140 Hilarious Mosquito Jokes That Will Make You Laugh!

Don’t let the mosquito bites get you down. Our hilarious collection of mosquito jokes will have you buzzing with laughter. Find a cure for your itch today!

Whether you’ve experienced the pesky annoyance of these tiny insects or you’re just looking for a good laugh, our compilation of jokes is sure to leave you itching with laughter.

From playful puns to comical situations involving these buzzing critters, we’ve rounded up a collection that will have you slapping your knee in amusement. So, grab your insect repellant and get ready for a humorous journey into the world of Funny Mosquito Jokes.

Funny Jokes on Mosquito

1.  Why did the mosquito go to school?  To learn how to bug people!

2.  How do mosquitoes keep up with the latest fashion trends?  They read “MosquiVogue” magazine!

3.  What do you call a mosquito wearing a cowboy hat?  The Lone Drainer!

4.  Why don’t mosquitoes invest in the stock market?  Because they prefer to put their money in blood banks!

5.  What did the mosquito say to its friend who was feeling down?  “Don’t worry, blood is thicker than water!”

6.  Why did the mosquito join a rock band?  It wanted to be a punk-rocker and buzz around the stage!

7.  How do mosquitoes greet each other?  With a high five!

8.  Why did the mosquito become a doctor?  It wanted to help cure the itchiness it caused!

9.  How do mosquitoes throw parties?  They invite their blood-sucking friends for a bite!

10. Why did the mosquito bring a ladder to the party?  It wanted to be a social climber!

11.  What do you call a mosquito’s favorite dance move?  The skeeter shuffle!

12.  How does a mosquito get its daily exercise?  By doing blood aerobics!

13.  Why did the mosquito take a job in a fruit factory?  It wanted to specialize in grape juice!

14.  How do mosquitoes make sure they don’t miss any TV shows?  They have a buzzin’ cable subscription!

15.  Why did the mosquito get a job as a lawyer?  It had a knack for getting under people’s skin!

16.  What do you call a mosquito with a red cape?  Super Biter!

17.  Why did the mosquito go to the therapy session?  It had a deep needle for emotional support!

18.  What’s a mosquito’s favorite game?  Squito-ball!

19.  How do mosquitoes communicate with each other?  Through buzz-iness meetings!

20.  “Mother, oh mother! Did you witness it?  Applauds showered upon me!”

Funny Jokes About Mosquito Bites

Looking to beat the itch? Our collection of mosquito jokes will have you laughing so hard, you’ll forget all about those pesky bug bites. Check them out now!

21.  Which fruit do vegan mosquitoes prefer?  Citrus delights.

22.  Why did the mosquito go to the doctor? To get a prescription for itchy cream!

23.   What’s the difference between a mosquito bite and a flea bite? A flea bite is the “fleaest” of two evils!

24. What do you call a mosquito in a tuxedo? A mosquito-nair!

26.   Why do mosquito bites itch so much?  Because they are just “itching” to get a reaction out of you!

27.   Why don’t mosquitoes drink from fruit trees? Because they prefer human fruit instead!

28.  How do you know if a mosquito has been drinking at a party? Because they start buzzing about their great night out!

29.   What’s the best way to keep mosquitoes away? Hide their drinks and pretend you didn’t invite them to the party!

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30.  Why don’t mosquitos get lost?  Because they always use their bug spray GPS!

31.  How do you know if a mosquito is a vegetarian?  When he lands on your arm, he asks if you have any celery sticks!

32.  Why don’t mosquitoes share their food?  Because they’re too busy itching themselves!

33.   What’s a mosquito’s favorite meal?  Blood, rare!

34.   How do you catch a mosquito in your house?  Put up a “No Vacancy” sign in front of your skin!

 35.  What did the mosquito say after a successful bite?  “That was blood-tastic!”

36.  What do you call a mosquito that likes to play practical jokes?  A joker-swatter!

 37. Why did the mosquito have a hard time flying straight?  Because he was buzzed from drinking too much blood!

38.  What do you call a mosquito with high-speed capabilities?  A buzzing speedster.

39.  How does a mosquito greet its beloved female mosquito?  “M’larious greetings, my love.”

40.  What sets apart a mosquito from a fly?  Mosquitoes have wings for flight, while flies lack the mosquito prowess.

41.  What do you call a mosquito with exceptional dance skills?  A nimble jitterbug!

Funny Jokes About Mosquitoes

Tickle your funny bone with these uproarious mosquito jokes. Have a laugh and forget about those pesky bites!

