150 Jokes That Will Keep You Laughing About Time

Time waits for no one, but our time keeping jokes are here to make every moment count. From clever clockwork humor to wristwatch wit, this collection ensures that laughter is never out of season.

Whether it’s poking fun at the ticking hands of a clock or the concept of time itself, these jokes invite us to lighten up and find joy in the present moment.

Funny Time Management Jokes

1. My time management skills are so good, I can waste hours in minutes.

2. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana…and procrastinators fly through deadlines.

3. If you’re always late, you can still make a career out of it – just become a clock repairman.

4. I was going to tell a joke about time travel, but you already didn’t laugh.

5. I’ve been thinking about time management so much that I actually ran out of time to manage.

6. I would tell you a joke about

time management, but I’m afraid it would be a complete waste of time.

7. My time management skills are like a broken pencil, pointless.

8. If procrastination was an Olympic sport, I’d probably start training… tomorrow.

9. I’m terrible at time management. I can’t even keep a straight face while saying that.

10. I tried to teach my clock some time management skills. It wasn’t interested – it said it was hands off the subject.

11. I finally figured out how to handle time management – I’ll let you know when I find the time.

12. I have a love-hate relationship with daylight saving time. It’s like we gain an hour, but lose all sense of reality.

13. I once tried to make a time pun, but everyone said it was just a waste of seconds.

15. I’ve been trying to save time, but it keeps slipping away from me like a slippery hourglass.

15. People say time flies, but I think mine took an airplane.

16. The alarm clock called in sick because it had a bad case of “tick-tock itis.”

17. I once saw a clock that had hands but couldn’t tell time. It was a real second-hand embarrassment.

18. I asked the clock if it wanted to hang out, but it said it was already occupied with its hands full of time.

19. I got a watch that doesn’t tell the time, it just insults me instead. It’s certainly a “minute” mood booster.

20. My clock told me a secret. It said time goes fast when you’re having fun, but minutes feel like hours in a boring lecture.

Time Keeping Jokes For Kids

Don’t let time fly without a few laughs! Delight in our curated time-keeping jokes that add a touch of humor to the hands of the clock. Join us for timeless fun and watch the seconds tick away with a smile.

21. Why did the clock go to the dance party? It knew all the right moves!

22. How does a clock go on vacation? By taking some “time” off!

23. Why did the watch go to school? To improve its “second” language skills!

24. What’s a clock’s favorite game?  Tic-Tac-Toe!

25. How do you fix a broken clock?  You take it to the “second-hand” shop!

26. Why was the clock always hungry?  It could always “count” on seconds!

27. What did the digital clock say to its mom?  “Look, no hands!”

28. How do baby clocks communicate?  With “baby talk”!

29. What did the big clock say to the little clock?  “You’re ticking me off!”

30. Why are clocks like hungry monsters?  They always go back “four seconds”!

31. Why did the clock start a flower garden?  It wanted to “watch” time bloom!

32. What did the clock say to the calculator?  “You can count on me!”

33. How does a clock always know what time it is?  It keeps “hands-on” experience!

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34. What do you call a story about clocks?  A “tick-tale”!

35. What do you get if you cross a clock and a duck?  A “quack-of-time”!

36. How do clocks listen to music?  They “watch” their favorite bands!

37. Why was the clock confused?  Because it had too many “hands” to handle!

38. What’s a clock’s favorite class in school?  “Second period” math!

39. Why did the clock go for a swim?  It needed to “wind” down!

40. What’s a clock’s favorite social media platform?  Tik Tok, of course!

Time Keeping Jokes For Adults

It’s time for a good laugh! Explore our time-keeping jokes for a whimsical journey through the world of clocks and watches. These jokes are guaranteed to make every moment a hilarious one.

41.  What do you call a timer that’s always dancing? A ballerina timer.

42.  What do you call a sundial that’s always eating?  A gluttonous sundial.

43.  What do you call an hourglass that’s always sleeping?  A narcoleptic hourglass

44.  What do you call a wristwatch that’s always playing sports?  An athletic wristwatch.

45.  What do you call a pocket watch that’s always traveling?  A globetrotting pocket watch.

46.  What do you call a cuckoo clock that’s always getting into mischief?  A troublemaking cuckoo clock.

47.  What do you call a grandfather clock that’s always making friends?  A social butterfly grandfather clock.

48.  What do you call a sundial that’s always telling lies?  A fibbing sundial.

49.  What do you call a timer that’s always being clumsy?  A klutzy timer.

50.  What do you call a stopwatch that’s always getting lost?  A directionless stopwatch.

51.  What do you call a calendar that’s always being silly?  A goofy calendar.

52.  What do you call a clock that’s always being brave?  A heroic clock.

53.  What do you call a watch that’s always helpful?  A good Samaritan watch.

54.  What do you call a sundial that’s always being kind?  A sweetheart sundial.

55.  What do you call a day that’s always on time?  A punctual day.

Time Keeping Jokes One Liner

Stay punctual with a side of humor! Dive into our time-keeping jokes collection for a hilarious take on seconds, minutes, and hours. Time has never been this amusing!

