110 Side-Splitting Jokes about Clowns

From circus antics to colorful slapstick, our Clowning Jokes bring the zany world of clowns to life through clever wordplay and humorous anecdotes.

Whether you’re a fan of circus acts or simply in search of a good laugh, our collection of clowning jokes promises a carnival of chuckles and a chance to rediscover the joy in lighthearted humor.

So, don your imaginary red nose and oversized shoes, because it’s time to dive headfirst into a world where laughter is the greatest show on Earth.

Funny Clowning Jokes

1.  What do you call a clown who is always late?  A tardy clown.

2.  What do you call a clown who is always talking?  A chatty clown.

3.  What do you call a clown who is always singing ?  A musical clown.

4.  What do you call a clown who is always dancing?  A springy clown.

5.  What do you call a clown who is always painting?  A creative clown.

6.  What do you call a clown who is always writing?  A literary clown.

7.  What do you call a clown who is always reading?  A scholarly clown.

8.  What do you call a clown who is always traveling?  A worldly clown.

9.  What do you call a clown who is always learning?  A curious clown.

10.  What do you call a clown who is always helping others?  A generous clown.

11.  What do you call a clown who is always making friends?  A social clown.

12.  What do you call a clown who is always positive?  A sunny clown.

13.  What do you call a clown who is always smiling?  A happy clown.

14.  What do you call a clown who is always laughing? A joyful clown.

15.  What do you call a clown who is always making people laugh? A funny clown.

16.  What do you call a clown who is always having fun?  A playful clown.

17.  What do you call a clown who is always living their best life?  A fabulous clown.

18.  What do you call a clown who is always holding a bouquet of flowers?  A flower clown.

19.  What do you call a clown who is always juggling?  A juggling clown.

20.  What do you call a clown who is always riding a unicycle?  A unicycle clown.

Best Clowning Jokes

From circus antics to colorful slapstick, our Clowning Jokes bring the zany world of clowns to life through clever wordplay and humorous anecdotes.

21. Why don’t clowns ever use an elevator?  Because they prefer to take things to another level!

22. How do you make a clown stop smiling?  Steal its nose!

23. Why did the clown bring a suitcase to the comedy club?  Because he wanted to pack up the laughs!

24. What did one clown say to the other while juggling bowling pins ?  “I’m really striking tonight!”

25. How do you know if a clown is feeling sad?  Their frown turns upside down.

26. Why did the clown go to school?  To learn how to be a class act!

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27. What do you call a clown who sits at the computer all day?  A silly hacker!

28. Why did the clown always carry a watch?  Because time flies when you’re having fun!

29. How do clowns introduce themselves?  They say, “Hi, I’m a jester in case you were taking life too seriously!”

30. What did the clown say to the dog at the circus?  “You’re bark-tastic!”

31. How do clowns cool themselves down?  They use a fan-tastic trick!

32. Why did the circus clown bring a broom to the party?  Because they wanted to sweep everyone off their feet with laughter!

33. What did the clown do when they couldn’t find their keys?  They looked under the big top!

34. Why did the clown take up gardening?  They wanted to make people laugh with their corn-y jokes!

35. What do clowns eat for breakfast?  Funny flakes and silly sausages!

36. How did the clown fix their broken bike?  With a lot of funny business and a big red nose, of course!

37. Why did the clown become a chef?   Because they wanted to make everyone smile with their deliciously funny recipes!

Clowning Jokes For Adults

Join the circus of chuckles with our Clowning Jokes. Whether you’re a fan of big top entertainment or just in need of a good laugh, these jokes are your ticket to a comedy extravaganza.

38.  Why did the clown take up gardening?  Because he wanted to grow some laughter!

39.  What did the one clown say to the other when they saw a funny movie?  “That’s some big-top-notch comedy!”

40.  Why don’t clowns ever use an elevator?  Because they’re always taking the high ground!

41.  How do you make a clown stop smiling?  Steal its nose!

42.  What’s a clown’s favorite type of music?  Anything with a lot of “silly-phones”!

43.  Why did the clown go to therapy?   He had too many issues to juggle!

44.  How do clowns keep their skin looking so pale?  They avoid daylight and use “concealer”!

45.  What’s a clown’s favorite snack?  “Pop”corn!

46.  Why don’t clowns ever play hide and seek?  Because they always stand out!

47.  How do you make a tissue dance?  Put a little boogie in it, just like a clown!

48.  What did the clown do when he broke his arm?  He called the “cast” for backup!

49.  Why did the clown get kicked out of the library?  He kept clowning around with the books!

50.  How do you know if a clown is happy?  Check if it’s “wigging” out!

52.  What’s a clown’s favorite type of car?  A “Volkswagen” Beetle!

52.  Why did the clown go to school?  To improve his “jester” skills!

Clowning Jokes One Liners

Our Clowning Jokes are the jesters of humor, offering a delightful escape into the whimsical realm of clowns. Discover laughter under the big top with these light-hearted puns.

53.  Why don’t clowns ever use computers?  They’re afraid of the mouse!

54.  How do you make a clown stop smiling?  Steal its nose!

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55.  What do you call a clown who’s good at basketball?  A slam dunkin’!

