2024’s Ultimate Collection: 180 Aesthetic Captions and Quotes for Instagram

If you’re in need of some inspiration for your next Instagram post, look no further! We’ve gathered over 180 of the best aesthetic captions and quotes for you to use. Whether you’re looking for a caption to pair with a sultry selfie or a quote to accompany your nature photography, we’ve got you covered. And if you’re not sure what an aesthetic caption is, don’t worry – we’ll explain that too. Keep reading for the best aesthetic captions and quotes for Instagram in 2023!

Aesthetic Captions

  1. A bunch of dried wild flowers make me happy these days.
  2. Roses are red, skies are blue, you’re mine and I’m for you.
  3. You keep running in my head like a song on repeat.
  4. You’re my moonlight in the darkness of life.
  5. Like a wild flower, I wanna grow freely.
  6. I forgive but never forget.
  7. The sand underneath my feet tells me how great life is.
  8. The sound of the sea waves and the smell of the salty breeze what can get more perfect than this?
  9. I love beautiful yet useless things like the moon, the lakes, and lame jokes.
  10. Glow at your own pace, love.
  11. Like a flame, I wanna keep burning before my light dies down.
  12. Not all endings are supposed to be happy.
  13. Beauty is always subjective.
  14. Nobody’s perfect but anybody can be beautiful.
  15. You were handsome as heaven but you made me feel hell.
  16. Like the sun, you bless me with your sunshine.
  17. Sunrise, tweeting of birds, and some cool breeze.
  18. Like a compass, you lead my heart towards you.
  19. No matter how beautiful the sky, a single black bird flying through can ruin it.
  20. Great things come outside the zone of comfort.
  21. Can I go where you go?
  22. Forgive easily but never trust again.
  23. The same event may feel different for others.
  24. I want all of your summers to be spent with me.
  25. Not all cherry blossoms bloom at the same pace.
  26. If you bloomed late, it doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful anymore.
  27. The seat next to me is always reserved for you.
  28. Love songs never felt this bitter before.
  29. You are the missing melody to my favorite song.
  30. Nothing is as fragile as a heart on the verge of shattering.
  31. Some stones are thrown at the sea while some stones are used to make diamond rings.
  32. I wanna go fishing and just hold your hand the whole time.

Aesthetic Instagram Captions

  1. In another life, I wish we can still walk side-by-side like this.
  2. “If you expect disappointment, then you can never really get disappointed.” – Michelle “MJ” Jones-Watson
  3. Flashbacks come back faster than the ‘90s trend.
  4. You were somehow a glimpse of heaven on earth.
  5. Don’t pretend it’s okay when it’s not.
  6. The only thing that runs wild is my imagination.
  7. Stripes, baggy jeans, and high-cuts.
  8. Words can stab you deeper than a knife.
  9. No makeup, no filter, just the real me.
  10. You’re a painting no one can imitate.
  11. If beauty runs through the veins then my future children will be beautiful as well.
  12. Puffed sleeves and lace headbands give off strong cottage core vibes.
  13. In a pitch-black night, the moon shines bright.
  14. Your face is sunshine that makes me smile.
  15. Smile ‘til your eyes are gone.
  16. I love the smell of pavements when it has just rained.
  17. Those raindrops on my window pane makes me sad.
  18. I’m a pro at making bad decisions.
  19. There’s only 3 cells left in this brain.
  20. It took a while for me to grow these eyebags.
See also  100 Clever Captions to Skillfully Critique Someone

Aesthetic Instagram Captions Birthday

  1. You wear a crown today, birthday queen.
  2. Your birthday cake is as sweet as you.
  3. Blow your candles!
  4. I never jest about birthday cakes.
  5. Felt the prettiest today.
  6. You didn’t just add a year to your age, you added experience.
  7. Happy New Year?
  8. Didn’t know how to act my age ‘cause it’s my first time today.
  9. Stay goofy this year, hon!

Aesthetic Short Savage Captions

  1. We ain’t kids no more.
  2. Keep slaying, queen!
  3. Act your age, dear.
  4. Right love at the right time.
  5. Don’t give me that look.
  6. Stop staring at me. 
  7. Shut your mouth when not in need.
  8. Hate me or love me.
  9. “Why chase you when I’m the catch?” – Unknown
  10. No gray areas please.
  11. Hatred won’t make you pretty.
  12. Do you think I rolled my eyes?
  13. Busy doing my own thing.
  14. If you’re ugly, make your heart pretty.
  15. Don’t let the lightning strike.
  16. Blah, blah, blah
  17. Found myself after losing you.
  18. Did you say something?
  19. Hurt me and I’ll haunt you.
  20. Life is short. Make every hair flip count.” – Unknown
  21. Anger me and face consequences.
  22. My father will hear about this.
  23. I demand a battle by combat.
  24. Where are my keyboard warriors at?
  25. I am nobody’s.
  26. You don’t look significant.
  27. Hurt me once, I’ll ignore you forever.
  28. Hurt people hurt people.
  29. Silent speaks and truth shrieks.” – Samriddhi
  30. “One wound at a time.” – p.n.
  31. “Hello 911, I’m on fire.” – Sassyboss.co
  32. Unapologetic of my transition.
  33. “Too glam to give a damn.” – Unknown
  34. “My existence is a scandal.” – Oscar Wilde

