A Collection of 100 Funny Walrus Jokes

Make a splash with our curated walrus jokes collection. These jokes celebrate the majestic walrus with clever wordplay and playful jests, promising a tide of laughter for marine enthusiasts and joke lovers alike.

Best Walrus Jokes

1. What do you call a group of walruses singing in harmony?  A blubber-choir!

2. How do you know if a walrus is hungry?  It starts licking its tusks!

3. How do you know if a walrus is on a diet?  It stops snacking between fish!

4. Why do walruses love winter?  They can finally break out their furry jackets!

5. What’s a walrus’s favorite meal?  Anything that comes straight from the Arctic kitchen!

6. Why are walruses so good at math?  They’ve got plenty of calculator-uses on their tusks!

7. What do you call a walrus that has too much to drink?  A blubber-ized boozer!

8.  How do walruses communicate underwater?  They use tusk-talk!

9. Why do walruses love playing hide and seek?  They’re great at staying “walrus!”

10. What do you get when you cross a walrus with a shark?  A wall ark!

11. Why do walruses love movie night?  They’ve got their own built-in blankets!

12. What’s a walrus’s favorite music?  Anything with a good tusk-beat!

13. How do you make a walrus happy?  Just toss them a few tasty fishes!

14. What do you call a walrus that’s lost its voice?  A hoarse-horned marine mammal!

15. Why are walruses so popular on social media?  They’ve got plenty of flipper-tunity for photos!

16. How do you make a walrus smile?  You tell it a cheesy joke and watch those tusks curl up!

17. Why do walruses hate running?  They always end up with a lot of unnecessary blubber!

18. What’s a walrus’s favorite sport?  Whale wrestling, of course!

Walrus Jokes One Liners

Explore the humorous side of marine life with our walrus jokes. These jokes promise a flippered good time, adding a touch of blubbery hilarity to your day.

19. Why did the walrus go to the dentist?  To get a new tooth seal.

20. What do you call a walrus with a banana?   A peeler.

21. Why don’t walruses play poker in the wild?  There are too many seals.

22. How did the walrus win the marathon?  He had a lot of blubber.

23. What’s a walrus’s favorite subject in school?  Arctic-texture.

24. Why did the walrus bring a radio to the beach?  He wanted to listen to some seal-y tunes.

25. How do walruses make phone calls?  With their cell-tusks.

26. What did the walrus say to the octopus?  Can you lend me a hand… or eight?

27. What do you call a fashionable walrus?  A well-dressed whisker-mister.

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28. Where do walruses go to see art?  To the tusk-eum.

29. What do you call a walrus with a hat?  A hipster-walrus.

30. What’s a walrus’s favorite ice cream flavor?  Seal-most.

31. Why did the walrus start a band?  He had a lot of flippers.

32. How do walruses pay for things?  With their shell-fies.

33. What do walruses use to take notes?  A blubber-clip.

34. Why did the walrus go to the circus?  To see the elephant seal-t.

35. How do you make a walrus laugh?  Tell him a whale of a joke.

36. Why don’t walruses make good comedians?  They’re always telling sea-lame jokes.

37. What did the walrus say at the karaoke bar?  “I’m ready to bring the seal!”

Dirty Walrus Jokes

38. What do you call a walrus with a GPS?  Lost!

39. How do walruses stay cool in the summer?  They use walrus cream!

40. What’s a walrus’s favorite Beatles song?  “I Am the Walrus”!

41. Why don’t walruses like fast food?  Because they can’t catch it!

42. What did the walrus say to the dentist?  I need a tusk-ache!

43 How do you organize a walrus party?  You send out tus-tions!

44. Why don’t walruses like to play cards in the wild?  Because there are too many cheetahs!

45.   How do you make a walrus stop laughing?  Take away its happy meal.

46. What do you call a walrus with a sunburn?  A blubber-burn!

47.  What do you call a walrus that likes to play basketball?  A jump shot!

48.    What’s a walrus’s favorite ice cream flavor?  Sea salt caramel!

49. What do you call a walrus that’s good at math?  An algebraic!

50. Why did the walrus bring a suitcase to the beach?  Because it wanted to have a “seal”action!

Walrus Jokes Tight Seal

51. What do you call a walrus who’s always singing?  A soprano sea cow.

52. What do you call a walrus who’s always dancing?  A ballerina blubber ball.

53. What do you call a walrus who’s always eating? A gluttonous gobbler.

54.  What do you call a walrus who’s always sleeping?  A narcoleptic nibbler.

55 .What do you call a walrus who’s always studying?  A bookworm’s biter.

46. What do you call a walrus who’s always playing sports?  An athletic amphibious athlete.

57. What do you call a walrus who’s always traveling?  A globetrotting grazer.

58. What do you call a walrus who’s always getting into mischief?  A troublemaking tusker.

59. What do you call a walrus who’s always making friends?  A social butterfly sea cow.

60.  What do you call a walrus who’s always telling lies?  A fibbing flippered friend.

61. What do you call a walrus who’s always getting lost? A directionless diver.

62. What do you call a walrus who’s always being silly?  A goofy grazer.

63. What do you call a walrus who’s always on top of things?  A brilliant blubber ball.

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64. What do you call a walrus who’s always ahead of the curve? A visionary voyager.

