130 Hilarious Jokes About Broken Bones

Explore the lighter side of fractures and sprains with our collection of Broken Bone Jokes. These humorous quips are sure to lift your spirits and tickle your funny bone.

Life sometimes hands us unexpected twists and fractures, but laughter has the remarkable power to heal not just our bodies but our spirits as well. Here we we’ll explore the lighter side of orthopedic mishaps, cast-related quips, and witty wordplay that turns moments of discomfort into bursts of laughter.

Whether you’re recovering from a broken bone or simply in search of a smile, these jokes are here to mend your mood and remind us that even in moments of vulnerability, there’s room for humor.

Funny Broken Bone Jokes

1.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always late ?  A fractured procrastinator.

2.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always getting into trouble?  A fractured delinquent.

3.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always telling jokes?  A fractured comedian.

4.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always singing?  A fractured soprano.

5.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always dancing?  A fractured ballerina.

6.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always eating?  A fractured glutton.

7.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always sleeping? A fractured narcoleptic.

8.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always studying? A fractured bookworm.

9.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always playing sports?  A fractured athlete.

10.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always traveling?  A fractured globetrotter.

11.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always getting into mischief?  A fractured troublemaker.

12.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always making friends?  A fractured social butterfly.

13.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always telling lies?  A fractured fibber.

14.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always being clumsy?  A fractured klutz.

15.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always getting lost?  A fractured directionless.

16.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always being silly?  A fractured goofball.

17.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always being brave?  A fractured hero.

18.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always being helpful?  A fractured good Samaritan.

19.  What do you call a broken bone that’s always being kind?  A fractured sweetheart.

20.  What’s the best thing about being in a cast?  It’s a great way to break the ice.

Broken Bone Jokes One Liners

In need of a good laugh? Dive into our Broken Bone Jokes for a dose of bone-tickling humor. Find comfort in shared laughter as we turn orthopedic mishaps into moments of hilarity.

21. I told my friend I broke my arm in two places. He said, “Well, don’t go to those places anymore!”

22. I used to be flexible, but then I met Mr. Hardwood Floor. Now I’m stiffer than ever!

23. I accidentally walked into a wall and broke my nose. Talk about a head-on collision!

24. My doctor told me I have a “cracking” sense of humor. I guess that’s what happens when you break a lot of bones.

25. Did you hear about the breakdancer who actually broke something? Yeah, he went from breakdancing to bone-dancing!

26. I never believed in break-ups until I broke my leg. Now I’m a believer!

27. I asked the doctor if I could still ride bikes after breaking my arm. He said the fork in the road is off-limits for now.

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28. I used to think getting a cast was such a fashion faux-pas, but now I see it’s all the rage. I even accessorize it with signatures!

29. I tried to be a stand-up comedian but got cold feet. And by cold feet, I mean a broken ankle from slipping on stage!

30. My friend asked how I broke my leg, and I said it was a “fractured” fairy tale gone wrong.

31. I broke my hand trying to catch a fly ball… in a video game. I guess virtual reality got a little too real for me!

32. I accidentally tripped over my own shadow and broke my wrist. Turns out, my shadow can be pretty sneaky!

33. I told the doctor about my bone-breaking habit, and he said I need to take up a safer hobby. I guess I’ll just stick to puzzles from now on.

34. I broke my toe doing a victory dance after opening a jar of pickles. Now I’m more careful with my salsa moves.

35. I went to the hospital with a broken bone and the nurse said, “Oh, you again? You must be quite the bone-a-fide daredevil!”

36. People say I have a lot of bone-breaking stories. I guess you could call me the “breakdance floor” of anecdotes!

Short  Broken Bone Jokes

Discover the healing power of laughter with our Broken Bone Jokes. From cast-related puns to witty fractures of humor, these jokes are just what the doctor ordered!

37. What did the doctor say to the patient with a broken leg?  “Don’t worry, it’s just a fracture of laughs!”

38. Did you hear about the clumsy thief who broke his ankle while robbing a store?  He got caught red-handed… and red-footed!

