130 Hilarious Jokes about Sleep and Slumber

Ready for a bedtime chuckle? Dive into our sleeping jokes for a dose of humor that’s perfect for winding down. These sleeping jokes are your ticket to dreamy laughter! Join us for a comical journey through the world of snoozing.

Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, these jokes are sure to tickle your funny bone and have you drifting off into a fit of giggles. From snoring and dreaming to tossing and turning, these sleep-inspired jokes will leave you feeling refreshed with laughter. 

Best Sleeping Jokes

1.  Sleep is like exercise: everyone knows it’s good for you, but no one actually wants to do it.

2.  I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy saving mode.

3.  I’m not a morning person, I’m a morning person trapped in a night owl’s body.

4.  I love my bed so much, I could sleep in it all day. If I didn’t have to go to work, that is.

5.  I’m not sure what’s harder: getting up in the morning or going to bed at night.

6.  I’m such a heavy sleeper, I once slept through a tornado.

7.  I’m not sure what’s worse: being tired all the time or having to drink coffee all the time to stay awake.

8.  I’m such a light sleeper, I can wake up from the sound of my own breathing.

9.  I’m not sure what’s worse: not getting enough sleep or getting too much sleep.

10.  I’m such a heavy sleeper, I once slept through my own funeral.

11.  I’m not addicted to sleep, I’m just in a committed relationship with it.

12.  I’m not sure what’s worse: being tired all the time or having to dream about work all the time.

13.  I’m such a light sleeper, I can wake up from the sound of my own snoring.

14.  I’m so tired, I could sleep on a cloud.

15.  I’m not sure what’s worse: not getting enough sleep or getting too much sleep.

16.  I used to be a mattress salesman until I realized I was just selling dreams.

17. My wife told me I need to stop pretending to be a flamingo in my sleep. I think she’s just jealous of my beauty rest.

Sleeping Jokes For Adults

18. What’s a nap’s favorite type of music?  Rhythm and snooze!

19. Why did the pillow go to the doctor?  It was feeling a little down.

20. My wife says I snore like a freight train. I find that very loco-motive-ing.

21. What does a sleeping bull say?  “Goodnight, moos!”

22. What’s a pirate’s favorite bedtime story?  “Snooze-ze and the Seven Seas”

23. How do you know when a vampire has had a good night’s sleep?  When they wake up feeling fang-tastic!

24. My bed and I have a great relationship. We’re always dreaming of each other.

25. Why did the scarecrow bring a pillow to bed?  He wanted to wake up feeling straw-mazing!

26. Why do owls make great bedtime companions?  Because they’re always up for a hoot!

27. What does the sandman do at night?  He goes to bed and catches up on his snoozing!

28. Why did the pillow go to the therapist?  It had too many emotional layers.

29. Why did the mattress apply for a job?  It wanted to have a spring in its step.

30. What’s a sleep-deprived mathematician’s favorite equation?  Y awn = mx + b (where b stands for bed, of course!)

31. Why did the sleepwalking chicken cross the road?  T o get to the other side… of the pillow.

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32. What’s a sleep-obsessed vampire’s favorite song?  “Enter Sleepman” by Metallica.

