100 Hilarious Jokes about Piggy Banks

Coins of comedy await in our Piggy Bank Jokes treasury! Uncover the humor hidden in the world of saving and finance with these hilarious quips. From piggy banks to loose change, get ready to laugh your cents off!

Bank Money Jokes

1. How do you stop a bank robber?  Take away his calculations!

2. What did the bank teller say when he saw a robber running out of the bank? “ Take your money and run!”

3. How did the bank robber get away with all the money?  He was very good at counting it!

4. How do bankers keep track of their money?  With a mon-eye-tor!

5. Why did the bank manager say no to the loan request?  Because he wanted the money to stay in the bank!

5. What did the bank robber say to the teller?  “Put all your money in a

6. What do you call a piggy bank that’s been around for years?  A vintage money box!

7. What did the piggy bank say when it fell down the stairs?  “I need to stop saving for a rainy day!”

8. What do you get when you cross a piggy bank with a soccer ball?  A money-box with a kick!

9. What did the piggy bank say when it got a big deposit?  “It’s raining cash!”

10. What’s the difference between a piggy bank and a bear?  One saves money and the other saves honey!

11. Why was the piggy bank always hungry?   Because it was full of coinage!

12. Why did the piggy bank go to the bank?  To get some change!

13. Why did the piggy bank break up with his girlfriend?  She was too penny-pinching!

Best Piggy Bank Jokes

Shake off the seriousness and shake the piggy bank of humor! Our Piggy Bank Jokes will have you chuckling all the way to the bank. Explore the lighter side of saving, spending, and the little piggies that make it all the more amusing.

14. Why did the piggy bank want to go to the beach ?  Because it wanted to be in the change of tide!

15. What did the piggy bank say when it broke?  “I’m busted!”

16. What did the piggy bank say when it won the lottery?  “I’m loaded!”

17. What did the piggy bank say when it saw the empty fridge?  “Looks like it’s time to break open a few piggy banks!”

18. What do you get when you cross a piggy bank with a bird?  A piggy bank that flies!

19. What’s the best thing about having a piggy bank?  You never run out of change!

20. Why did the piggy bank call in sick?  It was feeling bankrupt!

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21. What do you call a piggy bank that loves to shop?  A savings shopaholic!

22. What did the piggy bank say when it was stuffed full of coins?  “I’m living proof that saving your pennies can add up to big bucks!”

23. Why did the piggy bank start dancing?  Because it had too much spare change!

24. What do you call a piggy bank that likes to recycle?  A green money box!

Piggy Bank Jokes One Liner

25.  Why did the piggy bank cry?  He was broke!”

26.  “What did the piggy bank say when it was full? Coin-gratulations!”

27.  “How do banks lose money?  By loaning it to pigs!”

28. “Why didn’t the piggy bank have any money?  He was tapped out!”

29. “What did the piggy bank say when he was empty?  What a pinch!”

30.  “Where do pigs keep their money?  In their piggy banks!”

31. “Why did the piggy bank get mad?  Because it was short-changed!”

32.   Why did the piggy bank break?  He had too much money!”

33.  “What do you get when you break a piggy bank?  A lot of cents!

34. ” “What did the piggy bank say when it was almost full?  Almost there!”

35.  “Why didn’t the piggy bank answer the phone?  He was counting his coins!”

36.  “Why did the piggy bank need a break?  He was all shook up!”

37. “What did the piggy bank say after a big deposit?  Let’s party!”

38. “Why did the piggy bank quit his job?  He was tired of dealing with money!”

39..”Where did the piggy bank put his spare change?  In his piggy savings account!” “Why was the piggy bank so happy? He was rolling

Funny Jokes On Bank Employees

Savings meet silliness in our Piggy Bank Jokes showcase! Whether you’re a savvy saver or just love a good laugh, these jokes about piggy banks, spare change, and financial folly will leave you rolling in the funny money.

40.  Why did the bank employee bring a ladder to work?  Because he heard the job was up-and-coming!

41.  What do you call a banker who Why did the banker switch careers?  He lost interest!

41. How do bank employees stay cool in the summer?  They use their “savings” to buy ice cream!

42. What’s a bank teller’s favorite type of music?  Heavy metal – because of all the coins!

43. Why don’t bank employees ever get lost?  Because they always follow the “loan” star!

44. How do bank employees stay motivated?  They have a lot of “interest” in their work!

45.  What did the bank manager say to the indecisive customer?  “You need to make a “withdrawal” decision!”

46.  Why did the bank employee bring a pencil to the meeting?  To draw up some interest!

47.  How do you know if a bank teller is extroverted?  They’re always up for a “checking” conversation!

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48. Why did the banker take a nap at work?  He wanted to balance his dreams!

