125 Hilarious Jokes from Cuba

Cuban jokes are known for their humor, cleverness, and often satirical take on Cuban culture and politics. While some may argue that making jokes about Cuba is insensitive or disrespectful, others see it as a way to highlight the unique aspects of the island and its people.

These jokes can be relatable, funny, and witty, and are often appreciated amongst those who are familiar with Cuba and its way of life. In this discussion, we will explore some of the funniest Cuban jokes around and take a lighthearted look at the culture and quirks of Cuba.

Funny Cuban Jokes in English

1)What do you call an unbelieving Cuban?  A Havana heretic.

2)  What do you call a Cuban space explorer?  A Castro cosmonaut.

3)  What is the national anthem of Cuba?  “La Bayamesa”

4)  What is a common reaction of Cubans when they get a flat tire?  They swim instead.

5)  What do you call a stomach ache caused by eating a Cuban sandwich? Havana syndrome.

6)  How do you describe a Cuban Prime Minister with a lot of attitude?  A Fidel Castro with sass.

7)  What was the comment made by an ISIS recruiter to the Cuban dictator?  You’ve made it to Fidel.

8)  Why don’t Cuban athletes compete in the Olympics for swimming?  They usually stay home.

9)  Which language do squares speak? Cuban tongue.

10)  What is the term for a Cuban astronaut?  An astronaut.”

11)  What do you call a Cuban who has migrated to Spain?  A “Spain-ish” Cuban.

12)  What is the preferred food of Koalas in Cuba?  Eucalyptus trees.

13)  What do you label a Cuban male who has no faith in religion?  Infidel Castro.

14)  How do you refer to a specialist in Cuban cuisine?  Fidel Gastroenterologist.

15)  What happens when a charming American lady enters a chamber full of Cubans?  It leads to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

16)  Who hosts the cooking program in Cuba?  Fidel Gastro, the renowned chef.

17)  What do you name a Cuban spaceman?  AN astronaut.

18)  What is the term for a Cuban space program that didn’t succeed?  Castro naught.

19)  How do you differentiate between a Dominican and a Cuban?  Dominicans come close but don’t quite make it.

20)  When a good-looking American woman enters a gathering of Cubans, what occurs?  It leads to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

21)  Why do the Cubans lack Olympic swimmers?  They can’t make it to that level.

22)  What is the name of a gastroenterologist from Cuba?  Fidel Gastro.

Funny Cubs Jokes

Cuba is a country full of culture, history, and vibrant people, and with that comes a great sense of humor.

Cuban jokes are a popular form of entertainment in the country and are loved by both locals and tourists alike. Here are some of the best jokes that will have you laughing out loud.

23)  Why did the baseball team go on strike?  They were tired of their pitcher always throwing strikes!

24)  Why did the Cubs fan throw his alarm clock out the window?  He wanted to wake up the neighbors!

25)  Why did the Cubs fan refuse to turn off his blinker?  Because he wanted to keep signaling for a World Series win.

26)  What did the Cubs fan say after his team won the World Series?  “I can finally die happy… in a few decades.”

27)  What do you call a Cubs fan with a championship ring?  Old.

28)  Why do Cubs fans always carry a toothbrush with them?  In case they get a chance to brush up on their baseball knowledge.

29)  What do you call a Cubs fan with a college degree?  A rare species.

30)  Why did the Cubs fan cross the road?  To get to the other curse.

31)  Why don’t Cubs fans ever get mad? They’re too accustomed to disappointment.

32)  What’s the difference between Wrigley Field and a circus?  One has peanuts, popcorn, and clowns. The other is a circus.

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33)  Why don’t Cubs fans ever use the internet?  They can’t get past the homepage.

34)  Why did the Cubs fan bring a ladder to the game?  To see over the other decades of disappointment.

35)  What’s the difference between a Cubs fan and a Cubs player?  The player still has a chance to win.

36)  Why did the Cubs fan get kicked out of the ballpark?  He tried to bribe the umpire with a goat.

37)  Why did the Cubs fan start a garden in the infield?  He heard they needed to grow some runs.

38)  Why did the Cubs fan bring a compass to the game?  To find his way out of the cellar.

39)  Why did the Cubs fan bring a calculator to the game?  To add up all the losses.

40)  Why do Cubs fans never have to worry about getting lost?  They always know they’re in last place.

41)  Why did the Cubs fans cross the ocean?  To find a team that wins.

42)  Why did the Cubs fans build a time machine? To go back and prevent the curse.

43)  Why did the Cubs fan bring a dictionary to the game?  To look up the meaning of “victory.”

44)  Why did the Cubs fan bring a thesaurus to the game?  To find a synonym for “losing.”

