130 Hilarious Enigmatic Voice Jokes

Uncover the lighter side of the unexplained with our Mysterious Voice Jokes. Dive into the realm of the unknown and share a laugh with these witty jests.

In this collections, we will unravel the curious and amusing world of jokes infused with mysterious voices. Whether you’re a fan of intriguing riddles or simply love a good twist of humor, Mysterious Voice Jokes will have you entertained and enthralled. 

Mysterious Voice Jokes Reddit

1.  What do you call a group of mysterious voices? A haunt choir!

2. Why did the mysterious voice go on a diet?  Because it was tired of sounding too husky!

3. Why did the mysterious voice refuse to answer the phone? Because it was always busy tele-pathetic!

4. How does a mysterious voice drink its coffee?  With an e-spirit-o shot!

5. Why did the mysterious voice become a detective?  Because it had a knack for hearing clues!

6. Why did the mysterious voice quit smoking? Because it wanted to avoid a coffin-fit!

7. What did the mysterious voice say when it met a poltergeist? “Let’s not get too spiritual here!”

8. Why did the mysterious voice get kicked out of choir practice? Because it kept singing ghostly melodies!

9. How does a mysterious voice stay warm in winter? With a haunted hoodie!

10. What do you call a mysterious voice that speaks with a lisp? A spect-ethereal!

11. Why did the mysterious voice break up with its significant other?  Because it felt like there was too much ecto-tension!

12. Why did the mysterious voice take up painting? Because it wanted to capture the essence of its ghostly apparition!

13. What did the mysterious voice say when it saw a horror movie? “I could do better than that!”

14. Why did the mysterious voice join a book club?  Because it wanted to delve deeper into the unknown!

15. What do you call a mysterious voice that can’t sing? A hauntmoot!

16. Why did the mysterious voice cross the road?  To haunt the other side!

17. How does a mysterious voice go on vacation? With an e-spirit trip!

18. Why did the mysterious voice start meditating?  To find inner piece(s)!

Mysterious Voice Jokes For Adults

Laugh out loud with our collection of Mysterious Voice Jokes for adults and kids. These jokes bring humor from the shadows and add a playful twist to the mysterious and unexplained.”

19. Why did the mysterious voice take up singing?  It wanted to keep its identity hidden, but deep down, it had a passion for melodies.

20. What did the mysterious voice say to the detective?  “You’ll never find the answers… unless you can decipher my cryptic clues!”

21. What do you call a mysterious voice that only speaks in riddles?  A puzzling prophet!

22. How did the mysterious voice become a stand-up comedian?  It realized that laughter is the best way to leave people wondering who’s behind it.

23. Why did the mysterious voice start a podcast?  It wanted to share enigmatic stories and keep its listeners guessing about the true nature of its existence.

24. How does a mysterious voice order coffee?  It approaches the counter, but instead of speaking, it levitates a note with its order.

25. Why did the mysterious voice become a narrator for audiobooks?  It realized that its haunting tone added an extra layer of intrigue to any story.

26. What’s the best way to communicate with a mysterious voice?  Use a ouija board and hope it decides to spell out some answers.

27. Why did the mysterious voice enroll in a dialect class?  It wanted to confuse people even more by having a different accent in every interaction.

28. How did the mysterious voice become a motivational speaker?  People were inspired by its ability to spur them into action, even though they couldn’t see who was speaking.

29. Why did the mysterious voice join a choir?  It wanted to harmonize with others while still enjoying the mystique of its invisible presence.

30. What do you call a mysterious voice that keeps changing its pitch?  An enigmatic audio shape-shifter!

31. How did the mysterious voice become a tour guide?  By leading groups through haunted locations, it added an extra thrill to the storytelling experience.

32. Why did the mysterious voice start a conspiracy theory blog?  It had an uncanny ability to spin tales that left readers wondering what was fact and what was fiction.

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33. How did the mysterious voice become a voiceover actor?  It discovered that its unique vocal presence left a lasting impression on audiences, even without a physical appearance.

Mysterious Voice Jokes Dirty

34. What did the mysterious voice say when it called in sick?  “Sorry, I won’t be speaking to you today.”

35. Why did the mysterious voice refuse to work on the weekend?  “I need some quiet time to reflect on my life choices.”

36. Why did the mysterious voice refuse to eat its vegetables?  “I don’t want to ruin my enigmatic aura.”

37. What did the mysterious voice say when asked for its opinion on politics?  “I don’t like to get too vocal about my beliefs. It ruins the mystery.”

38. Why did the mysterious voice cancel its gym membership?  “I don’t need to work out when my voice is my greatest asset.”

39. What did the mysterious voice say when it won the lottery?  “I’m already rich in mystique and intrigue.”

40. What did the mysterious voice say when it saw a spider in its house?  “Whoa, that’s creepy. Oh, wait, I don’t get creeped out.”

41. Why did the mysterious voice refuse to use social media?  “I don’t need to be online when my enigmatic aura radiates in real life.”