33. Why did the insomniac bring a ladder to bed?  They wanted to reach new heights of exhaustion!

Funny Sleeping Jokes

34. What do you call a snoring musical band?  A heavy-snooze metal band!

35. Why did the bed go to school?  To improve its spring break!

36. How do you organize a space-themed slumber party?  You just “planet”!

37. What’s an insomniac’s favorite type of tea?  “Chai” to fall asleep!

38. Why did the ghost go to bed with its shoes on?  In case it had to make a “sole”ful exit!

39. What’s a vampire’s favorite bedtime story?  “Dracu-lullaby”!

40. Why did the mathematician bring a ruler to bed?  To measure their dreams in square root!

41. Why did the skeleton sleep on a chair?  Because it had “no-body” to sleep with!

42. What did the insomniac say to the sheep?  “Do you mind if I count you? I’m trying to fall asleep here!”

43. What did the blanket say to the pillow when they fell in love?  “Let’s get cozy and make dreams together!”

44. Why did the astronaut take a nap in space?  Because he needed a little “rest” from gravity!

45. What does a horse say when it can’t sleep?  “Night-mare!”

46. Why did the pillow go to the gym?  It wanted to get buff and puffed!

47. What’s a cat’s favorite thing to do on a lazy Sunday morning?  “Purr-lax” in bed!

48. What type of sleeping position is preferred by architects?  “Corners-tone”!

49. Why do owls always look sleepy?  Because they have night shifts!

Funny Jokes About Sleeping

50. What do you call a sleepwalking nun?  A roamin’ Catholic!

51. How do you make ladybugs fall asleep?  You whisper sweet “bed-bug” lullabies.

52. Why don’t oysters donate to charity?  Because they’re shellfish and like to sleep in their shell-bed.

53. What do you call a sleeping bull?  A “bull-dozer”!

54. Why did the pillow go to the doctor?  It was feeling a little down and needed a fluff check-up.

55. Why did the blanket go to the school? It wanted to become a cover-up artist!

56. What did the snail say when it caught a cold? “Ahhh-choo-sleep!”

57. Why did the scarecrow take a nap in the middle of the day?  It wanted to catch up on its “crop” of Z’s.

58.  What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?  A “dino-snore”!

59. Why did the bed go to the doctor?  Because it was feeling a little springy!

60. What do you get if you cross a mosquito and a bedbug?  Sleepless nights and itchy dreams!

61. Why did the computer take a nap?  Because it had too many “Zzz” files open!

62. What did the alarm clock say to the weary traveler?  “Wake up and smell the sunrise!”

63. Why did the squirrel take a nap on the electrical wire?  It wanted to recharge its acorn-batteries.

64. Why did the gardener sleep in the hammock?  Because it wanted to “mulch” over its dreams!

65. What do you call a group of owls napping together?  A “hoot”enanny!

66. Why did the pillow go to the party ?  For the pillow fights and the “feather-cise”!

Short Sleeping Jokes

67. I used to be a night owl, but now I’m just an exhausted pigeon.

68. I tried counting sheep to fall asleep, but now I have a flock and a farm.

69. Sleep is my favorite exercise I’m really good at it!

70. I tried sleeping like a baby, but I kept waking up every two hours… like a grown-up.

71. I have a great relationship with my bed. We’re always there for each other.

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72. I had a dream that I forgot how to sleep. I woke up exhausted, and then remembered how to do it again.

73. My favorite sound in the world is the alarm that tells me it’s time to hit the snooze button.

74. My bed is my preferred social distancing spot—it gives me my personal space.

75. I think I must have a sleep disorder… Whenever my alarm goes off, I disorderly roll over and go back to sleep.

76. If I had to choose between unlimited wealth or unlimited sleep, I’d probably choose the one where I can be in my pajamas.

77. My sleep app told me I need eight hours of sleep every night. Clearly, I’m downloading the wrong app.

78. I finally found the secret to a good night’s sleep—falling asleep the moment my head hits the pillow, and waking up eight hours ago.

79. My relationship with sleep is complicated. Sometimes we’re on the same page, and other times sleep turns the page when I’m not ready.

80. I’m on a strict sleep schedule… I try to be awake for eight hours a day.

81. My favorite hobby is trying to remember the dream I had before it vanishes like my motivation to get out of bed.

82. Sleep is like a bank every morning, I make a withdrawal of energy, and every night, I make a deposit of exhaustion.

83. People say sleep is the cousin of death, but I think they’re distant relatives because I can never get enough sleep.

84. I love to sleep so much that sometimes I dream about sleeping while I’m asleep.

Sleeping Jokes One Liners

85. I tried to take a nap, but my dreams were on strike..

86. I like to think of my bed as my happy place; it’s where my dreams come true… or at least where I dream of eating pizza.

87. My bed is my favorite place to be. It’s like a magic teleportation device that takes me straight to morning.

88. I set my alarm clock to “surprise” mode. You never know when it’s going to go off and scare the living daylights out of you.

89. I thought about going to the gym, but then I remembered that “Gym” is a short form of “Jiminy Cricket,” and he’s a little too chatty for my liking.

90. I tried counting sheep to fall asleep, but they kept getting distracted and started discussing grass maintenance techniques.

