130 Hilarious Jokes about Broken Ribs

Looking to add some humor to the healing process? Discover a collection of lighthearted broken rib jokes that will have you laughing along the way.

These witty and playful jokes offer a humorous take on the discomfort of broken ribs, providing a much-needed dose of laughter during recovery. Whether you’re experiencing the pain firsthand or simply looking to lift your spirits, these jokes will help bring a smile to your face.

Best Broken Rib Jokes

1. What did the elderly lady and the barbecued ribs share in common? Both were subject to savory dry rubs!

2.  What do you call a group of people waiting in line for smoky ribs and tender brisket?  A smoked meat congregation.

3.  Why did the Stargazer bring a rack of ribs into the restroom?  To observe a shower with more sizzle.

4.  What did Adam exclaim upon awakening with a missing rib?  Something smells awry in this vicinity.

5.  Why weren’t Spine and Femur granted entry to the party?  They were too out of joint.

6.  Why did the skeleton go to the party with a broken rib?  Because it couldn’t resist a good “bone-cracking” time!

7.  Why should you concern yourself with my whereabouts?  Eve let it slide but remained unconvinced.

8.  What did the mischievous sauce say to the Chinese-style ribs?  “I’m just peeking at you.”

9.  What’s a chiropractor’s preferred dish?  Infant crackling ribs.

10.  What did the self-centered lover do?  He inverted the ‘ribbed for her pleasure’ condom.

11.  Why did the Stargazer take a slab of ribs into the bathroom?  He desired to witness a more succulent shower.

12.  How do you fix a broken tuba? With a tuba glue!

13.  Why did the skeleton go to the party with his broken ribs?  Because he couldn’t resist a good rib-tickler!

14.  What do you call a comedian with a broken rib?  A stand-up comic!

15.  Why did the scarecrow go to the hospital?  He had a case of “ribbitis” from all the rib-breaking laughter!

16.  Why was the skeleton so calm despite having broken ribs?  Because he didn’t have the guts to complain!

17.  What did the doctor say to the patient with broken ribs?  “Don’t worry, you’ll soon be ribbiting and roaring with laughter again!”

Funny Broken Rib Jokes

Laugh out loud with our collection of these funny broken rib jokes that will leave you in stitches. Get ready for a rib-tickling good time!

Find humor in even the most painful situations with our collection of side-splitting broken rib jokes. Get ready for some laughter therapy!

18.  Why did the rib refuse to tell a secret?  It didn’t want to risk cracking up!

19.  Why did the rib wear sunglasses?  It didn’t want anyone to see its cracked smile!

20.  Why did the rib refuse to go on a roller coaster?  I was afraid of getting robbed the wrong way!

21.  What did the broken rib say to the doctor?  “I guess I just couldn’t rib it!”

22.  Why did the broken rib go to the party?  I wanted to have a cracking good time!

23.  What did the rib say to the doctor?  “I’m rib-tired of being broken! Can you give me a hand?”

24.  Why did the rib refuse to watch comedy movies?  It didn’t want to risk any more cracking up!

25.  Why did the skeleton feel embarrassed about its broken rib?  It couldn’t keep its funny bone in check!

26.  Why did the rib go to the comedy club?  It needed a good laugh to forget about its fracture!

27.  Why was the rib always cracking jokes?  It couldn’t help but find humor in its own situation!

28.  What did the rib say to its doctor? “I’m rib-ticklingly funny, but this fracture is no joke!”

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29.  Why did the rib go to the comedy club?  It wanted to crack everyone up!

30.  How did the broken rib greet its friends?  With a rib-tickling punchline, of course!

Broken Rib Jokes One Liner

Looking for some laughter during your recovery? Check out this collection of hilarious broken rib jokes that will have you rolling on the floor laughing!

31.  What snack brings joy to a skeleton?  Deliciously bony ribs.

32.  What did the elderly lady and the slab of ribs have in common?  They both enjoyed a flavorful rubdown!

33.  What did the saucy condiment say to the Chinese-style ribs?  “I’m all about that Peking flavor!”

34.  What type of food delights a chiropractor?  Infant-sized cracked ribs.

35.  What do you call a group of people waiting eagerly for smoked ribs and brisket?  A smokin’ queue.

36.  Why do we know Adam and Eve belonged to a different ethnicity?  Because extracting a rib from a person of color is quite a challenge.

37.  Why wasn’t Adam of African descent?  Have you ever attempted to remove a rib from a person of color?

38.  How can we determine that Adam was a Caucasian?  Trying to take a rib from a person of color is a tough task, my friend.