45)  Why did the Cubs fan bring a telescope to the game?  To see the other side of the standings.

46)  Why did the Cubs fan bring a microscope to the game?  To see what a championship looks like up close.

47)  Why did the Cubs fan bring a stethoscope to the game? To listen for signs of a winning season.

48)  Why did the Cubs fan bring a megaphone to the game?  To cheer so loud the team can hear him all the way in last place.

49)  Why did the Cubs fan bring a camera to the game?  To capture the rare occasion when the Cubs win.

50)  Why did the Cubs fan bring a shovel to the game?  To dig his team out of the cellar.

51)  Why did the Cubs fan bring a parachute to the game?  To jump ship if the team loses again.

Funny Cub Scout Jokes

52)  Why did the Cub Scout wear his uniform to bed?  He wanted to earn his “sleeping badge”!

53)  What kind of car does a Cub Scout drive?  A mini-van-go!

54)  Why did the Cub Scout bring a ladder to the campfire?  He wanted to roast marshmallows on a higher flame!

55)  Why did the Cub Scout take a ladder to school?  Because he wanted to get into the Scout Troop!

56)  Why did the Cub Scout put his bed on his ceiling?  So he could sleep under the stars!

57)  Why did the Cub Scout refuse to swim in the lake? He heard there was a scout leader there!

58)  Why did the Cub Scout wear glasses during his camping trip? Because he wanted to see nature clearly!

59)  Why did the Cub Scout bring a ladder to his den meeting?  To climb the ranks!

60)  What do you call a Cub Scout who’s always losing his tent?  A shelter-less scout!

61)  Why did the Cub Scout take his tent to the dry cleaners?  He wanted to get rid of all the dirt in-tents-ly!

62)  What did the Cub Scout say when he saw a bear?  “I hope it’s not a Webelos!”

63)  Why did the Cub Scout wear a costume to the den meeting?  He wanted to be a Lion!

64)  What do you call a Cub Scout who loves to fish?  A Bobber!

65)  Why was the Cub Scout bad at math?  He always got his knots tangled!

66)  Why did the Cub Scout cross the road?  To get to the other side of the Pinewood Derby track!

67)  What do you call a Cub Scout who loves to cook?  A Grubmaster!

68)  Why did the Cub Scout bring a map and compass to the den meeting?  He didn’t want to get lost in the Wolf Den!

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69)  What do you call a Cub Scout who loves to hike?  A Trailblazer!

70)  Why did the Cub Scout wear a neckerchief to the den meeting?  He didn’t want to be caught with his neck bare!

71)  What did the Cub Scout say when he saw a snake?  “I hope it’s not a Poison Arrow!”

72)  Why did the Cub Scout bring a first aid kit to the den meeting?  He wanted to be prepared for any Bear attacks!

73)  What do you call a Cub Scout who loves to swim?  A Water Bug!

74)  Why did the Cub Scout bring a compass and a map to the den meeting?  To find his way to the Arrow of Light!

75)  What do you call a Cub Scout who loves to build things?  A Handyman!

76)  Why did the Cub Scout bring a magnifying glass to the den meeting? He wanted to see the details of his achievements!

77)  What did the Cub Scout say when he saw a spider?  “I hope it’s not a Black Widow blog!”

Cuban Jokes Funny

Bringing the Laughter to Your Day Do you need a good laugh? Look no further than Cuban Jokes Funny, the ultimate source for all things hilarious and Cuban.

Our collection of witty one-liners and humorous anecdotes will have you chuckling and sharing with your friends and family.

78)  What do you call a Cuban who can play the guitar?  Fidel Castro!

79)  Why did the Cuban ghost go to the bar?  To get a Boo-rito!

80)  Why did the Cuban man go to the bank?  To get a loan for his next trip to Miami!

81)  Why don’t Cubans ever open their windows?  They’re afraid the air conditioning will escape!

82)  How do you know if a Cuban is lying?  His lips are moving!

83)  Why don’t Cubans ever win at poker?  They always fold at the first sign of a U.S. trade embargo!

84)  What do you call a Cuban who has lost their car keys?  Have a good time.

85)  Why did the Cuban bring a ladder to the party?  To reach the roof where the piñata was hanging.

86)  What do you call a group of Cubans playing dominoes?  A block party!

87)  Why did the Cuban chicken cross the road?  To get to the other side of the embargo!

88)  How do you know if a Cuban man is married?  His wife’s name is tattooed on his neck!

89)  Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

90)  What do you call a Cuban who can’t dance?  A Cuban’t!

91)  Why are Cubans, such bad cooks? Because they always try Havana dishes!