42.  Why did the mosquito go to the library?  To check out a book on blood.

43.  Why did the mosquito get a job as a lawyer?  It wanted to sue people for their blood.

44.  What do you call a mosquito that’s always getting into trouble?  A blood-thirsty beast.

45.  What do you call a mosquito that’s always getting into fights?  A blood-suckin’ demon.

46.  What do you call a mosquito that’s always getting into trouble with the law? A blood-sucking menace.

47.  What do you call a mosquito that’s always getting into trouble with the ladies?  A blood-sucking nightmare.

48. Why did the mosquito go to the gym?  To get buff.

49. What do you call a mosquito that’s always getting into fights?  A bloodbath.

50.  What do you call a mosquito that’s always getting into trouble with the law?  A wanted insect.

51.  What do you call a mosquito that’s always getting into trouble with the ladies?  A pesty pest.

52. What do you call a mosquito that’s always getting into trouble?  A buzzkill.

53.  What do you call a mosquito that’s always getting into fights?  A bloodsucker.

54.  What do you call a mosquito that’s always getting into trouble with the law?  A pest.

55.  What do you call a mosquito that’s always getting into trouble with the ladies?  A bloodhound.

56.  What do you get if you cross a mosquito with a rock band?  Bzzz-tles!

57.  How do mosquitoes keep up with the latest news?  They read the “Buzz”paper!

58.  What do you call a mosquito wearing sunscreen?  Skeeter-proof!

59.  What do you call a mosquito that can sing?  A hum-mingbird!

60.  Why did the mosquito go to school?  To improve its biting skills!

61.  How do mosquitoes throw a party?  They invite all their blood relatives!

62.  What do mosquitoes say when they land on your arm?  “Bone appétit!”

Funny Mosquito Jokes

Take your mind off those pesky mosquitoes with these side-splitting jokes. Get ready to swat away those worries and scroll down to have a laugh!

63.  Why did the mosquito bring sunscreen to the beach?  It didn’t want to get burnt while sucking blood!

64.  Why do mosquitoes make terrible detectives?  Because they always bug the wrong person!

65.  What do you call a mosquito wearing a cowboy hat?  A mos-quitaro!

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66.  What do you call a mosquito that has a PhD in biology?  A skeeter-tist!

67.  Why do mosquitoes hate summer vacation?  Because it cuts into their blood-sucking business!

68.   How do you stop a mosquito from biting you?  Suck its blood first – they hate competition!

 69.  Why did the mosquito refuse to eat his dinner?  Because it was an anti-bug diet!

70.   Why do mosquitoes fly south for the winter?   Because it’s too far to walk!

71.  What did the mosquito say to the bee after a long flight?  “Man, I’m buzzing!”

 72.  What do you call a mosquito who always makes the wrong choices?  A mistake-o!

73.  How do mosquitoes keep up with the times?  They have a bug app!

74.  Why do mosquitoes make terrible pets?  Because they are always buzzing around your head!

75.   Why do mosquitoes love summer concerts?  Because there’s a lot of blood-thumping music!

76.   What do you call a mosquito who likes to hang out in cemeteries?  A grave robber!

77.   What do you call a mosquito that is a pro at karaoke?  A blood-thirsty singer!

78.  How do you confuse a mosquito? Put it in a round room and tell it to find the corner!

79.  What do you call a mosquito with a small, irritating voice?  A skeeter!

80.  Why don’t mosquitoes donate blood?  Because they prefer to be the ones taking donations!

81.  Why don’t mosquitoes go to parties?  Because they’re afraid of the buzzkill!

Best Mosquitoes jokes

Get ready to buzz with laughter! These hilarious mosquito jokes are sure to leave you in stitches. Check out the following to read more and forget about those bites.

