did the wind get lost?  It couldn’t find its way around.

8.  What do you call a windy day at the zoo?  A lion’s roar!

9.  Why did the wind get arrested?  It was blowing people’s minds.

10.  What do you call a windy day at the office?  A paper chase!

11.  Why did the wind get divorced?  It couldn’t stand the draught.

12.  What do you call a windy day at the school?  A test of endurance!

13.  Why did the wind get a new job?  It was blowing its own horn.

14.  What do you call a windy day at the hospital?  A code blue!

15.  Why did the wind get a promotion?  It was blowing everyone away.

16.  What do you call a windy day at the bank?  A windfall!

Windy Day Jokes One Liners

Gone with the wind? More like here with the laughs! Explore our Windy Day Jokes and one liners for a whirlwind of hilarious jokes and puns that will blow you away!

17. Why did the scarecrow win an award ?  Because he was outstanding in his field on a windy day!

18. What did one tree say to the other on a windy day?  ” I’m falling for you!”

19. Why don’t trees make good comedians on windy days?  Because their jokes always leaf them hanging!

20. How do you describe a windy day at the bakery?  It’s a rollin’ gust!

21. Why do soccer players love windy days?   Because they can always score a good blow!

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22. What did the wind say to the kite on a breezy day?  “Let’s hang out and have a blast!”

23. Why did the umbrella go to therapy on a windy day?  It had trouble keeping things together!

24. Why was the ocean so windy?  Because it had a lot of seafur!

25. What’s a wind turbine’s favorite exercise on a windy day?  Airobics!

26. What did one wind current say to the other on a gusty day?  “Let’s keep things moving!”

27. Why did the wind become a stand-up comedian on a blustery day?  It wanted to blow everyone away with its jokes!

28. How do the trees stay grounded on a windy day?  They put their roots down!

29. What’s a ghost’s favorite season?  Windfall!

30. How does a tornado apologize on a windy day?  It gives a twister of an apology!

31. What do you call a group of leaves during a windy day?  A whirlwind of foliage!

42. Why was the kite on the runway during a windy day?  It was waiting for its flight!

33. How did the wind win first place at the comedy competition?  It had a breezy sense of humor!

34. What do you call a windy day at the beach?  A sand gust!

35. Why was the scarecrow thrilled on a windy day?  It finally had some wind-sational company!

36. What’s a windmill’s favorite dance on a windy day?  The twirling tango!

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Windy Day Jokes For Adults

Don’t let a windy day dampen your spirits! Laugh your way through the gusts and gales with our collection of funny wind-related jokes.

37.  Why did the wind get invited to the party?  Because it really knows how to break the ice!

38.  What do you call a wind that never stops blowing?  A “windbag.”

39.  How do you describe a windy day in Chicago?  It’s just the city’s way of giving you a “windy” welcome!

40.  Why did the scarecrow become a meteorologist?  Because he was outstanding in his field, especially on windy days!

41.  What’s a pirate’s favorite type of weather?  A wind-y day, matey!

42.  Did you hear about the wind that went on vacation?  It had a blast, but it was a little “breezy” at times.

43.  Why don’t seagulls fly over the bay on windy days?  Because then they’d be “bagels”!

44.  What did one strong wind say to the other?  “You really blow me away!”

45.  What do you call a tornado that takes a break?  A “twistermission”!

46.  Why did the kite refuse to fly on a windy day?  Because it wanted to stay grounded!

47. How do you make a tissue dance on a windy day?  You put a little boogie in it!

48.  Why was the weather forecast for a windy day so accurate?  Because it “blew” everyone away!

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49.  Did you hear about the wind that won the lottery?  It became a millionaire overnight and was “blowing” its money everywhere!

50.  What’s a tree’s favorite type of music on a windy day?  Heavy “breezy” metal!

51.  How do you measure the strength of the wind?  With an “air-ometer”!

52.  What did the umbrella say to the wind?  “You can’t rain on my parade!”

53.  How do you catch the wind’s attention?  You “whistle” for it!

54.  Why did the wind apply for a job at the bakery?  Because it wanted to be a “roll model”!

55.  What’s a wind’s favorite game?  Blow and seek!

56.  What did the wind say when it finally calmed down?  “Phew, I needed that break!

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Short Windy Day Jokes

When the wind is howling, turn up the laughter with our uproarious windy day jokes. Prepare to be blown away by our hilarious humor!