39.  Why do we believe that Adam and Eve weren’t black?  Taking a rib from a person of color is simply not possible.

40.   What kind of joke does Ed Gein tell?  Well, he’s got quite a rib-tickling sense of humor!

41.  What’s the fastest way to capture a woman’s affection?  Through her rib cage, of course.

42.  Why do we believe Adam wasn’t of African origin?  Have you ever tried extracting a rib from a black man?! It’s impossible!

43.  Have you ever wondered about the diversity of Adam and Eve’s origins?  Taking a rib from anyone, regardless of their ethnicity, would be quite a challenge!

44.   Why do we think Adam wasn’t of African descent?  Attempting to take a rib from a black man is quite a feat, you know.

45.  Have you heard about the mathematicians’ banquet?  They enjoyed a delicious meal of angle hair pasta and some perfectly cooked prime rib.

46.  How can we determine Adam’s racial background?  Well, it’s not about the color of his skin, but rather the impossibility of taking a rib from any person.

47.  Did you know that the first derivative of a cow is a prime rib? Fascinating, isn’t it?

48.  Have you ever considered the ethnicity of Adam and Eve?  Well, attempting to steal a rib from anyone, including individuals of different races, would be quite a task.

Funny Jokes About Broken Rib

Discover these funniest broken rib jokes that will lift your spirits, bring a smile to your face, and aid in the healing process.”

49.  Why did the comedian’s rib go on strike?  It couldn’t handle all the rib-tickling jokes anymore!

50.  Why did the comedian have a successful show even with a broken rib?  Because he had a killer delivery, even if it hurt to laugh!

51.  What’s the best way to deal with a broken rib?  Just rip-it off and laugh it out!

52.  Why did the broken rib refuse to go to the party?  It didn’t want to be a pain in the side!

53Why did the skeleton break its ribcage?  It didn’t have the backbone to protect itself!

54.  What did the rib say to the other rib after it broke?  “I’m cracked up to be here!”

55.  Why did the skeleton go to the doctor after breaking a rib?  Because it didn’t have the guts to handle it on its own!

56.  Why did the chef break his rib?  He couldn’t resist adding a little extra spice to his dance moves in the kitchen!

57.  What did one rib say to the other rib at the hospital?  “I’m cracking up over here!”

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58.  How do you make a broken rib feel better?  Give it plenty of laughs and a good dose of “rib”-oflavin!

59.  Why did the skeleton go to the party with a broken rib?  Because it couldn’t resist a good rib-tickler!

60.  What did the rib say to the doctor?  “I’m all cracked up!”

61.  Why did the rib refuse to tell jokes? Because it was afraid of cracking up!

62.  What do you call a rib that tells jokes?  A funny bone with a side of “ribs-tickling” humor!

63.  Why did the rib become a stand-up comedian?  Because it had a natural talent for rib-cracking punchlines!

64.  What do you call a broken rib that tells jokes?   A rib-tickler!

65.  Why was the rib always so pessimistic?  It was always ribbing itself about being broken!

66.  What did the rib say to the doctor?  “I’m ribbed for your amusement!”

67.  How do you fix a broken rib on a pizza?  With tomato paste!

68.  Why did the rib go to comedy school?  It wanted to learn some rib-tickling jokes!

69.  Why did the soccer player with a broken rib refuse to leave the game? He thought it was a real rib-tickler every time he took a dive!

70.  Why did the rib join a band?  It wanted to play the xylobone!

BBQ Rib Puns

71.  The quality of the barbecue dictates the level of merriment at any gathering.

72.  Don’t miss out on an extraordinary barbecue celebration—contact us now!

73.  Revel in good times accompanied by a melodious barbecue soiree!

74.  We set ablaze everyone’s spirits with a blazing barbecue bash.

75.  Remember, attending lively barbecues is a way of life.

76.  Feel the heat! It must be our barbecue grilling up a storm.

77.  Barbecue—a simple pleasure, swiftly savored, best enjoyed in the company of friends.

78.  A barbecue party encapsulates happiness, transforming it into a delectable and exhilarating event.

79.  Mastering the art of grilling ribs is our unique expertise. It’s our extraordinary gift.

80.  Indulge in the succulence of barbecue ribs, seasoned with kosher salt, pepper, and a medley of exquisite spices.

81.  There’s no remedy for the irresistible allure of barbecued ribs.

82.  Prepare for a smoky, tender, and utterly delightful experience – behold the magic of barbecue ribs!

83.  Awaken your taste buds with a tantalizing adventure! Explore the realm of our extraordinary barbecued ribs.

84.  Maintain serenity and savor the delectable pleasure of ribs.

85.  Our ribs reign supreme, leaving no finger unlicked!

86.  Tease that tender meat, effortlessly piercing it with a fork.

87.  Embrace the joyous banter that accompanies a true, authentic rib experience.

88.  Unleash your passion for the most heavenly part of any barbecue gathering.

89.  Embark on a saucy voyage, embraced by the goodness of ribbed perfection.

90.  Delight in meat so tender it effortlessly falls apart at the gentlest touch.

91.  Savor ribs meticulously ribbed to reach the pinnacle of perfection.

92.  Seize those ribs confidently with the aid of trusty barbecue tongs.

93.  Let not a single morsel of those delectable sweet and spicy barbecued ribs go to waste – savor every lick of your fingers.