82.   Why did the mosquito go to school?  To improve its flying skills!

82.   What do mosquitoes study in college?  Mos-quitos!

83.  How do mosquitoes greet each other?  They just wing it!

84.  What do you call a mosquito wearing a cowboy hat?  A mosquito-rider!

85.  What’s a mosquito’s favorite sport?  Skin-diving!

86.  Why don’t mosquitoes like playing golf?  They prefer to play squash!

87.  How do mosquitoes send messages to each other?  Mosquito-grams!

88.  What do you call a mosquito with a high IQ?  A smart pest!

89. What do mosquitoes use to style their hair?  Hairspray!

90.  How do mosquitoes listen to music?  They use their ear-buds!

91.  Why do mosquitoes make terrible comedians?  Their jokes always suck!

92.  How do mosquitoes throw parties?  They just invite blood relatives!

93.  What do mosquitoes wear to bed?  Mosquito-nos!

94.  Why did the mosquito go to the dentist?  It had a tooth-hurty!

05.  How do mosquitoes keep fit?  They do blood-pumping exercises!

96.  What’s a mosquito’s favorite movie?  The Bite Club!

97. Why don’t mosquitoes donate blood?  Because it’s always on the house!

98.  What do you call a mosquito in a tuxedo?  The ma-skeeter of ceremonies!

99.  Why did the mosquito join a gym?  It wanted to work on its buzz!

Mosquitoes Jokes One liner

100.   Why did the mosquito go to school?  It wanted to learn some biting-edge technology!

101.  What do you call a mosquito’s favorite sport?  Suck-er!

102.    Why don’t mosquitoes like playing cards?  They always get caught in the “swat”!

103.  How did the mosquito find its soulmate?  It got caught in a “love bite”!

104.  Why did the mosquito start a band?  It wanted to play some “blood-curdling” music!

106.  What’s a mosquito’s favorite dance move?  The “skeeter-shuffle”!

107.  Why did the mosquito bring a suitcase to the party?  It wanted to make a “fly” impression!

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108.  What do you call a mosquito with a speech impediment?  A “stutter-bug”!

109.  How do mosquitoes throw a surprise party?  They bite everyone and yell, “Surprise itch!”

110.  What did the mosquito say to the fly?  “I heard you’re really fly. Mind teaching me?”

111.   Why did the mosquito go to therapy?  It had a biting problem it couldn’t shake!

112.  What’s a mosquito’s favorite board game?  “Battleship” because they love targeting vessels!

113.  How do mosquitoes communicate their travel plans?  They send “buzziness” emails!

114.  Why do mosquitoes make terrible comedians?  Their jokes always fall flat!

115.  What did the mosquito say to the bicycle?  “Want to go for a spin?”

116.  What do you call a mosquito in a cowboy hat?  The “Buzztler”!

117.  Why did the mosquito go to the dentist?  It needed to get its “fang” checked!

118.  What do you get if you cross a mosquito with a dog?  A “bite” bull terrier.

Hilarious Jokes About Mosquitoes

119.  Why do mosquitoes prefer biting humans over animals? Because we taste better and have more juicy stories to tell!

120.  Why do mosquitoes buzz around so much at night? They’re trying to find a blood drive-thru that’s still open!

121.  What do you call a mosquito with a college degree? A high-buzz intellect!

122.  Why did the mosquito cross the road?  To get to the blood bank on the other side!

123.  What’s a mosquito’s favorite vacation spot?  Blood-sucking beach!

124. Why did the mosquito go to the doctor?  He had a case of the swats!

125.  What do you call a mosquito that likes to make jokes?  A com-mosquito!

126.  Why did the mosquito fall in love with a fly?  She was a real buzz-kill!

127.  How do mosquitoes keep up with current events? They read the daily blood report!

128. Why do mosquitoes hum while they fly?  Because they don’t know the words to “Swatting Thrills.”

129.  Why don’t mosquitoes live near airports?  They get grounded!

130.  Why did the mosquito go to the doctor?  It was feeling a little bug!

131.  Why do mosquitoes make terrible baseball players?  They always get caught in the nets!

132.  Why don’t mosquitoes go to parties?  Because they’re always the ones buzzing around everyone’s ear!

133.  What do you call a mosquito that’s had a nose job ? Proboscis!

134.  Why did the mosquito cross the road?  To get to the blood bank!

135.  What do you call a mosquito with a banjo?  The Mosquito Pickers!

136.  What similarities exist between a mosquito and a biker?  Both are incessantly annoying

137.  If Mario transformed into a mosquito, what would he exclaim?  “It’s-a me, Malario!”

138.  How many mosquitoes does it take to replace a lightbulb?  Two, although it’s extremely challenging to fit them inside.

139.  What would you call a mosquito perched delicately on your spouse’s cheek?  A golden chance.

140.  How would you describe a mosquito that possesses a great sense of humor?  Malarious, without a doubt.

141.  Who is the tallest mosquito in the world?  The Himalayas, of course.

142.  What does a neck-bearded mosquito from Africa say?  Malaria.

143.  How can you determine if the mosquitoes are exceptionally large? When their bites become oddly satisfying.

144.  Why are mosquitos often associated with religion?  They demonstrate their devoutness by preying on unsuspecting victims.

145.  What has six legs, bites, and communicates through code?  The morse-quito, is a technologically advanced insect.

146.  How does a Blonde differ from a mosquito?  Slapping a mosquito stops it from sucking, unlike a Blonde.

Final Words

Having gone through all these amusing Mosquito Jokes, our aim was to bring a smile to your face. Laughter is a great way to lighten the mood, and we hope these jokes provided you with a good laugh.