70 Ridiculously Funny Dad Jokes for Homecoming

Get ready for some laughter with these funny homecoming dad jokes that will surely make you smile. Perfect for the next family gathering or high school reunion.

Whether you’re preparing for a homecoming event or just in need of some good old-fashioned dad humor, these jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face. From cheesy puns to playful one-liners, we’ve curated a selection that will have you rolling your eyes and laughing in equal measure.

Dad Jokes Homecoming

Want to add some humor to your homecoming event? Check out these dad jokes that will break the ice and keep the conversation flowing.

1.  Why did the homecoming queen go to the doctor?  She was feeling crowned.

2.  What do you call a homecoming dance that’s really boring?  A snooze fest.

3.  Why did the homecoming queen wear a raincoat?  She didn’t want to get crowned.

4.  What do you call a homecoming dance that’s really fun?  A blast.

5.  Why did the homecoming king wear a crown?  He was feeling royal.

6.  What do you call a homecoming dance that’s really expensive?  A ball-breaker.

7. Why did the homecoming queen wear a tiara?  She was feeling like a princess.

8.  What do you call a homecoming dance that’s really popular?  A sell-out.

9.  Why did the homecoming king wear a cape?  He was feeling like a superhero.

10.  What do you call a homecoming dance that’s really memorable?  A once-in-a-lifetime experience.

11. Why did the homecoming queen go to the hospital?  She had a bad case of crown envy.

12.  What do you call a homecoming dance that’s really lame?  A bore-fest.

13.  Why did the homecoming queen wear a helmet?  She didn’t want to get crowned with a concussion.

14.  What do you call a homecoming dance that’s really crowded?  A jam-packed affair.

15. Why did the homecoming king wear a clown suit?  He was feeling a little goofy.

16. What do you call a homecoming dance that’s really expensive?  A ball-buster.

17.  Why did the homecoming queen wear a mask?  She didn’t want to be recognized.

18. What do you call a homecoming dance that’s really popular?  A sell-out crowd.

19. Why did the homecoming king wear a straitjacket?  He was feeling a little nuts.

20.  What do you call a homecoming dance that’s really memorable?  A night to remember.

Funny Homecoming Dad Jokes

Get ready to laugh out loud with these side-splitting dad jokes perfect for the homecoming season. Don’t miss out on the fun, read now!

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21. Why did the scarecrow win Homecoming King?  Because he was outstanding in his field!

22. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the Homecoming dance?  He wanted to reach new heights!

23.  Why did the math book go to the Homecoming dance? Because it had too many problems to solve!

24.  Why was the broom invited to the Homecoming dance?  Because it knew how to sweep someone off their feet!

25.  What did the football player say to his date at the Homecoming dance?  “I’m really falling for you!”

26. Why did the golfer go to the Homecoming dance?  He heard there would be a lot of swinging!

27.  Why did the computer go to the Homecoming dance?  It wanted to meet its byte-mate!

28. What did the dad say when his daughter asked him to teach he how to dance for Homecoming?  “Sure, I’ll show you the ropes!”

29. Why did the tomato turn red at the Homecoming dance?  Because it saw the salad dressing!

30.  What do you call a deer with no eyes at the Homecoming dance?  No-eye deer!

31.  Why was the musician a hit at the Homecoming dance?  Because he knew how to orchestrate a good time!

32.  Why did the bee go to the Homecoming dance?  It heard there would be a lot of buzzing on the dance floor!

33.  What do you call a snowman at the Homecoming dance?  Chilly Willy!

34.  Why did the skeleton refuse to dance at the Homecoming dance?  He had no guts!

35.  Why did the peanut go to the Homecoming dance?  It wanted to be a little nutty on the dance floor!

36.  What did the football coach say to the Homecoming dance DJ?  “Play something we can really tackle!”

37.  Why did the grape go to the Homecoming dance?  Because it couldn’t “wine” about having a good time!

38.  What did the dad say when he saw his daughter at the Homecoming dance?  ” I’m so proud, I could dance!”

39.  Why did the dog bring a Frisbee to the Homecoming dance?  Because it wanted to have a “fetching” time!

Dad Jokes Homecoming Proposal

Hosting a homecoming party? These dad jokes will add some humor to your event and make it a memorable one. Get ready to laugh!