94.  Discover that a generous portion of barbecued ribs is all it takes to brighten your day.

Prime Rib Jokes

95.  Why did the prime rib go to the art gallery?  Because it wanted to beef up its culture!

96.  What do you call a prime rib that tells jokes?  A rib-tickler!

97.  Why did the prime rib win the marathon?  Because it had a lot of muscle!

98.  What do you call a well-done prime rib?  A rare accomplishment!

99.  How did the prime rib feel after winning the cooking competition?  It was on cloud nine-dle!

100.  Why did the prime rib refuse to play cards?  It didn’t want to be a part of any beef!

101.  What do you get when you cross a prime rib with a potato?  A meat-and-potatoes kind of laugh!

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102.  Why did the prime rib go to the comedy club?  Because it wanted to be a rare roast!

103.  How did the prime rib become the life of the party?  It brought the “prime” entertainment!

104.  What did the prime rib say to the steak at the dinner party?  “You’re quite rare, but I’m the prime of the party!”

105.  Why did the chef refuse to cook the prime rib?  Because it was too “well done” with all its jokes!

106.  What do you call a prime rib that tells jokes?  A “rib-tickler”!

107.  Why did the prime rib break up with its partner?  They couldn’t handle its medium-rare sense of humor!

108.  How does the prime rib greet its friends?  “Well, hello there! It’s a rare pleasure to meet you!”

109.  Why did prime Ribs start a comedy club?  It wanted to make sure everyone had a rare good time!

110.  What do you call a funny prime rib on a stage?  The “medium-rare” comedian!

111.  How do you compliment a great prime rib joke?  You say, “That’s a well-done punchline!”

112.  Why did the prime rib go to therapy?  It couldn’t handle the pressure!

113.  What do you call a prime rib that tells jokes?  A rib-tickler!

114.  Why did the prime rib refuse to fight?  It was too tender-hearted!

115.  What did the prime rib say to the chef?  “I’m falling for you, medium rare!”

116.  Why was the prime rib running late for the party?  It got stuck in a rare jam!

117.  How did the prime rib do on its math test?  It got an “A” for arithmetic!

118.  What do you call a prime rib with a sense of humor?  A rare medium!

119.  Why did the prime rib join a gym?  It wanted to beef up its muscles!

120.  How does the prime rib like to relax?  It likes to chill and marinate!

Spare Rib Jokes

121.  Why did the spare rib go to the party?  Because it wanted to get saucy and have a barbecue!

122.  What do you call a spare rib that tells jokes?  A punny rib!

123.  Why did the spare rib refuse to play cards?  It didn’t want to be a “pork” of the deal!

124.  What do you call a musical spare rib?  A tuba-con!

125. How do spare ribs like to relax? They prefer to “marinate” in their free time!

126.  What do you call a spare rib that becomes a detective?  Sherlock Bones!

127.  Why did the spare rib go to the doctor?  It had a case of “rack-itis”!

128.  How do spare ribs communicate? They use “barbecue code”!

129.  What did the spare rib say to the chicken wing?  “Let’s have a saucy time together!”

130.  Why did the spare rib cross the road?  To get to the grill on the other side!

131.  Why did the spare rib go to school?  Because it wanted to get a little “grill”-ucation!

132.  How do spare ribs like to listen to music?  They prefer to be “barbecued” in the sweet sounds of a sizzling playlist!

133.  Why did the spare rib get a job as a comedian?  Because it had a “knack” for making everyone laugh and sizzle with joy!

134.  What did one spare rib say to the other at the buffet?  “I’ve got some beef with this place. Let’s pork out!”

135.  Why did the spare rib bring a ladder to the party?  It wanted to get a little “rib-high”!

136.  What do you call a group of spare ribs playing music?  A rack band!

137.  How did the spare rib feel after winning the cooking competition?  On top of the world, with sauce on the side!

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Final Thoughts

Broken rib jokes provide a lighthearted way to find humor in a not-so-pleasant situation. While dealing with the pain and discomfort of broken ribs can be challenging, these jokes offer a temporary escape and a chance to laugh through the healing process.

It’s important to remember that these jokes should be taken in good fun and with sensitivity to those experiencing the actual injury. Just be sure to take it easy and not exacerbate any pain or discomfort.