75 Hilarious Jokes on the Periodic Table

Explore the ‘elementary’ side of humor with our Periodic Table Jokes collection! From noble gases to atomic puns, we’ve got chemistry jokes that’ll make you bond with laughter.

Whether you’re a chemistry whiz or just enjoy clever wordplay, our Periodic Table Jokes are the perfect fusion of science and humor. Get ready to laugh at the atomic level!

Best Periodic Table Jokes

1.  Why did the chemistry teacher get fired? Because he was telling argon jokes.

2.  Why did the chemistry teacher break up with his girlfriend?   Because she couldn’t stop laughing at his argon jokes.

3.  What did the oxygen atom say to the other oxygen atom?  I oxygen to meet you!

4.  Why did the chemist quit his job?  Because he was tired of working for inert gases.

5.  What do you call a chemist who can’t remember their periodic table?  A carbon copy.

6.  What do you call a chemist who loves to sing?  A lab rat.

7.  What’s the difference between a chemist and a magician?  A magician makes things disappear, but a chemist can make them appear again.

8.  Why did the chemist go to the dentist?  Because he had a cavity.

9.  What’s the difference between a chemist and a musician?  A musician plays instruments, but a chemist plays with elements.

10.  What do you call a chemist who’s always on time?  A punctual chemist.

11.  Why did the chemist get a new job?  Because he was tired of working in a lab.

12.  What’s the difference between a chemist and a baker?  A baker kneads dough, but a chemist kneads atoms.

13.  What do you call a chemist who’s always happy?  A jolly chemist.

Periodic Table Jokes Clean

Unleash your inner science nerd with our collection of periodic table jokes that will make you laugh, while also brushing up on your chemical knowledge. 

14. Why do chemists like nitrates so much?  Because they’re cheaper than day rates.

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15. Why do chemists like napping on the Periodic Table?  Because every element on it is a “rest” element.

16. What’s a chemist’s favorite type of dog?  A laboratory Retriever.

17. Why did the chemist become a teacher?  Because they had all the “elements” for success.

18. What’s the chemical formula for a banana?  BaNa2.

19. How did the chemist repair their pants?  With a patch of “chem”-leather.

20. Why was the chemistry book sad?  It had no “reaction” to the problems inside.

21. What do you call a tooth in a glass of water?  A one molar solution.

22. Why do chemists make good friends?  They have all the best “solutions”.

23. What do you call a clown who’s in jail?  Silicon.

24. What element is derived from a Norse god’s name?  Thorium.

25. How did the chemist know it was time for lunch?  The beaker said it was “soup-ertime.”

26. What did the flask say to the test tube?  “Beaker right back!”

27. What do you call iron that you can easily see through?  “Clearly” irony.

28. Why did the chemist get promoted?  Because they had “mole” experience.

29. What’s a chemist’s favorite type of tree?  A chemis-tree!

Cute Periodic Table Jokes

Get ready to bond with laughter over our periodic table jokes, perfect for science lovers who appreciate a little chemistry humor in their lives.

30.  Why do chemists like nitrates so much?  Because they’re cheaper than day rates!

31.  Are you made of copper and tellurium?  Because you’re Cu-Te!!”

32.  Why did the chemist put their shoes in the freezer?  Because they wanted to get to absolute zero!

33.  What do you call an educated tube?  A graduated cylinder!

34.  Why do chemists like napping on the periodic table?  Because they have all the elements for a good rest

35.  What did one titration say to the other titration?  “Let’s meet at the endpoint.”

36.  How did the chemist survive the famine?  By subsisting on titrations!

37.  Why do chemists prefer nitrates?  Because they’re cheaper than day rates!

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38.  Did you hear about the chemist who was reading a book on anti-gravity?  They just couldn’t put it down.

39.  Why did the chemist coat themselves with a liquid-repelling compound?  They wanted to keep their enemies at bay-sis!

Periodic Table Jokes Reddit

Let the elements of humor combine in our collection of periodic table jokes that are guaranteed to make you atoms-pheric with laughter.

40. “Why do chemists like nitrates so much ?  Because they’re cheaper than day rates.”

41. “What’s a chemist’s favorite type of dog?  A laboratory Retriever.”

42. “Why do chemists like napping on the Periodic Table?   Because every element on it is a ‘rest’ element.”

43. “Why did the chemist become a teacher?  Because they had all the ‘elements’ for success.”

44. “How did the chemist repair their pants?   With a patch of ‘chem’-leather.”

45. “Why was the chemistry book sad?  It had no ‘reaction’ to the problems inside.”

46. “Why do chemists make good friends?  They have all the best ‘solutions’.”

47. “What do you call iron that you can easily see through?  ‘Clearly’ irony.”

48. “Why did the chemist get promoted?  Because they had ‘mole’ experience.”

49. “What’s a chemist’s favorite type of tree? A chemis-tree!”

50. “Why did the chemist take up gardening?  For the ‘root’ of the problem, of course!”

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Periodic Table Jokes Worksheet

51.  Why do chemists like nitrates so much?  Because they’re cheaper than day rates

52.  Did you hear about the chemist who got swallowed by a giant marshmallow?  They found him a week later, all sweetened up.

53.  What do you get when you cut an avocado into 6.02214076 x 10^23 pieces?  Guacamole.

54.  Why do chemists like napping during experiments?  Because they need their periodic rest.

55.  What do you call an educated tube?  A graduated cylinder

56.  Why do biologists and chemists make terrible soccer players?  Because they have no “element” of surprise.

57.  What did one titration say to the other titration?  “Let’s meet at the endpoint.”

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58.  What’s a chemist’s favorite type of tree?  A chemis-tree

Periodic Table Jokes One Liners

59.  Why did the chemist quit his job?  Because he was tired of working for inert gases.

60.  What do you call a chemist who loves to sing?  A lab rat.

61.  What’s the difference between a chemist and a magician?  A magician makes things disappear, but a chemist can make them appear again.

62.  Why did the chemist go to the dentist?  Because he had a cavity.

63.  What’s the difference between a chemist and a musician?  A musician plays instruments, but a chemist plays with elements.

64.  What do you call a chemist who’s always on time?  A punctual chemist.

65.  Why did the chemist get a new job?  Because he was tired of working in a lab.

66.  What’s the difference between a chemist and a baker?  A baker kneads dough, but a chemist kneads atoms.

67.  What do you call a chemist who’s always happy?  A jolly chemist.

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Funny Jokes About Periodic Table Jokes

68.  Why did the chemist put his flask in the fridge?  Because he wanted to chill his reaction.

69.  Why did the chemist go to the beach?  Because he wanted to find a good solution.

70.  Why do chemists like nitrates so much?  Because they’re cheaper than day rates!

71.  Why did the chemist break up with the biologist?  Because there was no chemistry.

72.  What’s a chemist’s favorite type of tree?  A  chemis-tree.

73.  What do you call an educated tube?  Graduated cylinder.

74.  How do you make holy water?  You boil the hell out of it.

75.  What did the chemist say when they found two isotopes of radium?  “Ra Ra!”

76.  What did the chemist say when they failed to make a solution?  “I’ve got no reaction to that.”

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Final Thoughts

From puns based on chemical elements to clever references to the periodic table, these jokes have the power to bring a smile to anyone’s face. So, take a break from the ordinary and dive into the world of periodic table humor.

With these jokes, you can appreciate the whimsy behind the elements and perhaps even inspire a newfound interest in chemistry.