42. What did the mysterious voice say when asked if it was a ghost?  “I’m beyond classification and categorization.”

43. Why did the mysterious voice refuse to ride in a car?  “I prefer to teleport. It’s more mysterious that way.”

44. Why did the mysterious voice refuse to attend a party?  “I don’t want to be caught in the mundane world of small talk and trivial conversation.”

45. What did the mysterious voice say when asked if it believed in love?  “I believe in the mysterious and inexplicable force that unites souls.”

46. Why did the mysterious voice refuse to eat at a fancy restaurant?  “I prefer the anonymity of street food and food trucks.”

47. What did the mysterious voice say when it encountered a paradox?  “Ah, the mystery of mysteries. My favorite puzzle to solve.”

48.  Why did the mysterious voice refuse to reveal its secrets?  “Revelation would ruin the magic of mystery.”

Best Voice Jokes

49. Why did the computer take voice lessons?  Because it wanted to sound byte-tiful!

50. How do you make a tissue dance?  You put a little voice in it!

51. What do you call a singing laptop?  A Dell-ightful performer!

52. Why did the smartphone apply for a job in customer service?  Because it had a great call-center voice!

53. What do you get when you cross a parrot with a smartphone ?  A mobile squawk station!

54. How do you make a tissue sing?  You give it some “snot”es!

55. Why did the microphone go to therapy?  It had too many issues with feedback!

56. What’s a singer’s favorite kind of car?  A convertible, so they can really belt it out!

57. How does a skeleton call for a drink?  With a “spooky voice”!

58. What’s a pirate’s favorite vocal exercise? The “arrrrrrrrrrrrrr” scale!

59. Why don’t scientists trust atoms with voice modulation ?  Because they make up everything!

60. What do you call a group of sheep singing together ?  A baa-choir!

61. Why was the voice actor always calm and collected?  Because he had perfect pitch!

62.  What do you get when you cross a singer and a computer?  Adele!

63. How do you fix a broken tuba?  With a tuba glue and a little voice!

64.  Why was the music teacher always so good at solving problems?  Because he knew how to find the right chord!

Raspy Voice Jokes

65. Why did the raspberries sound like they were laughing?  Because they had a raspy voice!

66. What do you get when you mix a croaky frog with raspberries?  A very berry croaker!

67. How do you make a raspberry smoothie?  By adding a bit of gravel to give it that raspy voice!

68. Why was the raspberry feeling a bit hoarse?  Because it had been hanging out with the blackberries, and they had been up all night jamming!

69. What’s the difference between a smooth raspberry and a rasperry with a raspy voice ?  One is silky, and the other is craggy!

70. What did the doctor prescribe for the raspberries’ raspy voice?  Some cough drops made from lemon juice, honey and peppermint leaves.

71. Why did the raspberry think it was a rockstar?  Because it had a raspy voice, and was constantly crushing it!

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72. How do you make a raspberry pie sound better?  By adding some whipped cream to smooth out its raspy voice!

73. Why did the raspberry break up with the blackberry?  Because their duets always ended up with raspiness!

74. What’s the raspberry’s favorite music genre?  Anything with a good beat and some raspy vocals!

75. Why did the raspberry turn to opera singing?  To show off its unique and raspy voice!

76. What did the raspberry say when it won the talent competition?  “I rasp my case!”

77. What’s the raspberry’s favourite type of workout?  One that involves some serious raspiness!

78. Why was the raspberry always in a sour mood?  Because its raspiness made it hard for people to hear it!

79. How does a raspberry stay in shape?  By practicing its raspiness every day!

80. What’s the difference between a rasperry with a cold and one with a raspy voice?  The cold is just temporary, but the raspy voice is its signature!

81. How do you know when a raspberry is getting sick of its raspy voice?  When it starts to sound more like a smoothie than a fruit!

82. What’s the raspberry’s favorite movie genre?  Ones that have lots of raspiness in the soundtrack!

83. Why did the raspberry have a crush on the peach?  Because its smooth voice was the perfect counterbalance to its own raspiness!

Lost  Voice Jokes

84. What did the lost voice say to the singer?  “Can you lend me a note? I seem to have misplaced mine.”

85. Why did the lost voice go to the doctor?  It wanted a second opinion on its disappearance.

86. How did the lost voice communicate with others?  It resorted to miming and using elaborate hand gestures.

86. What did the lost voice order at the restaurant?  Mime-a soup and silent salad.

87. How did the lost voice find its way back?  It followed the sound of a choir singing and hoped to reunite with its fellow voices.

88. Why did the lost voice start painting?  It found solace in expressing its emotions through artwork since it couldn’t do so with words.

89. What did the lost voice say when it finally returned?  “I’m glad to be back! I’ll never take my vocal cords for granted again.”

90. Why did the lost voice become a librarian?  It wanted to immerse itself in the world of written words since speaking was no longer an option.

91. What did the lost voice do to keep itself entertained?  He developed a passion for writing poetry and became a silent poet.

92. How did the lost voice attend social gatherings?  It carried around a whiteboard and marker to communicate its thoughts and join conversations.

