190 Jokes About Toads That Will Make You Laugh

Hop into a world of ribbiting laughter with our toad jokes collection. From croaks of humor to leaps of wit, these jokes promise a playful adventure in the charming realm of amphibian amusement.

Frog Toad Jokes

1. Why did the frog call his insurance company?  Because he just jumped his car!

2. Why don’t frogs make good drivers?  They’re always hopping all over the place.

3. Why did the toad cross the road?  To get to the slimy other side.

4. Why did the frog get in trouble at work?  He kept hopping around instead of sitting at his desk.

6. Why did the frog visit a psychiatrist?  He was feeling unhappy.

7. Why did the toad bring a ladder to the pond?  He wanted to reach the highest leap.

9. Why did the frog take a job as a messenger?  He wanted to jump-start his career.

10. What did the frog say when he saw his reflection in the pond?  “Hey, I’m ribbiting.”

11. Why don’t toads play poker?  They’re always showing their cards.

12. What did the frog say to the fly?  “I won’t croak until I catch you.”

14. Why don’t toads drive taxis?  They’re too used to hopping in the backseat.

15. What did the toad say when he got to the pond?  “This place is really ribbeting.”

16. What’s the difference between a frog and a lawyer?  One’s a slimy, low-life amphibian. The other is a frog.

17. Why do frogs wear green?  Because it’s the color of envy. They’re always green with envy.

18. Why do toads go to the library?  They like to read books about frogs and toads.

19. Why did the frog start an internet business?  He wanted to jump-start his website.

20. What’s the difference between a frog and a porcupine?  One has pricks on the outside. The other has pricks on the inside.

Toad Jokes Mario

Ribbit your way to happiness with our toad jokes. Whether you’re a fan of warty wonders or just looking for a good laugh, this collection guarantees a hoppy blend of clever wordplay and whimsical jests.

21. Why did Toad get a promotion at work?  Because he was a fungi-tastic employee!

22. What do Toads use to fix their cars?  Toad-rch wrenches!

23. How does Toad stay in shape?  He hops on the Nintendo Wii Fit!

24. Why did Toad go to music school?  He wanted to learn how to play the toad-accordion!

25. What do you call a Toad who can play multiple instruments?  A multi-toad-ious musician!

26. What do you get when you cross a Toad and a parrot?  A member of the Toad-rot family!

27. Why did the Toad bring a ladder to the Mario Kart race?  He wanted to reach new road-territories!

28. How does Toad catch his favorite TV shows?  He toad-ally DVRs them!

29. What do Toads use to keep their gardens healthy?  Mushroom compost!

30. Why did Toad visit the library ?  He wanted to check out some fungi-themed books!

31. What do you call a Toad who loves puzzles?  A toad-oku enthusiast!

32. What’s Toad’s favorite subject in school?  MUSHroom Math!

33. What’s Toad’s favorite type of music?  Hip-HOP!

34. Why did Toad get a job at the bakery?  He’s a great kneader!

35. What do Toads like to do on a rainy day?  Go to the ‘toad’-eum!

36. How does Toad like to keep warm in the winter?  With his toad-ler!

37. Why did Toad hire a personal trainer?  He wanted to get toad-ally ripped!

38. What’s Toad’s favorite season?  Spore-ing!

39. What’s Toad’s favorite board game?  ‘Toad’-opoly!

40. How does Toad like to relax after a long day?  By soaking in a hot tub of tadpole soup!

41. Why did Toad become a gardener?  Because he wanted to be a fungi-toad in his field!

Funny Toad Jokes

Croak up a storm of laughter with our toad jokes. These amphibious quips are designed to tickle your funny bone, proving that even the most stoic toads can have a sense of humor.

42. Why did the toad bring a chair to the pond?  Because he wanted to jump-start his day!

43. What do you call a toad that’s illegally parked?  Toad-in-a-no-parking-zone!

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44. Why are toads so good at basketball?  Because they have great “jump” shots!

