160 Hilarious Jokes About Tan Lines

Get ready for some summer fun with these hilarious tan line jokes. From awkward sunburns to funny beach mishaps, these jokes are guaranteed to brighten your day.

If there’s one thing that summertime brings, it’s an array of tan lines that often serve as a lighthearted reminder of our outdoor adventures. Tan lines can result from sunbathing, outdoor sports, or simply forgetting to apply sunscreen evenly.

These unique markings on our skin can sometimes be humorous and unexpected, making them a perfect subject for funny jokes that lighten the mood and evoke laughter.

Whether you’ve experienced them yourself or seen them on others, these jokes will surely bring a smile to your face and remind you of the comical side of summertime fun.

Funny Jokes About Tan Lines

1.  Why did the blonde get a terrible tan line? Because she forgot to flip over!

2.  Why did the woman with a tan line on her forehead cross the road?  To get to the shady side!

3.  Why did the guy with a farmer’s tan break up with his girlfriend?  She said he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the tan box!

4.  Why did the pale guy get jealous of his friend’s tan lines?  Because they looked like two hot dogs and a bun!

5.  Why did the sunbather bring a mirror to the beach?  So he could check out his tan lines while he tanned!

6.  Why did the blonde get a spray tan? She thought it would be faster than waiting for her real tan lines to appear!

7.  Why did the man with a sock tan cross the street? To hide from his friends and their laughter!

8.  Why did the redhead with a tan line on her nose get mad at the sun?  Because it got too close to her face!

9.   Why did the guy with a farmer’s tan try to pick up chicks at the pool?  He wanted to see if he could turn their heads without even trying!

10.   Why did the woman with a tan line on her ankle cry?  Because she forgot to put sunscreen on that spot and it hurt so much!

11.   How do you know when someone is from California?  When they have a tan line that goes up to their eyebrows!

12.  What do you call a tan line that looks like a traffic light?  A red light district!

 13.  What do you get when you cross a beach umbrella and a bad tan line? A shady situation!

14.  Why did the man with the terrible tan line wear sunglasses? To avoid being blinded by his own reflection!

15.  Why do ghosts have great tan lines? Because they spend all their time in the sun without a care in the world!

16.   How do you fix a terrible tan line? With a lot of sunscreens and a little bit of prayer!

17.   Why did the guy with the perfect tan line keep getting sunburned? Because he was too afraid to move and mess it up!

18.   What’s the best way to avoid a bad tan line?  Stay indoors and enjoy the AC!

19.  .  What do you call a tan line that looks like a keyboard?  A typing tan.

20.  What do you call a tan line that looks like a phone?  A texting tan.

21.  What do you call a tan line that looks like a remote control?  A Netflix tan.

22.  What do you call a tan line that looks like a stop sign?  A warning.

23.  Why do beach-goers avoid making eye contact with each other?    Because they know their tan lines are talking!

24.  How do you prevent tan lines?   Wear a full-body onesie and claim it’s your latest fashion trend!

25.  What do you call a sunburned penguin?   A roasted marshmallow in a tuxedo!

26.   How do you make a tan line disappear?  Get a spray tan and embrace the all-over bronzed look!

27.  Why don’t nudists have tan lines?   Because they’re not afraid to let it all hang out in the sun!

28.  How do you spot a tourist at the beach?   They’re the ones with white stripes on their shoulders and thighs!

29.  What do you call a tan line that looks like a basketball court?  A slam dunk.

30.  What do you call a tan line that looks like a football field?  A touchdown.

31.  What do you call a tan line that looks like a racetrack?  A winner!

32.  What do you call a tan line that looks like a speed bump?  A hazard.

33.  What do you call a tan line that looks like a construction zone?  A work in progress.

Jokes About Tan Lines

Ready to giggle? Dive into a collection of funny tan line jokes that will keep you entertained. Laugh at the funny situations and embarrassing tans that happen under the summer sun.

34 .  How do tan lines get invited to parties?   They just show up, but they always make a striking impression!

35.  Why did the Sun give up on being a comedian?  Because it couldn’t handle the burn when it joked about tan lines!

36.  Why did the tan line go to school?  It wanted to get a little more “exposure” to education!

37.  What did the beach umbrella say to the sun?  “You may think you’re hot, but I’m the one preventing tan lines!”

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38.  Why did the tan line refuse to join the swim team?  It didn’t want to make waves in its already perfect line!

39.  Why did the guy with the crazy tan lines become a detective?  He was always looking for clues in his uneven sunburn!