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40.  Why was the mom upset with the dad for his homecoming joke?  Because he was corny-er than the snacks they were serving at the dance.

41.   Why was the math teacher not enjoying the homecoming dance?  Because there were too many twirls and not enough “turns.”

42.  Why was the dad not allowed to play music at the homecoming dance?  Because he kept requesting hokey-pokey. Apparently, that’s not as “in” as it used to be.

43.  What did the father say when he dropped his daughter off at the dance?  “I’ll be here when you need me…unless there’s a dad-ling of boys around you!”

44.  “Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?  Let’s make it official and go to homecoming together!”

45.  “Is your dad a baker?  Because you’re a cutie pie. Homecoming?”

46.  “Are you a Wi-Fi signal?  Because I’m feeling a connection. Homecoming?”

47.  “Do you have a map?  I keep getting lost in your eyes. Let’s navigate homecoming together!”

48.  “Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you’re Cu-Te. Will you go to homecoming with me?” “Is your dad a boxer? Because you’re a knockout. Homecoming would be a knockout night with you!”

49.  “Is your dad a photographer?  Because you’ve got ‘picture-perfect homecoming date’ written all over you!”

50.  “Is your name Google? Because you’ve got everything I’m searching for. Homecoming, anyone?”

51.  “Do you have a name, or can I call you mine? Let’s make it official and go home together!”

Best Homecoming Dad Jokes

Get ready for a barrel of laughs with our collection of side-splitting homecoming dad jokes. These funny one-liners will have you in stitches. Click here for a good chuckle!

52.   “Why don’t ghosts go to the dance?  They have no body to dance with!”

53.   “Why don’t zombies go to the homecoming dance?  Because they are too busy catching up on their rest!”

54. “Why was the football player such a bad dancer at Homecoming?  Because he kept fumbling with his moves!”

55. “Why did the athlete bring a ladder to the Homecoming dance?  Because he wanted to be the dance king!”

56. “What do you call a group of dancers who love math at Homecoming?  The Mathletes of the Dance Floor!”

57. “Why did the wrestler bring a clock to the Homecoming dance?  Because he wanted to show off his pins and needles!”

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58.   What did the father say to his daughter on homecoming night?  “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m always here to chaperone…or is it cheaper-home?”

59. Why did the football team never win at homecoming?  Because they always ran out of time-outs, and they were just plain out of home-s-puns.

60. Why did the music teacher have a bad time at the homecoming dance?  Because she was surrounded by too many saxophones and violins. They were stringing her along all night long!

61.   What did the dad say to the nervous boy picking up his daughter for the dance?  “Don’t worry son, she may be your date, but I’m always your dad-r!”

62. What do you call a homecoming dance where everyone is dressed in black and white?  A masquerade! Get it? Black and white…because it’s formal…no? Ok, never mind then.

Homecoming puns

63.  I’m so excited for homecoming, I could burst my seams!

64.   I’m going to homecoming with my date, we’re going to be a match made in heaven!

65.  I’m so excited to dance the night away at homecoming, I’m going to be a hoofer!

66. I’m going to homecoming with my crush, I’m so excited I could faint!

65.  I’m going to homecoming with my date, we’re going to have a night to remember for the rest of our lives!

68.  I’m going to homecoming with my date, was  going to be the belle of the ball and the king of the castle!

69.  I’m going to homecoming with my date, we’re going to be the talk of the town and the envy of all!

70.  I’m going to homecoming with my date, we’re going to have a night that will go down in history and be talked about for years to come!

71. “We can’t wait to ‘mum’ you at homecoming!”

72.  “This year’s homecoming theme is ‘ballin’, and we’re ready to bring our ‘A-game’!”

73.  “Don’t be a ‘drag’ at homecoming, just ‘hoco-mo’ with the flow!”

74.  “The only ‘fumble’ we’ll make at homecoming is dropping our ‘corsages’!”

75. “Our dance moves are so good, they should call it ‘home-tumbling’ instead of homecoming!”

Final Words

Homecoming dad jokes are a classic way to add some humor to the big night. Whether you’re using them to ask someone to homecoming or just to make your friends laugh, these jokes are sure to get a smile.

With a little creativity, you can come up with some homecoming dad jokes that will have everyone laughing. I hope you enjoyed these homecoming dad jokes!