45. What do you get when you cross a toad and a kangaroo?  A hopping good time!

46. How do you make a toad float?  Root beer, a scoop of ice cream, and one relaxed toad!

47. What’s a toad’s favorite candy?  Lollihops!

48. What do you call a toad with wings?  A jumpin’ bean!

49. What’s a toad’s favorite game to play on the internet?  Frogger!

50. What’s a toad’s favorite type of music?  Hip-hop!

51. Why did the toad go to the doctor?  He was feeling a bit “croaky”y!

52. What do you call a toad that likes to play the guitar?  A rock ‘n’ toad!

53. What’s a toad’s favorite subject in school?  History, because it’s full of “ribbit”-ing tales!

44. How do you invite a toad to a party?  You “croak” out an invitation!

55. What did the toad say when he got a job?  “I’m hoping for it!”

56. Why was the toad so good at math?  Because he was great at “tongue”-twisters!

58. What do you call a toad that’s an expert on outer space?  An astro-“ribbit”-ist!

58. What’s a toad’s favorite superhero?  “Frog”-man!

59. How does a toad apologize?  He says, “I’m sorry, I made a real “hop”-sake!”

60. What do you call a toad that’s always on the move?  A “jump”-nomad!

61. Why did the toad bring a ladder to the pond?  Because he heard the water was “toad”-ally deep!

62. What’s a toad’s favorite game show?  ” The Price Is Right,” because they love to “leap” to conclusions!

Toad Jokes One Liner

63. What did the toad say when he answered the phone?  “Ribbet, ribbet!”

64. What do you get when you cross a toad with an insect?  A hopper!

65. What did the toad order at the restaurant?  French flies!

66. What type of car does a toad drive?  A hop-up!

67. What did the female toad say to her boyfriend?  “Wart you doing later?”

68. What did the toad wear to the dance?  A hopping suit!

69. Why did the toad cross the road?  To get to the hop side!

70. How do you make a toad laugh?  Tell it to frog-ment!

71. What did the toad say when he won the lottery? “Ribbit-ribbit-riches!”

72. What did the toad say when it was raining?  “It’s rained toads and frogs!”

73. Why did the Toad bring an umbrella?  In case of a toad-ic downpour!

74. How do Toads communicate?  They use a toad-ally different language!

75. What do you call a Toad with a map?  A navigator-ribbit!

76. Why did the Toad bring a ladder to the race?  To reach new heights of toad-iness!

77. How do you spot a Toad at a party?  Just look for the one croaking up the dance floor!

78. What did the Toad say to the mushroom?  You’re my fungi-est friend!

79. Why did Toad become a police officer?  To catch all the toad-ly bad guys!

80. How do Toads work out?  They hop on the exercise treadmill!

81. What did the Toad say when he won the lottery?  I’m a toad-ally rich amphibian now!

82. Why did the Toad get a job at the bakery?  He’s a master at kneading dough!

Toad Jokes For Adults

Prepare for a leap into hilarity with our toad jokes collection. From swampy punchlines to pond-perfect jests, these jokes celebrate the whimsy of our webbed-footed friends in the most ribbiting way.

83. Why did the toad go to the psychiatrist?  He had a complex hopping disorder.

84. How do you tell the difference between a male and a female toad?  Just check their croaks!

85. What’s a toad’s favorite book?  “The Catcher in the Swamp.”

86. Why was the toad disappointed in his job as a lawyer?  He realized it was just a ribbit-ole.

87. What’s a toad’s favorite holiday?  Hoppy New Year!

88. Why did the toad fail his math test?  He couldn’t remember his times-tables, only his lily-pads.

89. How does a toad catch a fly?  With his sticky-tongue-a-saurus.

90. What do you get when you cross a toad and a caterpillar?  A hop-along-crawl-along!

91. Why did the toad decide to become an artist?  He had a passion for watercolors and lilypads.

92. What do you call a toad that plays the drums?  The Frogster!

93. Why do toads always seem so calm and collected?  They practice yoga on their lily-pads.

94. How do you make a toad blush?  Just tell him he’s as cute as a button-fly!

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95. What do you call a toad that likes to read Shakespeare?  A croak-u-speare!

