110 Hilarious Knee Jokes

Get ready to bend over with laughter as we present you with a collection of knee-themed jokes and the absolute best knee puns that will have you in stitches. These jokes are not just for kids; they’re designed to tickle the funny bone of adults too.

Knees are quite the funny body part, aren’t they? Maybe it’s because they’re always bending and flexing, or maybe it’s because they can be so darn unpredictable.

Whatever the reason, knees have been the subject of many a joke over the years. So, without further ado, let’s dive into some knee-slapping knee jokes.

Best Jokes About Knees

1.    Why did the knee go to the doctor?

 It had a case of the creaks!

2.   Why don’t knees like to go on adventures?

Because they’re always afraid of getting hurt!

3.   Why did the knee break up with the leg?

It just couldn’t support it anymore.

4.    What do you call a knee that’s always in pain?

 A sobbing joint.

5.   What do you call a group of knees?

A joint venture!

6.    Why did the knee refuse to go out?

It was feeling a little patella.

7.   Why did the astronaut have trouble with his knee?

 He was a little spaced out.

8.   What do you call a knee that’s been replaced?

 A joint replacement!

9.   Why did the runner stop halfway through the race?

 He needed to take a knee break.

10.   What do you call a knee that’s always on the move?

A mobile joint!

11.   What do you call a knee that’s afraid of the dark?

 A patella-phobe!

12.   How do you know if a knee is a good listener?

It always gives you its undivided attention!

13.   Why did the knee break up with the leg?

It just wasn’t working out between them!

14.  What’s a knee’s favorite TV show?

 The Bionic Woman!

15.   What do you call a knee that’s always taking selfies?

 A kneetographer!

16.   Why did the knee refuse to watch horror movies?

It was afraid of getting a knee-jerk reaction!

17.   What’s a knee’s favorite sport?


18.   Why did the knee decide to become a doctor?

It wanted to specialize in joint operations!

19.   What’s a knee’s favorite animal?

A kangaroost!

20.   Why did the knee feel embarrassed?

 It had a hole in its pants!

Jokes About Bad Knees

Knees are an essential part of our body. They help us walk, run, jump, and even dance. But did you know that they can also be a source of humor?

Yes, you heard it right – jokes about knees exist and they are hilarious! In this section, we will be sharing some of the funniest knee jokes that will surely make you laugh.

21.   Why do people with bad knees hate going to the movies?

 Because they can’t stand the previews.

22.   Why did the knee go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling a little patellofemoral pain.

23.   Why did the athlete with bad knees switch to bowling?

Because he needed to roll with the punches.

24.   Why did the knee join the gym?

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To get some joint support.

25.   Why did the old man’s knees crack when he stood up?

 Because they were Rice Krispies.

26.   Why did the knee break up with the ankle?

 Because it couldn’t bend.

27.   What did the knee say to the ankle?

 “You’re such a joint wrecker!”

28.   Why did the knee need a loan?

To pay for its joint replacement.

29.   What do you call a person with bad knees who loves to dance?

A hip hopper.

30.   Why do people with bad knees make bad spies?

Because they can’t bend over to pick up their dropped spy gadgets.

31.  Why did the knee cross the road?

To get to the other side, but it had to take it slow.

32.   What do you call a person with bad knees who works in a brewery?

 A knead-a-beer.

33.   Why did the knee start its own business?

To kneed the money.

34.   Why do people with bad knees hate shopping?

 Because they can’t kneel down to reach the lower shelves.

35.   Why did the knee refuse to go on a hike?

 Because it didn’t want to be patellofemoral-ed.

36.   Why did the knee decide to become a doctor?

To help other joints feel better.

37.   Why do people with bad knees make bad ninjas?

 Because they can’t kneel quietly.

38.   What do you call a person with bad knees who loves to swim?

 A water kneed.

39.   Why did the knee hire a personal trainer?

 To get into joint shape.

40.   Why did the knee hate wearing shorts?

Because it didn’t want to show off its scars.

41.   Why did the knee need a vacation?

To get away from all the joint pain.

42.   Why did the knee refuse to go on a rollercoaster?

 Because it couldn’t handle the ups and downs.

Jokes About Knee Replacement

Knees are an essential part of our body that helps us move around and carry out various activities.

But have you ever thought about how funny knees can be? Yes, you read it right. Knees can be the subject of some hilarious jokes and puns that will have you laughing out loud.

43.   What’s a knee’s favorite snack?


44.   Why did the knee replacement patient refuse to play cards?

 Because they were afraid of getting a bad deal!

45.   What do you call a knee replacement patient who loves to dance?

A hip replacement patient in training!

46.   Why did the knee replacement patient join a gym?

 To work on their kneecaps!

47.    What do you get when you cross a knee replacement patient with a comedian?

A knee-slapper!

48.    How do knee replacement patients get through the winter?

With lots of ice and a good sense of humor!

49.   Why did the knee replacement patient get a tattoo of a knee on their leg?

 So people would know what they’re talking about when they ask about their surgery!

50.   What do you call a knee replacement patient who’s also a magician?

 The amazing kneedini!

51.    How do knee replacement patients measure success?

By the number of steps they can take without pain, and how many people they can make laugh!

52.   Why did the knee replacement patient go to see a chiropractor?

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 To get some knee-leviation!

