140 Outback Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Uncontrollably

Saddle up for a laugh with our Outback Jokes collection! These jokes and puns capture the rugged charm and humor of the Australian outback.

Explore the wild side of humor with our Outback Jokes. These witty one liners pay tribute to the untamed beauty and unique culture of the Australian outback.

Subaru Outback Jokes

1. Why did the Subaru Outback get a promotion at work?  Because it had excellent “cross”-training!

2. What’s a Subaru Outback’s favorite type of music?  Off-road tunes!

3. Why did the Subaru Outback bring a ladder to the car show?  Because it wanted to show off its “roof” rack!

4. What do you call a group of Subaru Outbacks traveling together ?  A “wagon” train!

5. Why did the Subaru Outback apply for a job as a tour guide?  Because it knows all the best “off the beaten path” spots!

6. What do you get when you mix a Subaru Outback with a superhero?  The “Adventurous Avenger”!

7. How does a Subaru Outback stay calm during rush hour traffic?  It takes a deep “trail” breath!

8. What’s a Subaru Outback’s favorite board game?  “Off-Road Opoly”!

9. Why did the Subaru Outback bring a map to the wilderness?  Because it wanted to “navigate” the great outdoors!

10. What do you call a Subaru Outback that’s always in a hurry?  A “turbocharged Outback!

11. How do Subaru Outbacks communicate with each other in the wild?  They use “carrier pigeons”!

12. What’s Subaru Outback’s favorite movie genre?  Adventure films, of course!

13. Why did the Subaru Outback bring a picnic to the top of the mountain?  Because it wanted to have a “peak”nic!

14 What did the Subaru Outback say to the impatient driver behind it?  “I’m just here for the scenic route!”

15. What do you get when you mix a Subaru Outback with a kangaroo?  An “Outback Karoo”!

16. Why did the Subaru Outback start a gardening club?  Because it loves “off-road” trips to the nursery!

17. What’s a Subaru Outback’s favorite book?  “The Art of All-Wheel Drive”!

18. How does a Subaru Outback make decisions?  It uses its “intuition” and “traction”!

19. Why did the Subaru Outback go to the comedy club?  To work on its “crosstrek-tion” skills!

20. What do you call a Subaru Outback with a sense of humor?  A “wag-on” of laughs!

Best Outback Jokes

21. Why don’t kangaroos make good comedians?  Their punch lines are always a hop too late!

22. What did the koala say to the out-of-tune didgeridoo player?  “That’s not music, mate, it’s just a didgeridon’t!”

23. Why was the kangaroo so good at math?  It always knew how to count on its fingers… and toes!

24. How do you know a crocodile is having a bad day in the Outback ?  It’s in a grumpy snap-titude!

25. Why did the emu get a promotion at work?  It always managed to stick its neck out for the team!

26. What’s an Outback baby kangaroo called?  A pouch potato!

27. Why don’t dingoes make good musicians?  They’re always off key – they have no ruff notes!

28. Why did the kangaroo bring a ladder to the Outback?  It wanted to reach new heights and see the breathtaking views!

29. What’s an Outback koala’s favorite type of music?  Eucalyptus-ic – it can’t get enough of those leafy beats!

30. How do kangaroos stay fit in the Outback?  They practice a lot of kangaroo-tine!

31. Why don’t crocodiles play hide-and-seek in the Outback?  They’re such experts at blending into their surroundings that no one can find them!

32. What do you call a kangaroo that’s addicted to coffee?  A latte-hopper!

33. Why did the dingo bring a map to the Outback?  It didn’t want to get lost and end up going in circles!

34. What’s an Outback crocodile’s favorite subject in school?  Bite-namics – they love sinking their teeth into it!

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35. How do you catch a koala in the Outback?  Climb up a tree and act like a eucalyptus leaf, then just wait for it to come to you!

36. Why did the kangaroo bring a compass to the Outback?  It wanted to make sure it always hopped in the right direction!