39. Why did the broken bone refuse to go to the party?  It didn’t want to be the “cast” out!

40. How does a skeleton call its friends?  On the “telebone”!

41. What did the X-ray machine say to the skeleton with a broken arm?  “I’ve got you under my scan!”

42. Why did the scarecrow need a cast?   It had a “hay-femur” fracture!

43. Did you hear about the comedian who broke his leg on stage?  He really knew how to break the ice with the audience!

44. What do you call a cow with a broken leg?  A “limping beef”!

45. Why was the math book sad after breaking its spine?  It couldn’t add up the pain!

46. What did the broken bone say to its owner?  “I hope you have a ‘humerus’ recovery!”

47. How do bones communicate?  They make “cell” phones!

48. Why did the ghost refuse to have its broken bone fixed?  It wanted to have a “boo-tiful” cast!

49. Did you hear about the skateboarder who broke his wrist?  He’s ready for some rad tricks, and some “cast”-tastrophic falls!

50. How do broken bones greet each other ?  With a “fractured” handshake!

51. Why did the bubble wrap go to the hospital?  It broke a bubble bone!

52. Why did the skeleton start a band after breaking its leg?  Because it wanted to play the “marrow-garita”!

53. How did the bone feel when it was being fixed?  It said, “I’m “fractured”, but not broken-hearted!”

54. Why did the skeleton refuse to play guitar?  It couldn’t handle all those “bone-rattling” solos!

Dirty Broken Bone Jokes

Laughter is the best medicine, especially when you’re on the mend. Explore our ‘Broken Bone Jokes for a prescription of mirth and amusement.”

55. I accidentally walked into a wall and broke my nose. Talk about a collision!

56. I fractured my finger trying to put on my shoes. I’m all thumbs!

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57. Did you hear about the breakdancer who actually broke something? He went from breakdancing to bone-dancing!

58. My friend said I have a “cracking” sense of humor. I guess it comes from breaking a lot of bones!

59. I thought I was invincible until I broke my collarbone playing Twister. It was quite a twist!

60. I used to think getting a cast was a fashion faux pas, but now I see it’s all the rage.

61. I broke my hand trying to catch a fly ball… in a video game. Virtual reality got a little too real!

62. I told my doctor about my bone-breaking habit. He said I need a safer hobby. Maybe puzzles?

63. My dog brought me a bag of bones when I asked him to fetch my crutches. He has a sense of humor!

64. I fractured my toe doing a victory dance after opening a jar of pickles. I need to be more careful!

65. I broke my wrist while doing a somersault. I guess my acrobatics need some work.

66. I accidentally tripped over my

own shadow and broke my ankle. Shadows can be sneaky!

67. I went to the hospital and the nurse recognized me. She said I must be quite the daredevil.

68. They say laughter is the best medicine, but I guess breaking bones gives me a lot of laughs!

69. I used to be flexible, but then I met Mr. Hardwood Floor. Now I’m not so flexible anymore!

70. I broke my arm trying to lift weights. I guess I need to start with something lighter.

71. Breaking a bone can be painful, but it’s a good opportunity to learn about patience and recovery.

Skeleton Jokes For Bones

72.  What do you call a skeleton who won’t stop talking?  A chatterbox.

73.  How do skeletons call their friends?  On the telephone.

74.  What instrument do skeletons play?  The trombone.

75.  How do you make a skeleton laugh?  Tickle its funny bone.

76.  What do you call a skeleton that lies?  A phony-bone.

77. Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?  Because it didn’t have the guts.

