2024: A Collection of 90 Italian Halloween Jokes

Get in the Halloween spirit with this collection of Italian ghost jokes and puns. Perfect for sharing with friends and family to make them laugh and enjoy the spooky season!

Celebrate Halloween the Italian way with Italian Halloween Jokes. These puns add a delightful twist to the world of pasta, pizza, and pumpkins, making even the scariest season a feast of humor.”

Whether you’re an Italophile or simply enjoy a good laugh, Italian Halloween Jokes offer a playful approach to the world of Mediterranean cuisine and Halloween. Dive into a collection that combines flavors and laughter for a memorable celebration.

Funny Italian Halloween Jokes

1. Qual è il dolcetto preferito del vampiro italiano? Il Biscotto al sangue.

2.  What is the Italian vampire’s favorite treat?  Blood biscuit.

3. Perché le streghe italiane non vanno in bicicletta? Perché non trovano la scaletta.

4.  Why don’t Italian witches ride bicycles?   Because they can’t find the “scaletta” (Italian for ladder).

5. Cosa fa lo scheletro italiano nel tempo libero?  Prende una pausa caffè.

6. What does the Italian skeleton do in its free time?  It takes a coffee break.

7. Come si chiama una strega che ama cucinare?  Maghella De’ Cuochi.

8. What do you call a witch who loves to cook?  Maghella De’ Cuochi.

9. Perché il fantasma italiano è sempre felice? Perché vive sparso.

10. Cosa fanno gli zombie italiani quando hanno fame?  Scattano una “pasta-lattanza”.

11.  What do Italian zombies do when they’re hungry?  They have a “pasta-lattanza” (a meal with pasta).

12.  Perché la strega italiana ha un gatto nero?  Perché ama il “miao-karoons”.

13.  Why does the Italian witch have a black cat?  Because she loves “miao-karoons” (a play on macaroons).

14. Cosa dice la strega italiana quando è in ritardo?  Sto brucha-ndo!

15. Come chiamano gli scheletri italiani una festa spaventosa?  La “Nottambula-ghoul-ata”.

16. Qual è l’uccello preferito della strega italiana?  La guf-fetta.

17. Cosa fa un italiano quando vede uno zombie?  Chiede se ha “pasta polenta”.

18.  Perché i vampiri italiani sono sempre sorridenti?  Perché amano il sangue chianti.

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19. Cosa fanno i fantasmi italiani quando sono felici?  Ballano la “tarantella-soon”.

Italian Halloween Jokes For Adults

20. What do Italian ghosts use to clean their haunted houses?  SPOOK-getti!

21. Why did the Italian vampire become a vegetarian?  He couldn’t resist pasta fangs-ti!

22. What do you call a scary Italian pasta dish?  Capellini diablo-ghetti!

23.  Why don’t Italian witches ride brooms?  They prefer flying on their Ves-ghoul-ipes!

24. What do you get when you cross an Italian with a devil?  A pizza-mancer!

25. Why don’t Italian zombies attack pasta shops?  They can’t resist the aroma of Italian cuisine!

26. What does a Italian werewolf say when it’s time for dinner?  “Mangia-wooooo!”

27. Why did the Italian skeleton refuse to go to the monsters’ party? He had no body to go with!

28. What do Italian skeletons like to eat at Halloween?  Spar-rib-sa!

29. How does an Italian ghost say goodbye?  “Arrivederci-BOO-ci!”

30. What do you call an Italian mummy who loves to sing?  A Frankin-tenor!

31. Why did the Italian vampire get a job at the blood bank?  He wanted to work on his red wine collection!

32.  What do Italian witches eat for a midnight snack? Broom-stick-oli!

33. Why do Italian ghosts love to learn languages?  They have a haunting desire to say “Ciao” to everyone!

34. What’s a haunted pizza’s favorite type of music?  Terror Mozzarella!

35. How does an Italian ghost drink wine?  From a tomb-olo glass!

36. What do Italian werewolves say when they’re surprised?  “Mamma-mia!”

37. When do Italian witches go trick-or-treating?  When there’s a full moon and an extra dose of spaghetti sauce!

38. What’s an Italian ghost’s favorite type of dance?  The Macarena!

Italian Halloween jokes For Kids

39.  Why did the Italian vampire cross the road?  To get to the other spaghet-to.

40.  What do you call a group of Italian vampires that go trick-or-treating?  A blood mari-nara.

41. Why did the Italian witch go to the library?  To check out some boo-oks.

42.  What do you call a witch who’s always cold?  A chilly witch-a.

43. Why did the Italian mummy cross the road?  To get to the other bandage-a.

44. What do you call a group of Italian zombies that go trick-or-treating?  A horde of treats-a.

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45. What do you call a ghost that’s always tired?  A boo-hoo-a.

