160 Hilarious Jokes About Three Mice

Ready for a mouse party of puns? Delight in the world of three mice jokes, where clever wordplay and rodent charm collide. These jokes are designed to make you smile, proving that humor is as infectious as a mouse’s curiosity.

Three Blind Mice Jokes

1. Why did the three blind mice go to the farmer’s market?  Because they heard it was a-mouse-ing!

2. What did the three blind mice say to the cheese factory worker?  “Do you smell a little cheesy around here?”

3. How do the three blind mice get around?  They use their “squeaky”GPS!

4. What did the three blind mice do when they heard there was a cat in the house?  They found their way to the mouse hole ASAP!

5. What’s three blind mice’s favorite game?  Hide and squeak!

6. How did the three blind mice feel when they found a giant block of cheese?  Grateful, of course!

7..What do you call a mouse that can sing? A “mouse-ician,” just like the three blind mice!

8. How do the three blind mice send messages to each other?  By “squeak-mail”!

9. Why did the three blind mice start a band?  Because they wanted to be “mice-icians”!

10. What did the three blind mice do when they saw a mousetrap?  They ran as fast as their little paws could carry them!

11. What do you call a mouse that can dance?  A “mouseter” like the three blind mice!

12. What’s three blind mice’s favorite type of music?  “Mousetrap”!

13. Why did the three blind mice start a detective agency?  They wanted to solve “cheesy” mysteries!

14. How do the three blind mice tell time?  They use their “squeak-watch”!

15. Why did the three blind mice take up painting?  They wanted to “mouse-ter” the art!

16. What’s a three blind mice’s favorite movie? ” The Three Blind Mice and the Giant Cheese Adventure”

Funny Jokes About Cat And Mice

Tiny tails, big laughs! Explore our three mice jokes for a rodent-inspired dose of humor. These jokes are crafted to make you grin, proving that even the smallest creatures can deliver the biggest punchlines.

17. Why do cats make terrible comedians? Because their jokes always fall flat!

18. What did the mouse say to the cat? “You’ve got to be kitten me!”

19. How do you catch a cat burglar?  Use a mouse trap!

20. Why don’t cats play poker in the wild?  Because there are too many cheetahs!

21. Why did the cat bring a ladder to the bar?  To reach the high-paw table!

22. How do you get a cat’s attention?  Try whispering, “Here, kitty, kitty!” while opening a can of tuna.

23. What did the cat say when it lost at poker?  “I’m paw-sitively disgusted!”

24. Why don’t mice trust the internet?  Because there are too many cat videos!

25. What happened to the cat that swallowed a ball of yarn?  It had mittens!

26. Why did the mouse take up gardening?  Because it wanted to grow cat-nip!

27. How do you know if a mouse is relaxed?  It’s drinking a little cheese-wine!

28. What do you call a cat that owns a vineyard?  A purr-veyor of fine wines!

29. Why don’t mice use smartphones?  Because they aren’t very appaw-lauded!

30. How does a mouse hide from a cat?  It simply blends in with the hole crowd!

31. What do you get if you cross a cat with a bottle of vinegar?  Sour puss!

32. What do you call a cat that likes to go bowling?  A pin-purr!

33. How do you know if your cat has a secret life?  It starts asking for martinis, shaken, not stirred.

34. Why don’t mice trust the post office?  Because they fear their packages will get paw-lagged!

Three Mice Jokes Reddit

35. What do you call a group of mice singing Christmas carols?  A harmonious trio!

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36. Why don’t mice ever get stuck in traffic?  They know all the shortcuts!

37. How do you know if a mouse is tired?  It starts falling asleep during the cat and mouse game.

38. Why did the mouse become a detective?  It wanted to investigate all the cheese heists!

39. What do you get when you cross a mouse with a musical instrument?  A piano-playing rodent!

40. How does a mouse greet his friends?  “Mice to meet you!”

41. What do you call a mouse who loves adventure?  A risk-taking rodent!

42. How do you catch a smart mouse?  Use a piece of cheese attached to a calculator!

43. Why did the mouse join a gym?  To get in shape for the mouse marathons!

44. What do you call a mouse that’s always angry?  A grumpy rodent!

45. How do you know if a mouse is an extrovert?  It never stops squeaking!

46. What do you call a mouse that’s really good at hiding?  A secret-keeping rodent!

47. How does a mouse celebrate Halloween?  With a mouse mask and some pumpkin cheese!

48.  Why did the mouse go to the movies alone?  It didn’t want any rat-tension!

49. What’s a mouse’s favorite kind of movie?  A “Mousterpiece Theater” production!

50. How does a mouse catch a ride on a rollercoaster?  By getting on board before the humans notice!

51. Why do mice always love a good book?  Because they can curl up in the corner and read in peace!

52. What do you call a mouse that’s a real ladies’ man?  A whisker-tickling charmer!

53. Why did the mouse quit his job as a doctor?  He was tired of only being able to diagnose “cheese its!”

Three Mice Jokes One Liners

Join the trio of mischief-makers with our three mice jokes collection. Whether you’re a fan of rodent humor or just looking for a lighthearted escape, these jokes will whisk you away into a world of laughter.

