Laugh Out Loud: 60 Rib-Tickling Jokes featuring Two Whales!

Join our aquatic comedy duo with our two whales jokes collection. Whether you’re a marine enthusiast or just a fan of clever wordplay, these jokes will have you laughing in deep waters.

Two Whales Jokes Reddit

1. Why did the two whales go to the gym?  They wanted to work on their fin-ness!

2. What kind of whales like to gamble?  Cardi-whales!

3. How do whales stay in touch with each other?  They use their cell flukes!

4. What’s a whale’s favorite subject in school?  Pod-ology!

5. Why did the whale bring a notebook to the party?  It wanted to jot down some whale-tastic ideas!

6. What do you get when you cross a whale and a kangaroo?  A jumbo-jumping whale!

7. How did the whale get a promotion at work?  It kept raising the bar!

8. What did one whale say to the other while swimming by?  “Whale, hello there!”

9. What’s a humpback whale’s favorite type of music?  Anything that makes them feel whaley good!

10. Why did the whale blush?  It saw the ocean’s bottom!

11. What’s a whale’s favorite instrument?  The harpoonica!

12. How do you communicate with a whale?  Drop it a line!.

Two Whales Jokes One Liner

13. Why don’t whales like fast food?  Because they can’t catch it!

14. What’s a whale’s favorite game?  Swallow the leader!

15. What’s a whale’s favorite TV show?  Whale of Fortune!

16. How do you apologize to a whale?  You “krill” it with kindness!

17. What’s a whale’s favorite type of music?  Anything with a good “tuna”!

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18. What’s a whale’s favorite subject in school?  “Whale”-gebra!

19. What did one whale say to the other during a meal?  “Bon appétit, my krill friend!”

20. What do you call a polite and well-mannered whale?  A gentlefins!

21. Why did the whale blush?  Because it saw the ocean’s bottom!

22. What’s a whale’s favorite type of exercise?  “Whale”-lates!

23. What do you get when you cross a whale with a detective?  Moby Sleuth!

24. What do you call a fashionable whale?  A “whale-dressed” mammal!

25. Why are whales so good at telling stories?  Because they have a lot of “tail-tales”!

26. What’s a whale’s favorite place to visit?  Finland – because it’s full of “fin”

Clean Two Whales Jokes

Dive into a sea of laughter with our collection of two whales jokes. From oceanic wordplay to fin-tastic humor, these jokes promise to make a splash and leave you whale-y entertained!

27. What did the first whale say to the second whale?  Nothing, they just gave each other a friendly wave.

28. How do two whales communicate with each other?  They have a whale of a conversation.

29. What do two whales say when they meet up?  “Long time, no sea!”

30. Why did the two whales go on a diet?  They wanted to shed a few tons.

31. What do you call two whales that are best friends?  Twin fins!

32. How do two whales have a debate?  They engage in a blubbering argument.

33. Why did the two whales go to the dance party?  They wanted to show off their killer whale moves.

34. What do you call a story told by two whales?  A whale tale.

35. How do two whales greet each other?  “Whale hello there!”

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36. Why did the two whales join the gym?  They wanted to work on their whale-being.

37. What do two whales use to navigate the ocean?  Their marine GPS – the global podding system.

38. Why did the two whales start a podcast?  They wanted to share their deep insights with the world.

39. How do two whales play hide-and-seek?  They try to blend in with the ocean waves.

40. What’s a whale’s favorite board game?  Finopoly – it makes for some whale-tastic competition.

41. What do you call it when two whales tell jokes?  A whale of a stand-up routine.

42. How do two whales express their love?  They give each other a big “whale of a hug.”

43. What’s a whale’s favorite hobby?  Tail tagging with their whale BFF.

44. Why did the two whales become fashion models?  They loved showing off their flowing blubber coats.

45. How do two whales plan a vacation?  They coordinate their flips and dives to go to their desired destinations.

Related: Best Whale Jokes for Kids

Funny Jokes About Two Whales

Make a whale of a time with our curated two whales jokes. These jokes are a perfect blend of oceanic charm and playful humor, guaranteed to keep your spirits afloat with each witty quip.

46. Why did the two whales go to the gym together? Because they wanted to get a little more “fin” in shape!

47. How do you make a whale smile? Tell it a “whale” of a joke, and then tell it another one!

48. What do you call two whales that work at a sushi restaurant?  Sushi “bar”-tenders!

49. Why did the two whales bring a suitcase to the beach?  Because they wanted to have a “whale” of a vacation!

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50. What did one whale say to the other during a singing competition?  “You’re a real “whale”-ent!”

51. Why do whales make great detectives?  Because they always follow their “gut” instincts!

52. What’s a whale’s favorite James Bond movie?  “The Spy Who Loved Sea!”

53. Why did the two whales start a band ?  Because they wanted to make some “whale” music together!

54. How do you communicate with a pair of whales underwater?  Drop them a “fin”-mail!

55. What’s a whale’s favorite instrument? The “bass” guitar!

56. What do you call two whales that argue a lot? “Disagree”-dinosaurs!

57. How did the two whales celebrate their anniversary? They had a “whale” of a time!

58. Why did the two whales bring a ladder to the ocean? Because they heard the fish were “high” up in the water!

59. What’s a whale’s favorite candy? Blubber-gum!

60. What did one whale say to the other when they saw a shipwreck?  “Looks like they’re having a “whale” of a time down there!”

61. How do whales enjoy their favorite TV shows? They watch them on the “whale-sized” screen!

62. What’s a whale’s favorite game show? “Wheel of Fortune” because they love spinning!

63. Why don’t whales play hide and seek in the ocean?  Because good luck hiding when you’re the size of a school bus!

64. What did the two whales say when they found a sunken treasure chest?  “It’s a “whale”-thy discovery!”

65. How did the two whales get to the party? They “whale”-pooled with their friends!

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Final Words

As we surface from this oceanic escapade, may the waves of laughter linger, leaving you with a smile as expansive as the open sea. Dive into the depths of amusement, where every joke is a treasure waiting to be discovered in the playful currents of wit.