56.  Why did the clown go to the doctor?  Because he was feeling a little funny!

57.  Why did the clown take a broom to the party?  He wanted to sweep the guests off their feet!

58.  What’s a clown’s favorite type of tree?  A fir, because it’s fir-midable for climbing!

59.  Why did the clown bring a ladder to the barbershop?  He wanted a high-top fade!

60.  How do you know if a clown is happy?  You can see it in his big, red nose!

61.  What’s a clown’s favorite kind of sandwich?  Peanut butter and silly!

62.  What did the clown say when he popped a balloon?  “It’s just a little burst of joy!”

63.  How do you make a clown stop smiling?  Tell him a corny joke!

64.  Why did the clown bring a suitcase to the circus?  Because he wanted to run away and join the luggage!

65.  What did the one clown say to the other clown at the bakery?  “Do these cream pies make me look funny?”

66.  Why did the clown wear a flower on his lapel?  Because he wanted to be a little bit posy-tive!

Short Clowning Jokes

Join the comedic circus with our Clowning Jokes. Whether you’re a fan of big top entertainment or simply enjoy a good jest, these lighthearted puns and jokes will tickle your funny bone.

67. Why did the clown bring a ladder?  To reach new heights of comedy!

68.  What did the clown say to the dog?  “You’re bark-tastic!”

69. Why did the clown take up gardening?  To make people laugh with their corn-y jokes!

70. What do clowns eat for breakfast?  Funny flakes and silly sausages!

71. How did the clown fix their broken bike?  With a lot of funny business and a big red nose!

72. Why did the clown become a chef?  To make everyone smile with their deliciously funny recipes!

73. What do you call a clown who sits at the computer all day?  A silly hacker!

74. How do clowns introduce themselves?  They say, “Hi, I’m a jester in case you were taking life too seriously!”

75. Why did the clown always carry a watch?  Time flies when you’re having fun!

76. Why did the clown go to school?  To learn how to be a class act!

77. Why don’t clowns ever use an elevator?  They prefer to take things to another level!

78. What did the clown do when they couldn’t find their keys?  They looked under the big top!

79. How do clowns cool themselves down?  They use a fan-tastic trick!

80. How do you know if a clown is feeling sad?  Their frown turns upside down.

81. Why did the clown bring a suitcase to the comedy club ?  To pack up the laughs!

82. What did the clown say to the audience?  “Thank you for being my greatest circus-tance!”

Clean Clown Jokes For Kids

Turn your day into a carnival of chuckles with our Clowning Jokes. These humorous anecdotes and puns pay homage to the timeless art of clowning, promising a comedy show that’s all fun and no frowns.

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83.  Why did the clown bring a ladder to the show?  Because he wanted to go to the next level of comedy!

84.  What do you get when you cross a clown with a bakery?  A lot of funny bread

85.  Why did the clown take a tissue to the circus? Because he wanted to catch a few laughs!

86.  What do you call a clown who’s in trouble?  A jester of emergencies!

87.  Why did the clown go to school?  To improve his “juggling” skills!

88.  What did one clown say to the other at the birthday party?  “We’re such a funny pair!”

89.  How do you make a clown stop smiling? Play a little trick on it!

90.  What do you call a clown who tells jokes on a farm?  A corny comedian!

91.  Why did the clown bring a rope to the circus?  He wanted to “tie” the crowd together with laughter!

92.  How do you know when a clown is unhappy?  When it’s down in the “frown.”

93.  What’s a clown’s favorite dessert?  Custard pie!

94.  What did the clown do when he broke his toy?  He laughed it off!

95.  How do you greet a clown?  You say, “Hi, there! Funny seeing you!”

96.  What do you get when you cross a clown with a vampire?  A lot of silly, toothy grins!

97.  What’s a clown’s favorite type of music?  Anything with lots of “silly”-ables!

98.  What did the clown use to fix his pants? “ Clown” tape!

99.  What did the clown use to clean up after himself?  A “silly” broom

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Clown Jokes Reddit

100. Why don’t clowns ever eat clocks?  Because it’s too time-consuming!

101. What do you call a clown who’s in jail?  Silly con!

102. How do clowns greet each other?  They say, “Hey there, clown around!”

103. What’s a clown’s favorite type of music?  Popcorn!

104. What’s a clown’s favorite snack?  Funny bones!

105. Why did the clown bring a boomerang to the circus?  In case he needed a backup laugh!

106. How do you know if a clown has been to the gym?  They’re always juggling their dumbbells!

107. Why did the clown go to the dentist?  To get a little “filling”!

108. What do you call a clown who becomes a detective?  Snoop Bozo!

109. Why did the clown always carry a feather?  In case they needed to tickle someone’s funny bone!

110. What does a clown use to keep their pants up?  Laughing Stockings!

111. Why did the clown bring an umbrella to the circus? I n case they needed some comic relief!

112. What do clowns do when they’re sad?  They put on a “happy face”!

113. Why did the clown bring a briefcase to the party?  Because they wanted to pack up the laughs and take them home!

114. How do clowns keep in touch with each other?  Through Snicker-grams!

115. What’s a clown’s favorite type of vacation?  Amusement parks!

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Final Thoughts

We hope you had a good laugh after reading through all these hilarious Clowning Jokes. Have a hilarious clowning joke up your sleeve? Share your own side-splitting clowning puns in the comment section below!”