90 Hilarious Workout Jokes that will Make You Laugh

Sculpt your abs and tone your laughter muscles with our workout jokes. These jokes are the perfect companion for anyone on a fitness journey, adding a smile to every squat and a chuckle to every cardio session. Get ready to sweat with a side of laughter!

Workout Jokes One Liner

1. Why did the gym close down? It just didn’t work out!

2. What does a fitness instructor consider the best part of their job? If they can just a-muscle people!

3. What’s an athlete’s favorite type of math?  Gym-nastics!

4. I asked the gym instructor if he could teach me how to do the splits. He replied, “How flexible are you? ” I said, “I can’t make it on Mondays.”

. I used to play piano by ear. Now I use my hands!

5. What kind of exercise do lazy people do?  Diddly-squats!

6. How does the moon cut its hair?  Eclipse it!

7. Why don’t scientists trust stairs?   Because they’re always up to something!

8. How does the moon stay fit?  It eclipse its calories!

9. Why did the gym close down? It just didn’t work out!

10. How do you make a tissue dance?  Put a little boogie in it during a workout!

Short Workout Jokes

11. Why did the bodybuilder bring a ladder to the gym?  He wanted to reach the next level!

12. How do you organize an astronaut’s workout routine?  You plan-it!

13. Why did the scarecrow join the gym?  He wanted to be outstanding in his field!

14. What do fitness instructors consider their best muscle?  A sense of humor – it’s a-b-solutely essential!

14. What do sneakers say when they’re in the gym?  “Sole” mates!

15. What did the aerobics instructor say to their class?  “Lunge into action!”

16. Why don’t scientists trust stairs?  They’re always up to something!

17. What kind of shoes do thieves wear?  Sneakers!

18. Why did the gym instructor ask about flexibility?  He wanted to know if you could “a-muscle” people!

19. Why did the piano start working out?  It wanted to get in shape “by ear”!

20. How does a gym induce laughter?  It offers “diddly-squats” for lazy people!

Dirty Workout Jokes

Embrace the lighter side of exercise with our collection of workout jokes. These clever puns and funny observations will have you chuckling as you work up a sweat.

21. What kind of exercise do lazy people do?  Diddly-squats!!

22. Why did the scarecrow become a personal trainer?  Because he was outstanding in his field!

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23. What’s an athlete’s favorite type of math?  Gym-nastics!

24. What do fitness instructors consider their best muscle?  A sense of humor – it’s a-b-solutely essential!

25. Why did the gym close down? It just didn’t work out!

26. How does a gym induce laughter?  It offers “diddly-squats” for lazy people!!

27. What did one dumbbell say to the other?  “I’m tired of being pushed around, let’s take a stand!”

28. Why did the gym instructor ask about flexibility?  He wanted to know if you could “a-muscle” people!

29. How do you make a tissue dance?  Put a little boogie in it during a workout!

30. What’s an astronaut’s favorite exercise?  Space jumps!

Workout Jokes Quotes

31. “The only bad workout is the one you didn’t do.” – Unknown

32. “Exercise is like telling your body, ‘You’re gonna hate me for this, but you’ll thank me later.’” –

33. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

34. “Your only limit is you.”

35. “The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.”

36. “Dream big. Start small. Act now.”

37. “You miss 100% of the workouts you skip.” – Wayne Gretzky

Best Workout Jokes

Need a break from the sweat and grind of the gym? Our workout jokes offer a refreshing dose of humor that will keep you entertained and laughing during your fitness journey.

38. How do you organize an astronaut’s workout routine?  You plan-it!!

39. Why did the gym close down?  It just didn’t work out!

40. How does the moon stay fit?  It eclipses its calories!

41. What do sneakers say when they’re in the gym?  “Sole” mates!

42. How do you make a tissue dance?  You put a little boogie in it during a workout!

43. What did the aerobics instructor say to their class?  “Lunge into action!”

44. Why did the piano start working out?  It wanted to get in shape “by ear”!

45. What kind of exercise do lazy people do?  Diddly-squats!

46. How does a gym induce laughter?  It offers “diddly-squats” for lazy people!

47. What’s a weightlifter’s favorite type of music?  Heavy metal!

48. What do you call a workout routine that involves digging holes?  Burpees!

Home Workout Jokes

49.  I don’t always do yoga, but when I do, I feel like I’ve achieved the pinnacle of relaxation… until I try to touch my toes.

50. My home gym is in such great shape. It’s really grown over the years… into a storage room.

51.  What’s a fitness enthusiast’s favorite type of math? Subtracting calories!

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52.  I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it… especially after a workout.

