150 Side-Splitting Jokes About America

Celebrate the land of the free and the home of the funny with our America Jokes! From sea to shining sea, these patriotic puns and jests capture the spirit of the USA, promising a star-spangled laugh for every American patriot.

America Jokes Clean

1.Why don’t Americans eat snails?  Because they like fast food.

2.  The other day I was arrested for pretending I was an American politician!?  All I was doing was just sitting there doing nothing.

3.  It’s sad that nothing is made in America anymore?   I just bought a new TV, and it said “Built-in antenna”. I don’t even know where that is!

4.  Today I learned that America has more museums than Starbucks and McDonald’s combined.?  Starbucks and McDonald’s have a combined total of 0 museums.

5.  Why do Native Americans hate April?  Because April showers bring May Flowers, and Mayflowers bring white people.

6.  What’s the difference between America and Canada? The Americans have really nice neighbors.

7.  Is America a free country?  Free to Play, but Pay to Win.

8.  What’s the difference between America and a bottle of milk?  In 200 years, the milk will have developed a culture.

9.  My girlfriend used to work at an American prison in Cuba?   She’s my Guantanamo Bae.

10.  How do you get America to enter a World War?  Tell them it’s almost over.

11.  Why don’t Americans use the metric system?  Because they have a foot fetish.

12.  What’s the difference between a computer and an American?  An American doesn’t have trouble-shooting.

13.  Do Americans have a terrible sense of humor?  I mean, our healthcare is a joke, and most of us don’t even get it.

America Jokes One Liners

14.  Why do Native Americans hate April?  Because April showers bring May Flowers, and Mayflowers bring white people.

15.  What’s the difference between America and Canada?  The Americans have really nice neighbors.

16.  What’s the difference between America and a bottle of milk?  In 200 years the milk will have developed a culture.

17.  When do Americans and the rest of the world reach consensus?  When it’s -40°.

18.  How do you get America to enter a World War?  Tell them it’s almost over.

19.  Why don’t Americans use the metric system?  Because they have a foot fetish.

20.  What’s the difference between a computer and an American?  An American doesn’t have trouble-shooting.

21.  If you speak 3 languages you’re trilingual?  If you speak 2 languages you’re bilingual. If you speak 1 language you’re American.

22.  Why don’t Americans use the metric system?  Because they have a foot fetish.

23.  What’s the difference between a computer and an American?  An American doesn’t have trouble-shooting.

24.  Why do Native Americans hate April?  Because April showers bring May Flowers, and Mayflowers bring white people.

25.  What’s the difference between America and Canada? The Americans have really nice neighbors.

26.  What’s the difference between America and a bottle of milk?  In 200 years the milk will have developed a culture.

27.  When do Americans and the rest of the world reach consensus?  When it’s -40°.

28.  What’s the difference between an American and an Englishman?  To an Englishman, 100 miles is a long way. To an American, 100 years is a long time.

Short America Jokes

Unwrap the gift of laughter with our America Jokes! From coast to coast, these puns and jests pay homage to the diversity and humor found in every corner of the USA. Get ready for a star-spangled giggle fest!

29.  Why did the scarecrow win an award?  Because he was outstanding in his field, just like American farmers.

30.  Why did the computer go to therapy?  Because it had too many bytes of American history.

31.  What do you call a cat from America?  A Yankee Doodle Kitty.

32.  How does an American skeleton answer the phone?  “Bone-jour!”

33.  Why don’t Americans play hide and seek?  Because good luck hiding when you owe trillions of dollars.

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34.  What did one American flag say to the other?  “Nothing, they just waved.”

35.  Why did the American cookie cry?  Because its mom was a wafer too long.

36.  How does Lady Liberty stay in shape?  She exercises her right to bear arms.

37.  What’s Uncle Sam’s favorite type of music?  Wrap music.

38.  Why did the American football team go to the bakery? To get a better roll in the game.

39.  Why did the American astronaut break up with his girlfriend?  He needed space.

40.  What do you call an American drawing?  A Yankee Doodle Doodle.

41.  Why don’t Americans get lost in the forest?  Because they always follow the stars and stripes.

42.  Why did the American smartphone blush?  Because it saw the other devices syncing.

43.  What’s an American ghost’s favorite dessert?  Boo-berry pie.

44.  What do you call a patriotic cat on July 4th?  An Independence Day-lion.

45.  Why did the American potato turn red?  Because it saw the salad dressing.

46.  What’s an American duck’s favorite snack?  Quackers and cheese.

47.  Why did the American flag go to therapy?  It had too many issues.

48.  How does an American bee brush its hair?   With a honeycomb.

America Jokes About Canada

Laugh your way through the fifty nifty United States with our America Jokes! Whether you’re from the East Coast, West Coast, or somewhere in between, these jokes celebrate the melting pot of humor that makes America so uniquely funny.