78.  How do you repair a broken skeleton?   With a rib-it.

79.  What do you call a skeleton snake?  A rattler.

80.  Why did the skeleton go to the barbecue?  To get another rib.

81. What did the skeleton order at the restaurant?  Spare ribs.

82.  How do you throw a skeleton party?  You “raise the roof”!

83.  What do you call a skeleton that uses social media?  A dead-ite.  

84.  How do you organize a skeleton army?  You use a ribcage.

Dad Jokes About Broken Bone

85. Did you hear about the skeleton who won the dance competition?  He had some killer moves, down to the bone!

86. Why don’t skeletons fight each other?  They don’t have the guts!

87. What did one skeleton say to the other at the party ?  “Bone appétit!”

88. How do skeletons communicate?  Through the “tele-bone”!

89. Did you hear about the skeleton who went to the comedy club?  He had everyone in stitches!

90. Why did the skeleton take up music classes?  He wanted to play the trom-bone!

91. What do you call a skeleton who won’t get up in the morning? Lazy bones!

92. Why was the bone sad?  It didn’t have a funny bone!

93. How did the skeleton know it was going to rain ?  It could feel it in its bones!

94. What kind of stories do skeletons like to tell?  Spine-tingling tales!

95. Why was the math book sad after breaking its spine?  It couldn’t solve any of its problems!

96. Did you hear about the skeleton who couldn’t listen to music?  He had no ear-bones!

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97. What did the skeleton use to fix his broken bike?  A bone wrench!

98. Why don’t skeletons fight on ships?  They’re afraid of getting marooned!

99. What did the skeleton say when it was accused of lying?  “I never tell fib-bone-acci!”

Humerus Broken Bone Jokes

Share a smile with our collection of Broken Bone Jokes. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or just in need of a chuckle, these jokes are bound to mend your mood.

100.  How do you make a tissue dance?  You put a little boogie in it!

101.  How do skeletons call their friends?  On the tele-bone!

102.  Why was the skeleton always calm?  Because nothing got under its skin!

103.  Why don’t skeletons fight each other?  They don’t have the guts!

104.  What do you call a skeleton who uses the computer?  A nerd-a-skeleton!

105.  Why did the skeleton cross the road?  To get to the body shop!

106.  How do you fix a broken bone?  With a cast-a-spell!

107.  What do you call a funny bone?  A humerus!

108.  What do you call a skeleton snake?  A rattler!

109.  Why did the skeleton climb a tree?  To see the bark!

110.  What instrument do skeletons play?  Trom-bone!

111.  What did the skeleton do at the rock concert?  He started a bone-afide mosh pit!

112.  How do you make a skeleton laugh?  Tickle its funny bone.

Knock knock Jokes About Broken Bones

113.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Cast who?

Cast your worries aside, your broken bone will heal in no time!

114.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Fracture who?

Fracture not, it’s just a little bone break!

115.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


X-ray who?

X-ray’d the bone, and it’s definitely not a funny bone!

115.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Splint who?

Splint your sides; this joke’s a real cracker!

116.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Calcium who?

Calcium down, and I’ll tell you all about my bone-afide recovery!

117.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Ouch who?

Ouch, that bone really had a cracking sense of humor!

118.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Doctor who?

Doctor said I’ll be back on my feet soon!

119.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Break who?

Break the bad news gently; I’ve got a broken bone!

120.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Plaster who?

Plaster me with more jokes; it helps with the pain!

121.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Orthopedic who?

Orthopedic surgeon fixed my bone, and now I’m feeling humerus!

122.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Healing who?

Healing nicely, thanks for asking!

23.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Painkiller who?

Painkiller my bones need, ASAP!

124.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Recovery who?

Recovery is my goal, and I’ll get there step by step!

125.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Wheelchair who?

Wheelchair bound for a while, but I’ll bounce back!

126.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Fractured who?

Fractured but not shattered, I’m on the mend!

127.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Nurse who?

Nurse my bones back to health, please!

128.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Bone who?

Bone-t to be wild! But now I’m in a cast.

129.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Crunch who?

Crunch time for my bones, but they’ll get better!

130.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Recovery who?

Recovery is my middle name these days!

131.  Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

Get well.

Get well who?

Get well soon and let’s celebrate when my bones are healed!

Final Words

We hope you had a good laugh after reading through all these hilarious broken bone jokes. Got a humorous broken bone joke to share? Feel free to jot down your own witty fractured humor in the comment section below!

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