53.  When I do push-ups at home, my dog always thinks I’m playing an intense game of “up and down.”

54. I asked my wife if she wanted to do a workout video together. She said, “That’s a stretch.”

55. I tried to do a plank, but it just felt like a really long nap with extra effort. !

56. My fitness tracker is pretty judgmental. It constantly reminds me that I’m not walking enough… to the fridge.

57. My exercise equipment and I have something in common – we both collect dust.

58.  I heard that burpees are the best exercise. That’s why I burp after every set.

59.I used to jog, but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.

60.  My home gym is so small; it’s like a walk-in closet with a yoga mat.

61.  I don’t always do sit-ups, but when I do, I sit up in bed to grab a snack.

62.I joined a virtual fitness class, but it turns out my idea of “virtual” is just watching exercise videos from the comfort of my couch

Morning Workout Jokes

63. Why did the morning workout skip breakfast ?  I didn’t have enough time to break breakfast!

64. What’s coffee’s favorite morning workout?  Espresso-ercise!

65. Why did the alarm clock go to the gym ?  It wanted to work on its “body clock”!

66. Why did the gym offer a morning workout class for roosters?  They wanted to get their “cock-a-doodle-do” on!

67. How do fitness enthusiasts greet each other in the morning?  “Rise and grind!”

68. Why did the early bird go to the gym? I wanted to start the day with a fast workout!

69. What do morning workouts and breakfast have in common?  They both kickstart your day!

70. Why did the burpee have trouble waking up in the morning?  It just couldn’t “jump” out of bed!

71. What did the yoga instructor say during a morning class?  “Sun salutations are the perfect way to greet the day!”

72. Why did the jogger bring a coffee to their morning run?  They wanted to “jog” their memory!

73. How do morning workouts like their eggs?  Scrambled, sunny-side up, or “hard-boiled”!

74. Why do morning workout enthusiasts love to exercise outdoors?  It’s a “breath of fresh air” to start the day!

75. What do you call a person who only works out in the morning?  An “early bird exerciser”!

76. Why did the sunrise enjoy watching people exercise in the morning?  It inspired them to rise and shine!

77. What’s your favorite morning workout’s favorite songs?  “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” and “Eye of the Tiger”!

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78. Why did the morning workout bring a towel to the gym?  To wipe away all those early-morning sweat-ions!

79. How does a morning workout stay motivated?  It sets “rise and workout” goals!

80. Why did the morning workout always have a smile on its face?   It started the day off on the right endorphin!

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Gym Jokes One Liners

Sweat out stress and giggle your way to fitness with our workout jokes collection. From gym humor to exercise quips, these jokes promise a laughter-packed workout for fitness enthusiasts and joke lovers alike.

81. What’s coffee’s favorite morning workout?  Espresso-ercise!

82. Why did the alarm clock go to the gym?  It wanted to work on its “body clock”!

83. Why did the gym offer a morning workout class for roosters?  They wanted to get their “cock-a-doodle-do” on!

84. How do fitness enthusiasts greet each other in the morning?  “Rise and grind!”

85. Why did the early bird go to the gym?  I wanted to start the day with a “beak”fast workout!

86. What do morning workouts and breakfast have in common?  They both kickstart your day!

87. Why did the burpee have trouble waking up in the morning?  It just couldn’t “jump” out of bed!

88. What did the yoga instructor say during a morning class?  “Sun salutations are the perfect way to greet the day!”

89. Why did the jogger bring a coffee to their morning run?  They wanted to “jog” their memory!

90.  How do morning workouts like their eggs?  Scrambled, sunny-side up, or “hard-boiled”!

91. Why do morning workout enthusiasts love to exercise outdoors?  It’s a “breath of fresh air” to start the day!

92. What do you call a person who only works out in the morning?  An “early bird exerciser”!

93. Why did the sunrise enjoy watching people exercise in the morning?  It inspired them to rise and shine!

94. What’s a morning workout’s favorite songs?  “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” and “Eye of the Tiger”!

95. Why did the morning workout bring a towel to the gym?  To wipe away all those early-morning sweat-ions!

96. How does a morning workout stay motivated?  It sets “rise and workout” goals!

97. Why did the morning workout always have a smile on its face?  It started the day off on the right endorphin!

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Some Final Words

workout jokes are a healthy way to lighten the mood and make exercise more enjoyable. They can also help to motivate us to stay on track with our fitness goals.

By sharing these jokes with friends and family, we can help to create a more positive and supportive environment for everyone. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, so get out there and start working out and laughing!