40.  Why did the tan line get a job at the bakery?  It wanted to become the best “loaf” of bread with perfectly toasted lines!

41.  Why did the tan line win an award?  It was recognized for its outstanding performance in creating geometric patterns on people’s bodies!

42.  Why did the tan line start taking yoga classes?  It wanted to improve its flexibility and achieve the perfect curve!

43.  Why did the tan line take up painting?  It wanted to become a master of creating abstract art on human skin!

44.  Why did the tan line audition for a role in a movie?  It believed it had the perfect “outline” for success!

45.  Why did the tan line start a fashion blog?  It wanted to share its tips on how to rock the latest trend: natural skin patterns!

46.  What did the tan line say when it saw itself in the mirror?  “I’m a sun-kissed Picasso masterpiece!”

47.  Why did the tan line refuse to go camping? It didn’t want to risk getting overshadowed by the moon and losing its defined shape!

48.  Why did the tan line join a band?  It loved harmonizing with the other band members and adding its own unique “striped” touch!

49.  What did the tan line say when it saw someone with no tan at all?  “You’re so pale, you’re practically a blank canvas begging for my artistic touch

50.  Why did the tan lines enroll in an art class?   They wanted to brush up on their shading techniques!

51.  Why did the tan lines open a bakery?  They kneaded the dough and thought it was a rising business opportunity!

52.  Why did the tan lines start a fashion line?  They wanted to make sure everyone had their share of stylish summer marks!

53.  How did the tan lines become friends with the beach umbrella?  They always found shade in each other!

54.  Why did the tan lines become detectives?  They loved solving the mystery of how to get rid of unwanted tan lines!

55.  How did the tan lines win the dance competition?  They had all the right moves and left a lasting impression on the judges!

56.  Why did the tan lines become weather forecasters?  They always knew when the sun would be out to give them company!

Sun Tan Line Jokes

Get ready to crack up with these funny tan line jokes! From awkward tan lines to sunburn mishaps, these jokes will have you laughing all day long.

57.  Why did the sunburned guy refuse to play cards?  He was afraid of showing his hand… and his tan lines!

58.  What do you call a beachgoer with awkward tan lines?  A zebra who forgot to put on its sunscreen!

59.  Why did the sunburned person bring a ladder to the beach?  They wanted to get a tan line up in the world!

60.  What’s the difference between a panda and someone with ridiculous tan lines?  One is black and white, and the other is just black and red!

61.  Why did the sunburned guy become a referee?  He already had the stripes down from his tan lines!

62.  What did the sun say to the beachgoer with terrible tan lines?  “You’re really drawing a line in the sand, aren’t you?”

63.  How did the sun tan line get arrested?  It was caught crossing the line!

64.  Why did the sunburned guy start wearing gloves all the time?  He needed to hide his glove tan lines from embarrassment!

65.  What’s a sunbather’s favorite type of art?  Abstract tan lines!

66.  Why did the tan line go to therapy?  It felt like it was constantly being “drawn on” emotionally!

67.  What do you call a sunburned superhero?  The Tan-dinator, with tan lines that can save the day!

68.  What’s a sunbather’s least favorite type of music?  Tan-gos, because they always remind them of their tan lines!

69.  How do you measure a sunbather’s commitment?  By the length and intensity of their tan lines!

70.  Why did the sunburned person get a job at the bakery?  They wanted to cover their tan lines with some fresh dough!

71.  What’s a sunbather’s favorite TV show?  “Line of Tan-dy,” where the plot revolves around perfecting their tan lines!

72.  How do sunburned people get around town?  They follow the tan line bus route!

73.  What’s the secret to hiding embarrassing tan lines?  Wearing pants, even at the beach!

74.  Why did the sunburned person become an artist?  They were inspired by their own abstract tan line creations!

75.  Why did the sunburned person join a band?  They wanted to rock out with their tan lines out!

76.  What did the sunburned person’s friends say about their tan lines?  “It looks like you’ve been playing connect-the-dots with the sun!”

Bad Tan Line Jokes

These hilarious tan line fails are guaranteed to make you smile! From weird tan lines to tan tattoo mishaps, you won’t believe your eyes.

77.  What do you call a tan line that goes straight across your chest?   A sunscreen fence.

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78.   What do you call a bad tan line on a zebra?  A stripe malfunction.

79.   Why did the sun tan the beach towel?  Because it wanted a better tan line than the person laying on it.

80.  Why did the woman with a bad tan line avoid the pool?  She didn’t want to leave a sunburned butt print on the diving board.