96. How does a toad stay warm in the winter?  With a thick, comfy frog-jacket!

97. Why do toads always feel sick after eating burgers?  Because they can never catch up to the buns.

98. How do toads travel across the country?  In hop-bys!

99. Why did the toad break up with his girlfriend?  She was too ribbit-ing!

100. What’s a toad’s favorite game show?  Jeopardy-frogs.

101. How do you know when a toad is getting bored?  When he starts counting his toes!

102. Why don’t toads ever seem to get lonely?  They’re always hopping with their friends.

103. How does a toad like his steak cooked?  A  little bit charred on the outside, and rawr-awr-awr on the inside!

Frog Jokes One Liners

104. What do you call a frog with no hind legs?  Unhappy!

105.  Why did the frog bring a ruler to the pond?  To measure how far he could jump!

106. What kind of shoes do frogs wear?  Open toad sandals!

107. Why did the frog go to the hospital?  He needed a “ribbit”ectomy!

108. How do frogs pay for their online purchases?  With frog-digits!

109. What do you get when you cross a frog and a bunny?  A hoppy HARE-amphibian!

110. What’s a frog’s favorite exercise?  Jumping jacks!

111. How do frogs stay in shape?  They do croak-aerobics!

112. Why was the frog so happy?  He finally found his “prince” charming!

113. What do you call a frog that’s illegally parked?  Toad away!

114. Why did the frog bring a suitcase on vacation?  Because he heard it was a croak and roll destination!

115. How does a frog feel when he passes a test?  He’s ribbiting with excitement!

116. What do you call a frog with no ears?  Whatever you want, he can’t hear you!

117. Why do frogs always know how much they weigh?  Because they have their own scale!

118. Why was the frog so good at basketball?  He had great hops!

119. What do you get when you cross a frog and a duck?  A creature that can say “ribbit” and “quack” at the same time!

Dirty Toad Jokes

120. What do you call a toad that can play guitar?  A “crockstar.”

121. Why did the toad bring a chair to the pond?  Because he wanted to sit and “toad” watch!

122. What do you call a toad that’s illegally parked?  Toadally irresponsible!

123. How does a toad ask for a ride?  “Hop in, I’m croakin’ this way!”

124. What did the toad say when he got a promotion?  “I’m on the lily pad to success!”

125. What’s a toad’s favorite candy?  Lollihops!

126. How do you make a toad laugh?  Tell it a “ribbit”-ing joke!

127. Why don’t toads play cards in the wild?  Because there are too many cheetahs!

128. What do you call a toad that’s illegally parked in a fancy neighborhood?  Toadally out of his element!

129. How do toads communicate over long distances?  They use croak talk!”

130. What do you call a toad that’s a great singer?  A “croak-a-pella” artist!

131. Why are toads so good at basketball?  Because they always make “jump shots”!

132. What do you get when you cross a toad and a dog?  A croak-er spaniel!

133. How do you throw a toad party?  You “hop” to it and invite all your amphibian friends!

134. What did one toad say to the other when they were stuck in traffic?  “We’re really in the middle of a ‘toad’ jam!”

135.  What do you call a toad that’s a computer expert?  A “code hopper”!

136.  Why did the toad bring an umbrella to the pond?  Because he heard there was a chance of “croak-ed” rain.

Related: Funny Frog love Puns 

Best Toad Jokes

Need a good laugh? These toad jokes will have you leaping with laughter as you explore the amusing side of our amphibian friends.

137. What did the toad say to the fly?  “Stick around, let’s catch up!”

138. Why do toads have bumpy skin?  Because beauty is only skin-deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone!

139. How do you know when a toad is angry?  When it starts hopping mad!

140. What’s a toad’s favorite dessert?  Tiramislim!

141. What do you call a group of toads?  A tadpole!

142. What’s a toad’s favorite board game?  Crock-a-dile!

143. How does a toad feel about going on vacation?  Hoppy-go-lucky!

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144. What do you call a toad that’s always busy?  A roadster!

