60 Hilarious Jokes About Single Moms

Single moms, your laughter is our priority! Enjoy our collection of single mom jokes, where humor and resilience are the stars of the show.

These single mom jokes are a testament to the superpower of motherhood! Join us for a laugh and some well-deserved appreciation.

Best Single Mom Jokes

1. What did the single mom say to the child at the park?  “Do NOT get near that dog, I am NOT ready to be a grandmother yet!”

2.  Why did the single mom go to the store three times in one day?   She was trying to find something that was “on sale, needs no ironing, and matches everything”!

3.  What did the single mom do when she didn’t have her car keys?   She used her kid’s skateboard to get around!

4.  What did the single mom say when she was asked why she was so exhausted?  “Because I’m the mom, the dad, and the taxi driver all rolled into one!”

5. “Why did the single mom cross the road?  To get to the coffee shop on the other side.”

6. “What did the single mom say to the treadmill?  Sorry, I can’t come to the gym today, I’m a mom.”

7. “What did the single mom say when her child asked if they could go to Disneyland?  ‘No, we’re going to Dollar Tree, it’s just as magical.’”

8. “Why did the single mom bring a ladder to the grocery store?  To reach the top shelf where the coffee is.”

9. “Why did the single mom go on a blind date with a lumberjack?  She heard he knew how to handle wood.”

10. “Why did the single mom take up archery?  She wanted to have something to aim for.”

11. “Why did the single mom quit her job as a gardener?  She couldn’t handle the pressure to produce seeds.”

12. “Why did the single mom sign up for a kickboxing class?  To teach her ex a lesson.”

13. “Why did the single mom go skydiving?  She needed a break from the constant chaos of parenting.”

Single Mom Jokes Reddit

Laugh along with the ups and downs of parenting as a single mom with our collection of witty single mom jokes.

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14. “What did the single mom say when her child asked for a sibling?  ‘Ask your father!’”

15. “Why did the single mom start watching reality TV shows?  To make her own life seem less dramatic.”

16. “What do you call a single mom with a sense of humor?  A laughing mom.”

17. Why did the single mom take her kids to Disneyland?  So she could finally ride all the roller coasters without anyone holding her back!

18. Why did the single mom become a doctor?  She needed to diagnose and treat her kids’ never-ending list of ailments!

19. Why did the single mom become a librarian?  She loved the sound of silence (even if it was only for a few minutes)!

20. Why did the single mom write a book?  She had a lot of funny (and horrifying) stories to tell!

21. Why did the single mom join a dating app?  She wanted to find someone who could help her change lightbulbs!

22. Why did the single mom become a firefighter?  She loved the challenge of putting out small fires (like the ones in the kitchen)!

23. Why did the single mom take up karate?  She wanted to show her kids who was boss (and also get some great exercise)!

Funny Single Mom Jokes

Ready to relate and giggle? Dive into our single mom jokes for a dose of humor that celebrates the strength and humor of single mothers.

24. Why did the single mom take up fencing?  Because she was tired of playing defense against all the deadbeat dads out there.

25. Why did the single mom decide to join the circus?  Because juggling work, kids, and a social life was starting to feel like a three-ring act.

26. What did the single mom say when she found out her ex was engaged?  “Looks like I dodged a bullet there!”

27. What do you call a group of single moms at a PTA meeting?  A “hot mess of badass babes”.

28. Why did the single mom decide to take up skydiving?  Because jumping out of a plane seemed less scary than the idea of dating again.

29. How does a single mom juggle all her responsibilities?  With a combination of coffee, wine, and sheer determination.

30. What’s the best part about being a single mom ?  Getting to make all the parenting decisions without having to argue with anyone.

31. Why did the single mom decide to go on a yoga retreat?  To find inner peace and escape the chaos of motherhood…and Tinder.

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32. What do you call a single mom who can juggle her kids, career, and dating life?  A superhero.