81.   What do you call a bad tan line that’s too white?  The Great Wall of Tanning.

82.  What do you get when you cross a bad tan line with a Halloween costume?  A vampire who looks like he’s wearing white stockings.

83.   What did the beachgoer say when asked about their bad tan line?  “I call it my sun-kissed silhouette.”

84.  Why did the sunburned man with a bad tan line wear a mask?  To protect his identity from the embarrassing photos people took of him.

85.   Why did the tomato turn red?  It saw someone with a bad tan line and blushed.

86.  Why did the chicken cross the road?  To avoid being seen with a bad tan line.

87.  What do you call a person with a bad tan line?  A stripey mess.

 88.  Why did the beach goers stare at the guy with the bad tan line?  They couldn’t figure out where his socks ended and his tan began.

89.   How do you know when someone has a bad tan line?  They look like they’re wearing a shirt even when they’re not.

90.  Why did the guy with the bad tan line go to the doctor?  He thought he had a serious rash, but it turned out to be just a funky tan line.

91.   How does a bad tan line differ from a good one?  A bad tan line makes you look like a zebra, while a good one just makes you look like you spent a day at the beach.

92.  What do you call a bad tan line on your face?  The mask of embarrassment.

93.   Why did the guy with the bad tan line refuse to go to the pool party?  He didn’t want to be the center of attention, and his tan line made sure of that.

94.  What’s the difference between a bad tan line and a sunburn?  One hurts, and the other just makes you look ridiculous.

95.   Why don’t sunburnt people play cards?   They’re always standing on their ace.

96.  Why did the blonde get a bad tan line?   Because she spent all day at the beach with her sunglasses on upside down!

97.  What do you call a bad tan line on a bald person?  A headband tan!

98.  Why did the librarian have a bad tan line?  Because she was so busy reading she forgot to reapply her sunscreen!

99.   What do you call a bad tan line on a snake?  A slither tan!

100.  Why did the astronaut have a bad tan line?   Because he forgot to take off his space suit before sunbathing on the moon!

101.   What do you call a bad tan line on a cowboy?  A cowboy hat tan!

102.   Why did the chef have a bad tan line?  Because he was grilling outside all day and forgot to wear a shirt!

Tan Line Jokes One-liners

Looking for a good laugh? Check out these tan line jokes and one liners that will have you rolling on the floor. From farmer’s tans to bikini mishaps, we’ve got you covered.

103.   I’m not getting a tan, I’m just letting my skin breathe. Yeah, right, tell that to my raccoon eyes.

104.   A good tan line is like a smile, it makes everyone happy. But let’s be honest, no one likes the farmer’s tan.

105.  I wish I had a tan line like a bikini model, but instead I have a tan line like a confused zebra.

106.  You know it’s summer when the only thing you’re worried about is avoiding tan lines.

107.  Tan lines are just a sign that you’re living your best life, half indoors and half outdoors.

108.   The only thing worse than a bad tan line is realizing you forgot to put on sunscreen.

109.   I don’t tan, I just accumulate a new layer of freckles. And with each freckle comes a new tan line.

110.  “I’ve been working on my tan lines so hard that I think I could give a zebra a run for its money.”

111.  “I always wear my tan lines with pride, but sometimes they can be more confusing than a crossword puzzle.”

112.   “My tan lines may not be symmetrical, but they’re a reflection of my unique personality.”

113.   “I have tan lines on my fingers from constantly holding my phone, but at least my selfies look flawless.”

114.   “I went to the beach and came back with tan lines that make it look like I’m wearing a tie-dye shirt.”

115. “I got a tan line where my necklace was, but at least now it looks like I’m always wearing a choker.”

116.  Why do tanning salons have mirrors?  So you can see how ridiculous your tan line looks.

Clean Jokes About Tan Lines

From ridiculous t-shirt tan lines to unforgettable beach mishaps, our following collection highlights the biggest tan line fails that we’ve ever seen. Don’t miss out!

117.   Why did the tan line refuse to go on a date?  Because it was already committed to another line!

118.  Why did the tan line go to the party?  Because it wanted to get a little shade!

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119. What do you call a tan line on a vampire?  A sunscreen disaster!

120.  Why did Sunburn get a job as a comedian?  Because it always had people in stitches with its tan lines!

121.  How do you make a tan line laugh? Tick-le its fancy!

122.  What’s a tan line’s favorite type of music?  Disco, because it loves to show off its moves!

123.  Why did the tan line refuse to go on a roller coaster?  It didn’t want to risk getting sunburned from all the twists and turns!