92)  Why did the Cuban man refuse to take a nap?  Because he didn’t want to be a “siesta statistic!”

93)  What do you call a Cuban who’s always late?  A “Havana slow-poke!”

94)  How do you know if a Cuban is rich?  When they start putting ham in their cheese sandwiches!

95)  What do you call a Cuban who’s lost his car keys?  A “Key West!”

96)  Why did the Cuban man cross the road?  To get to the other side of Miami!

97)  How do you know if a Cuban is in a bad mood?  They start speaking Spanish really fast!

Best Cuban Jokes

98)  What do you call a Cuban who’s good at math?  A “Cuban equation!”

99)  Why did the Cuban man go to the eye doctor?  Because he had a hard time seeing “Havana”!

100)  How do you make a Cuban laugh? Just tell them a joke about Miami!

101)  Why did the Cuban man bring a ladder to the bar?  He wanted to reach the “Havana Club!”

102)  What do you call a Cuban who’s always on time?  Early.

103)  Why did the Cuban bring a ladder to the party?  Because he heard the drinks were in the house.

104)  What do you call a Cuban with a Ph.D.?  A taxi driver.

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105)  Why did the Cuban take his couch to the beach?  Because he wanted to watch the tide roll in.

106)  How do you know if a Cuban is lying?  His lips are moving.

107)  What do you call a Cuban who can fix anything?  A miracle worker.

108)  Why did the Cuban buy a donkey? To help him haul his vintage Chevy back to the garage.

109)  Why did the Cuban join the army?  To get a free education.

110)  What do you call a Cuban with a sense of humor?  A rare breed.

111)  How do you know if a Cuban is rich?  They have two jobs!

112)  Why don’t Cubans ever get lost? Because they always know where the fiesta is!

113)  What do you call a Cuban who’s always late?  Tardí-o!

114)  Why did the Cuban man take a ladder to the bar?  He heard the drinks were in the house!

115)  Why do Cuban women always wear high heels?  To make their calves look like steak.

116)  Why did the Cuban musician refuse to play reggaeton?  Because he didn’t want to contribute to the dumbing down of society.

117)  Why did the Cuban doctor refuse to operate on the cigar smoker?  He said he couldn’t deal with all the smoke and mirrors.

118)  Why did the Cuban astronaut refuse to go to space?  He said he didn’t want to be the first person to discover that Cuba isn’t the center of the universe.

119)  Why did the Cuban businessman refuse to invest in the stock market?  He said he didn’t want to risk losing his life savings in a “Cuban Missile Crisis.”

120)  Why did the Cuban chef refuse to cook with garlic?  He said he didn’t want to offend anyone’s breath.

121)  Why did the Cuban swimmer refuse to compete in the Olympics?  He said he didn’t want to swim for Cuba Libre.

122)  What do you call a Cuban who can play the guitar?  A music-Havana!

123)  Why did the Cuban basketball player go to jail?  Because he was caught dribbling!

124)  What do you call a Cuban who is always happy?  Have a good time in Havana!

125)  What do you call a Cuban who loves to dance?  A rhythm-nation!

126)  What do you call a group of Cubans playing dominoes?  A block party!

127)  How do you know if a Cuban man is married?  His wife’s name is tattooed on his neck!

Funny short cuban jokes

128.Why did the Cuban golfer bring two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole in one!”

129.”What did the Cuban tomato say to the salad? ‘Lettuce salsa together!’”

130.”Why don’t Cubans ever play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when there’s always music playing!”

131.”What’s a Cuban’s favorite type of music? Salsa, of course!”

132.”Why did the Cuban chef quit his job? Because he couldn’t find the right spice… the rhythm!”

133.”How do you make a Cuban smile? Tell them a good joke and add some salsa music!”

134.”What do you call a Cuban who can’t dance? A rare sight!”

Funny forehead jokes for adults

135.”My forehead is so big, it’s got its own gravitational pull. Don’t stand too close!”

136.”I’ve got a fivehead, and I’m still waiting for the other two heads to show up!”

137.”My forehead is so shiny, I could blind you with my thoughts.”

138.”I used to have a high forehead, but now it’s more of a penthouse.”

139.”I’ve nicknamed my forehead ‘The Billboard’ – prime ad space available!”

139.”My forehead is proof that I have a lot on my mind… or just a lot of forehead.”

140.”They say the bigger the forehead, the bigger the brain. Mine must be a genius!”


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Some Final Words

In summary, Cuban humor is a unique blend of satire, sarcasm, and wordplay that reflects the Cuban way of life. These jokes are just a small sample of the many ways in which Cubans use humor to cope with everyday life and find joy in even the most mundane situations.