65 Hilarious Jokes about Nacho Cheese

Whether you’re dipping into a plate of nachos or just craving a laugh, our Nacho Cheese Jokes are the perfect snack for your sense of humor.

With their gooey goodness and irresistible cheesiness, nachos are the perfect indulgence for any snack lover. But why stop at just savoring the taste when you can also enjoy a side dish of laughter? Our nacho cheese jokes are here to add an extra layer of deliciousness to your day.

Best Nacho Cheese Jokes

1.  Why did the cheese blush?  Because it saw the nachos!

2.  How do you make a nacho cheese dance?  Just put a little boogie in it!

3.  Why was the chip so upset?  Because it couldn’t find its nacho cheese!

4.  What do you get when you dip a nacho in cheese?  A nacho-ordinary snack!

5.  What do you call a group of musical nachos?  A salsa band!

6.  What do you call a nacho that you have to wait for?  A snack-tience!

7.  How do you mend a broken nacho?  With guac and roll!

8.  What did one nacho chip say to the other at the gym?  “I’m feeling a little corny today!”

9.  What’s a nacho’s favorite game?  Hide and cheese-seek!

10.  What did the nacho say after it won the lottery?  “I’m nacho average millionaire!”

11.  How do you know if a nacho is married?  I t has too much “cheese-pouse!”

12.  Why did the nacho bring a suitcase to the party?  It was ready for a cheese-cation!

13.  What do you call a nacho that you find in your couch cushions?  Lost and found-tos

Nacho Cheese Jokes One Liners

Spice up your day with our cheesy collection of nacho cheese jokes and one liners that will have you craving a good laugh.

14. What did the nacho say to the cheese?  “I’m completely shredded!”

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15. Why did the nacho go to therapy?  It had too many emotional cheese-tions.

16. How did nacho cheese say sorry?  It apologized for being cheesy!

17. Why did the nacho cheese go to the art exhibit?  It wanted to be a “cheese-terpiece”!

18. How did nacho cheese say goodbye?  “See ya later, queso-dilla!”

19. What did the nacho cheese say when it won an award?  “I’m nacho ordinary cheese!”

20. What did the nacho ask the cheese during a game of hide-and-seek?  “Are you nacho-living well?”

21. Why did the nacho cheese refuse to play cards?  It didn’t want to be called a “cheese cheater”!

22. What did the nacho cheese say when it saw a scary movie?  “I’m nacho-king around, that was terrifying!”

23. What did the nacho cheese say to its reflection?  “You’re looking sharp today, cheese-elf!”

24. Why did the nacho cheese go to the gym?  It wanted to become super shredded!

25. What did the nacho say to the salsa?  ” You can’t resist my cheesy charm!”

26. Why did the nacho cheese win the marathon?  It was always a few “cheese-steps” ahead!

27. How did the nacho cheese calm down when it got angry?  It took a deep “cheese-breath”!

28. What did the nacho cheese bring to its first day of school?  A “cheesy” smile!

29. Why did the nacho cheese wear sunglasses?  It didn’t want to be recognized as too cheesy!

30. What did the nacho cheese say to the tortilla chip ?  “I’m so grateful for our cheesy friendship!”

31. Why did the nacho cheese break up with its significant other?  It just wasn’t feeling grate-ful anymore.

Funny Nacho Puns

Get your nacho-loving friends together and enjoy a fiesta of laughter with our mouth-watering nacho cheese puns that are sure to bring the flavor of comedy to the table.

32.  Why did the nacho cross the road?  To get to the other side, but it got stuck in the middle and got a chip on its shoulder.

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33.  What do you call a nacho that’s always telling jokes?  A chippy comedian.

34.  What do you call a nacho that’s always dancing?  A chippy dancer.

35.  What do you call  a nacho that’s always painting?  A cheesy artist..

36.  What do you call a nacho that’s always studying?  A cheesy scholar..

37.  What do you call a nacho that’s always retired?  A cheesy senior citizen.

38.  What do you call a nacho that’s always eating?  A cheesy foodie.

39.  What do you call a nacho that’s always sleeping?  A cheesy snoozer.

40.  What do you call a nacho that’s always watching TV?  A cheesy couch potato.

41.  What do you call a nacho that’s always listening to music?  A cheesy audiophile.

42.  What do you call a nacho that’s always making friends?  A cheesy social butterfly.

Related : Hilarious Grilled Cheese Puns

Funny Jokes About Nacho

Cheese lovers, unite! Dive into a world of cheesy humor with our Nacho Cheese Jokes collection. These puns and jests are nacho average jokes!

43.  Why did the nacho cross the road?  To get to the other side, but it got stuck in the middle and got a chip on its shoulder.

44.  What do you call a nacho that’s always telling jokes?  A chippy comedian.

45.  What do you call a nacho that’s always dancing?  A chippy dancer.

46.  What do you call a nacho that’s always painting?  A cheesy artist.

47.  What do you call a nacho that’s always studying?  A cheesy scholar.

48.  What do you call a nacho that’s always retired?  A cheesy senior citizen.

49.  What do you call a nacho that’s always eating?  A cheesy foodie.

50.  What do you call a nacho that’s always sleeping?  A cheesy snoozer.

51.  What do you call a nacho that’s always watching TV?  A cheesy couch potato.

52.  What do you call a nacho that’s always listening to music?  A cheesy audiophile.

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Nacho Cheese Jokes Hannah Montana

53.  What’s a nacho cheese’s favorite game?  Hide and go squeeze

54. Why did Hannah Montana use nacho cheese instead of regular cheese?  Because she couldn’t be “nacho-self” without it!

55. What did Hannah Montana say when someone asked if she liked nacho cheese?  “Best of both worlds, baby!”

56. Why did Hannah Montana invite nacho cheese to her concert?   Because she wanted some cheesy musical accompaniment!

57. How did Hannah Montana incorporate nacho cheese into her wardrobe?   She wore a jacket that said, “Cheesy on the outside, rockstar on the inside!”

58. What did Hannah Montana say when someone told her they didn’t like nacho cheese?   “That’s a party in the USA that you’re missing out on!”

59. How did Hannah Montana react when she spilled nacho cheese on her dress?  She said, “Oops, I cheese it again!”

60. Why did Hannah Montana bring nacho cheese to her secret concert?  It was her special “cheese-id” ingredient!

61. What did Hannah Montana say when someone asked her to choose between nacho cheese and regular cheese?  “Can’t be tamed, gotta have both!”

62. How did Hannah Montana describe her nacho cheese obsession?  She said, “It’s the best of both toppings!”

63. What did Hannah Montana say when someone asked her why she loved nacho cheese so much?  “It’s the best of both cheesy worlds, and I can’t be tamed!”

64. How did Hannah Montana incorporate nacho cheese into her stage performance?  She had confetti cannons filled with cheesy nacho goodness!

65. What did Hannah Montana say to the nacho cheese at the party ?  ” You’re the star of the snack table!”

66. Why did Hannah Montana refuse to share her nacho cheese with anyone?   She said, “Sorry, it’s just too ‘cheesy’ to let go of!”

Recommended: Funny Cheese it Puns 

Final Words

We hope you had a good laugh, After reading through all these hilarious nacho cheese jokes.

Do you have a funny nacho cheese joke to share ? Write down your own funny nacho cheese jokes. in the comment section below!