Short Aesthetic Quotes

  1. There comes a rainbow after a storm.
  2. Some endings are beautiful like sunsets.
  3. Wild flowers and woven baskets.
  4. “I told the stars about you.” – D.J.
  5. “Don’t just exist, live.” – Unknown
  6. “A dream, that’s what she was.” – Unknown
  7. “Come back stronger like the waves.” – Dark Poetess
  8. “Self-love starts with acceptance.” – Shreya Maurya
  9. “No risk, no story.” – Unknown
  10. “Let it hurt then let it go.” – r.h. Sin
  11. “See good in all things.” – Unknown
  12. “Trust the process.” – Unknown
  13. “I am mine. Before I am anyone else’s.” – Nayyirah Waheed
  14. “We age not by years, but by stories.” – Maza-Dohta
  15. “Seek to be whole, not perfect.” – Oprah Winfrey
  16. “Make your heart the prettiest thing about you.” – Unknown
  17. “Everything is hard before it is easy.” – Goethe
  18. “’I believe in you.’ Words that water flowers.” – Michael Faudet
  19. “Be a voice, not an echo.” – Albert Einstein
  20. “Let’s run free under starlight.” – Butterflies Rising
  21. “We’re all poems in different forms.” – Dhiman
  22. “And she dances like flames at a bonfire.” – r.h. Sin

Aesthetic Bio Short Quotes

  1. “No boyfriend since birth, hon.” – Unknown
  2. “All the beautiful things are around you.” – Unknown
  3. “Feel what you need to feel and let it go. Do not let it consume you.” – Dhiman
  4. “Words hold the power to hurt deeper than wounds.” – @she.writess_ 
  5. “You should not judge someone by the opinions of others.” – Unknown
  6. “Right now, I am alone; soon be in your arms.” – Unknown
  7. “Don’t stress. Do your best. Forget the rest.” – Unknown
  8. “Hakuna Matata” – The Lion King
  9. “If you see beauty in something, don’t wait for others to agree.” – Sherihan Gama
  10. “Perfection is found in accepting your imperfections.” – Bridgett Devoue
  11. “We’re only haunted by the things we refuse to accept.” – Bridgett Devoue
  12. “You radiate what rests in you.” – Kavya Dixit
  13. “Words before flowers–always.” – Tess Guinery
  14. “Even in the chaos, don’t forget to kiss.” – Tess Guinery
  15. “You’re so golden.” – Harry Styles, Golden
  16. “Do it for you not them.” – The Edited Shop
  17. “A new era of me.” – cami_paull
  18. “This world is full of poets. But she, she herself is poetry.” – Archana Bhandari
  19. “With a heart like that, you deserve the world.” – r.m. drake
  20. “Maybe when the time is right, you will find me again.” – k.tolnoe
  21. “Be addicted to loving yourself.” – Sarah
  22. “Be like the sun and shine alone.” – The tiny lines
  23. “Be imperfectly real, it’s perfectly rare.” – Dikshas Uman

Cute Aesthetic Quotes

  1. “These shadows cannot hold you.” – Morgan Harper Nichols
  2. “Lift the light to see the stars.” – Unknown
  3. “The most beautiful part is, I wasn’t even looking when I found you.” – Autumn
  4. “When there was nothing, she was the one, the only one.” – Mr. Den
  5. “Now I have to remember you for longer than I have known you.” – c.c. aurel
  6. “Last night, I asked the stars to bring you back to me.” – k. Azizian
  7. “I still see you in every sunset.” – delia
  8. “Be happy with whatever you have.” – The Tiny Lines
  9. “I just need you and some sunsets.” – Atticus
  10. “I didn’t see her beauty. I felt it. As plainly as the sun.” – Atticus
  11. “My heart made its choice and it chose you.” – aesteuticc
  12. “Only you can make me smile at my lowest.” – faraway
  13. “Loving you has given me so many stories to tell.” – faraway
  14. “I will love you ‘til the end of time.” – Lana del Rey
  15. “I wish time had better timing for you and me.” – Perry Poetry
  16. “You are my very own little piece of dark blue sky.” – F.W.
  17. “He awakened her love just to see if he could.” – Delida
  18. “The way they leave tells you everything.” – Rupi Kaur
  19. “The wat you prioritize them, make your heart a priority, too.” – Avantika Mavale
  20. “Some people are just tragedies dresses as fairytales.” – Rithvik Singh

Simple Aesthetic Bio Quotes

  1. “You speak earth and I speak sky, let’s collide and see what color we make.” – Mitesh Parmar
  2. “My tears are not a cry for help but how I rinse my soul.” – k.tolnoe
  3. “What good are wings without the courage to fly.” – Atticus
  4. “I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.” – Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
  5. “Be the moon and inspire people even when you’re far from full.” – k.tolnoe
  6. “Like the stars, we all fall until we are in the right place.” – l.z.
  7. “Take notes on life no lesson is worth learning twice.” – k.tolnoe
  8. “Every fire needs air to breathe.” – k.tolnoe
  9. “Nobody knows your heart better than you.” – Michael Faudet
  10. “If you are not enough for yourself, you will never be enough for someone else.” – Rupi Kaur
  11. “It’s okay to be alone sometimes. There is freedom in finding you.” – PoemxHeaven
  12. “Gentle Reminder: you are allowed to burn the bridges that no longer serves you peace and growth.” – Sonia
  13. “It is you who can make yourself happy.” – Shreya Maurya
  14. “Your eyes carry floods and my heart is a paper boat.” – K.julka
  15. “My eyes are still waiting for you.” – Quotes_worldzz
  16. “Happy souls are the pretties.” – Mitali
  17. “Sometimes wearing a smile makes a lot of things easier.” – Puja R.
  18. “Patience is the key to survive the storms in your life.” – np
  19. “Beauty is effortless when you are kind.” – Health Unleash
  20. “Off to somewhere only I know.” – Unknown