56. Why did the clock go to the therapist?  It had second thoughts about its tick-tock.

57. Why do clocks always win arguments?  They know how to make a good “face” argument.

58. How do you organize a space party?  You “planet” in advance.

59. Did you hear about the watch that went to therapy?  It had trouble keeping track of time and needed some hands-on counseling.

60. Did you hear about the watch that got a DUI?  It was caught “watch-ing” the speed limit.

61. What do you call a clock that’s afraid of its own “tocks”?  An anxious timekeeper..

62. How do you make time fly?  Throw a clock out the window!

63. Why did the watch keep getting in trouble at school?  It couldn’t stop “watch-ing” the teacher’s every move.

64. What’s a clock’s favorite snack?  Second-hand chips!

65. Why did the clock go to therapy? It had a tick-tock complex.

66. What do you call someone who is always punctual? An undercover time traveler.

67. Why do clocks love hanging out with math problems? They always have great times.

68. How do you make time fly? Throw a clock out the window.

Short Time Keeping Jokes

Laugh your way through the seconds, minutes, and hours with our hilarious time-keeping jokes that will keep you smiling all day long.

69. How do you punctuate your time management skills?  With a timely exclamation mark!

70. Why are time management seminars so popular?  Because they make time fly by!

71. Why did the clock go to the therapist?  It had second thoughts about its tick-tock.

72. Why do clocks always win arguments?  They know how to make a good “face” argument.

73. How do you organize a space party?  You “planet” in advance.

74. Did you hear about the watch that went to therapy?  It had trouble keeping track of time and needed some hands-on counseling.

75. Did you hear about the clock that went on a diet?  It wanted to watch its waistline!

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76. Why did the watch go to the psychiatrist?  It was feeling a little bit ticked off!

Dirty Time Keeping Jokes

77. What did the time traveler do when he was running late?  He pushed the time forward button!

78. How did the clock become a detective?  It always knew how to “watch” for clues!

79. Why did Sundial get a part-time job?  It couldn’t make ends meet!

80. What did one clock say to the other clock at the dance party?  “Let’s boogie like there’s no tomorrow!”

81. What’s a clock’s favorite kind of music?  “Rock” and roll!

82. Why did the alarm clock become a singer?  It was a real whiz at hitting all the high “notes”!

82. What did the big clock say to the small clock?  “You’re ticking me off!”

84. How do you know your clock is hungry?  It goes “back four seconds”!

85. What’s a clock’s favorite TV show?  “The Big Tick Theory”!

86. Why did the clock face go to the barbershop?  It wanted a “handsome” new look!

87. Why did the watch get arrested?  It was charged with “wristing” time!

88. How do clocks communicate with each other?  They share “watchwords”!

89. What did the clock say to the calendar?  “I’m watching you very closely!”

90. What’s a clock’s favorite type of cookie?  “Minute” chocolate chips!

91. How do timekeepers stay in shape?  They practice “tick-boxing”!

92. What did the mom clock say to her kids when they were running late?  “Hurry up, time’s a ticking!”

93. Why was the math book sad when reading about time?  It realized it had too many problems!

94. Why was the clock always considered the funniest instrument in the band?  It had great “timing”!

95. What did the clock say when it saw a ghost?  “Look, no “hands””!

Time Jokes One Liners

96.  I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough in time.

97.  I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it – every time.

97.  My clock stopped working, so I gave it a second chance.

99.  Parallel lines have so much in common. It’s a shame they’ll never meet

100.  I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.

101.  I’m friends with all electricians because we have great current connections.

102.  I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough in time.

103.  I’m writing a book on time travel. It’s about time I started

Funny Jokes About Time Passing

104. What do you call a snail that took a really long time to finish a race?  Sluggish race completion!

105.  Why did the clock go to therapy?  It was feeling overwhelmed by the constant ticking of time.

106. What is a procrastinator’s favorite time of day? The last minute!

107. Why did the days of the week have a meeting? They wanted to discuss scheduling conflicts.

108. How do you know time is speeding up? Clocks are always “hands-on” yet it keeps slipping away.

109. What do you call it when time passes quickly at the dentist’s office?  Flossing by!

110. Why was the math book sad when teaching about time?  It knew it had too many problems to solve.

111. Why was the math test so ironic?  It stressed the importance of time management while taking up all the students’ time.

