110 Captions for Instagram and Facebook to Share Your Creativity

Cheating Captions: These days cheating is being normalized due to promotion on media but it’s one of the cruelest things to do to one’s partner. If you are looking for cheating captions to bash such cheater (as they should be) you are in the right place. Cheating captions can be used to shame such cheaters on Instagram and Facebook as these are popular social media platforms.

Be it a cheating girlfriend or a cheating boyfriend- both should be called out. Cheating in a relationship is such a low blow. In today’s era, cheating is easy but being loyal and committed is hard when there are so many things advertising cheating. One should always remember that cheating is a choice, not a mistake. Call out and shame anyone who you know is cheating on their partner. Hope you find the best choice of cheating on partner captions from here- be it cheating on husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend captions.

Cheating Captions

Cheating is a choice, not a mistake.

No woman could love a cheater and not pay the price for it.

Once a cheater, always a repeater.

Never cheat a girl, you never know what she has sacrificed to be with you.

Next to hurting my family, cheating on me is the worst thing someone could do.

Cheating and lying aren’t struggles, they’re reasons to break up.

Don’t apologize and then do it again.

Never argue with someone who believes their own lies.

A promise means everything, but once it is broken, sorry means nothing.

There is no excuse for cheating during a relationship.

I tried to keep us together, you were busy keeping secrets.

Being single is better than being lied to, cheated on and disrespected.

Leave my sight right away, for you are a cheat and have chosen your way.

I tried to keep us together, you were busy keeping secrets.

When love is real, it doesn’t lie, cheat, pretend or keep secrets.

Cheating is never okay There is no justification for it, just don’t.

Men cannot survive without cheating, it is in their nature.

Leave my sight right away, for you are a cheat and have chosen your way.

Better to be occasionally cheated than perpetually suspicious.

You can betray your life, but never betray your love.

Being labeled a cheater is the worst ever.

Don’t leave a girl you need for a girl you want.

A real man doesn’t have time to cheat because that man is too busy providing all of what a good woman deserves.

When a man cheats, it is said it is because he is a dog, when a woman cheats, it is said it is because her man is a dog.

Cheating Captions for Instagram

A relationship is only made for two, but some bitches don’t know how to count.

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I don’t understand why people cheat, if you’re not happy, just leave.

I can’t deal with someone wanting to take a relationship backward or needing space or cheating on you.

There is no excuse for cheating during a relationship.

There is no excuse for cheating during a relationship.

Be careful to who you give your heart.

There’s no pass or fail in relationships, so there’s no need for cheating.

Don’t cheat, if the feeling isn’t there then you shouldn’t be either.

I don’t miss him, I miss who I thought he was.

You didn’t just cheat on me; you cheated on us, you didn’t just break my heart, you broke our future.

Not that you lied to me but that I no longer believe you have shaken me.

Virtually all women will always carry the scars and a deep sense of loss and grief from the betrayal.

He who stands for nothing will fall for love or money.

Anything worth having may be a thing worth cheating for.

Cheating Captions for Facebook

The more you defend a lie, the angrier you become.

Cheating was easy but impossible to take back.

One lie is enough to question all the truth.

That was how dishonesty and betrayal started, not in big lies but in small secrets.

Cheaters don’t think cheating is wrong until they get cheated on.

One lie has the power to tarnish a thousand truths.

Cheaters think everyone cheats. Liars think everyone lies. Keep this in mind.

Cheating on a good woman is like failing an open book test.

People always cheated me, because I loved them like mad.

I know that I’m not the one for you and never will be.

Cheating someone may be a choice, not an error.

Cheating was easy but impossible to travel back to.

A mentor can say a foolish thing at any time, anywhere, and to anybody.

Cheaters don’t cheat by chance, they cheat by choice.

Don’t cry over someone that won’t cry over you.

Cheating Wife Captions

Never play with the fillings of others. Because you may win the game but surely lose the person for a lifetime.

You cheated on me? When I specifically asked you not to?

Two seconds of cheating kills twenty years of marriage forever. Think before you cheat.

When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.

I think I was stupid enough to have faith in you. I gave you more than you deserved.

Secrets and lies kill relationships. No matter how careful you are, you will get caught.

Cheaters always want you to be loyal while they’re being unfaithful.

He’s been with his new girl for a month now and he still remembers how it felt to kiss me.

