130 Captions for Life, Love, Friendship, and Pain: Stirring Emotions

Emotional Captions: Expressing our emotions can be very useful to relieve us from the pains in our daily life. After all, we are humans, not a robot. Facebook and Instagram are nowadays the most popular platforms for people to express and share their feelings. You can get emotional for many reasons. Maybe it’s because of love, it’s because of your friendship or maybe it’s all about the life you lead. Emotional captions can be great to express our happiness and pains. It is necessary that we use the right words when we share our emotions with our friends on Facebook or Instagram. Here we have some emotional love captions, emotional friendship captions, emotional pain captions and emotional captions about life so you can choose the right one to put it with your photos.

Emotional Captions

When life gives you a tough time, accept it with a smile.

One thing you can’t hide – is when you’re crippled inside.

Nobody can take away your “pain” so don’t let anyone take your happiness”.

If I can still breathe, I’m fine.

Tears have no weight, but It carries heavy feelings.

Life is short, there is no time to leave important words unsaid.

Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.

Tears are words that need to be written.

Just when you thought everything would be perfect, everything falls apart.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still.

One day your entire life will flash in front of your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching.

When life knocks you down, stand the f*ck up and say, ‘You hit like a bitch.

Life doesn’t like drama. So, don’t be over emotional.

The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.

Life gives you a second chance. But that offer is only for the determined ones.

How terrible is it to be called beautiful, smart, and strong but end up being alone every night?

I’m too afraid to be happy for the reason that whenever I tried, bad things happens.

You get hardly any break from life. So why waste them worrying?

Life is all about spending days with a smile on your face and passing sleepless nights crying.

Why does pain always find me to bother?

Between me and my happiness in life there standing ugly things named reality.

If my life were a book than the moral of my life story is the pain.

Emotional Captions For Instagram

Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel.

We all pretend that we are okay, but we all know that it hurts.

One day, you realize that there are some people you’ll never see again. At least not in the same way.

Someone asked me, “who hurt you”? I replied, “my own expectations.”

You can’t be strong all the time. Sometimes you just need to be alone and let your tears out.

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Past has taught me one important thing… never expect anything from anyone…

The person who has the biggest impact on your life stays for the shortest time.

The saddest part in life is saying goodbye to someone you wish to spend your life with.

I’m the type of person who tries to make everyone smile, but when I need to smile, no one is there for me.

Some memories can never be shared with anyone because they’re unexplainable.

Emotional Captions For Facebook Post

Everyone cry, some from eyes, some from heart

Life is full of ups and downs, but I’m grateful for every moment.

Life is too short to waste time on things that don’t matter.

Be grateful for every blessing, big or small.

Most people aren’t even aware of the number of masks they’re wearing.

The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.

Sometimes I just cry alone because I don’t want to end up being emotional in front of anyone.

Memories are beautiful as well as painful.

My life’s garden is sunless and the flowers are dead.

Honest feelings and wrong timings make the most painful combination.

Emotional Bio For Instagram And Facebook

I am a human being, with feelings and emotions and scars and flaws, just like anyone else.

Don’t try to understand me with your logic, feel me with your soul.

My faith helps me overcome such negative emotions and find my equilibrium.

Chasing my dreams and making memories one day at a time.

Life is a journey, enjoy the ride.

Making the most of every moment and cherishing life’s simple pleasures.

Finding joy in the journey and making memories along the way.

Life is precious, make the most of every day.

Embracing every challenge and cherishing every opportunity life brings.

Finding peace and happiness in the journey and making the most of every day.

Chasing my dreams and enjoying life’s journey, one step at a time.

Finding joy in the journey and cherishing every moment.

Embracing life’s challenges and celebrating its victories.

Emotional Captions For Girl

It sucks when the only person who can make you feel better is also the reason why you always cry.

Silence is a girl’s loudest cry.

I don’t know what’s killing me more; talking to you or not talking to you.

You think I’ve changed. Truth is, you never really knew the real me.

No amount of makeup can hide a girl’s real emotion.

It’s easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die.

Choosing the right people may make you feel the right emotions.

I wish I were a little girl again because skinned knees are easier to fix than a broken heart.

I will wait for you till the day I can forget you or till the day you realize you cannot forget me.

It hurts to realize that the person whom you want to be with is the one who is most happy without you.

Emotional Captions For Boys

The worst pain is when you have many things in your mind and have no one to share.

Feeling overwhelmed and sad, but trying to find the strength to keep going.

Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationships with others.