112. What do you call a clock that’s always hungry?  A second hand snacker!

113. Why did the archaeologist always feel rushed?  They were always working against the sands of time.

114. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses in class?  Because time was too bright and ticking away!

115. Why did the stopwatch get arrested?  For disturbing the peace with its constant ticking.

116. How do you make time fly?  Throw a clock out the window!

117. What do you call a watch that doesn’t tell time?  Useless, it’s a waste of minute-keeping!

118. Why did the watch get a speeding ticket? I t was racing against the hands of time!

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119. Why did the hourglass get a gym membership?  It wanted to stay in shape, always counting the moments.

120. Why couldn’t the clock keep a secret?  It always had a second hand.

121.  Why did the scarecrow become a successful watchmaker?  Because he had the best “hands” in town!.

122.  How do you organize a space party?  You “planet” ahead of time.

123.  How do you organize a fantastic time travel party?  You “plan it” carefully.

Being On Time Jokes

124.  What do you call a person who is always on time for work?  A reliable employee.

125.  What do you call a person who is always on time for appointments ?  A considerate person.

126.  What do you call a person who is always on time for meetings?  A professional person.

127.  What do you call a person who is always on time for social gatherings?  A respectful person.

128.  What do you call a person who is always on time for school?  A dedicated student.

129.  What do you call a person who is always on time for sports practice?  A dedicated athlete.

130.  What do you call a person who is always on time for religious services?  A devout person.

131.  What do you call a person who is always on time for family events?  A loving family member.

132.  What do you call a person who is always on time for doctor’s appointments?  A health-conscious person.

133.  What do you call a person who is always on time for court dates?  A law-abiding citizen.

134.  What do you call a person who is always on time for flights?  A seasoned traveler.

135.  What do you call a person who is always on time for movies?  A dedicated cinephile.

136.  What do you call a person who is always on time for concerts?  A die-hard fan.

137.  What do you call a person who is always on time for weddings?  A supportive friend.

138.  What do you call a person who is always on time for funerals?  A respectful mourner.

139.  What do you call a person who is always on time for any occasion?  A responsible person.

140.  What do you call a person who is never on time?   A mystery.

Related: Funny Being On Time Jokes

Running Out Of Time Jokes

141. “My deadline is approaching like a marathon, and I’m running out of energy…and time!”

142.  “Tick-tock, my time is slipping away faster than sand in an hourglass!”

153. “I’m running out of time like the Flash in desperate need of batteries!”

144. “I’m running out of time faster than a sprinter in the wrong lane!”

145. “I’m running out of time faster than a hummingbird flapping its wings!”

146. “I’m running on borrowed time and I’ve reached my limit!”

147. “I’m running out of time like a runner trying to finish a race with only one leg!”

Dad Jokes About Time

148. Did you hear about the math teacher who took a timeout?  She got in trouble for trying to solve the problem of “time out of joint”!

149. How does a penguin build its house?  Igloos it together one block at a time!

150. Why do teenagers always use their phones to check the time?   Because they don’t have the patience to wait for a watch to “hand” it to them!

151. How do you organize a space party?  You planet out ahead of time!

152. Did you hear about the mathematician who became a time traveler?  He found the square root of the negative one and went back in time to fix all his mistakes.

153. How do you make time fly?  Throw a clock out the window!

154. Why don’t skeletons fight each other?  They don’t have the guts… or the time!

155. How do you know when you’ve run out of invisible ink?   You can’t see the time running out!

156. Why did Mr. Clock lose his job?  He always had a second to spare!

157. Did you hear about the chef who invented a time traveling kitchen appliance?  Yeah, it can make the past-a, sausages and pizzas all at once!

Also Read: Best Time Flies Puns

Final Words

These jokes remind us to embrace the passage of time with a smile and not take everything too seriously. 

So, the next time you find yourself watching the clock, take a moment to enjoy a good laugh with time-keeping jokes and let the laughter become a timeless treasure in your day.