33. Why did the single mom decide to get a tattoo of her children’s names?  Because she wanted a permanent reminder of who she’s working so hard for.

34. How do you make a single mom’s day?  Offer to watch her kids so she can have a much-needed break.

35. Why did the single mom decide to take a road trip across the country?  Because sometimes you just need a change of scenery (and maybe a cute guy to sit shotgun).

36. What do you call a single mom who just finished a marathon?  A total badass.

37. How do you know you’re talking to a single mom at a bar?  She’s the one with the bags under her eyes and the tequila shot in her hand.

38. Why did the single mom decide to write a memoir?  Because her life is just too ridiculous not to share.

39. What do you call a single mom who’s got it all together?  A unicorn.

Single Mom Jokes One Liners

Looking for comic relief in the whirlwind of single parenting? Explore our single mom jokes and one liners and find humor in the daily adventures.

40. Why did the single mom bring a ladder to her son’s baseball game?  She wanted to be a pitcher!

41. Why did the single mom name her son Noah ?  So she could tell him to get the ark out of here!

42. Why did the single mom join a running group?  She heard they were looking for someone who could chase after kids!

43. Why did the single mom get a tattoo of her son’s name?  So she wouldn’t forget it in the morning rush!

44. Why did the single mom enroll in a cooking class?  So she could learn how to whip up some quick and easy dinners for her kids!

46. Why did the single mom invest in a pet monkey?  She heard they were great at multitasking!

47. Why did the single mom buy a pair of noise-canceling headphones?  So she could ignore the constant chatter of her kids!

48. Why did the single mom go to the gym every day?  She needed some me-time away from her little terrors!

49. Why did the single mom become a motivational speaker?  She wanted to inspire other moms to survive the single-parenting life!

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50. Why did the single mom become a cat lady?  She needed something to cuddle with after the kids were in bed!

51. Why did the single mom hire a private investigator?  She wanted to know where all her missing socks had gone!

52. Why did the single mom start a YouTube channel?  She wanted to showcase her incredible parenting skills (and embarrassing moments)!

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Funny Jokes About Single Mom

Explore a selection of hilarious single mom jokes that highlight the strength and humor found in their daily lives.

These jokes offer a fresh and entertaining take on the unique experiences faced by single moms, providing a moment of laughter and camaraderie.

53. “Why did the single mom cross the road?  To get away from her child’s never-ending questions!”

54. “Why did the single mom break up with her last boyfriend?  He couldn’t handle the adorable little third wheel that always came on their dates!”

55. “How does a single mom get her child to clean their room?  By telling them that Santa’s not coming unless it’s spotless!”

56. “What’s a single mom’s favorite movie genre?  Anything that’s not animated!”

57. “Why did the single mom start doing yoga?  To have a moment of peace, even if it’s only 5 minutes long!”

58. “What’s a single mom’s favorite drink?  Coffee, and lots of it!”

59. “Why did the single mom quit her day job?  To start her own business, so she can spend more time with her little CEO!”

60. “Why did the single mom get into stand-up comedy?  To practice for the never-ending comedy show that is parenthood!”

61. “How does a single mom handle tantrums?  By joining in, because sometimes it’s just too hard to resist!”

62. “What’s a single mom’s favorite hobby?  Daydreaming about taking a nap!”

63. “What’s a single mom’s favorite restaurant?  Anywhere that serves chicken nuggets and has a play area!”

64. “What’s a single mom’s secret to staying sane?  A good sense of humor, and remembering that laughter truly is the best medicine!”.

Related article: Hilarious New Mom Jokes

Some Final Thoughts

These jokes not only bring laughter but also acknowledge the incredible strength and resilience of single mothers.

As we wrap up our exploration of this humor-filled world, let’s remember that single moms deserve recognition, appreciation, and the joy of shared laughter. These jokes celebrate the unique experiences of single mothers and provide a moment of comic relief amidst the responsibilities of parenthood.