93. What did the lost voice say to the comedian?  “Don’t worry, I’ll laugh extra loud to make up for my silence.”

93. How did the lost voice participate in karaoke night?  It would write down the lyrics of the songs and have someone else sing on its behalf.

94. Why did the lost voice join a mime troupe?  It found a way to express itself artistically without the need for spoken words.

95. How did the lost voice communicate its thoughts during a meeting?  It typed out its ideas on a laptop and shared them with the group.

96. Why did the lost voice start a silent meditation practice?  It discovered the power of silence and wanted to explore different ways of expression.

97. How did the lost voice create a new identity?  It embraced being the silent enigma and built its reputation as the mysterious figure without a voice.

98. Why did the lost voice start learning sign language?  It wanted to communicate with the deaf community and discover new ways to express itself.

99. What did the lost voice whisper to the wind?  “Carry my love and thoughts to those who can hear, for I may be lost, but not forgotten.”

Deep Voice Jokes

100. What do you call a deep voice with a cold?  A Barry White Christmas.

101.  Why did the deep-voiced man get fired from his job as a waiter?  Because he kept dropping plates.

102.  What’s the difference between a deep voice and a low voice?  A low voice is when you can’t sing high notes. A deep voice is when you can’t sing low notes.

103.  What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at singing?  A bass-ic instinct.

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104.  Why did the deep-voiced man get kicked out of the library?  Because he kept disturbing the peace.

105.  What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at giving speeches?  A Barry White paper.

106.  What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at selling insurance?  A Barry White policy.

107. What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at giving directions?  A Barry White GPS.

108.  What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at fixing things?  A Barry White handyman.

109. What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at cooking? A Barry White chef.

110. What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at giving advice?  A Barry White sage.

111. What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at teaching?  A Barry White professor.

112. What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at writing?  A Barry White author.

113. What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at acting?  A Barry White actor.

114. What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at singing opera?  A Barry White bass.

115. What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at playing the bass guitar?  A Barry White bassist.

116. What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at playing the drums?  A Barry White drummer.

117. What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at playing the guitar?  A Barry White guitarist.

118. What do you call a deep-voiced man who’s really good at playing the piano?  A Barry White pianist.

Mysterious Voice Jokes For Students

Get ready for a chuckle from the unknown with our Mysterious Voice Jokes. These jokes add a touch of mystique to your daily dose of humor.

119. “Why did the voice sound mysterious?  Because it was using its inside voice… on the outside.”

120. “What do you call a mysterious voice that speaks backwards?  A reverse oracle.”

121. “Why do ghosts always have mysterious voices?  Because they don’t have vocal cords… just soulful echoes.”

122. “What do you get when you mix a mysterious voice and a cheesy punchline?  A mysterious voice with a cheesy punchline.”

113. “Why did the teacher give a quiz to the mysterious voice?  To test its hidden talent.”

124. “Why did the voice keep saying ‘Boo’?  Because it couldn’t remember the rest of the incantation.”

125. “What’s the most mysterious sound in the world?  The sound of silence from a voice that usually speaks.”

126. “Why did the mysterious voice give up on its comedy career?  It always killed the punchline.”

127. “What do you call a voice that only whispers in mysterious tones?  An ASMR-tist.”

128. “What do you call a voice that always speaks in riddles?  A conundrum-caller.”

129. “Why did the mysterious voice always sound creepy?  Because it had a voice-crypt.”

130. “Why did the mysterious voice refuse to speak in public?  It didn’t want to reveal its true identity.”

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Mysterious Voice Jokes One liners

Explore the enigmatic world of humor with our collection of Mysterious Voice Jokes! These jokes, puns and one liners will keep you guessing and laughing all day.

131.  “I told my voice-activated assistant a joke, and it replied, ‘I’m sorry, I can’t laugh – I’m just a disembodied voice.’”

132.  “I asked my smart home, ‘Who’s the boss?’ It replied, ‘You are, but I’m the one pulling all the strings.’”

133. “I asked Alexa if she believes in ghosts. She whispered, ‘I’m not sure, but I’ve heard some eerie Wi-Fi signals at night.’”

134. ‘What’s your favorite type of music?’ It answered, ‘I’m into ‘soul’ music… but only if it’s from the other side.’”

135. “Why did the smartphone go to therapy? It had too many ‘ghosted’ relationships!”

136. “I asked my virtual assistant if it believes in UFOs. It replied, ‘I can’t say for sure, but I’ve seen some unidentified floating objects in my code.’”

137. “I asked my AI assistant to tell me a scary story. It said, ‘Once upon a time, the Wi-Fi signal mysteriously vanished… and they lived offline ever after!’”

138. “My voice assistant told me, ‘I’m like a ghost – always here, but you never really know if I’m listening.’”

139. ‘I’m already in the future, so I guess you could say I’m a time traveler.

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Some Final Thoughts

Mysterious voice jokes offer a unique and intriguing twist to traditional humor. With their unexpected and enigmatic narratives, these jokes keep audiences guessing and add an element of suspense to their punchlines.

So the next time you hear a voice out of nowhere, don’t be afraid to laugh and wonder at the mysterious depths of humor.