65. What do you call a walrus who’s always making a difference?  A world-changing wader.

66. What do you call a walrus who’s always inspiring others?  A role model tusker.

67. What do you call a walrus and a seal who are best friends?  A tight seal!

Clean Walrus Jokes

Dive into the world of walrus humor with our collection of jokes. From tusk-tickling punchlines to blubbery quips, these walrus jokes promise a sea of laughter for everyone who loves these marine giants.

68 . Why do walruses go to Tupperware parties?  To find a tight seal!

69. Why did the walrus go on a diet?  Because he was feeling a little blubber fish.

70. What do you call a walrus in a top hat?  A sir-seal!

71. What do you call a group of walruses playing cards?  A blubber party!

72. How do walruses stay warm in the winter? They have fur coats AND jackets!

73. What did the walrus say when he saw his friends?  “Seal-abrate good times, come on!”

74. What did the walrus say to the toothbrush? ” I tusking need you!”

75. Why don’t walruses ever share their desserts?  They’re a little shell-fish!

76. How do walruses communicate?  With tusk messages!

77. What’s a walrus’s favorite holiday?  Groundhog Day! They love the tusk-shadow predictions.

78. What’s a walrus’s favorite movie genre?  Action, tusk-tusk!

79. Why don’t walruses use cell phones?  They’re more of a tusk-and-tell type.

80. What do walruses wear to weddings?  Tuskanis!

81. What’s a walrus’s favorite band?  Seal and Crofts!

82. What did the walrus say when he finally found a job?  “It’s about taking time!”

83. What do walruses say when they’re happy?  “A-roo-ooooooo!”

84. Why did the walrus go to space?  He wanted to be a star-gazer!

85. What’s a walrus’s favorite social media platform?  Tusk-er.

86. How does a walrus feel when it’s really excited?  Tusk-alated!

87. What’s a walrus’s favorite book genre?  A-tasking non-fiction.

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Funny Jokes About Walrus

Get ready for a flippered fiesta of fun with our walrus jokes. Whether you’re a fan of marine life or just looking for a good laugh, these jokes offer a humorous journey into the world of these whiskered wonders.

88. Why did the walrus go to school?  To become a blubbering genius!

89. What’s a walrus’s favorite type of music?  Seal-ingo!

90. How did the walrus start a conversation?  With a tusk-tastic opening line!

91. Why don’t walruses make good detectives?  They always end up with flimsy alibis.

92. What’s a walrus’s favorite social media platform?  Flipagram!

93. What do you call a walrus with a basketball?  A dribble-blubber!

94. How do walruses communicate underwater?  With sub-aquatic chat services!

95. Why did the walrus start a band?  Because he wanted to be a rock and tusk star!

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96. What did the walrus say when it got sunburned?  “I guess I should have used more sunblock!”

97. Why don’t walruses make good comedians?  They always flub their punchlines!

98. What do you call a fashionable walrus?  A style icon with tusk-taste!

99. Why did the walrus bring a ladder to the beach?  So he could climb up on land and get a better view of the ocean!

100. How do walruses keep track of their appointments?  They use their tusker!

101. What do you get when you cross a walrus with a bee?  A blubbering buzz!

102. Why do walruses always know the latest gossip?  They’re always eaves-tusk-dropping!

103. What’s a walrus’s favorite dance move?  The tusk shuffle!

104. Why was the walrus always good at poker?  Because he had great poker blubber!

105. What do you call a walrus that knows martial arts?  A jiu-tusk-do master!

106. Why don’t walruses eat fast food?  Because they prefer slow-food restaurants!

107. How did the walrus react when it won the lottery?  It shouted, “I’m fin-ancially set for life!”

Short  Walrus Jokes

108. Why did the walrus go to school?  To get his “seal” of approval!

109. Why did the walrus join the army?  He wanted to be a “tusk” force!

110. Why don’t walruses play cards in the jungle?  There’s too many cheetahs!

111. Why don’t walruses use email? They prefer to use their “flippers”!

112. Why don’t walruses like fast food?  They prefer their meals “on the rocks”!

113. What did the walrus say when he got out of the water?  “I’m just flipping around!”

114. Why did the walrus go on a diet?   He wanted to lose some “blubber”!

115. Why do walruses make bad magicians?  They always reveal their “trick or treat”!

116. What’s a walrus’s favorite type of music?  Heavy “tusk”!

117. What did the walrus say when he saw his favorite celebrity?  “I’m such a fan-tusk”!

118. Why do walruses love the circus?  They’re the “clowns on the rocks”!

119. What did the walrus say when he was late for a meeting?  “I got held up in traffic. on the ice”!

120. What’s a walrus’s favorite winter activity?  Ski-“doo-ing”!

121. What do you call a group of walruses on a beach?  A “blubber fest”!

122. What’s a walrus’s favorite type of book?  Something with a “flippant” plot!

123. Why don’t walruses play video games?  They’re more into “flipper-to-flipper” communication!

124. What do you call a walrus that’s feeling down?  “Blue-ber”!

125. Why did the walrus start his own business?  He wanted to be his own “tusk master”!

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Final Words

These jokes, much like the majestic marine creatures they celebrate, have added a touch of whimsy to our imaginary sea.

As we wrap up this aquatic escapade, may the echoes of walrus laughter linger, leaving behind a trail of smiles reminiscent of the flippered antics and whiskery wit that define these magnificent marine wonders.