37. What’s a wallaby’s favorite type of dance?  The hop-hop – they love busting out their best moves!

38. Why don’t emus tell jokes in the Outback?  Their punchlines always fall flat… just like their wings!

39. How did the kangaroo propose to its partner in the Outback?  With a ring-pouch and a hop-filled surprise!

Outback Steakhouse Jokes

40. Why did the chicken cross the road to get to Outback Steakhouse?  Because the Outback knows how to cook a bird!

41. How do you know you’re in an Outback Steakhouse?  When the bloomin’ onions are as big as your head!  

42. Why did the Outback Steakhouse server get arrested?  Because they gave out too many free bloomin’ onions!

43. What did the Outback Steakhouse server say when asked how they like their job? “I’m a bloomin’ onion!”

44. Why don’t vegetarians eat at Outback Steakhouse ? Because they’re all about the meat!

45. Why did the Outback Steakhouse server start dancing?  Because they got a bloomin’ onion in their pocket!

46. Why did the cow go to the Outback Steakhouse?  Because they heard they had the best steak in town!

47. How do you get to the Outback Steakhouse? Just follow the bloomin’ onion smell!

48. What do you call a steak at Outback Steakhouse that’s not cooked to your liking?  A mistake!

49. Why did the Outback Steakhouse chef get fired? Because they forgot the bloomin’ onions!

50. How many bloomin’ onions does it take to satisfy an Outback Steakhouse customer?  All of them!

51. Why do Outback Steakhouse customers never have to wait long for a table?  Because they know how to herd them in!

52. Why do Outback Steakhouse customers always have a great time?  Because they know how to have a bloomin’ good time!

53. What do you call a person who never wants to leave Outback Steakhouse? A stakeholder!

54. Why don’t Outback Steakhouse customers get sick of bloomin’ onions?  Because they always come out on top!

55. What’s the Outback Steakhouse slogan?  “Where the steak is always bloomin’ fresh!”

56. Why did the Outback Steakhouse customer bring a fork and knife to a bar fight?  To show that they can handle anything, even the toughest steak!

57. How do you know if you’re an Outback Steakhouse regular? When the servers know your name and bloomin’ onion order by heart!

58. What do you call a person who doesn’t like Outback Steakhouse?  A steakless wonder!

Outback Jokes One Liners

59. Why did the kangaroo bring a map to the Outback?  Because it wanted to find its way back home!

60. What do you call a kangaroo who steals?  A pouch-pickpocket!

61. Why don’t koalas ever get lost in the Outback?  Because they always have eucalyptus navigation!

62. How do you know if a dingo stole your barbecue?  Your sausages are missing, and the grill is still warm!

63. Did you hear about the Outback chef who opened a restaurant?  He really knows how to throw a “roo”-tisserie party!

64. What do you get when you cross an Outback bushman with a musician?  A didgeridoo!

65. Why did the emu start a band in the Outback?  Because it had great “beak”-manship!

66. How do you throw a successful Outback party?  You “wallaby” sure to invite all your mates!

67. Why did the kangaroo apply for a job in customer service?  Because it’s always “hoppy” to help!

68. What do you call a group of kangaroos playing music together?  A “rock”-wallaby band!

69. How do you know if an Australian farmer is good at his job ?  He’s outstanding in his field!

70. Why did the kangaroo bring a ladder to the Outback?  Because it wanted to visit its “high”-rise relatives!

71. Why did the emu bring a suitcase to the Outback?  Because it was planning an “emu”-gration!

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72. How do kangaroos stay cool in the Outback heat?  They use their “hop”-timal ventilation!

73 Why did the koala become a detective in the Outback?  Because it was great at “claw”-ing up evidence!

74. What do you call a lazy kangaroo?  A pouch potato!

75. How do you make a kangaroo float?  Add root beer and a scoop of “roo”-t beer ice cream!

76. Why did the dingo bring a computer to the Outback?  It wanted to improve its “byte”!

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Funny Outback Jokes

77. What did the koala say when it got a job offer in the city?  “No thanks, mate, I’m a eucalyptus-iasmatic!”

78. Why did the kangaroo bring a map to the Outback?  It didn’t trust its kangaroo sense of direction!

79. How do you spot a happy crocodile in the Outback?  It’s the one with a big, toothy grin… or maybe it’s just hungry!

80. Why don’t dingoes play poker in the Outback?  They always end up howling at the full moon instead of focusing on their cards!

81. What’s an emu’s favorite type of music in the Outback?  Beak-a-boo – they love a good peck-me-up!

82. How do kangaroos communicate?  They just give each other a quick hop on the smartphone!

83. Why did the kangaroo bring a pocket calculator to the Outback?  It wanted to make sure it always had a handy way to count its jumps!

84. What’s a crocodile’s favorite play in the Outback?  “Snap-trap” – it’s always a jaw-dropping performance!

85. Why did the emu get a standing ovation in the Outback?  It did the longest and funniest bird walk anyone had ever seen!

86. How do you catch a kangaroo in the Outback?  Just grab a pouch and hold on tight – but watch out for those kangaroo kicks!

87. Why don’t koalas practice yoga in the Outback?  They can’t find a tree stump tall enough for a proper downward koala pose!

88. How do emus stay cool in the Outback heat?  They open up their feathers and do the emu-ventilation dance!

89. What’s a kangaroo’s favorite type of footwear in the Outback?   Jumping boots – they provide the best bounce!

90. Why did the koala bring a ladder to the Outback ?  It wanted to take its tree-top exploring to new heights!

91. How did the emu react when it won the Outback karaoke competition?  It did the biggest, proudest emu-strut ever seen!