46. Why did the Italian witch get fired from the library?  She kept rearranging the books in alphabetical order by spine-a.

47. What do you call a vampire who’s always hungry?  A blood hound-a.

48. What do you call a group of Italian witches that go trick-or-treating?  A coven of treats-a.

49. Why did the ghost go to the dentist?  To get a root boo-a.

50. What do you call a mummy that’s always late?  A wrappy situation-a.

51. Why did the Italian vampire go to the tanning salon?  To get a little more bat-tan-a.

52. What do you call a group of ghosts that go trick-or-treating?  A boo-tiful sight-a.

53. Why did the Italian skeleton go to the bar?  To get a dry martini-a.

54. What do you call a vampire who’s always thirsty?  A blood sucker-a.

55. Why did the Italian witch go to the doctor?  She was feeling under a spell-a.

Italian Halloween Jokes One Liners

56. Why did the Italian ghost go to therapy?  He needed to exorcize his emotions.

57. What do you call a spooky Italian dessert?  Ghoulato!

58. Why do Italian vampires only drink tomato juice?  They prefer their “blood” on the saucier side.

59. What’s an Italian zombie’s favorite pasta shape?  Fettuc-creechy!

60. How do Italian witches keep their hair in place?  With scare-spray!

61. What do you call an Italian skeleton who wins a race?  A mara-THON!

62. Why did the Italian werewolf bring a pepper grinder to the party?  He likes to add a little bite to his howls.

63. What’s a haunted Italian’s favorite type of music?  Organ-i!

64. What’s an Italian mummy’s favorite type of dance?  The rap-a-wrap!

65. What do Italian witches put in their tea? Hex-herbs!

66. What did one Italian vampire say to the other?  “I vant to suck your tomato sauce!”

67. How do Italian zombies say goodbye?  “Arrivederci…brains!”

68. Why did the Italian ghost get a promotion at work?  He had a “spirited” work ethic.

69. What’s an Italian ghost’s favorite board game?  Haystacks and Ladders!

70. Why did the Italian skeleton refuse to play cards?  He had no body to deal with!

71. How do Italian vampires stay fit?  They do lots of neck-exercises!

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72. Why was the Italian scarecrow voted “Most Popular”?  He had lots of hay-approachable charm.

Best Italian Halloween Jokes 

73. Why did the Italian chef get arrested?  He pasta-way the competition!

74. What do you call an Italian guy who has a lot of girlfriends?  A pasta-casanova!

75. Why did the Italian tomato turn red?  Because it saw the spaghetti sauce!

76. How does an Italian ask for a favor?  “Cannoli, you do me a solid?”

77. What’s the best way to get an Italian to stop talking?  Put a pizza in their mouth!

78. Why did the Italian man go to the fortune teller?  He wanted to know if he would have a pizza his luck.

79. How do Italian gentlemen say “I love you”?  “Ti amo-like pasta!”

80. What did the Italian avocado say to the tomato?  “You’re plum amazing!”

81. Why did the Italian guy bring a ladder to the bar?  He heard the drinks were on the house!

82. What do you call an Italian who moonlights as a magician?  The great “Pasta-dini”!

83. Why did the Italian singer refuse to perform at the pizza party?  They wanted a slice of the profits!

84. What’s the secret to making a great Italian espresso?  A whole latte love!

85. How did the love-struck Italian propose?  He gave her a garlic knot instead of a ring!

86. What do you call an Italian who can’t play soccer?  A pasta-tute!

87. Why did the Italian turn vegetarian?  He realized it wasn’t “meat” to be!

88. What did the Italian couple say when they found out they were expecting?  “We’re having a pasta-bility!”

89. Why do Italians always carry a map?  In case they get “parmesan-ently” lost!

90. How does an Italian make sure they have a balanced diet?  They hold a slice of pizza in each hand!

91. What do you call an Italian ghost who loves to party?  A spook-taculare!

92. Why did the Italian mathematician bring a slice of pie to the meeting?  He wanted to show everyone the “pi-ty” of it all!

Some Final Talk

Do you like these funny Italian Halloween Jokes? Post your funny reactions to these funny jokes in the comment section down below!

If you want to hear more about these type of funny Italian Halloween Jokes, then check out these other great lists of funny jokes and puns:

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