49.  Why did the American apologize to the Canadian? Because he mistook him for someone polite.

50.  How does an American impress a Canadian?  By showing them their extensive collection of maple syrup.

51.  Why did the American bring a map to Canada?  To find their way back to freedom.

52.  What do you call an American who is good at hockey?  A Canadian.

53.  Why don’t Canadians play hide and seek with Americans? Because good luck hiding when you’re saying “sorry” all the time.

54.  How did the American feel when he visited Canada?  He felt a bit “eh”-mbarrassed.

55.  What’s an American’s favorite winter sport in Canada?  Curling away from the cold weather.

56.  Why did the American comedian bomb Canada?  His jokes were too “poutine”-gent.

57.  How do Americans greet Canadians?  “Hey, sorry, eh?”

58.  Why did the American tourist in Canada get confused?  He thought the metric system was a joke.

59.  What do you call a Canadian who can’t play hockey?  American.

60.  Why don’t Canadians play American football?  They prefer a sport with more apologies, like curling.

61.  How does an American order coffee in Canada?  “I’ll have a double-double, please, eh.”

62.  Why did the Americans move to Canada?  To experience life in the polite lane.

63.  Why did the American send a postcard from Canada? To prove to his friends that he found a place where people say sorry more than him.

64.  How did the American find his way in Canada?  He followed the trail of Timbits.

65.  Why did the American bring a snow shovel to Canada?  To dig his way back to warmer temperatures.

66.  What’s the American tourist’s favorite Canadian city?  Moose Jaw-dropping.

67.  Why did the American backpacker love Canada?  Because every corner he turned, he found a “mountie”-ful view.

68.  How does an American order a beer in Canada?  “I’ll take a Molson, eh? Sorry, make that two.”

America Jokes Freedom

69.  Why did the American book go to school?

hill?  “You’re just a small bump in the land of the free.”

70.  Why did the American driver apply for a job?  It wanted to quit being a gas guzzler.

71.  What’s an American witch’s favorite subject in school?  Spelling.

71.  Why did the American tomato turn green?  I saw the salad dressing.

72.  Why did the American smartphone get detention?  It couldn’t stop texting in class.

73.  What’s an American owl’s favorite subject?  Owl-gebra.

74.  Why did the American football team bring string to the game?  To tie the score.

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75.  What’s an American fish’s favorite game?  Go fish-riot.

76.  Why did the American computer catch a cold?  It left its Windows open.

77.  Why did the American umbrella get fired?  It couldn’t keep things under cover.

78.  What’s an American astronaut’s favorite candy? Mars bars.

79.  Why did the American bicycle fall over?  It was two-tired.

80.  What’s an American cat’s favorite dessert?  Mice cream.

81.  Why did the American tomato turn red?  It saw the salad dressing naked.

82.  What do you call an American snowman?  A Yankee Doodle Dandy.

83.  Why did the American smartphone blush?  It saw the other devices syncing naked.

84.  What do you call an American tree?  A liberty tree.

85.  Why did the American flag break up with the pole?  It needed some space.

86.  What’s an American ghost’s favorite subject? Boo-logy.

America Jokes In English

Join the comedy revolution with our America Jokes – where freedom rings, and laughter reigns! From founding father funnies to modern-day jests, these jokes showcase the humorous side of the land of liberty, leaving you with a dose of patriotic laughter.

87.  Why don’t Canadians get sunburned?  They have natural “eh”-SPF.

88.  What’s an American’s favorite Canadian TV show? “Eh”-mergency Room.

89.  Why did the American invite the Canadian over for dinner?  To taste some “puck”-ering Canadian cuisine.

90.  How does an American impress a Canadian date?  By being as “polite” as possible.

91.  Why did the American family love vacationing in Canada?  Because they found a place where everyone said “please” and “thank you.”

92.  What do you call a Canadian who is afraid of the dark?  A night-“eh”-phobic.

93.  Why don’t Canadians play American-style baseball?  They find it too “bat”-terning.

94.  How does an American compliment a Canadian chef?  “This meal is so good, it’s ‘eh’-mazing!”

95.  Why did the American businessman invest in a Canadian company?  He heard they had a “toonie” for success.

96.  How does an American describe the Canadian wilderness?  “It’s so vast and beautiful, it’s almost ‘eh’-nchanting!”

97.  Why did the American computer go to therapy?  It had too many megabytes of emotional baggage.

98.  Why did the American flag get invited to the party?  It knew how to make things more star-spangled.

99.  What do you call an American mouse?  A Yankee Doodle Rodent.

100.  Why did the American football player bring string to the game?  To tie the score.

101.  What’s an American cat’s favorite subject?  Paw-erpoint presentations.

102.  Why did the American driver apply for a job?  It wanted to quit being a gas guzzler.

103.  What’s an American dog’s favorite dessert?  Bark-ery treats.

104.  Why did the American smartphone blush?  Because it saw the other devices syncing.

105.  What do you call an American cloud?  A star-spangled sky-fluff.

106.  Why did the American book go to therapy?  It had too many issues.

107.  Why did the American apologize to the Canadian? Because he mistook him for someone polite.

108.  How does an American impress a Canadian?  By showing them their extensive collection of maple syrup.

109.  Why did the American bring a map to Canada?  To find their way back to freedom.

110.  What do you call an American who is good at hockey?  A Canadian.

111.  Why don’t Canadians play hide and seek with Americans? Because good luck hiding when you’re saying “sorry” all the time.

