Top 119 Autumn Instagram Captions – Adorable and Hilarious Fall Captions

Welcome to our ultimate list of Fall Instagram Captions for all your cute and funny autumn pictures!

Autumn is a time of change and new beginnings. The leaves change color, the weather gets cooler, and pumpkin spice lattes make their triumphant return. It’s also a great time to take some amazing Instagram photos.

Whether you’re taking pictures of the changing leaves, pumpkin picking, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee in the cool autumn air, we’ve got the perfect caption for your Fall Instagram photos.

Check out our list of the 119 best Fall Instagram captions below.

Cute Fall Instagram Captions

  1. Leaves fall as I hear autumn call.
  2. You know you are my all, my pumpkin spice to my fall.
  3. Do you know I’m fall-ing for you?
  4. That’s okay if you fall, just be-leaf you’ll overcome it all.
  5. OMG! Felt cute in this photo, might de-leaf later.
  6. Fall is my happy season.
  7. Happiness is feeling the autumn breeze as I watch the falling leaves.
  8. Things are starting to spice up.
  9. I like you… a latte!
  10. Don’t you know you’re gourd-geous?
  11. I have a secret, and you really autumn know.
  12. Hi, pumpkin!
  13. Oh autumn, it is nice to see you again.
  14. Pumpkin spice and everything nice.
  15. It’s time for fall, football, and flannels.
  16. Oh, my gourd! It is my favorite season!
  17. Warm and cozy, time for pumpkin pies and candies.
  18.  Happy fall, y’all!
  19. Flannels, tea, and socks so fuzzy.
  20. Free falling as the leaves are turning gold.

Funny Fall Instagram Captions

  1. You can laugh at my autumn joke but be careful not to fall for it.
  2. Don’t slip and fall on a pumpkin today. Put your gourds up!
  3. Awwtumn…how cute is this season?
  4. Did you know that the har-vest is the most common vest people wear during the autumn season?
  5. Please do not leaf me alone after I fall.
  6. It’s time for spice, spice baby!
  7. Don’t chai to make me fall.
  8. Did you hear the joke about the crow? It’s so funny; it will leaf you laugh.
  9. How can fall mend your wounds? Through a pumpkin patch!
  10. Resting witch face
  11. This season will be fa-boo-lous.
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First Day of Fall Instagram Captions

  1. Hello, fall! Nice to see you again.
  2. Falling in love at first sight.
  3. Most of all, I love fall.
  4. Goodbye summer, hello fall!
  5. Autumn, please do not make me fall in love. 
  6. “And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” — Oscar Wilde
  7. Falling in love with the new season.
  8. Admit it, the first day of fall smells like sweat on your sweater.
  9. “If a year was tucked inside a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour.” — Victoria Erickson
  10. You know it’s going to be a fresh start when you see leaves falling off your window pane.
  11. I am welcoming fall with my pumpkin spice latte.
  12. “Autumn… the year’s last, loveliest smile.” — William Cullen Bryant
  13. Stepping out to hear the leaves crunch as I take my step.
  14. I can hear and smell the leaves dancing in the autumn breeze.
  15. It is time to light up my pumpkin spice candle.
  16. Channel the flannel.
  17. Fall is here again, reminding us to don’t stop be-leafing.
  18. Fall shows us that things turn beautifully if we know how to let go and embrace change.
  19. I’m here for the pumpkin spice lattes and flannels.
  20. Walking into fall…

Fall Couple Instagram Captions

  1. Seasons change, but my feeling for you will never fade.
  2.  “I’m still in love with you; I want to see you dance again. Because I’m still in love with you on this harvest moon.” —Neil Young
  3. “You could have my heart, or we could share it like the last slice [of pumpkin pie].” —Drake
  4. Orange looks good on us, Boo.
  5. I still FALL for you every day.
  6. “I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day. When it’s cold outside, I’ve got the month of May.” —The Temptations
  7. Love, please do not leaf and make me fall.
  8. See, even the leaves fall for you, my love.
  9. You are the apple to my pie, the pumpkin to my spice.
  10. “But I miss you most of all, my darling, when autumn leaves start to fall.” —Frank Sinatra
  11. How about we spice things up this fall?
  12. Do you know that you are the cutest apple in the orchard?
  13. Falling in love with you this fall season.
  14. I don’t need a sweater this fall ‘coz you warm me up.
  15. You do not need a spell or a secret potion to make me fall in love.
  16. You are my summer in the fall– warm and cozy.
  17.  “Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place.” — Taylor Swift
  18.  “I’ve fall-en for you.” — Unknown
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Good Fall Instagram Captions

  1. All you need is a hot drink and a warm heart.
  2. Great food, cinnamon candles, and handmade blankets
  3. My favorite color is the hue of fall foliage.
  4. “Summer has come and passed. The innocent can never last. Wake me up when September ends.” — Green Day
  5. Leaf me alone; I’m busy sipping my spice latte.
  6. “Do you remember the 21st night of September?” —Earth, Wind & Fire
  7. What is my blood type? Of course, it’s pumpkin spice!
  8. “It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon.” —Sarah Addison Allen
  9. “I can smell autumn dancing in the breeze. The sweet chill of pumpkin and crisp sunburnt leaves.” — Ann Drake
  10. “But when October comes and goes and no time at all, I’ll begin to feel the chill of an early fall.” —George Strait
  11. Trick or treat!
  12. Waiting for my time to bloom this fall season.
  13. Autumn returns every year, making me fall in love every time.
  14. Do not be afraid of change, like the Fall season, it paves the way for beautiful things.
  15. How I wish I could stay in this golden season all the time.
  16. Every pumpkin is finding a home in the fall.
  17. It’s sweater time!

Fall Puns Instagram Captions

  1. Fall is my favorite F word.
  2. When the clock strikes midnight…. Pumpkin everything!
  3. Happy Fallidays!
  4. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. I hope you do too!
  5. I have never been this happier in the cold.
  6. What month does every tree dread? Sept-timmmberrr!
  7. Shhhh… this is my resting witch face.
  8. Hay girl, witcha doin’?
  9. Fall-elujaahhh..Fall-elujaahhh!
  10. Stop being a jerk-o-lantern!
  11. Hashtag Squashgoals!
  12. Here for an autumn pun? I’m a pun-king!
  13. It’s the season for pumpkin spice and chill!
  14. Do you want to be my apple-y ever after this fall?
  15. I really apple-laud your performance!
  16. Eyes for the pies!
  17. Please do not leaf me hanging. 
  18. To see is to be-leaf!
  19. This fall, I’m planning to rewatch Gourd of the Rings. 
  20. Let’s have a gourd time over pumpkin spice!
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Quotes Fall Instagram Captions

  1. “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald
  2. “Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.” – Emily Brontë
  3. “Soon it will be autumn, and we haven’t the power to keep a single leaf from falling.” ― Marty Rubin
  4. “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” —L.M. Montgom
  5. “Autumn passes, and one remembers one’s reverence.” — Yoko Ono
  6. “Autumn mornings: sunshine and crisp air, birds and calmness, year’s end and day’s beginnings.” —Terri Guillemets
  7. “Seamless like a fall leaf changing color, my will switched powerfully.” ― Aspen Matis
  8. “Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.” —Friedrich Nietzsche
  9. “I’ll just end up walkin’ in the cold November rain.” —Guns N’ Roses
  10. “Let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater.” —The Neighbourhood
  11. “It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon.” —Sarah Addison Allen
  12. “If I were a bird, I would fly about the Earth seeking the successive autumns.” —George Eliot
  13. “Past the pumpkin patch, and the tractor rides, look now, the sky is gold.” – Taylor Swift