145. How do you get a toad to jump?  Put it on a hot pan-der!

146.  Why do toads always travel light?  Because they’re always carrying their toad-ally awesome personality!

147. What do you call a toad who’s a good listener?  An e-toad-er!

148. What do toads sing in the shower?  Jumpin’ in the rain!

149. What did the toad say to the prince? ” Why do you need a kiss when you have my ribbit!”

150. How do toads keep their feet warm?  They wear jump-stirrup socks!

151. Why do toads love rock music?  Because it’s toad-ally cool!

152. What do you call a toad that’s good at sports?  A jump shot!

153. How do you make a toad’s day?  You say “Hoppy birthday!”

154. Why did the toad cross the playground?  To get to the other hop-scotch!

Frog And Toad Jokes

155.  What did the frog say when he saw the police?  “Wee wee wee, all the way home!”

156. What did one frog say to the other?  “Time’s sure flyin’ when you’re having fun!”

157. Why did the frog cross the road?  To get to the other slimy side!

158. How do you tell the difference between a frog and a toad?  A frog croaks and a toad toads!

159. What did the frog say when his wife left him?  “We can still be hoppy friends!”

160. Why did the frog go to the bank?  To get a frog-gage!

161. What did the frog say when it saw a fly?  “That’s my jam!”

162. What did the toad say when it saw the fly?   “Hop-py meal!”

163. What did the frog say when it saw the fly?  “Ribbit, ribbit, dinner’s here!”

164. What did the frog say when it found its favorite toy?  “My croak and roll!”

165. How do you make a toad laugh?  Tickle its warts!

166. What do you call a frog’s favorite outdoor activity?  Jumping for joy!

167. Why don’t frogs like to play hide-and-seek?  They always get spotted!

168. What do frog parents tell their children at bedtime?  “Hoppy dreams!”

169. Why did the toad buy a blender?  To make some frog smoothies!

170. What does a frog use to fix a leaky pond?  A ribb-it!

171. How does a toad navigate through the forest?  By using its toadstool-GPS!

172. What did the frog say to the fly?  “Just drop by whenever you’re hungry!”

Related: Frog Knock Knock Jokes

Funny Jokes About Toad

172. Why did the toad bring his own lawn chair to the party?  He didn’t want to sit on a toad-stool!

173. What did the toad say when he won the singing competition?  “I’m toad-ally the best croaker out there!”

174. Why did the toad get a job at the bakery ?  He wanted to become a dough-hop!

175. Why did the toad cross the road?  To show off his hopping skills!

176. What’s a toad’s favorite type of music?  Ribbit-hop!

177. What do you call a toad that can predict the weather?  A prognosticator!

178. How does a toad keep in touch with his friends ? He hops on social media!

179. What did one toad say to the other at the gym?  “Let’s hop to it and get fit!”

180. Why did the toad bring a ladder to the library?  To reach the highest shelves of toast!

181. What’s a toad’s favorite sport?  Leapfrog!

182. How does a toad greet his friends?  With a friendly “Croak-oo!”

183. Why did the toad bring a parachute to the party?  He wanted to make a grand frog-entrance!

184. What did the toad say to his friend who was feeling down?  “Don’t worry, be hoppy!”

185. Why did the toad wear shades?  He didn’t want to be spotted by paparazzi!

186. What do you call a toad that’s a great dancer?  A hoptastic performer!

187. Why was the toad always invited to parties?  Because he knew how to liven up the “toad”-ally!

188. What did the toad say when he found his long-lost friend?  “It’s toad-ally great to see you again!”

199. How does a toad play his favorite music?  With a ribbit player!

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Final Thoughts

As we wrap up this delightful adventure, let these toad jokes serve as a reminder that laughter is a universal language, capable of transcending the pond and bringing joy to all.

So, whether you’re a prince in search of a royal chuckle or simply a fan of amphibian amusement, may the echoes of these toad jokes continue to resonate, leaving you with a smile as infectious as a chorus of croaks on a moonlit night.