54. Why did the three mice take up knitting?  They wanted to make mouse sweaters!

55. What do you call three blind mice playing hide and seek?  Find the Cheese!

56. Why did the three mice go to space?  They wanted to see if the moon was made of cheese!

57. How do three mice apologize when they make a mistake?  They say, “We’re sorry, it was an accident, squeak-squeak!”

58. What did the three mice say when they saw a delicious slice of Swiss cheese?  “Holy Moly, that’s hole-y good!”

59. Why did the three mice form a band?  They wanted to play some “mice-ic” together!

60. What do you get when you cross three mice with the King of Pop?  Mice-ael Jackson!

61. How do three mice solve a problem?  They put their heads together and squeak-ut it!

62. Why did the three mice join a gym?  They wanted to build up their mouse-les!

63. What did the three mice say to encourage each other?  “Don’t give up, we can squeak-ceed!”

64. How do three mice travel on vacation?  They go on a mouse-tour bus!

65. What did the three mice say when they found a piece of Cheddar cheese?  “It’s grate to see you!”

66. Why did the three mice open a bakery?  They kneaded the dough!

67. What do you call three mice who are excellent at math?  Mouse-ematicians!

68. What’s the three mice’s favorite game?  Tag, they love to squeak and run!

69. What did the three mice say when they saw a cat approaching?  “Run, it’s Catastrophe!”

70. Why did the three mice throw a party?  Because it was their mouse-iversary!

71. How do three mice get around town?  They hail a cheese-tric cab!

72. What do you call three mice having a competition?  A mouse-race!

73. Why did the three mice become detectives?  They wanted to solve mouse-teries!

Three Mice Jokes For Adults

Scurry into a laughter-filled adventure with our three mice jokes. From whisker-twitching gags to tail-wagging quips, these jokes capture the essence of rodent hilarity, promising a squeak-tacular time.

74. What’s a mouse’s favorite game?  Hide and squeak.

75. Why was the mouse cold?  Because it left its mouse hole open.

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76. What do you get when you cross a mouse with a tabby cat?  An astonishing case of fast food!