124.  Why did the tan line take up painting?   It wanted to brush up on its skills!

125.  What did the tan line say to the beach umbrella?  “I’ve got you covered!”

126.  How do tan lines get in shape?  They do suntan-salutations!

127. What do you call a tan line on a mime?  An invisible friend!

128.  Why did the tan line get a library card?  It wanted to get a little sun-education!

129.  What’s a tan Line’s favorite game?  Hide and sneak!

130.  Why did the tan line become a detective?  It had a knack for uncovering hidden spots!

131.  What did one tan line say to the other at the barbecue?  “I hope we don’t get grilled for being too revealing!”

132.  How did the tan line respond when someone asked if it wanted to go skydiving?  “No thanks, I’ve had enough exposure!”

134.  What’s a tan Line’s favorite superhero?  Sun-man!

135.  Why did the tan line join a dance class?  It wanted to learn some tan-go moves!

136.  What’s a tan line’s favorite subject in school?  Art class, because it knows all about lines and shading!

137.  Why did the tan line start a band?  Because it had some serious tan-talents!

138.  Did you hear about the guy who got a tan line shaped like a heart on his chest?  It was the result of a true love for the sun!

139.   Why don’t scientists study tan lines? Because they always disappear as soon as they appear!

140.  What do you call a tan line that covers your entire body?  A full-tan suit!

141.   How do you get a perfect tan line?  Spend all day in the sun and hope for the best!

142.   What do you get when you cross a bad sunburn with a tan line?  A real glow up!

143.  Did you hear about the guy who tried to hide his tan line with a shirt?  It just made the line more prominent and he looked like he was wearing a weirdly shaped necklace

144.  What do you call a tan line that’s in the shape of a pineapple?   A tropical souvenir from a day in the sun!

145.   How do you know if someone has been spending too much time in the sun?  Just look for their ridiculous tan lines!

146.  Why did the tan line go to the amusement park?  It wanted to get on all the rides, but the roller coaster said, “Sorry, no lines allowed!”

147.  Why did the tan line get a promotion?  It had a great work ethic and always stayed within the borders!

148.  What do you call a tan line that tells jokes?  A punchline!

149.  Why did the tan line go to the party?  It heard it was going to be a hot spot!

160.  Why did the tan line bring a ladder to the beach?  It wanted to reach new heights and get an even tan!

161.  How did the tan line become a comedian?  It had a natural knack for delivering punchlines and drawing attention!

162.  Why did the tan line enroll in a dance class?  It wanted to learn some smooth moves and become a tango line!

163.  What did the tan line say when it found a perfect match?  “We’re a sun-national duo

Funny tan line jokes clean

164.”My tan lines are proof that my summer schedule consists of work, sleep, and beach volleyball.”

165.”Why did the sun go to therapy? It had too many issues with tan lines!”

166.”I’m not sunburned; I’m just highlighting my body’s interesting features with tan lines!”

167.”Tan lines: the natural way of showing that I’m a work in progress.”

168.”I have tan lines in places I didn’t even know had lines!”

169.”My tan lines are my body’s way of telling me it’s time for a beach vacation.”

170.”Tan lines are like the Earth’s way of giving us temporary tattoos.”

Funny jokes about not tanning

171.”I don’t tan; I simply transition from ‘lobster’ to ‘albino’ when exposed to the sun!”

172.”They say, ‘Sun’s out, guns out,’ but for me, it’s more like ‘Sun’s out, sunblock out!’”

173.”I don’t need a beach body; I’ve got a ‘beach-ball’ body, and I’m proud of it!”

174.”Why don’t I tan at the beach? Because the sun and I have an agreement: I won’t change color, and it won’t give me a sunburn!”

175.”Tanning for me is like trying to turn a marshmallow into a biscuit – it’s just not happening!”

176.”I’m so fair-skinned that when I wear sunscreen, it’s like I’m in disguise as a giant walking lotion bottle!”

177.”The only thing that tans on me is my laundry when I accidentally leave a white shirt in the sun!”

Final Words

Having enjoyed these Funny Tan Line Jokes, our hope is that they brought a smile to your face and brightened your day. Laughter is a wonderful way to connect and find joy in the lighter side of life.

If you’re eager for more amusement, don’t miss out on exploring other fantastic compilations of funny jokes and puns. The world of humor is vast, and there’s always something new to discover that will tickle your funny bone. So, keep the laughter rolling and continue to find delight in the world of comedy!