91. My doctor told me I have a sleep disorder—they’re calling it “being a functioning adult.”

92. My favorite position to sleep in is the fetal position… mainly because it gives me an excuse to curl up in a cozy blanket.

93. My bed and I have a love-hate relationship—we love each other in the evening and hate to part ways in the morning.

94. My best asset is my ability to sleep through anything… except the sound of my alarm clock.

95. They say time flies when you’re having fun. Well, it also seems to fly when you’re hitting the snooze button repeatedly.

96. I always wake up excited for breakfast. It’s the best way to start your day… right after hitting the snooze button a few more times.

97. I’ve tried counting blessings instead of sheep, but I always fall asleep halfway through and forget where I left off.

98. The older I get, the more I appreciate naps. It’s like hitting the reset button on my energy levels.

99. I love sleeping so much, I consider it my secret talent. It’s like my own personal Olympics, and I’m always a gold medalist.

99. I’ve mastered the art of sleeping through alarms, phone calls, and basically any noise that isn’t the sound of food being prepared.

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100. Sleeping is like a mini-vacation every night. It’s just a shame that it’s so short, and the destinations are mostly strange and unpredictable.

Dad Jokes About Sleep

101.  What do you call a sheep that can’t sleep ?  A count-down sheep.

102.  What do you call a lazy bed?  A daybed.

103.  What do you call a bed that’s always telling jokes? A comedi-bed

104.  What do you call a bed that’s always dancing?  A dancing-bed..

105.  What do you call a bed that’s always sleeping?  A sleepy-bed.

106.  What do you call a bed that’s always working out?  A fit-bed.

107.  What do you call a bed that’s always traveling?  A world-bed.

108.  What do you call a bed that’s always studying?  A bookworm-bed.

109.  What do you call a bed that’s always playing video games?  A gamer-bed.

110.  What do you call a bed that’s always watching TV?  A couch potato-bed.

111.  What do you call a bed that’s always on social media?  A social media-bed.

112.  What do you call a bed that’s always taking selfies?  A selfie-bed.

113.  What do you call a bed that’s always shopping?  A shopaholic-bed.

114.  What do you call a bed that’s always gossiping?  A gossip queen-bed.

115.  What do you call a bed that’s always getting into trouble?  A troublemaker-bed.

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Dirty Sleeping Jokes

116. Why did the pillow go to school?  It wanted to become a cushion for knowledge.

117. What do you call a sleepwalking nun?  A roamin’ Catholic!

118. Why don’t oysters donate to charity?  Because they’re shellfish and prefer to sleep in their shells.

119. How does a penguin build its house?  Igloos it together while taking plenty of ice-naps.

120. Why did the computer go to sleep?   Because it had too many “Zzz” files open.

121. What did the blanket say to the bed?  “Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!”

122. What did one hat say to the other hat?  “You go on ahead, I’ll catch up on my cap-naps.”

123. Why did the gardener sleep in the flowerbed?  Because they wanted to wake up surrounded by blossoming dreams.

124. Why did the horse take a nap under the tree?  It wanted to experience some “mare-velous” shade.

125. What do you call a sleeping bull?  A bull-dozer!

126. Why did the snail take a nap on the turtle’s back?  It wanted a slow and steady sleeping buddy.

127. What did the insomniac clock say?  “I’m ticking, but I’m not slee ping!”

128. Why did the ghost go to bed in the morning?  It wanted to catch up on some “boo”-ty sleep.

129. What did the mattress say to the pillow?  “I find you to be quite comforting and supportive.”

130. How do you make a lemon fall asleep?  You tuck it in its “zest”ful pajamas.

131. Why did the astronaut take a nap on the moon?  Because it was a great place for a “space nap”.

132. What do you call a group of owls sleeping together?  A “hoot-enanny”!

133. What did the slippers say to the snoring slippers?  “Quiet down, you’re giving me cold feet!”

134. Why did the pillow fight break out at the sleepover?  The pillow thought it was being stuffed with feathers from a rival flock.

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Some Final Thoughts

These jokes serve as a reminder that even in our most vulnerable and relaxed state, laughter can still find a way to brighten our nights and bring a smile to our sleepy faces.

So, the next time you find yourself drifting off into dreamland or struggling to fall asleep, remember the giggles and guffaws that come with these sleeping jokes.