70 Hilarious Jokes from the Arab World

Arab jokes are a unique blend of humor that combines wit, satire, and cultural references. Whether you’re Arab or not, these jokes are sure to make you laugh. Here are some of the funniest Arab jokes that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

Clean Arab Jokes

1.   Why did the Arab man refuse to eat any more hummus?

 Because it was giving him chickpea fever!

2.    How do you know if an Arab man is lying?

 His lips are moving!

3.  Why don’t Arab women wear bikinis to the beach?

 Because they prefer to keep their camel toes covered.

4.   What did the Arab man say to his camel when he wanted to slow down?

 The hump on the brakes!

5.   Why did the Arab man wear two jackets to his job interview?

Because he wanted to be doubly shure!

6.   Why do Arab men wear dishdashas?

 To keep their camels warm.

7.   How do you make an Arab laugh?

 Tell him a joke in English!

8.    Why was the Arab afraid of the vacuum cleaner?

 He thought it was a drone!

9.   What did the Arab say to the camel?

“Stop spitting, you’re making a mess!”

10.   Why did the Arab man go to the bank?

 To get his shekels.

11.   What do you call an Arab who has lost his camel?

 A sheikh without his chic.

12.   Why did the Arab man cross the road?

To get to the other oil field.

13.   What do you call an Arab who’s always on time?

 Sheikh and Bake.

14.   Why did the Arab man go to the doctor?

 Because he had a falafel stuck in his throat!

15.   What do you call an Arab who does well in school?

A genius, just like anyone else!

16.    Why did the Arab man wear two jackets?

 Because he wanted to be a double sheikh!

17.   How do you know if an Arab man is lying?

His lips are moving!

18.   What do you call an Arab who is always on the phone?

 A mobile sheikh!

19.   Why did the Arab man take his camel to the doctor?

 Because it had the hump!

20.   What do you call an Arab who can’t swim?

A sinking sheikh!

21.   Why did the Arab man take a ladder to the mosque?

He wanted to reach new heights in his faith!

22.    What do you call an Arab who’s always on time? A rarity!

23.   Why did the Arab man go to the doctor?

 He had a camel in his throat!

24.   What do you call an Arab who’s an expert in spices?

A seasoned pro!

25.   How do Arab astronauts communicate with each other in space?

 They use Halal-o!

26.   Did you hear about the Arabic man who entered a pun contest?

He took the first, second, and third prizes!

27.   Why do Arabic men make bad fishermen?

Because they keep throwing back the explosives!

28.    Why don’t Arabic men ever get lost?

Because Allah always guides them!

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29.    Why do Arabic men always carry a jar of Vaseline?

 In case they get attacked by a herd of camels!

Funny Arab Jokes

Arab jokes are a great way to break the ice and bring laughter to any gathering. These jokes can be hilarious, witty, and sometimes even a bit sarcastic. Here are some of the best funny Arab jokes that will surely make you laugh.

30.   What do you call an Arab man who’s always in a hurry? Rushdi!

31.   “Why do Arab men wear white robes?

 So they can blend in with the sheep.”

32.   Why did the Arab man take his camel to the doctor?

Because it had the hump!

33.   Why did the Arab man buy a donkey?

To get some Assistance!

34.   Why did the Arab man take his sheep to the cinema?

 Because he wanted to see “Ram-Bo”!

35.   Why did the Arabs go to the bank?

 To get his Sheikhs!

36.    Why do Arabs never get lost?

Because they have GPS… Gulf Positioning System!

37.   How do you know if an Arab is lying?

 His lips are moving.

38.   Why don’t Arabs watch TV in the dark?

Because they’re afraid of seeing Al Jazeera!

39.   Why did the Arabic teacher go to jail?

 Because he was caught teaching the alphabet to terrorists.

40.   What do you call an Arab who has a lot of money?

A Sheikh-it-up.

41.   Why did the Arab man refuse to pay for his meal?

 Because he wanted to see if the restaurant had a “free falafel” policy!

42.   Why do Arabs like to shop at the mall?

Because they always find good “deals”!

43.   What do you get when you cross an Arab with a computer?

A hacker who can type in Arabic!

44.   Why don’t Arab men use elevators?

Because they are afraid of getting stuck between floors!

45.   Why did the Arab man go to the doctor?

Because he was feeling “sheikh”!

46.    What did the Arabic teacher say to his student?

“You’ve got some Arabic to do!”

47.   Why did the Arab take his clock to the doctor?

Because it had a tick.

48.   What do you call an Arab woman with one leg? Irene.

49.   Why do Arab men wear robes?

So they can hide their explosive personalities.

50.   What do you call an Arab who is always on time? A myth.

51.  Why don’t Arabs ever make snowmen?

Because once they build a snowman, Israel claims it’s theirs.

52.   Why did the Arab use his phone to call the police?

Because he didn’t want to get a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt.

53.   What do you call an Arab with a sheep under each arm A pimp.

Funny Arabic Jokes

54.    Why did the Arabic student fail his math exam?

 He thought Pi was a type of pastry!

55.   Why do Saudi Arabians never go to the gym?

Because they have Mecca!

56.  Why did the Arab man go to the bank with a ladder?

He wanted to climb the interest rates!