112.  How did the American feel when he visited Canada?  He felt a bit “eh”-mbarrassed.

113.  What’s an American’s favorite winter sport in Canada?  Curling away from the cold weather.

114.  Why did the American comedian bomb Canada?  He was too “poutine”-gent.

115.  How do Americans greet Canadians?  “Hey, sorry, eh?”

116.  Why did the American tourist in Canada get confused?  He thought of the metric system.

117.  What do you call a Canadian who can’t play hockey?  American.

118.  Why don’t Canadians play American football?  They prefer a sport with more apologies, like curling.

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119.  How does an American order coffee in Canada?  “I’ll have a double-double, please, eh.”

120.  Why did the Americans move to Canada?  To experience life in the polite lane.

121.  Why did the American send a postcard from Canada? To prove to his friends that he found a place where people say sorry more than him.

122.  How did the American find his way in Canada?  He followed the trail of Timbits.

123.  Why did the American bring a snow shovel to Canada?  To dig his way back to warmer temperatures.

124.  What’s the American tourist’s favorite Canadian city?  Moose Jaw-dropping.

125.  Why did the American backpacker love Canada?  Because every corner he turned, he found a “mountie”-ful view.

126.  How does an American order a beer in Canada?  “I’ll take a Molson, eh? Sorry, make that two.”

127.  Why don’t Canadians get sunburned?  They have natural “eh”-SPF.

128.  What’s an American’s favorite Canadian TV show?  “Eh”-mergency Room.

129.  Why did the American invite the Canadian over for dinner?  To taste some “puck”-ering Canadian cuisine.

130.  How does an American impress a Canadian date?  By being as “polite” as possible.

131.  Why did the American family love vacationing in Canada?  Because they found a place where everyone said “please” and “thank you.”

132.  What do you call a Canadian who is afraid of the dark?  A night-“eh”-phobic.

133.  Why don’t Canadians play American-style baseball?  They find it too “bat”-terning.

134.  How does an American compliment a Canadian chef? “This meal is so good, it’s ‘eh’-mazing!”

135.  Why did the American businessman invest in a Canadian company?  He heard they had a “toonie” for success.

136.  How does an American describe the Canadian wilderness?  “It’s so vast and beautiful, it’s almost ‘eh’-nchanting!”

Funny America Jokes

137.  Why do Germans love Americans?  Because Americans are so charming that even their haters can’t resist.

138.  What’s the similarity between sex in a canoe and American beer?  They’re both incredibly close to being watered down.

139.  What’s the difference between the US and yogurt?

Yogurt develops culture if left alone for 300 years; the US develops Starbucks.

140.  What do you call a worker in America who works hard for reasonable pay without complaining?  A rare find, possibly an immigrant with a strong work ethic.

141.  Why did the egg hide?

It was practicing for an egg-citing game of hide and seek.

142.  What did the dirt say to the rain?  “If you keep this up, I’ll turn into mud and make a splashy entrance!”

143.  Why couldn’t the sunflower ride its bike?  It lost its petals, so now it’s just a stationary sunflower.

144.  What’s an egg’s favorite vacation spot?  New Yolk City, where the egg-citement never cracks.

145.  What’s usually red, white, black, and blue?  Uncle Sam after a particularly wild 4th of July celebration.

146.  What does Polly the parrot want for the 4th of July?

A firecracker, the noisiest companion for a patriotic bird.

147.  Why does the Liberty Bell look like a dropped Easter egg?  Because both have their cracks, but only one is a national treasure.

148.  What did one flag say to the other?  “Nothing. It just waved, trying to outshine its fellow colors.”

149.  Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?  At the bottom, where history began its journey to freedom.

150.  Is there a 4th of July celebration in England?  Yes, indeed. It’s how they console themselves for not being as independent.

151.  Do you know why fire doesn’t enjoy a day off on the 4th of July, but some people do?  Because fireworks on the 4th of July, lighting up the skies.

152.  Have you heard about the angry firecracker?  He was so mad that he exploded! It was a fiery burst of independence.

Some Final Words

In the grand tapestry of humor, America Jokes weave a rich and diverse comedic narrative that reflects the spirit of the nation. From the bustling streets of New York to the laid-back vibes of California, these jokes capture the essence of the United States in witty punchlines and clever jokes.

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