53.   Why did the knee replacement patient refuse the anesthesia?

He wanted to keep his kneecap.

54.   What do you call a group of seniors who have all had knee replacements?

The Bionic Brigade.

55.    Why did the knee replacement patient cross the road?

 To get to the physical therapy office on the other side.

56.  “Why did the knee replacement patient refuse to take his medication?

 He didn’t want to get too attached to his new knee.”

57.   What do you call a group of knee replacement patients?

The Bionic Brigade!”

58.    Why did the knee go to the doctor?

It was feeling a little patella.

59.   What do you call a knee that has been replaced?

 A kneew.

60.   Why do basketball players always wear knee pads?

So they don’t get court in the knee.

61.  Why did the knee break up with the leg?

 It just wasn’t the right joint.

62.    How do you know if a knee is from Texas?

 It’s a Tex-kne

63.   What did one knee say to the other?

I kneed you.

64.   What do you call a knee that’s always angry?

A grumpy kneecap.

65.   Why don’t knees like to wear pants?

 They prefer shorts.

66.   Why did the knee go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling a little patella!

67.    Why do knee surgeons never want to show off their work?

They don’t want to patella themselves on the back!

68.    Why did the knee go to the party?

Because it wanted to get down and boogie!

69.    Why are knees always so warm?

Because they have knee caps!

70.    Why did the knee break up with the ankle?

 Because it was tired of getting walked all over!

71.   Why did the football team’s knee get jealous of the other knee?

 It always got a better position in the huddle!

Funny Jokes About Knees

Knees. We all have them, and we all rely on them to carry us through the day. But have you ever stopped to appreciate just how funny knees can be?

From silly puns to knee-slapping one-liners, there are endless knee jokes out there just waiting to be laughed at. So, without further ado, here are some of the best knee jokes around.

72.   Why did the knee go to the doctor?

It had a hinge problem.

73.   Why did the skeleton refuse to go skydiving?

 It had no knee-caps.

74.   Why did the bicycle fall over?

Because it was two-tired of carrying the rider’s knees.

75.   How do you make a tissue dance?

 Put a little boogey in your knee.

76.   What do you call a criminal knee?

 A knee bag.

77.   Why did the knee cross the road?

To get to the other side!

78.    How do you know if your knee is in love?

It gets weak in the patella.

79.   What do you call a fake knee?

An im-patella.

80.   What’s a knee’s favorite type of sandwich?

 A kneecaprese.

81.   What do you call a knee with a sense of humor?

A funny bone.

82.   Why was the knee embarrassed?

 It saw the thigh bone doing the floss dance.

83.  What do you call a knee that plays a musical instrument?

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 A violin-knee-st.

84.   What do you call a knee that’s a good listener?

An earful-patella.

85.   Why did the knee need a lawyer?

 It was being sued for joint custody.

86.   What’s a knee’s favorite game?


87.   Why did the knee break up with the leg?

 It just wasn’t working out.

88.   What do you call a group of knees?

 A knee-gregation

89.   What did one knee say to the other?

 “I kneed you!”

90.    Why did the knee break up with the leg?

 It just wasn’t their joint anymore.

  91.    What do you call a fake knee?

A sham-knee!

92.  Why did the knee refuse to go to the party?

 It didn’t want to get bent out of shape!

93.    What do you get when you cross a knee with a tree?

 A bark knee!

94.    Why was the knee afraid to go to the gym?

It didn’t want to be pushed to the joint of no return!

95.    What did the knee say when it won the lottery?

 “I’m kneading the dough!”

96.   Why did the knee go on vacation?

To get away from all the pressure!

97.   Why did the knee go to the doctor?

Because it had a case of the bendy-bends!

98.   Why did the knee break up with the leg?

 Because it wanted some space!

Funny Knee Jokes

99.   Why did the knee go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling patellarly ill.

100.   Why did the knee break up with the leg?

It just wasn’t working out.

101.   Why did the yoga teacher get knee surgery?

To improve her Lotus pose.

102.   Why do knees make terrible detectives?

They always get bent out of shape.

103.   Why did the knee go to the party alone?

Because it couldn’t find a date.

104.   Why was the knee afraid to go to the gym?

It was afraid of squats.

105.   What do you call a knee that can sing?

A melodious joint.

106.   Why did the knee join the army?

 It wanted to be part of the infantry.

107.   Why did the knee refuse to participate in the marathon?

 It didn’t want to get worn out.

108.   What did the knee say when it got hurt playing basketball?

 “I hoop I can recover soon.”

109.   Why did the knee go to the dentist?

To get its molar removed.

110.   Why did the knee go on a diet?

 It wanted to reduce its excess weight.

111.   What did the knee say when it met the ankle?

 “It’s nice to have a joint venture with you.”

112.   Why did the knee feel guilty after eating ice cream?

 It knew it was being a joint venture.

113.   Why did the knee wear sunscreen?

To prevent a patella rash.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it, folks! Some funny knee jokes are guaranteed to leave you weak in the knees from laughter. Now, it’s your turn to share these hilarious jokes with your friends and family.

Spread the joy and let the knee-slapping humor brighten up their day too. Laughter is contagious, so get ready to bring a smile to everyone’s face as you share these side-splitting knee jokes.

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