57.   Why did the Arab man put his phone in the fridge?

Because he wanted to have a cold call!

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58.    Why did the Arab man wear two watches?

Because he wanted to keep track of both Arab time and American time!

59.   Why did the Arab man go to the dentist?

To get his teeth checked for oil!

60.   Why did the Arabs refuse to move to the North Pole?

Because he didn’t want to trade sand for snow.

61.   What do you call an Arab who’s always on time? Unrealistic.

62.   Why do Arabs never attend conferences?

Because they’re always on Jihad.

63.   What do you call an Arab with a sheep on his head? A Bedouin.

64.   Why did the Arabs go to the bank with a ladder?

To get a high-interest rate.

65.   Why did the Arab cross the road?

To get to the other oil field.

66.   What do you call an Arab who’s always on the phone? Busy.

67.   Why did the Arab buy a ladder?

To reach the top of the camel.

68.   Why did the Arabs take a ruler to bed?

To see how long he slept.

69.   Why did the Arabs take a car door to the desert?

Because he wanted to roll down the window when it got hot.

70.   Why do Arab men wear white robes?

So they can blend in with the walls and avoid their wives when they are angry.

71.   How do you know if an Arab man is wealthy?

 He has more than one wife.

72.   What do you call an Arab who has lost his camels?

A sheikh without a flock.

73.   Why did the Arab man go to the bank with a ladder?

 He wanted to climb up the interest rates.

Arabian Jokes

74.   What do you call an Arabic snowman? A sandman.

75.   How do you know if an Arab is lying?

Their lips are moving.

76.   Why don’t Arabs go on diets?

 Because they already have a lot of oil.

77.  Why do Arabs love the desert?

 Because it’s the only place where they can hear their cell phones ring.

78.   Why do Arabs always carry a rug with them?

In case they need to do some carpet bombing.

79.   What do you call a Saudi Arabian farmer? An oil tycoon.

80.  What do you call a group of Arabians? A Sheik-alot.

81.   Why did the Arab stop using Twitter?

Because he heard that there were no hashtags in Paradise.

82.  Why did the Arab switch from Facebook to Instagram?

 Because he heard that the filters made him look more tan.

83.  Why did the Arab go to the beach with a potato?

Because he wanted to make a sandwich.

84.  Why did the Arab buy a telescope?

 To see if there were any oil reserves on the moon.

85.  Why don’t Arabs watch TV?

 Because they have too many channels.

86.   Why did the Arabs join the circus?

To be a part of the oil-in-one act.

87.  Why did the Arab stop eating falafel?

Because it was making him to hummus.

Best Jokes on Arabs

Arab culture is full of humor and wit. The Arab world is home to some of the funniest people on the planet.

From humorous anecdotes to witty one-liners, Arab jokes are a great way to lighten up the mood and add some laughter to your day. Here are some of the funniest Arab jokes that are sure to make you laugh out loud.

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88.   What do you call an Arab who’s always on the run?

 A marathon runner!

89.   Why do Arab men have mustaches?

 So they can keep their soup warm!

90.   How do you know if an Arab man is lying?

 His lips are moving!

91.   What do you call an Arab woman who’s always on the phone?

A talk-a-rab!

92.  What do you call an Arab man with a sheep under each arm? A pimp!

93.   Why did the Arab man go to the doctor?

He wanted to get a falafel shot!

94.  Why do they call them Arabica beans?

 Because they were discovered in Arabia.

95.   Why do Arab women wear veils?

Because they don’t want to show their husbands what they really look like before marriage.

96.   What do you call an Arab who has just won the lottery?

Sheikh and Bake.

97.   Why did the Arab man refuse to play cards on the plane?

Because he was afraid of a full house.

98.  What do you call an Arab who’s always on time? A miracle.

99.   Why don’t Arab men use vibrators?

Because they don’t want to shake hands with another man…

100.   Why did the Arab man buy a donkey?

To ride in carpool lanes.

101.    What do you call an Arab who’s good at math? Al Gebra.

102.   Why was the Arab afraid of his own shadow?

Because it kept following him everywhere he went.

103.   Why do Arabs always carry a rug with them?

In case they need to sweep you off your feet.

104.   How do you know if an Arab is lying?

 His lips are moving.

105.   What do you call an Arab who has a sense of humor? A rarity.

106.    How do you know if an Arab has been using the computer?

 There’s a camel jockey in the mouse.

107.    What’s the difference between an Arab and a terrorist?

 You can negotiate with an Arab.

108.    What do you call an Arab man who has lost his camels?

A little disoriented.

109.  Why did the Arab man refuse to drink the water?

He heard it was tap water.

110.   What do you call a group of Arabs on a boat?

 The United Arab Emirates.

111.   Why did the Arab businessman refuse to invest in the stock market?

Because he heard it was a Shariah-compliant investment.

112.    Why did the Arab man take his clock to the vet?

 Because it had ticks.

113.    What do you get when you cross an Arab with a Mexican?

A hummus burrito.

114.   Why did the Arab man go to the doctor?

 Because he had falafel the night before.

Some final Talk

These Arab jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face and lighten up your day. Share them with your Arab friends and enjoy a good laugh together. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, and these jokes are the perfect prescription.

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