77. Why do mice love classic literature?  Because it has lots of squeakquel.

78. What do you call a mouse that can sing and dance?  A clickerella.

79. Why don’t mice play cards in the wild?  There are too many cheetahs.

80. What did the mouse say to the other mouse at the bar?  “You’re the pest!”

81. How do you save a drowning mouse?  Use mouse to mouse resuscitation.

82. What did one mouse say to the other at the cheese factory? ” It’s been Gouda seein’ you!”

83. How do you know if a mouse is a good actor?  It always has a squeaky-clean performance.

84. Why did the mouse go to school?  To improve its mouse-reading skills

Three Mice Jokes For Kids

85. What do you call a mouse that loves music?  A DJ-rodent!

86. How does a mouse introduce himself at a party?  “Hi, my name is squeak-ums!”

87. What do you get when you cross a mouse and a lion?  A mouse that roars!

88. What did the mouse say when his friend got trapped in a mousetrap?  “I’m not sticking around for this!”

89. What is a mouse’s favorite game?  Mouse-querade!

90.  Why did the mouse run away from the computer?  He was afraid of the mouse-cursor!

91. Why did the mouse cross the road?  To get to the other cheese!

92. What do you call a mouse that can pick locks ?  A master cheese-thief!

93. What do you call a mouse that can sing and dance?  Mickey Razzle-dazzle!

94. Why do mice make bad firefighters?  They always run away from the flames!

95. Why did the mouse break up with his girlfriend?  She was always cheese-grating on his nerves!

96. How do you catch a smart mouse?  Set up a mousetrap with a book on it and wait for him to take the bait!

97. Why do mice love smartphones?  Because they have so many apps for finding cheese!

98. What do you call a mouse that can jump really high?  A rodent with some serious bounce!

99. What is a mouse’s favorite game show?  Wheel of Cheese!

100. Why did the mouse join the gym?  He wanted to work on his traps!

101. What do you get when you cross a mouse with a duck?  A squeaky quack!

102. Why did the mouse fail the cooking exam?  He didn’t know how to whisk-tail properly!

103. How do you know if a mouse is an astronaut?  He’s always trying to rocket-launch his way to the cheese!

104. Why do mice make good dancers?  They always know how to mouse-around!

Three Mice Jokes Dirty

105. Why did the mouse go to outer space?  It was looking for a little space cheese!

106. What did one mouse say to the other when they found a big chunk of cheese?  “That’s grate!”

107. How did the mouse feel when he lost his job? He was feeling pretty mouse-table.

108. Why did the mouse bring a ladder to the party?  Because he heard the food was on the highest shelf!

109. What’s a mouse’s favorite bedtime story?  Goodnight Mouse-ke!

110. What do you call a mouse that can play the piano?  A mouse-ician!

111. What did the mouse say to his friend who stole his cheese?  “You’re really ratty!”

112. Why don’t mice like to work out at the gym?  Because they’re afraid of getting caught on the mouse-trap!

113. How do you catch a smart mouse?  With intellectual cheese!

114. What kind of car do mice drive?  Mini-mice!

115. Why did the mouse start a band?  Because he wanted to make some mouse-ic!

116. What’s a mouse’s favorite movie genre?  Suspense-thrillers, of course!

117. Why did the mouse bring a surfboard to the beach?  He wanted to catch some gnarly mouse waves!

118. How do mice celebrate Valentine’s Day?  With some mouse-to-mouse affection!

119. What’s a mouse’s favorite type of dance?  The mouse-rumba!

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120. Why did the mouse join the circus?  He wanted to be the world’s tiniest tightrope walker!

121. What’s a mouse’s favorite sport?  Mouse-hockey!

122. How did the mouse escape from the maze?  He found a mouse hole and squeaked through!

123. What’s a mouse’s favorite board game?  Monopoly, because they love collecting the cheese!

124. What did the mouse say to the cat staring at it ?  “Are you kitten me right meow?”

Related: Funny Jokes About Mice

Funny Jokes About Three Mice

125. What do you get when you cross three mice and a saxophone ?  Mouse-trio!

126. Why did the three mice move into a cat’s house?  Because the rent was mice and affordable!

127. How many ears does three mice have?  Six ears because each of them has two!

128. What did the three mice say when they saw a block of cheese?  “It’s mice to meet you!”

129. What do you call a group of three mice doing yoga ?  A mouse pose!

130. Why do three mice make terrible poker players?  Because they’re always squeaking!

131. What do you call three mice with a talent for writing?  Computer mouse-kateers!

132. What do you get when you cross a lion with three mice?  A pride of little lions!

133. What did the three blind mice say when they got their sight back?  “We never saw that coming!”

134. Why do three mice prefer wearing sunglasses?  To look mouse-tastic!

135. What did the three mice say when they heard a pun?  “That’s cheddarific!”

136. Why did the three mice buy a treadmill?  So they could run in a circle, chasing their own tail!

137. What do you call three mice living on the beach?  Sun-mice!

138. What did the three mice say when they heard a knock on the door? “Who’s there?  Cheese, please!”

139. Why did the three mice want to go to outer space?  To be the first mice on the moon!

140. What do you get when you mix three mice and a rollercoaster?  A mouse-travaganza!

141. Why do three mice love watching romantic movies?  They love a good cheesy love story!

142. What do you call three mice throwing a party?  A mouse-fiesta!

143. Why did the three mice want to join the circus?  So they could be acrobat-mice!

Best 3 Mice Jokes

14. Why did the mouse go to the beach?  To catch some rays of course!

145. What did the mouse say when it saw a cat for the first time?  “Wow, that’s a really big mouse!”

146. Why was the mouse afraid of the water ?  It was a scaredy-cat!

147. How do you know when a mouse is wearing a tuxedo ?  Look for the bow-tie.

148. Why did the mouse break up with his girlfriend?  She was too clingy.

149. What did the mouse say to the other mouse when they saw a big block of cheese?  “Hey, do you brie-lieve our luck?”

150. How do you catch a mouse without cheese?  Just tell it you’re offering free WiFi.

151. Why was the mouse mad at the bartender?  The drinks were really mouse-watered.

152. What do you call a group of mice that are singing together?  A choir-mice.

153. How did the mouse become a doctor?  He took a mouse-qwerty course.

154. Why do mice like watching sports on TV?  They love the mice-highlights.

155. Why was the mouse excited to go to the movie theater?  He heard they were playing a “tail” of two mice.

156. What do you call a mouse that loves to gamble?  A wheeler-dealer.

158. How do you get a mouse to smile?  Tell it a “cheesy” joke.

158. Why was the mouse afraid of the escalator?  He was afraid of getting stepped on!

159. How did the mouse feel when it won the lottery?  Gouda!

160. Why did the mouse take a break from dating?  He needed to find some me-time.

161. Why was the mouse so happy when it got a haircut?  It looked more gouda than ever!

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As we wrap up this playful escapade, may the spirit of these three mice continue to scurry through your thoughts, leaving behind a trail of laughter that lingers long after the jokes have been told. After all, in the realm of humor, even the tiniest tales can make the biggest impact.