49. What’s a bank manager’s favorite type of math?  “Interest-ing” calculus!

50. Why did the bank employee become a gardener?  Because he wanted to “branch” out!

51. What do you call a bank employee who’s good with numbers?  A “counting” expert!

52. How do bank employees stay calm under pressure?  They keep their “balance”!

53.  Why did the bank teller go to therapy?  To deal with too much “deposited” emotional baggage!

54. What’s a bank employee’s favorite day of the week?  “Loan” day!

55. Why did the banker go to the art museum?  To appreciate some “financiar”!

56. What did one bank employee say to the other during lunch break?  “Let’s make a “withdrawal” from these sandwiches!”

57. How do bank employees greet each other in the morning?  “Have an “interest-ing” day.

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Funny Jokes About Bank Robbers

Make room for laughter in your financial plan with our Piggy Bank Jokes! These witty quips and puns will turn your piggy bank into a comedy goldmine. Saving has never been this funny – break into a smile and let the laughs compound!

58. . Why did the bank robber switch to online banking?  He heard it was a safer way to rob people blind!

59. How do bank robbers say goodbye?  They always take the money and run!

69. What do you call a bank robber who keeps stealing money but never gets caught?  A wealthy man!

70. Why did the bank robber decide to rob a bakery instead?  He was hoping to make some serious dough!

71. How do you catch a bank robber who’s on the run?  You have to chase after the money!

72. Why did the bank robber wear sunglasses during the robbery?  He was hoping to avoid getting recognized…but he still got caught on camera!

73. How do bank robbers keep themselves entertained while waiting for the police to arrive?  They play “guess the getaway car color”!

74. Why did the bank robber rob a bank in the Arctic Circle?  He wanted to make a clean getaway on the ice!

75. How do you know when a bank robber has made it big?  They start carrying their cash in wheelbarrows!

76. What’s a bank robber’s favorite vegetable?  The bean, of course!

77. How did the bank robber convince the bank teller to give him all the money?  He used his quick wit…and a very large gun!

78. What did the bank robber say to the security guard?  “Can you keep a dollar for me until tomorrow?”

79. Why did the bank robber go to the amusement park after robbing the bank?  He wanted to ride the rollercoaster and feel alive!

80. How do you know if a bank robber has had a rough day at work?  They keep getting “denied” by the ATM!

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81. What did the bank robber say to the bank teller when they asked for identification?  “Oh, sorry, I forgot my ID in my other stolen wallet!”

82. How do bank robbers deal with the guilt of stealing from innocent people?  They don’t! They just go on a spending spree!

83. What do you call a bank robber who’s also a singer?  A thief and a crooner!

84. Why did the bank robber decide to retire early?  He finally got tired of always being on the lam!

85. How do you know when a bank robber is lying?  Their pants are always on fire!

86. Why did the bank robber start to cry after the heist was over?  He realized he had no one to share his stolen money with!

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Dad jokes About Piggy Bank

87. How did the piggy bank feel when it was full?  Absolutely “bank-tastic”!

88. What did one piggy bank say to the other at the party?  Let’s “break” the ice and start saving!

89. Why did the piggy bank become a musician?   It wanted to make some “cents” with its savings!

90. What did the piggy bank say after a long day at work?  I’m “coin-drained”!

91. How do you know a piggy bank is good at tennis?  It has a “mean” serve and a “lovely” racket!

92. What’s a piggy bank’s favorite type of music?  “Saving” opera, of course!

93. How does a piggy bank ask for a loan?  Can I “borrow” some change, p-l-e-a-s-e?

94. What do you call a piggy bank that can sing?  A “sow-lo” singer!

95. How do you make a piggy bank happy?  You “feed” it lots of coins!

96. How do piggy banks celebrate their birthdays?  They “pig” out on cake and save some for later!

97. What’s a piggy bank’s favorite superhero?  Iron “saver”!

98. Why did the piggy bank apply for a job at the bakery?  It wanted to “dough”minate its savings game!

99. What do you call a piggy bank that’s on a diet?  A “waist” of money!

100. Why did the piggy bank become a detective?  It wanted to “uncover” any missing coins!

101. How do piggy banks listen to music?  With their “ear” slots!

102. What’s a piggy bank’s favorite TV show?  “Coins and Recreation”!

103. Why did the piggy bank go on vacation?  It needed a “break” from all those coins!

104. How did the piggy bank become an artist?  I loved painting “pig-tures” with money!

105. What’s a piggy bank’s favorite holiday?  “Savings” Day, of course!

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Some Final Words

Piggy bank jokes, with their playful use of language and relatable situations, have been a source of amusement for generations. They capture the essence of childhood savings and the anticipation of watching one’s piggy bank grow fuller with each passing coin.

So the next time you find yourself shaking your piggy bank in vain, take a moment to appreciate the simple pleasures of life and the timeless appeal of a good piggy bank joke.