Cheating with a good person is like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock.

If you succeed in cheating someone, don’t think that the person is a fool. Realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved.

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I am a good enough person to forgive you. But not stupid enough to trust you again.

Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.

Do not expect a yellow card when you cheat someone, because there is always a red card.

A wife who discomforts you with truth is better than a mistress who massages you with lies.

Once a cheater is always a cheater she will never change it is best to move on and never look back!

I don’t know what’s worse, women who lie or women who think I am stupid enough to believe the lies!

Cheating Girlfriend Captions

We started with a simple hello but ended with a complicated goodbye.

I miss you. No, let me correct that, I miss the old you. I miss the old you that cared about me.

I don’t hate you. I’m just disappointed you turned into everything you said you’d never be.

Chose me or lose me. I’m not a backup plan and definitely not a second choice.

Why hurt someone whose only intention was to love you?

You already got caught lying! Stop being fake and try being real for once in your life.

I trusted you but now your words mean nothing to me because your actions spoke the truth.

If she’s cheating tweet her goodbye.

She cheated on him, broke his trust, and still roams around him happily without realization, and without any shame.

My crime was to trust her. My punishment is her betrayal.

Do you know the real meaning of the word selfish? Take a look in the mirror and you will find out. I hate you.

Ever looked at your ex and wondered “Was I drunk the entire relationship?

Cheating is easy. Try something more challenging…like being faithful.

Never cheat someone that’s good to you. Karma may be a bitch.

Cheating Boyfriend Captions

So, your boyfriend is cheating? Girl don’t call him your boyfriend anymore.

If he loves you, he will not screw up what you have by cheating.

No woman could love a cheater and not pay the price for it.

Boys are supposed to love & protect their girlfriends, not hurt & betray them.

Don’t cheat in a relationship. If you are not happy then just leave.

If someone is stupid enough to walk away from you, be smart enough to let them go.

If my absence doesn’t affect your life then my presence has no meaning in it.

Relationships sink when there are too many passengers.

Forget who hurt you yesterday, but don’t forget who loves you tenderly today.

Don’t cry over someone who won’t cry over you.

You knew what you were doing and you knew it would hurt me, but somehow that still didn’t stop you.

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I trusted you but now your words mean nothing to me because your actions spoke the truth.

Cheating Husband Captions

Don’t cheat on your girl for the bitches, you are a man, not a dog.

You didn’t just cheat on me; you cheated on us. You didn’t just break my heart; you broke our future.

Secrets and lies kill relationships. No matter how careful you are, you will get caught.

I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.

If you had enough time to cheat, you had enough time to think about it.

Never underestimate a man’s ability to make you feel guilty for his mistakes.

It’s better to have nobody than to have someone who is half there or doesn’t want to be there.

I’m proud of my heart. It’s been played, burned, and broken, but somehow still works.

Betrayal was what I felt, my heart broken not just by a guy I was in love with, but also by, as I once believed, a true friend.

Cheating on a good person is like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock.

If you succeed in cheating someone, don’t think that the person is a fool. Realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved.

You knew what you were doing and you knew it would hurt me, but somehow that didn’t stop you.

Cheat on a good woman and karma makes sure you end up with the bitch you deserve.

One day, I hope you look back at what we had and regret every single thing you did to let it end.

I am a good enough person to forgive you. But not stupid enough to trust you again.

An unfaithful relationship is the worst thing you can have. The broken trust or the heartbreak from getting cheated on literally torments a person for their whole life. Use these cheating captions to stand against cheating. Society nowadays tries its level best to venture how it is okay to cheat on one’s partner but it is not. Here we have some cheating captions for Instagram as well as some cheating captions for Facebook. These cheating captions will surely help you to express your emotions and your stand against cheating in general.

It is important to give your heart to someone who would take care of it rather than demolish it. Having trust and faith in one another is very important in a relationship but people chose to betray their partners so often. Love is truly simple- it’s being chaotic and mess together but people tend to forget it and hurt their partner by breaking promises. A relationship is not a test, it’s a companionship – where cheating should be considered a deadly sin. Hope our mentioned cheating Captions for cheater wife or girlfriend help you to promote how wrong they are for doing so. Never forget to leave a cheating boyfriend or husband and shame them with cheating captions on social media because they definitely deserve so.