57. Why did the wind go to therapy?  It had trouble finding direction.

58. What’s a superhero’s favorite weather?  Windy, because they can always have a gusty entrance.

59. How do mountains stay cool on a windy day?  They rock and roll!

60. Why did the wind get arrested?  It was caught blowing through the neighborhood.

61. What did the wind say to the sand?  “Keep it breezy!”

62. How do you catch the wind’s attention?  Just give it a little whistle.

63. Why did the wind fail its driving test?  It couldn’t stay in its lane.

64. What did the wind say to the leaves?  “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back!”

65. Why did the wind break up with the clouds?  It needed some space.

66. How do you describe a windy day to a geek?  It’s like living in a virtual reality game.

67. Why did the wind join the gym?  To get ripped!

68. What did the wind say to the tree?   “I’ll leaf you alone if you just sway with me.”

69. How do you make a windmill sneeze?  Tickle its blades!

70. Why did the kite take a nap on a windy day ?  It needed some wind-down time.

71. What do you call a windy day in Mexico?  A “taco gust”!

72. How does the wind pay for things?  It uses air-credit!

73. Why did the wind go to the baseball game?  It was a big fan.

74. What does the wind say to the ocean?  “Let’s make some waves together!”

75. How do you measure the strength of wind?  With a ruler!

76. Why did the flag go to therapy after a windy day?  It felt a little disoriented.

77. What do you call a wind chime’s favorite song?  A “breezy melody”!

It Was So Windy Jokes

78.  What does the wind love to eat?  Blowfish!

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79.  What’s a ghost’s favorite weather?  Anything that’s really breezy!

80.  How do you describe a windy tree? Knots in the wind!

81.  Why don’t witches like windy days?  It messes up their hair-raising style!

82.  Why did the tree need to see the dentist? Because it had too many branches!

83.  Why did the scarecrow stay indoors during the windstorm? He was afraid he’d lose his head!

84.  Why did the farmer tie his chickens to the fence during the windstorm? He didn’t want them to blow away to the coop!

85.  Why did the seagulls fly backwards during the windstorm? To stay ahead of the wind!

86.  Why did the golfer wear a helmet during the windstorm? He didn’t want to get blown away by the birdies!

87.  Why did the wind decide to become a lawyer? To get into a lot of hot air!!

88.  Why did the wind quit its job? It was blowing people away!

Clean Windy Day Jokes

89.  What do you call a tornado that never stops talking?  A “twister”!

90.  Why don’t seagulls fly over windy beaches?  Because they’d be blown off course!

91.  What did one kite say to the other on a windy day?  “Let’s hang out together!”

92.  Why was the weather report so windy?  Because it had lots of air time!

93.  How do you know if the wind is trying to be funny?  It tells puns that blow you away

94.  What’s a windy day’s favorite game?  “Blow and seek”!

95.  How do you make a tissue dance on a windy day?  Put a little boogie in it!

96.  What did one wind turbine say to the other?  “I’m a big fan of your work!”

97.  Why did the windbreaker break up with the jacket on a windy day?  Because it couldn’t handle the commitment!

98.  What do you call a wind musician?  An “air-ist”!

99.  Why do wind jokes never get old?  Because they always have a refreshing breeze to them!

100.  What’s a pirate’s favorite type of wind?  A sail breeze!

101.  What did the wind say to the palm tree?  ” You’re such a date!”

102.  Why don’t wind turbines ever go to school?  Because they’re already so well-versed in “wind”-ucation!

103.  How do you describe a windy day in one word?  “Breezy Licious”!

104.  What’s wind’s favorite type of music?  Heavy metal, because it’s so loud and “air”-ruptive!

105.  How do you start a conversation with the wind?  “What’s your favorite gust-tion?”!

106.  Why was the math book blown away on a windy day?  Because it had too many problems!

107.  How do wind and water communicate?  They have a little “breeze”-water chat.

Some Final Talk

We hope you had a good laugh, After reading through all these hilarious Windy Day Jokes.

Do you have a funny Windy Day joke? Write down your own Windy Day puns in the comment section below!