92. Why do kangaroos make terrible chefs in the Outback?  They always hop away before the dish is fully cooked!

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Outback Jokes For Adults

93. What do you call an Outback farmer who’s also a musician?  A “banjo farmer!”

94. Why did the Outback cowboy ride a crocodile to work?  Because his horse was in the “out-to-pasture!”

95. What do you call an Outback crocodile that likes to eat alligator shoes?  A “croc of the walk!”

96. Why don’t you take a “wallaby” on a road trip?  Because he’ll always say “let’s hope for it!”

97. Why did the Outback cook use kangaroo meat for his signature dish?  Because it was a “jumpin’ Jack roast!”

98. What do you call a snake that loves to sing in a band?  A “rock-and-rattle viper!”

99. Why did the Outback dentist have so many patients with crooked teeth?  Because he didn’t have “all the croc-kery!”

100. How do you know when you’re in a “dangerous snake area”?  When you see a “venom-ous notice!”

101. What do you call an Outback kangaroo that loves to take selfies?  A “roo-tie-tootie-fruity!”

102. Why did the Outback camper carry a harmonica on all his trips?  So he could “duet” with the dingoes!

103. What do you call a “frustrated emu”?  A “flustered feather duster!”

104. Why don’t you want to share a “billabong” with a crocodile?  Because you might end up with “no arms or legs to stand on!”

105. What do you call an Outback traveler who never leaves his RV?  A “drivin’-didgeridoo-player!”

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106. How do you know when you’re lost in the Outback?  When the only way to “get directions” is to ask a “g’day sign!”

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Outback Jokes Clean

107. Why did the kangaroo go to the restaurant in the Outback?  Because it heard they had great “hoppy” meals!

108. What do you call a koala that spies on others?  A “koalaty” investigator!

109. Why did the emu go to school in the Outback?  Because it wanted to improve its “running” knowledge!

110. How do wallabies stay in shape?  They do “pouch”-ups!

111. Why did the dingo wear a backpack in the Outback?  Because it wanted to carry its “ding-go” snacks!

112. What did the platypus say when it couldn’t find its nest in the Outback?  “Oh, duck-billed it!”

113. Why don’t kangaroos play cards in the Outback?  Because they don’t like getting “hop-pressed”!

114. How do you know when a Tasmanian Devil is happy in the Outback?  It starts “spin-tas”tic dancing!

115. What do you call a group of kangaroos hanging out together in the Outback?  A “mob” of roos!

116. Why did the echidna bring a ladder to the Outback?  So it could climb “spike” trees!

117. How do you invite a crocodile to a party in the Outback?  You “snapper” invite!

118. What did the wildlife in the Outback say to the tourists?  “Don’t worry, we’re not always this “koala-fied”!

119. Why did the kangaroo bring a parachute to the Outback?  Just in case it needed to make a “hop” exit!

120. What do you call a platypus that doesn’t want to work in the Outback?  “Lazy-platy”!

121. Why did the emu become a stand-up comedian in the Outback?  Because it could always “emu-se” the audience!

122. What did the kangaroo say when it saw a flock of birds flying overhead in the Outback?  “Oh, that’s just “a-wing-ment”!

123. How do dingoes send messages in the Outback?  They use “howl-it” technology!

Funny Jokes About Outback

124. Why did the kangaroo start a comedy club in the Outback?  Because he wanted to have some “punny” mates!

125. Why do koalas make terrible stand-up comedians in the Outback?  Because they always fall asleep during their own punchlines!

126. How do you organize a party in the Outback?  You “barbie”-cue!

127. What did the Australian cowboy say to his horse in the Outback?  “Hay, mate, we’re gonna ride into the sunset!”

128. What do you call a group of kangaroos in the Outback?  A “roo”-mble!

129. Why did the emu cross the road in the Australian Outback?  To prove it wasn’t chicken!

130  . What’s a kangaroo’s favorite type of music in the Outback?  Hip-hop!

131. Why did the echidna bring a ladder to the Outback picnic?  Because it heard the ants were up high!

132. What do you call a barbecue in the Australian Outback?  A “barbie” with a “roo”-view!

133. Why was the dingo a terrible poker player in the Outback?  Because it always tried to eat the chips!

134. What’s a kangaroo’s favorite sport in the Outback?  Boxing, of course!

135. How do you spot a tourist in the Australian Outback?  They’re the ones looking for the power outlets for their selfie sticks!

136. Why do Australian spiders make terrible comedians in the Outback?  Because they only have eight legs and can’t stand-up!

137. What’s a kangaroo’s favorite TV show in the Outback?  “Hopping with the Stars”!

138. How does a crocodile relax in the Australian Outback ?  By taking a “snap”!

139. Why did the wallaby bring a computer to the Outback ? Because it wanted to browse the “web”!

140. What did the marsupial say when it won the lottery in the Outback? “I’m hopping mad with excitement!”

140. Why did the Outback Steakhouse hire a comedian as a chef?  Because they wanted their steaks to be well-done in more ways than one.

Final Words

These jokes and puns capture the essence of a land known for its unique culture, incredible wildlife, and adventurous spirit.

So, as we bid adieu to this collection, let’s tip our hats to the vast red landscapes, the quirky critters, and the colorful characters that make the Australian outback a boundless source of laughter and wonder.