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Embracing the emotions and letting myself feel sad.

I’m often silent when I’m screaming inside.

Absolute silence leads to Sadness. It is the image of death.

Feeling small and lost in the midst of my sadness, but holding onto hope.

Lucky are those who get to fight for love at the battleground of life.

One thing I’ve tried but can’t hide, that is my love for you!

Only for you, I know the true meaning of love.

Emotional Caption For Profile

You always get hurt the moment you begin to care.

Tears come from the heart and not from the brain.

The sun doesn’t always shine, so it’s okay to fall apart sometimes.

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.

We all need someone we can surrender our emotions too.

Tears are words the mouth can’t say nor can the heart bear.

Sadness is but a wall between two gardens.

Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.

The word ‘happy’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.

Emotional Love Captions

Love is among the biggest reasons for the people of our generation feel happy or sad, cry or smile every now and then. Love can generate more emotions in an individual than any other factor in his life. Whenever you feel emotional because of love, don’t wait. Just take a picture of yourself and put it on Instagram with one of these catchy emotional captions.

Love doesn’t heal your wounds. It leaves them wide open.

I know you don’t care, but I am still here Like I promised.

Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime.

Sometimes your mind says No but your heart says Go.

He broke the wrong parts of me. He broke my wings and forgot I had claws.

It hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can’t live without you.

It is sad not to love, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.

Sometimes who says “I don’t believe in love” was once someone who loved unconditionally.

To fall in love is awfully simple, but to fall out of love is simply awful.

Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.

If I only knew how much love would cost me, I’d never love anyone.

Once you fall in true love, you smile daily with tears in your eyes.

We should love, not fall in love. Because everything that falls gets broken.

Love is a magical feeling. Not anyone can feel it.

Love demands a special kind of courage. The courage of getting hurt again and again.

Hold my hand that gives me strength and I could round the world no matter what on the way mountains, river or ocean.

Maybe love can break my heart sometimes but I’m happy that I have you to mend my broken heart and heals the pain.

If life asks me choosing between breathing and loving you. I don’t need to breathe. I just love you.

Also Read : True Love Captions

Emotional Friendship Captions

Friendship is worth being emotional for. Friends give us moments of happiness; they give us reasons to cry for. Whatever it is, it’s worth every bit of a picture taken in your emotional moment and post it on Instagram. Don’t forget, your photos always deserve an amazing caption just like these emotional captions for friend and friendship.

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Behind my smile is everything you’ll never understand.

Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.

I climb into the dark for you, Are you waiting in the stars for me?

Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them…your smile, your hope, and your courage.

If you ever try to leave me alone, I’ll punch you in the face than cry an ocean full of tears.

I don’t want to spend a single life where I don’t have you as my friend.

Keep me as a best friend and I will keep you in my heart and lock it up.

Friendship is not only about having fun together. It’s also about sharing pains together.

One lifetime is really too short to enjoy our friendship.

Our friendship is one of a kind that could tag as divine.

Only friends can realize the worth of your tears.

Oh, my friend if you lost your smile I’m always there to give you mine.

Everything fades but the friendship remains forever.

No one values your emotions more than a friend.

If it needs to let go everything that I have to give immortality our friendship, I do!

I will never let you go, whatever it takes to walk a thousand miles with or let the oceans full of tears could flow.

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Emotional Felling’s Captions

Pain is a part of life. No matter how much it hurts you, pain makes you realize that you are alive in this world. And if you are alive, you have all the reasons in this world to express your pain by taking a selfie and posting it on Instagram. But before posting it, just make sure you’re tagging the most suitable caption for it.

To have felt too much is to end in feeling nothing.

Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go.

Pain is my best buddy.

Sorrow is one of the vibrations that prove the fact of living.

You can make it, but it’s easier if you don’t have to do it alone.

Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.

Crying is cleansing. There’s a reason for tears, happiness or sadness.

In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that’s the way new leaves grow.

Don’t worry about me, pain takes care of me daily.

If I could express my life in one word, it would be PAIN.

Pain is the best teacher and best motivator in my life.

Sometimes I cry to stop the tears from falling down.

I’ve some old friends and they are my pain and sad feelings.

You can’t measure my pain by tears but counting my fake smile.

I will never let you see my pain but my stupid face doesn’t let me hide it.

Pain can turn people into many things. It turned me into a rock.

Pain is something you can’t make go away. You have to accept it and live with it.

Being emotional is human nature. Like any other memorable moments, your emotional moments are special too. These special moments can be more special if some special captions are used with your photos.