Fifty Hilarious Yo Mama Jokes from South Park

Laugh your way through our unique collection of Yo Mama jokes, South Park style! Immerse yourself in the playful fusion of timeless ‘Yo Mama’ humor with the iconic wit of South Park. A hilarious journey awaits, filled with cheeky quips and animated hilarity.

Best Yo Mama Jokes South Parks

1. “”Yo mama’s so ugly, even a scarecrow wouldn’t scare her.”

2. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her chasing after the garbage truck with a shopping list.

3. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her running after a truck of chickens, yelling, “Wait for me! I want to pet one!”

4.   Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her using a popsicle stick as a bookmark.

5. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her selling lemonade with a “Free Refills” sign.

6. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her using dryer lint as stuffing for her pillows.

7. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her using an Etch-a-Sketch as her only form of entertainment.

8. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her shivering in the freezer aisle at the grocery store, trying to warm up.

9. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her licking her fingers and saying, “I’m just savoring the flavor of my manicure.”

10. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her recycling used toilet paper.

11. Yo Mama is so poor, her cereal box says, “Prize not included.”

Cartman Yo Mama Jokes

12. Yo mama’s so fat, when she walked in front of the TV, I missed three seasons of South Park!

13. Yo mama’s so ugly, even Kenny wouldn’t die for her!

14.  Yo mama’s so old, her birth certificate says “expired”!

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15.  Yo mama’s so short, you can see her feet on her driver’s license.

16.  Yo mama’s so poor, she waves around a popsicle stick and calls it air conditioning.

17.  Yo mama’s so lazy, she thinks a two-income family is where yo daddy has two jobs.

18.  Yo mama’s so slow, it takes her two hours to watch “60 Minutes.”

19.  Yo mama’s so ugly, she turned Medusa to stone.

20.  Yo mama’s so clumsy, she tripped over a cordless phone.

21.  Yo mama’s so fat, she has her own zip code.

Yo Mama So poor Jokes

22. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her kicking a can down the street, and I asked her what she was doing. She said, “Moving.”

23. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her carrying a McDonald’s receipt, and I asked her what she was doing. She said, “I’m returning my lunch.”

24. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her picking up dropped coins with chopsticks.

25. Yo Mama is so poor, she can’t even afford to pay attention.

26. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her washing her clothes with rainwater.

27. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her trying to squeeze juice out of a turnip.

28. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her selling her imaginary friend just to make ends meet.

29. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her using whiteout as liquid paper.

30. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her wearing a “Kick Me” sign so she could collect the change when people did.

31. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her opening a can of soda with a

can opener to save it for later.

32. Yo Mama is so poor, I saw her using a coffee filter as a napkin.

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Funny South Park Jokes

33. Why does Kenny always wear an orange parka?  Because he’s trying to look stylish…and stay alive!

34. How did Cartman become so good at insulting people?  He mastered the art of “roasting” at Fat Camp!

35. Why did Stan refuse to go on a roller coaster?  Because he didn’t want to throw up his gorgeous hair!

36. Why did Chef switch from singing love songs to cooking? Because he realized that “love” alone doesn’t pay the bills!

37. How does Butters manage to stay so innocent?  He’s been using Cartman’s “supreme ignorance” as a protective shield!

38. Why did Mr. Garrison become a teacher?  He saw it as a great opportunity to not only educate the kids but also traumatize them for life!

38. What do you call a group of Towlie fans?  High Society!

40. Why is Timmy always seen with his trusty wheelchair?  Because it’s the only vehicle that can truly keep up with his extreme adventures!

41. What did the aliens say to Big Gay Al?  “Take me to your fabulous leader!”

42. Why does the Mayor keep getting re-elected despite her incompetence?  The citizens of South Park must really enjoy chaos and scandal!

43. Why does Randy Marsh love cooking so much?  It allows him to spice up his life without having to actually take risks!

44. Why did Token join the school’s dodgeball team?  He wanted a chance to prove that having more melanin doesn’t make you any less athletic!

45. How did Kyle become so good at standing up for his beliefs?  He went through the vigorous training program known as “dealing with Cartman!”

46. How did Wendy manage to become the class president?  She had Stan as her campaign manager, and he’ll stop at nothing to make her happy!

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47. Why did the boys start a boy band?  Because they realized that being famous and making tons of money was the best way to impress girls!

48. What did Token say when someone accused him of being the “token black guy”?  “Actually, I’m the token GOOD GUY!”

49. Why is Mr. Mackey always giving out terrible advice?  Because he believes that misguidance builds character!

50. Why did Kenny become a UFC fighter?  Because no matter how many times he gets knocked out, he just keeps coming back for more!

51. What’s the secret behind Garrison’s success as a presidential candidate?  His campaign slogan: “Make America Horny Again!”

52. Why does Craig always seem so angry?  Maybe it’s because he’s constantly surrounded by idiots in South Park!

53. Why did Jimmy become a stand-up comedian?  He realized that his real talent lies in making others laugh, even if he has to use his stutter to do it!

Yo Mama Jokes South Parks Clean

54.  Yo mama’s so ugly, even the tide wouldn’t take her out.

56.  Yo mama’s so ugly, even a blind man wouldn’t date her.

57.  Yo mama’s so poor, she waves a loaf of bread and calls it “grain waves.”

58. Yo mama’s so fat, when she walked by the TV, you missed a whole season.

Yo Mama jokes have been a longstanding tradition in comedy and pop culture, with South Park adding their own unique spin to them. While some may argue that these jokes can be hurtful or offensive, they continue to bring laughter and entertainment to many people around the world.

So next time someone tells you a Yo Mama joke from South Park, just remember to laugh along and enjoy the humor.

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